be allowed and paid the Cam of four dol lars." And the report was agreed to. A meflage from the House of Repre fcntatives by Mr. Beckley their clerk : "Mr President—The House of Re presentatives have rejected the report of the managers at the conference on the bill, entitled* " An adl to encourage the recruiting service," and adhere to their difagreejnent to the amendment of the Sel nate to the firli fe&ioa ps the said bill" And lie; withdrew. The bill was accordingly loft. On motion,. " Thart a committee be appointed; to report to the Senate, what part of the trnde.of the United States may be released from-the..effe£t of the present embargo, without interfering with the principlethat induced the laying of the fame." Ordered, That this motion lie until to morrow for consideration. „ The Senate refurned the second reading of the bill, sent from the House of Re presentatives for concurrence, entitled, " An adt supplementary to "An a