®a?ette #£ tiit (Uuifci) Jpfaltg EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 131 of Vol. V.] Excellent CLARET, la hogthcads at.d in cases of 50 boittcs each. ALSO, A few cases Chanipaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, lioglheads and quarter casks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, r No. 111, South Front ilrect. ]jgn. 2, 1794. dtf City of Walhington. THh Subscribers to the Articles of Agree ment of the u Columbian Society" are re quested to meet at Mr. Rittiardet's Tavern in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the 26th day of the present month, at i 5 o'clock in order 10 choose a board of Manaeers, Sec. in conformity with the 9th article of their a- greemen t. James Greenleaf, N. B. Dinner will be ordered on the Table at 3 o'clock tor such of the Subftribers as may cboofe to pass a facial hour after the bufineft of the day is fiuifiked. May 5 Wharton and Greeves, Have removed their Counting House from Water street, to Morton's wharf, IVhere they have for Sale, Madeira and sherry Wine, fit for immediate use Gut in cases, Souchong Tea, Black Pepper^ Raffia Math, Corks, Jefiuts Barky Coffee, and Eightj Hbds. prime Tobacco, May 5- fVR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. tiß. Maiket-Strect, An Eflay on Slavery, Deligned 10 exhibit in a new point ot view its effc£b on morals, indujlry, and the peace of Jeciety. Some fa&s and calculations are'offered •to prove the labor of freemen to be much more prrdutlive than thai ot Jlaves ; that countries, are rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy ihe fruits of their owo labor ; and hence the ncccffaiy conclusion, that slavery is impolitic as well as unjujl. Price 95 Cents. dtf February 15. Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR stones, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14* j|. Ccngrefs of the United States, In Senate, Turf Jay May I yh, 1794. ORDERED, that Rllflu Put nam, Matiaf fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, do, upon the third Mon day of Decern ber next, (hew cause to the Senate, why so much of th grants of Und to them the said Rufus Putaatn. Manaflah Cut ler, Robert Ol'ver and Griffin Gieen, purfu ant to an Ast entitled " An ast authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Com* pany of aHociates," (hall not be declared void, as may interfere with and be fufficient to fatisfy the claims of the French settlers at Galliopolis. Ordered, that the delivery of a copy of .he above order to Rufus Putnam, Manaflah C jtier, Robert Oliver, or Griffin Green, and the publication of the fame, one month, in one of the Gazettes printed in this City, shall be deemed fufficient notice thereof. May i 4« JUST PUBLISHED, By MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market Jlreet, Price 18 cents, THE Catechism of Man ; Pointing out from found principle 1 !, and ac knowledged facts the Rights and Dune* of every Rational Being. Am I therefore become your enemy becaiife I tell you the truth ? Gal. i»- '6 Now all the li things happened unto them for examples, and they are written for onr admonition, ( upon whonj the ends of the earth are coine. ' °''• *"• May to tuth&sjw For LONDON, PENN, NOW lying at Jefie and Robert Wain's wharf, to fail with all convenient speed. Foe freight or passage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, «■ /->_ JESSE & ROBERT WALN. May 13. _____ 'k- For Sale or Charter, ANDROMACHE, ( An American bottom) IS a stout good vessel, about two years old, burthen 23 2 tons, has only made three voy iges, and may be ient to fca at a small cx pencfe. She may be leen at V»ne-ft«eet wharf» and the terms made known by application to March 2t ilSop'K For Baltimore, baItTMQRE, Pißnv Benson, Master. dr?.6M. Burthen about 140 tons, is intended to fail ae foou as her inward cargo is discharged, un less freight fliould offer to detain her. For freight apply to the Captain on board at Hamilton's wharf, or to SAMUEL if MIERS FISHER» Who have for Sale, A FEW PIPES Cargo TenerifFe wine o And a few pipes Sweet Do. Excellent Sherry Wine ill quarter calks London Porter in 42 gallon calks White and Red Lead and Spanish Brown Tin plates in boxes An alTortment of East India Fans, Nan keens and Silks With a general aflortment of Merchandize as usual. , . d—6t. jth Mo. 5. For Sale or Charter, PHOENIX, Burthen, about eight hundred barrels. She is in compleat order, and ready to take in her cargo. For terms apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY fcf SON. May 13. d3t Charter, Europe or the IVeft In- THO M A Solomon Bunker Master. Burthen about sixteen hundred barrels, a staunch good veflel, and a prime sailer For terms apply to the Captain on board, at M'Clenachan's wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY & SON. Philad. May 13. d3t. Sales at Au&ion. On Thursday the Ist|i and Saturday the 17th inft. at TWO o'clock in the after noon, at John Connelly's Auction store, No. 78, South Front Jlrect % A CHOICE COLLECTION O F B O In various Branches oj literature. Catalogues may be had at the store as a bove, and at No. i 6, Spruce street, where the BOOKS may be seen any time before the sale. May 13. Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandan, from St. Peterft>urg in Rufiia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DOCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. ia, Walnut-street. diw3tawtf March 4> 1794' AND Thursday, May 15, 1794. WHARTON & LEWIS. '794 THE BRIG K S, REMAINING OF THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM BENGAL. A small aflortment of BALE GOODS, 250 bags COTTON of good qual-rv, which would probacy make an excellent remit tance to Europe, and a Quantity of PEPPER For Sale by Mordecai Lewis, IVho has *lfo to difjtofc: of Barcelona Hand fs. m b xes, Holland Giu in cases, Souchong, fiyfop, and To kay Tea, A quant ty us Brimttone, &c. May 10 d NOT! C E. THE Subscriber ieav ngthuoty lor. a fbort time, has empowered Mr. Thonias Potier to tranfa&all bu&ie/si; his abience, holding his trania&ions as Valued an Louis Ofnjont. dtf May to NANKtJiWS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, FOR. SALE AT No. 40, north I'ifth Street. April ii. mwiicitf SHOES. A quantity of stout well mud.' M.n's foe SHOLi, adapted tor me Southern market, for tale at No. 36, North Third Jlreet. May 6 mw^l'ut WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A good Pressman, Wiio »ill uiccl wilii couflaol einplo>. Apply to Siemei and Kdimncrcr.No- Bs, Kact-butct. May 13, »;94. T'he Ground Flan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. T/iKhtf FROM ACTUAL HURy&T* IT is w»th pleasure ihat the publi&er has to inform his t'uol'crtber.sand t:ie public in gene ral, that she plate s now under the hands- oi trie engrave , j. «<1 »u g -aie;- forwardnls than was at fi> tt contemp.ated. At the fame time ue begs leave tar.m nil iheni, th t iublcrip t,i«n papers <*»e ft*U open at ruoft of the noted book-ikores 111 the city ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to i* enabled to form luch a refpedab.e ca a.ogue of name , as wilt do a credit to the work, a* well as afford a re ifonable encouragement to. the undertake-! Thole who are cUlirousof further infoima. tion are requelted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market ilreet. April 14' ADVER riSEMENT. SALES at N-EW-rOKK, by A. L, HLEECKEit c 5 SONS, Oa Thursday the 15 th May next at Twelve o'clock at the Tontine Ccffee House, THE FOLLOWING T'raßs of Land, In Watkins and Flint's purchase, in thecoun- ty of Tioga, state of New York. The containing acres. South weft quar. of Towpflup No. 2, 9,424 Northwest do. do. 4, 5,64? Northeast do. do. 6, 10,525 Southwcft do. do. 7» 9 000 Southwest do- do. 8, 3,95 D Noithweft do. do. 8, 6,250 Southeast do. do. 9> 6,250 Soatheaft do, do. 9,000 Noithweft do. do. JO, 10,475 Thefelands are rapidly encreafmg in valur, large (settlements a»e already made in leveral of the town&ips; the goodness of foil, and the advantages in point of filiation being so well known, render any further description unnecefTary. A map of the tracts and condi tions of sale may be Teen at No. io r Queen rtreet, Nfw-Yotk. April 10. [Whole No. 527.] Philadelphia; A USEFUL DISCOVERY. Mr. Steinberg, his ftajeftey's Chemirt at Hanover, has pointed out a process, by boiling coal with allum, to obtain a liquid of a deep blue color, which will serve to blue writing paper; or give to pa per the coljr of foreign sugar-piper. For the Gazette of the United States Queries, rtJpeßing certain Stlf-JiileA Patriots. I. Who are the moll liable to the charge of foreign influence, those who endeavor t6 avoid a war by negociation, and prepare the country for it, if neceflavy j or those who endeavor to plunge the country into a war, unpicpaied, and at the fame time obftrutt all the measures of preparation and defence ? 2. If war (hould overtake us unprepar ed, without an army, without revenue, and before our harbors are fortified, or our arsenals replenilhed, must we not ei ther fall a prey to the vindittive spirit of Great Britain, or become the humble sup plicants td, and dependants on France for protection ? 3- If such will be the confluence, have we not reason to fufpeft that those who are inclined to reduce at to that dis graceful dilemma, are stimulated by fo reign influence—if they wi(h to fee us humbled by Great Britain, are they not emilTaries and tools of that nation—if they with to place us under the prote&ion of France, are they not the mercenary agents of France ? 4. If to be in a condition to defend ourselves, to protest our commerce, and preserve our neutral rights, it be necefla ry to build frigates, to fortify our ports, to fill our arsenals, and provide troops, do not those who withhold the means neces sary for the carrying these meafiires into execution expose the country to invalion, our towns to deftruftion, our veflels to be captured, our fellow-citizens to be carri ed into ignominious bondage, and our neutral rights to be violated ? r. — Y y. Money being the means, the fine qua non of those measures, do not those who refute to grant money, oppose the execu tion of those measures ? 6. Profeflions and fine promises being frequently made when there is no inten sion to fulfil them and coding nothing, ought the public to be deceived by these profeflions, when they fee the authors of them caviling at every kind of revenue and endeavoring by indirect means to de feat it ! 7- When we hear men puhlickly aflert that they are friends to public credit and to the support of government, and are willing to grant all the revenues nece(T:iry for both—when they acknowledge that revenues are wanted, and when we find them strenuously oppofiug every source of revenue which is proposed, is there incontellible proof that their profefllons are a mere parade of words, which can not impose even upon the raoft ignorant ? 8. If an inspection of the Journals of a certain House, manifeftly fhews'that a ctrtain set of men, have uniformly and unitedly voted againfl every species of re venue proposed, is there not a ft rang pre-, sumption that jheir views are sinister, their politics hostile to the independence of the United States, and that instead of the confidence they merit the indignation of every true American ? ni&thtf From a HAND BILL, pufclilhed ia 70,52 To the CUiztnt of BALTIMORJE- The outrages of the few days past, th« difagregard of legal authority, and the opposition to the execution of the laws, immediately strike at the honor, the hap piness, and the .prosperity of ihifi town; tuth&stl4M *"! I i Baltimore. town. »• (,