i ' EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 129 of Vol. V.] Tuesday, May 15, 1794. [Whole No. 525.] }uft Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amsterdam, and hot' landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, , „ . A few baits Holland Duck, Ditto Oznaiurgs, • Holland Sbcetjpgi Juniper-Berries, . Gla/s Ware, •viz. Tumblers and Mug:, va rious fines. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Iron, square andjtat bars, Hair Ribband, A'o. 4* Dutch Great Coats, . . A quantity of Junk and Oakum,iSJc.iSc. FOR SALE BY . THOMAS. KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is .fvr Sale — (haulif application b( made within a few Jays ; , atlierwife Jbe -will take freight for Amjler dam. . . - — ; - — ■ March I, 1794. d — For Amsterdam, U The new faft-failin£, copper ' bottomed SHIP |m ADRIANA, iSi K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT 6f live oak and cedar and wasin tesjde.d for, a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient, fpted. For freight or pallage, having excellent accommodations, apply on THOS. & JOHN KETLAND. N. B. PatTengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794 dtf For Sale or Charter, // NDROMA CHE, (A n A merican bottom ) — John Moore, Majler. IS a ft out good velF-*lj about Two years ©ki, — burthen 232 tons, has only made three ycry agfc 1 ?, and nviy be Tent to sea at a fmal] ex pence. She may be seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made known by application to WHARTON & LEWIS. March 21. dtf > For Baltimore, BALTIMORE, Perry Benson, Matter. ' Bntthen about (40 tons, is intended to fail ae foou as her inward caigo is diftharged, un less freight (houi'd offer to detain her. For freight apply to the Captain on board at Hamilton's wharf, or to SAMUEL cS 1 MIERS FISHER, JVho have for Sale, A FEW PIPES Cargo TeneriiTe wine And a lew pipes Sweet Do. Excellent Sherry Wine in quarter casks London Porter in 42 gallon ca(ks White and Red L. do. and Cyder ;n barrels and bottles, prep»redfor ex portation or immediate use, FOR SALE BY Benjamin W. Moris, The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets, Where he lias provided suitable stores and , vaults, for the reception of WINES, &c. Which hf proposes to ftote or dispose of on com million. Captains of vefTel* and others fupplicd with any of the above LIQUORS bottled, and sea stores in general put up. % My 9 tti&f2m NOTICE. THE Subscriber acquaints the gentlemen and forties, Retailers of Dry Goods, that On Monday the 12th injl. At 9 o'clock in tbe-inornirg, he will have rea dy for sale, at his Wholel'ale Warehoufe,No 117, north Second street, opposite to IVlef frs. J. \V. and Win. Gibbs, A NEAT PARCEL DRY GOODS, Ju/I imported in theJh'vp William Pe>m,fr om London, . Consisting of' a-) afiortment of Sattins, modes & perfi- narrow corded Dimities, and fame Ittdia Mufti nsi Louis Ofmorit, Who has also for fale y A QUANTITY OF Hooking Ghtffes, Framed^ Claret in caies of superior quality, Champaigne Wine, and a lew Boxes' Spermaceti Candles. May 7. dtf City of Waftiington. THb. Subscribers to the Articles of Agree ment of the u Columbian Society" are re quested to meet at Mr. Richardet's Tavern in the city of Philadelphia, on Mondav the 26th day of the present month, at 12 o'clock in prdcr to choose a board of Managers, &c. I in conformity with the 9th article of their a greement. James Greenleaf. N. B« Dinner will bs ordered on tlie Table at 3 o'clock for such of the Subscribers as may choose to pass a social hour after the oufinefs of the day is finiflied. May 5. dr?6M. Excellent CLARET, In hogflicads and in caies of 50 bdttlcs each. ALSO, _ATew cases Champaigne Wine j • MADEIRA.. In pipes, hoglheads ancTquarter caiks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGH4N, No. lit, South Front lireet. Jan. 2, 1794. dtf Advertisement. The Editor of the American Star propos ing to publilh his paper DAILY, without any augmentation of the present price, is obliged to i'ufpend the publication of it until the 15th inft. on account of some arrangements. May 5 3t Wharton and Greeves, Have removed their Counting House from Wate- .street, to Morton's wharf, Where they have for Sale, Madeira and sherry Wine, fit for immediate uft Gin in cases, Souchong Tea, Black Pepper, RttJJia Matt!, Corks, fefuits Bark, Coffee, and Eighty Hhds.prime Tobacco. May 5. d—f,t. FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Mai ket-Street, An Eflay on Slavery, Defizned to exhibit in a new point of view its effe«s on morals, iniujlry, and the peace of focicty. Some facts and calculations are offered to prove the labor of freemen to be much more proiudivc than that ot Jlaves ; that couniriesjare rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor ; and hence the neceffaiy conclusion, that slavery ii impolitic as well as unjnjl. Pr 1 ci 25 Cents. dtf February 15. Advertisement. M. CARPENTIER, an inhabitant of St. Domingo, going to Baltimore in the ftage,loft on his route the Jth inft. a POCKET BOOK containing several letters and papers, parti cularly a draft for 8250 livres or one thousand dollars, in favor of Messrs Zacharie Coup ltian and Co. of Baltimore. Whoever shall return thep ocket book and papers to M. Carpentier at Baltimore, or to the Printer hereof, shall be rccompenfed for their, trouble. May 7 \ d3t v REMAINING OF THE Ship India's Cargo, FROM BENGAL. A small aflortment of BALE GOODS, 2p bigs COTTON of good qual'tv, which vtould probably mske an excellent remit tance to Europe, and a Quantity oi PEPPER For Sale by Mordecai Lewis, Who his also to dispose of Barcelo: a Hand't's. in boxes, Holland Gin in cases. Souchong, Hyson, and Tonkay Tea, A quantity of Brimstone, (Sec. Majr 10 d3W JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, iiiokfelLr, at the Stone Hcufe in Secondftreet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPEDIA, OR A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mifcel laneons Literature, ON a plan entirely new ; by which the dif ferent sciences and arts are digefced into the form of d .ftinf fubfcript\ion was inert afed TEN dollars on all fe'tsnot taken before that fftie. The sub- T«**ption i 5; ft ill open on these terms, and if price will be railed TEN dollars more, on jujy copies which may be l'ubfoibed for after that period. %* As many of the fabferibers have taken only two, three or four, &fc. volumes, they are earnestly requested to take op and pay for the remaimng volumes, as it bccomes difficult to complete the setts, and the publiflier does not hold himfelf bound to make up any setts after the firft day of J uly next. April 22. m&rtl 6w. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, b