evening ad v e r t I s e r. [No. i 26 of Vol- v.] Friday, May 9, 175)4. [Whole No. 522.] For Sale or Chaiter, ANDROMACHE, (An American bottom) . John Moore, J&afler. It a ftnut good ve(T,l, about two years old, burthen 2$ tons, has only raa*c three- y ~es and may be fe-.t to sea at a fmil ex- J.ence. She may be seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made knojn bv c3"«n to WHARTON & LEWIS. March 2t. -— j Jf3\ For Baltimore, BALTIMORE, Vkkry Bex son, Matter. Bntthen about 143 ions, is intended to (ail ae foou as her itnvaid ca>go i* di [dialled, uu lefs freight fhoul'd .ff«r to detain her. For freight :*pply to the Captain 011 boa'd at Hamilroi what «,oi to SAMUEL Lf IvIIERS FISHER, IVbo have for Salt, A FEW PIPES Cargo Teneriffe wine And a lew pipes Sweet Do. Excellent Sherty Wine in quarter calks London Porter in 42 gallon calks White 'and Red L. 5, 1794 - > For Amsterdam, j_ The new faft-failingj copper- Jl b attorned SHIP MM ADRIAN A, K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and in tended for a I jvel'po&l 1 rider, will foil with jlTconvenient fpeeii. I 7 or freight or paflage, accommodations, apply on board'at Wilnilt street wlir:.- 1 ", or to THOS. o v JOHN KETLAN!). N. B. PaiTengers will be lauded in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794 dtf Far Norfolk Iff Fredericks burgh, £ SALLY, John Earl, Matter. A (launch good vessel, will fail in a few days. For freight or p (Tage, apply to the matter cn board at Chefiiut street wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY SON. March •}!. dtf Jail Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amilerdam, and now landing on Wahi;\t-!treet wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A f'-w bales Holland Duck, Ditto Oznaburgs, Holland SheetipQ, firniper Berries, Glass Ware, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, -va rious Jizes. Sheathing Paper, Suedes Iron, fqitare and flat bars, Hair Ribband, No. 4. Dutch Oreat Coats, A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c.&c. FOR SALF. BY THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. , The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— Pcoiddapplication be made within a few days ; other'wife Jh( will take freight for Amjler dam. March 1, 1794. d—tf The following Certifi cate of the funded three per Cent Stock of the Domcftic Debt of the Uniicd S'.atcs (landing on the books of the Treasury of the said United States, in the names of Donnald and Burton of London, merchants. ami signed by Joseph Kourfe, Register of said Treasury, to wit:— No. 5476, dated 24 b August 1792 for 29,59 dollar- ai\d 53 cents -*aj transmitted from Lon don in the (hip Peter, Paul Huffey, master, bound for New York, and has been loft.— The Subfcnber intending to apply to the Trea sury of the United Stales to have the fame re newed, dcfiies all prrions who are intereftcd in the feici cemficatr, 10 make their objections iheicto, ;f any they have. Francis Macy. Philad. March 17. d6w notice. THE SuWcriber acquaints the gentlemen and ladies, Retailers of Dry Goods, that On Monday the nth injl. At 9 o'clock'in the morning, lie will have rea dy lorfale, at his Wholesale Warehoufe,No. 117, north Second street, opposite to M£f frs. I. \V. and Win. GibKs, A NEAT PARCEL DRY GOODS, Ju/i imported in theJbip IVUUum Penn,frbm Loud-an, ConfHling of an alTortment of Sattins, modes & persi ans, narrow corded Din.ities, and Aiine India MufJ r>s. Louis Ofmont, Who has also for fall, A QUANTITY Of Looking Glalfes, Framed, Claret in'&les of fu;>c ior ility, Champaigne Wine, and a test Buxes Spermaceti Candles. . May 7- - Wharton and Greeves, Have iemoved their Counting Hone frOm Waft" street, to Morion'-, wharf, Where they have for Sale, Madeira and Iherry Wine, jit for immediate use Gin in cases, Souchong Tea, Black Pepper, Russia Matts, Corks, Jtfuits Bark, Coffee, a>0' the whole fix, will make their Proposals accordingly. tu&fjw. Concluding Sales. THE Sublcribet haying entered into Co pai tnerfhip with Mr. John Bartholomew in the of Sugar Refining, will dispose of the Remaining Stock on hand consisting of Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares, Plated Coach & Saddle Furniture, &c. &c. By Wholesale at Prime Cojl for Cajh. John Dorfey, No. 22, North Jd flreet. Apri! 1 2. tnth&rs6w JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SO LD BY THOMAS DOBSON, No. 41, south Second Jlreet, Extract of a letter from a gen tleman in America to a friend in England, on the Subject of Emigration—price 1 -Bth of a dollar. Eccltfiajlical EJlalliJhments detrimental to a State. Price I 8 of a Dollar. April m'*&fyv Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. TJiE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASJi SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, b could know nothing of him but as an enemy and one who the day before actually commanded the hostile army which we were opposing; but it is said, that he was taken in a neutral country; admitting this to be true, the violation was only towards that power whose Sovereignty was violated, and could not be complained of as between the two hostile armies. But the principal Objec tion stated by the Hon General was, the treat ment with which these unfortunate captives were opprefied by the King of Prussia.— Whatever that treatment might be, it was a measure entirely of an independent fqve reign, in which we could not be stated to have a«y, interference, either in its com mencement, or its continuance; and to in terfere with whom, in what pafled within his own dominions, would be to depart from the feledted and well-known rules eflablithed betwe#n independent states, and setting our selves up as the guardians of the consciences of foreign states. But what were the-fpeciai grounds upon which we were called upon to exert this interference ? That the king of Prussia had a flirted that those gentlemen were to be considered as the common prison ers of the allied powers, and that therefore their fate must depend upon common con tent. For his part he had already, as he now again, denied, that this country had any hand in this bufmefs one way or the other, npr did he know upon what authority this decla ration was attributed to the king of Prussia, other than as it was stated in that Hcufe. Admitting, however, the truth of the ex pression having been uttered, it did not ap pear to him that it could apply to this coun try at all, inasmuch as at the time of the capture, we formed no part of the alliance alluded to, but were perfectly neutral. The only ftther ground upon which the motion was grounded, was the simplicity of tha principles upon which M. Fayette was ftfp pofed to have a