Ph'lad-Iphla, Marchi, »794- JUST PUBLISHED, J MATIJEW CAREY, No. 118, Miu'let Jlrect, |_-,E FIRS'!" VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR, A Geographical, Historical, ana Commercial Grammar; And p relent state of the leveral NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CONTAI NING, j. The figures, motions, and distances of the planets, according to the Newtonian sys tem and the latest observations 2. A general view of the earth, considered as a planet; with several ufeful geograpliical definitions and problems. 3. The grand divisions of the globe into J«nd a'd continents and iflanifs. 4. The situation and extent of empires, luifjduins, states, provinces and colonies. 5. Their eiiinate's, air, foil, vegetables, productions, metals, minerals, natural curi osities, seas, rivets, bays,tapes,promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. f. (Observations on the changes that have l>etf,i any where obserVed upon the face of na* tuce ftnce the most earjy periods of history. 8. The history and origin of nations; then farms of government, religion, laws, reye nu£s, naval and military strength. 9. Thegtnius, manners, customs, and ha bits of the people. to. Their language,learning,arts',fciences, manufactures, and Commerce. 11. The chief cities, flruftures, ruins, and artificial curiosities 12. Tiie longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places from Philadelphia. To which are addcd t t. A GEots*APHicAL Index, with the names and places alphabetically arranged -2.' A Tabis o'f the Coins of all nations, and tlieir value in dollars and cents. j. A Chronological Ta»le of remarkable events, from the creation to the prelent time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part corrected by D . Kittenhouse. To which have been added, The! ate QiscoMEßiES*of Dr. Herschell, I and other eminent AstronoMeAs. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrc&ed, Improved, and greatly Enlarged. The firtl volume contains twenty-one Maps and Charts, besides two Agronomical Plates, viz 1. Map of the world. the world 3. Europe. 4* Alia. 5* Africa. 6. South America 7. Cook's discoveries. 8. Coun tries round the north Pole. 9- Sweden, Den mirk, and Norway, so. Seven United Pro vinces. u Austrian, French and Dutch Ne therlands. 12. Germany. 13 Seat of war in France. 14. France divided into depart ments. 15. Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily, and Sardinia. if. Spain and Portugal. 18: Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19 Ire lartd. 20 Well-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copernican iyftem. With the second volume, which is now in the pref-, will be given the following Maps : (. Ruflia in Europe and Afi^ 2. Scotland. 3. England and Wales. 4. Poland. 1 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. •j. United States. 8- Britilh America. Si'ate of New^iamplhire. ,0. State of MafTachufetts. 11. State of Connefticiit. 7 State of Rhode< the United States, tp spare neither pains nor ex t | oenfe to'ender the prifent edition ol Guihne s f ( Geography improved, deserving of their pa- t , tronage. '■ Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from p St. Peteriburg in Russia, t And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, o BAR IRON, i, RUSSIA SHEETING, a RAVEN's DUCK, « RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. b AND FOR SALE BY 1 John Donnaldfon, No. 21, Walnut-ftrect. March 4,1794. B Diltri&of Pennsylvania t T 0 IV I f: I / T C"c \ BE it lemembered, that on tie 1 '> twenty fourth day oi Maub, in the eighteenth year of the independence ot the ( United States of America, Hazard j of the said diftrift, hasdep©ii r ed ih thjs oflicti, the title of a book, the r ght wnereot he claims 4 as author, in the words following, to trit : v ** Hiltorical Collections ; conlifting ot tlstc papers, and other authentic document*- ; in- 1 tended as materials for an hiftoi y ot the U nited States of America. , By EBENEZER HAZARD, A. M. { Member of the American Pnilofophical So ciety, held at Philadelphia, for promoting | useful knowledge ; Fellow of the American , academy of Aits and Sciences; and corref- , pondent member of the Matfachuletts Hifto- : rical Society. VOLUME 11. Ingenium, Pietas, Artes, acbeUita virtu., Hue piofugae venient, et Regna Utyftna condent, Et Domina hie Virtus erit, et Fortuna nii iiiilra.'' t In conformity to the ast of the of the United States, entitled i 4 Ah act tot the eucouragement of learning, by the copies of maps, chart# and books, to the au thors and proprietors ofWuch copies, dunng 1 he times therein mentioned.'' SAMUEL CALD\VELL, Clerk of thfi DiJlriEt of Pennsylvania. May 7 e\v4w ADVERTISEMENT. SALES at NEW-YORK, by 424 Northwest do. do. 4, 5,64- Northeast do. do. 6, 10,525 Southwest do. do. 7, 9^oo Southwest do dq. 8, 3.950 Northwest do. do. 8, 6,250 Squtheaft do. do. 9, 6,250 Southeast do. do. 10, 9,000 Northwest do. do. 10, 10,475 70,5 21 These lands ar%rapidly encreafing in value, large settlements are already made in feveial of the townlhigj; the goodness of leil, and the in point of situation being so well known, render any lurther deffription MiijieceiTary. Am pof the tracts and condi tions of sale maybe seen at No. 16, Queen street, New-York. Aprtl iO. tuth&rs U4M FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, Old Lisbon Wine of a fuprrior quality in pipes, imported in the Ihip Wilmington. OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality iji quarter calks, , imported in the brig Nancy capt. Gwin. from Cadi?. SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of RAISINS, imported in ditto. Particular TENERIFFE WlNfcs,in pipes hhds. and quarter calks, imported In the ihip Thomas, capt. Skinner. A few quarter calks of old particular bill of exchange MADEIRA WINE. George Meade, Who has also, just arrived and for sale A SMALL C.ARGQ OF Lijbon Salt. A quantity of empty BAGS for file. April 5. w&sim. she Public are cautioned to 'ware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of be Batik of the United States, and Twenty dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, "i.s smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from the toj>of the O, to touch the top of the M. would extend con hderdbly above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand closer together than the reft of the bill The i and /in the word prcmife are not parallel, the yinclrtiing much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed,the ftrokis of all the Letters are stronger and the device in themargio particularly ismuch coarfcr and appeal's darker than in the true bills. Some ©i the counterfeits bear date in 179* —Where- as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were issued in j at year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B tor their alphabetical mark. They are printed on a paper nearly similar to that of the couuterfeit Five Dollar Notes above described j the engraving is bette> exe ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearauce of the genuine bills. The fine rulecj through the word Iwen ty 7 in ttie body of ihe bill, are in number thir teen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in 4.he counterfeits. * The word Company is much like the fame •word in the Five Dollar Bills as delcr ibed ij bove, the 0 being less than them, and otheis following. There is no stroke to the t in the word North whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well defined. The letters cnt in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do jiot come down to the line, but«re so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and the> go ing below them. The fignaiure ], Nixon, has the appeal ance of being written with lamb-black and oil, and ditiers trom oiher inks ulcd in printing the bills and the cafliici's lignature. It is supposed thele forgeries were commuted in some ot the Southern States, as all the coun terfeits thai have appeared, hsve come from thcnce, and two perions have been appiehend ed in Virginia, on being the auihor of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any Perlon or Persons wlio lhall discover and piokcuie to convi&ion the several offenders of the following defcnptions or any of them, viz. The person or persons, who manufa£tured the paper on which ihe Bills are pnnied. The person or peilous, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, «f the bills. Every person who has acted as a principal in any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter ing the said bills. PhiladelpUia, March 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank ol the United £>t ates have appeared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabetical maik is the let ter B. They may be distinguished from the genu ine by the following MARKS : The paper of the counter tens is 0/ a more tender texture and gloiley furface than the genuine, ai)d there is no water mark in them. T he letter C. in the word Caihier, iy the true bills is strongly maiked, whereas in the counterfeits, tjrc whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinished state. The letters in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole word ill done, and there is no comma at the end of it, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much daiker in the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to the shade strokes being coarser, much nearer together, and consequently much more nu merous. This difference fir ikes the eye at firft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending, &r Prosecuting to conviction tjie several above described Offenders in refpelt to this, as to the last described bills. THOMAS WILLING, President of the Bonk United States. JOHN NIXON, President of the Bank of North America. By order of the Committees of the Ref pe&ive Boards. TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible situation, —also a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the House is not exceeded bymany in the-vicinity cf the city, in lize, or convenience. For particulars apply to tHe printer. m&rthtf V A New Novel. To the LADIES of Philadelphia. Thit Day is PMifhed tj MATH£W CAREY, 118, Market ilreet, Price, bound, hve-eighths of a dollar, lewed in marble paper, tuli a dollar, Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mi s. ROWSON, of tie New Theatre, Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, theln quifitor, tile Fille deCliambie, &c. Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have gives the fdHwiving charaZler. IT may be a Tate of Trutli, for it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real r the re gularity of tier former coiiduti, it euticed from her governed.,and accompanies a young ifficer to America—The tnarrkge ceu-tuo ny, if not forgotten, i» poUponed, and Char lotte dies a martyr to the inconlHncy of her over, and treachery ot his friend —The litu tii)ns are artless and affe&litg—.he defcrip ations natural and pathetic; we Arnold fee Ipr Cha fotte if luch a person everexifted, who for one er or fcarccly, perhaps, deferi-ed so severe a punifliment. If it is a fifti.m, poetic justice is not, we think, properly dis tributed Said Carey has jufi publijhed, A 2 iheet map of Kentucky compiled by Elihu Baiker, piice oi:e