Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 14, 1794, Image 1

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    EV E NI N G AD V E R T I S E R.
[No. 150 of VoJ. V.] Wednesday, May 14, 175)4. [Whole No. 526.]
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. I'itzpatfick,
from Amllcrdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes, x
A fe<K bales Holland Duck,
Ditto O&idhcgs,
Holland Sheetjrfg,
"lumper Berrvs,
6/a/s Ware, tTumblers And Mugs, va
rious Joes.
Sheathing Paper,
S%ve</e,' Iron, jqi'.are andJlat bars,
Hair Ribbarc!, No. 4'.
Dutch Great Ci'dts, '■ '
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, c.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale—
!hcul4application, he made within a few days ;
tthcY'toife Jhc -will take freight for Amjler
datn. v ♦SS. ~ .. ;
March I, 1794- —tf
Excellent CLARET,
J-n hog(heads and in cases of 50 oottlcs each.
A L 4 O,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
Id pipe*, hoglhcads aud quaiier catk*,
No. 111, South Front Itr.eci.
T<»-», 1794- a * f
City of Washington.
THt Subscribers to the Articles of Agree- ;
roer»t of the tl Columbian Society'' are fe *
q.cftcd to at Mr. Richardet's TaVern
in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the
26tbd;iyof the present month, 12 o'clock
in order lochoofea board of Managers, &rc.
§0 contonnity until the 9th article of their a
yams' GreenlMf.
N. B. Dinner will be ordered 011 the Table
' at j nf MlllUTll(»t'«
■iay choofe~to pass a focia? hour after the
ouftviefs of the day is finifhed.
May 5. dre6lVl.
Wharton and G reeves,
liave'removed their Counting House from
Wa'ei street, to Morton's wfiarf,
Where they have for Sale>
Madeira and Ikerry Wind,
ft for immediate use
Gin fa cafis,
Souchong Tea 9
JShcfc Peppery
Raffia Malts y
Jfititj Ea?k y
Coffee, and
Eighty Hbds, prime Tobacco.
I'-:?:-- /—M.
Ati EfTay 011 Slavery,
~ 1 to cxmbit mi a new [>oin; ol vieW
its effects co morals, rndujiry, and tuc peacr of
Jocrety. Sotoe fafrs and calculation* are otfered
lo prove the labor ot Jrccmen to be myqdi more
productive than 'hat ot slaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful and lia'pjJy, in proportion a? tlie
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
Jaoor ; and hence-then ccltlry conclusion, that
slavery is impati/idas well as unjitjl.
Pr ice 25 jCcnts. dtf
February 15.
Old Lisbon Wine of a
superior quality in pipes, imported in the lhip
OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter casks, imported in the brig Nancy
capt. Gw.iri. from Cadiz.
SHELLED ALMONDS and a feu* kegs of
RAISINS, imported in ditto.
Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in ftpe*
hhds. and quarter cj!ks, imported in the (hip
Thomas, capt. Skinner.
A few quartet calks of old particular bill
of exchange : MADEIRA WIN lE.
Gedrge Meade,
Who ha? a!fu, just arrived and for file
Lisbon Salt.
A quantity of empty BAGS for fafe.
April J- w&sim.
N O T I C E.
THE Subscriber leaving this city lor a short
time, has empowered Mr. Thomas Pbtier to
tranlaC't all butinefshi his absence, holding his
tranfa&ions as Valued on
Louis Ofmont.
May io d t f
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April 4r. mv.&ftf
A Quantity of stout well made Men's size
SHOES, adapted for the Southern makket 9 fv>i
laie «.t
No. 36, North Third Jlreet.
iVlay 6 mw&fiDt
Ship India's Cargo,
A small alTortmeni of
253 &gs COTTON of good quality, which
would probably make an excellent remit
tance to Europe, and a
; Quantity of PEPPER
For Sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Who ha t alfd to dijfofe of
Barcelora'Han'd'ft. in bbxes^
Holland cases,
Souchong, Plyfon, and Tonkay Tea,
A quantity us Brimstone, &c.
■jVlay io d3w
1 j3n Thurfd.iv thc-isth M.iy next at Twelve
o'clock at the Tontine CcfieeTloule,
Tf.a£fs of Land,
111 Witkiqs and Flint's purchase, in the coun
ty of Tioga, ft'ate ot New York.
The containing acres.
i-S-tnthweft quar. of TowWftj p No. 2, 9,424
Northwest do. do. 4, 5,6.--
N'Qrtheaft <Jq. do. 6, 10,525
Southwest do. do. 7, 9:100
i Southwest do do. 8, 3,gJ3
$0 thwefti do. do. 8, 6, ?p
SOUtheast do. do. 9, 6,253
S.mcaeaft do, do. 10, 9,000
North'*eft do. do. 10, 10,475
Theft lands rapidly encreafing in valu ,
lArge-settlements are already made in feveril
of the townships; the goodilel's of foil, and
the advantages in point of situation being so
well known, render any lurther de(cripti<ni
unnereflary. Ain.p of the t rafts and condi
tions of fsle may be seen at No. 10, Queen
fbreet, New-York.
April 10. tuth&sti4M
A good Pressman,
Who v ill meet with coiiftant employ. Apply
to Sterner and Kammeror,No. 85, Racf-StT< r ct.
_Mav 13,1794- d— 3:
The Ground Plan
of the
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleasure that the publisher has tb
inform his fubfcr.'.yrsand the public in gene
ral, that the plate is now under the hards of*
the engraver, and in gieater torwardnfs than
was at firft contemplated. At th£ fame time
he begs leave to r< mind them, that fubferip
tion papers are ftrll open at moll of the noted
book-stores in the city ; and that he hopes
from the whole of them robe enabled,to form
such a catalogue of name?, as will
do a credit to the work, as well as afford a
reasonable encouragement to the uiideftake-r
Those who are delimits of further iofonna.
tion are requefled to"call on
Benjamin Davies,
No. 68, Market itrcet.
April 14. m§Cthtf
Extraß of a letter from Messrs. Perkins of
Bojlon, May 6.
" No arrivals of conlequerice, except a vef
-1 David Greene's, which was bound from
Aux-Cayes to Boston, with sugar, coft'ee, &c.
taken and adjudicated at New-Provii
dericej and by order of the Court dis
At a Special Meeting of tlie New-York
Chamber of Commerce, May gth, 1794.
The committee of this corporation, ap
pointed to frame rcfolutions, expressive of
their sense of the great attention and regard
evidenced by the executive of the United
States, to the mercantile interests thereof;
and particularly in the appointment of ast
envoy extraordinary, tb the Court of Great
Britain; report the following refolotions:
1 ft. Itefo'ved, That a principal excellence
of republican governments, is their fupericr
tendency to preserve peace and harmony
with all mankind.
2d. Resolved, That tliis Corporation can
discover neither policy, nor justice in com
mencing hostilities against any nation before
the means of negociation have been exerted
to prevent them.
3d. Resolved, That in the present crilis,
we consider the appointment of an envoy ex
traordinary to the court of Great Britain as
one among the most powerful of these means,
having an equal view to the Peace, Interejl,
and Dignity of the Republic.
4th. Resolved, That the tal and inte
grity of the charadter felefied for this im
portant million, have ini'pired his country
men with confidence, and will, as we be*
lieve, have a happy e fit eft in bringing to a
favorable ifiue, the object of his negociations.
sth. Resolved, That if ncverthelefs, this
embafiV (hould fail to preserve to us the bles
sings of peace, yet we persuade ourselves it
cannot fall to convince all nations of our
justice and moderation; to unite our own
sentiments and efforts, and render an appeal
to arms, more honorable to us, and more
formidable to our enemies.
By order of the Committee,
JOHN 3LAGGE, Chairman.
The preceding refoluti ns being unani
mously approved of, it was ordered that the
fame be published as the sense of this corpo
A true extradl from the minutes,
Wm. LAIGHT, Sec'ry.
KINGSTON, (Jam.) April 5.
Saturday arrived his majesty's (hip I.
phigenia, Capt. Sinclair,from the Bite of
Leogane, with four prizes in company*
names as follow, who were captured bv
her and the Mufquito on the 20th ult.
The national French brig of war l'Ac
tif, of 14 guns, and 106 i.ien, monf. Gu
bian, commander ; the ships Les Veteran
and Marihal de Levie, laden with coffee
and ftigar, and the armed brig L'Efpie
gle, of 12 guns, with some sugar and
cottou. These vessels, in company with
l'Aftif, escaped from Port-au-Prince in
the night of the 19th, and intended pufti
ing to sea. The armed brig was bound
for Port-au-Paix ; they were brought too
by -.the Iphigenia of Point Lamenton,
and carried into the road of Leogane j
they are all copper-bottomed. The Iphi
genia has 140 French prifonerson board.
On the 19th, the Iphigenia fell in with
a schooner which had on board M. Def
fburneax, Lieut. CcJ. of the regiment .d' [
Artois, and too soldiers of the regiment,
(who liad fled from Port-au-Prince) and
carried them into Archave.
The American schooner Hannah, with.
provifians and lumber, prijee to the ihip
Gipfey, taken off Bermuda, was sent in
on Saturday. §he was from Wilmington
bound to Barbadoes.
Also, the schooner Hawke, in
prize to the schooner Thomas, taken off
Tiburon. *
Arrived on Weduefday from a cruize
his Majefty.'s ship Hound Capt. Gardne.r,
with the French national brig La Liber
t6, of 14 guns, fix pounders, and 120