Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 07, 1794, Image 4

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    . PinMelpKa, "Uarcl-i, .794-
jussr £u6lis&fd, ,t
j MATiitW CAiUiY, < t
Jtfo. jfiß> Mjiriet firctt, t
Modern Geography: ;
O*, A I
Geographical, HiJiorical, and j
Commercial Grammar;
And preferrt state of the several
COfi T & i*i I N.C,
I. Th* figures, nipuons, and distances of
the planets, according to die .Newtonian fyf
tein and the latest observations
- • 2. A renera! vie* of the earth, coofidered
with fever&l nfeiul geographical
dcfiiiitioris and problems.
3. The grand divifious of the globe into
land *"d water, continents and islands.
• 4. The Ctuition and extent of empires,
kiugouiiu, states, provinces aud colonies.
f. Their climates, air, (oil, vegetables,
prcdu&ions, metah, mineral?, natural curi
osities, seas, rivers, bays,capes, promontories,
aud lake*.. *
6. The birds- and be ast 5 peculiar to each
7. Observations on the changes that have
been any where observed upon the face ol na
ture fmce the moll *ai|y periods of history.
8. The history and origin of nations; the 11
forms of government, religion., reve
nues, taxes, naval and military strength.
9 The genius, manners, culloms, and ha
bits of the people.
10. Their language,learning,arts,faiences,
Ujanafaftures, and commerce.
it. The chief cities, ftruftures, ruins,and
12. The longitude, latitpd?, bearings, and
diftance3 of principal places from Philadelphia.
Ti which arcad4ed t
1. A OEostt AfHicAL Index, with the names
and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and
their valde indollars and cents.
3- Table of retnarkable
events, from the creation to the present time.
The Aftrunomical Part corrected by
To which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr.'HtmcHELi.,
and otlier eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlarged.
' The firft volume contains twenty-one Maps
and Charts, be.'ides two Aitronomical Plates,
* I°. Map of the world, 2. Chart of the world.
•3. Europe. 4. Alja. J. Africa. 6- South
America. 7- Cook's discoveries. 8. Coun
tries round the north Pole. 9- Sweden, Den
mark, and Norway. ;0. Seven United Pro*
vinces. it Anttrran, French and Dutch Ne
therlands, 1,2, Germany. 13 Spt of wat
in France. i - France divided intodepaitr
ments. 1;. Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily,
«iid Sardinia. 17. Spain and Portugal.
48. Tu'key tp Eur ipe and Hungary. 19 Ire
•Ja'rid. 20. Weft-indies- 2i. Vermont 12. Ar
millar.y fpbere. 23. Capern.cao system.
With the lecond voluin.', which is now 10
the press, will be given tue following Maps :
1. fyudia in Europe and Alia.
2 Scot'und.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
j. China..
6. Hindoftan.
7. United States.
8. British America.
o. Siate of New-Hamplhire.
,0. State of Massachusetts.
It. State of Conne&icpt.
State of Tthode Island.
,3. State of New-York.
14. State of New-Jersey.
15. State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
j 7., State of Maryland. ,y
' 18. State of Virginia. < E
19. State of Kentucky.
2p State of North-Carolina.
21. "fenneifce Government.
22. ?f South-Carolina.
23. State of Georgia.
1. This woric will be conif>rifed in two vo
-1 times.
2. Sijbfcriliers pay for the present volume on
■VlfYfy, ft* dbflars. and the nrife of bind- j
ing, (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may .receive thp succeeding
in twenty-four weekly numbers, At a quar
ter dollar each, or else, when finilhed, at
the fame price as the firft,
4. The fubfeription will be raifid on the firft
day ol June »794, to fourteen dollars, ex
clulive of binding.
3. Should any copies re|hain for sale after the
completion ot the work, they will be fold at
sixteen dollars, and the price of binding,
fl. The names of the fuffic'ytSrs will pub
lifhi'l as patrons of American literature,
It is wr-.illy unuecsSary to expatiate on the
adv a 1, o American readers, that thisedi
t : i"lr:Te , ever every imported edition .of
r err? of Geography extent-. The addit
», V feveralflace , procured a
a ■ _'t.■ rr at exprnle, and from the best ma.
t; i. at are attamable, ipeaks fiich fulj
co'Vy ctj on <lns fubjrc% ihit i* w»bld be
dif"-;"i'.;c\to the reader's understanding t<>
suppose -'u to enter I'lto a detail of
ar; umeots to prove its Fuperiority. In 110
:jcb Biapi bacnever totro-
The «sflsett4itio'* add'tions'wliich are
made in tWis wi*rk,a r e
page. piiiilic uv<; referred t;
the preface for a flight (kttfch of a few ot
The p«Wilher takes the prefert opportu
nity of returning uis mod sincere thanks to
those refprftable chara<ste r s who hive favored
him with documents for improving the maps
of several of the (tales. He requests a conti
nuaiice qf tbeii Vuidaefs; andhopesthat fucfc
public spirited citiicns, as are possessed of fi
qiikir will favor. |ii|B with then
afliflance in ptfrfefting his undertaking.
Tiie extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
in liis breall ihe warraeft lenriments of grati
tude— feiitinipnts which rime will not efface.
He pledges' huufejf to the citizens of the
United to spare neither pains uor ex
p'infe torendertlie prcfenteditionofGuthne s
Geography improved, deserving of their pa
tronage. ™aftt
In the House of Reffrrfc/ita ives,
December 2x^,1793.
WHEBLEAS the Comnufli of public
Accounts, have reported, that they can
nut proceed tp the ot the Treasury
'Accounts, refpefting special Indents, without
knowing the outttauding amount thereof in cir
culation Therefore,
? ftcfofatdi That aji holders of special Indents
be directed, and require, 011 or before the firft
day of November 11 xt,'o deJivei the special In
dents in their poffefiion 10 one or other of the
Commifliouers of t,he Trcatury, who are to give
receipts lor the lame, ?»>d i<? report to ttaeCom
miflioners on public accounts, on or before the
tenth day of November next, the amount by
, lher»<refpeifcively received, and also 10 the Le
gislature, at their meeting in November next.
1 and that all special Indents not rendered into
the Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
I of November next, shall be, and the fame are
heieby barred.
RcJolv<d, That public notice of tjiiji
5 be given in the several Gazettes hi this State,
once three weeks, until the fiift day of
j November next. And th-at ihe Delegates of thia
Statfi in jhe Coogrefs of the United Slates, be re
p quelled to cause this rclolution to be pubLUbfi
in one or more papers in the cities ot Philadel
phia arid New-York, and th? r .grovifion will be
made' for the expences attending Inch publica
Orderly That t,he resolution be sent to the
Senate for their concurrence.
By order of the House.
In the SENATE,
I)EG EMBER 21ft,1793.
Refolded, That this Houic do concur with the a
House of Reprefe ritatives in the foi cgomg refo- (
lutions. ]
Ordered, That the rcfolulions be lent to the
Ho-ile ui Reprefeutatives. j
by order of the Srnat.r,
liookfeller, at the Stone Hau/e inSecondJlreet,
DiQionary of Arts, Sciences y aud MifcA
laneous Literature,
ON a plan enti.tly new ; by which the dit*
ferent sciences and ai*.ts are digested into the
form of dtftinft treatises or fyiiem*. This
volume, contains the articles, medals, medi
cine, metallurgy, metajyiyficsj metbodifts,
Mexico, microscope, rnidwifry, and a great
variety of biographical and mifcellaneo*i*-ar
licles, iHuftrated with nineteen copperplates.
(jCf" The tables of logarithms, &c. which
were deficient in the tenth volume, ars sub
jofned to this.
Eleven vo'umes of this-work are now pub
lifoed, and tUe"XiLth fame forwardnefs.
On the firft of September, 1792, the price
of, fubfeription was iucreafed TEN dollars on
all Cp.t ts not taken before tjiat time. The fub
feription is still open on theft? terms, aind if
any copies remain by the firft of July next, the
price will be railed TEN dollars more, on
any copies which may be fubferibed for after
that period.
*,* As many of the fubferibers have taken
only two, three or four, See. volumes, they are
eaVneftly requ&fted to take up and- pay for the
remaining volumes, as it becomes d fficult to |
complete the felts, and tlie pubiifhev does not
hold himtelf bouud to make up any setts after
the firft day of July next.
April 22. m&:th6 y.
Nankeem tf Superior Quality,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April at. mw&t'tf
Concluding Sales.
THE Sublcriber Ivaving entered into Co •
partnerlhip with Mr. John Bartholomew in
the btkdnpfs of Sugar Refining, will dispose
ef the
Remaining Stock on hand
Silver, Plated, & japan Wares,
Plated Coach & Saldle
Furniture, &c.
Sj Wbdefaie at Prime Coji for Cajh.
John Dor fey,
Ne. $2, North 3d itreet.
April 12, tuth&s6\v '
The Public are cautioned to
b-waf* if counterfeited Five Dollar Rills of
the Sank if the United States, and. Twenty
Dollar MU if .the Bank of Worth America,
fevtral of watch ha<ve appeared in circulation
, within a few days pafl; ifyy are a good ge
-1 nered imitation of the genuine Bills, but Jitay
s be diflinguifhed by the following
Fm>e Dollar Bills of tke !Bank of (he
< United State*.
ALL that have appeared havjthe letter F.
for their Alphabetical TVlarJc.
The Texture of the is thkker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely than I
the genuine paper. j
The O- in the 'W>rd Compear? isfmaller:
than the M- and othfr letters of thit word,
j so that a line extended from the tqp of iheO;
to touch the top of the M. would extend con
(jdtrably above the range M the whole word.
in the word IJnited the letters are narrow,
erand closer together .than the reft of tbtbill
I parallel, the f incliniog much more for.WjrJ
[ than the f.
I The engraving"is-badly executed,»be strokes
I of all the Letters are stronger and tfie devi e
I in particularly ismncji c«ar(er and
I appears darker in the true bills. Some
I of the counterfeits bear date in Where-
I ?s the Bank was not in'operation till Decern
I ber, and oo five dollar bills were ifitiea in
I ihat year.
I Twenty Dollar Bills of tbe Book tf North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
J B. for their alphabetical mark.
I They are printed on a paper nearly'fimitar
I to that of the couuterfait Five ©ottar Wntes
I above daftribed j the engraving is biitet eite-
I ucted, and they approach nearer to thp a|>-
I pearance of the genuine bills.
'The ftne rnled lines through the word Twev-
I ty, in the body of the bill, are in number th r-
I teen in the genuine bilk, »njtl but twelve in
I the counterfeits.
The word Cokpany is much like the faflie
I word in the Five Dollar B'.lJs as defer ibed a
-1 bove, the o being lets than them, and others
1 following. ~ ,
I There is no ftrok<? to the tin the wotfl Airtlt
I whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
I defined.
I The letters ft'in the word Twenty, to tre
I left hand at the bottom, do mot Bome dov+w to
I the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular
I appearance to the word., the Tai and they go-
I ing below them.
The ligoature 1 Nixon, has the appear -
• I ance ot being written with l.i«»b-bla<k and
\ I orl, and differs from other inks used in
1 Sprinting the bills and the' ca'(bier's flgnature.
I It is supposed thc(e forgeries were commuted
I in Tome of the Southern Staves, as all tbe co«ui-
I terfeits that have appeared, have come from |
I thence,*v persons have been apptehcn.d-
I ed in Virginia, on fafpicrion of be rug the aafhor
{ oi them.
1 The reward o< O&l THOUSAMQ DOLLARS
I will be paid to any Person or Perfpo* who (hall
I discover and prosecute to cohvi&iqn the fevetal
I offenders of the following descriptions or any
I of/bem, viz.
I The person or who manUM«ureo
J the paper on which the Bills are printed.
I The person or peifons, who engraved the
I plates.
I The primer or printers, «f the bills.
I Every peifon whp has a&ed as a principal in
I any other way, in the coi|nte«leMaog and uuer-
I ing the said bills.
I Philadelphia, March &8 1794
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
I of-the Bank of the United States hare appeared
I in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY DOL
1 LARSj'and the alphabetical mark is tl e let
I ter IS.
I They may be dift'mguithei from the genu-
I ine by the following I\4AI«K-S •"
I The paper of the conntevfeits is of a mor<
I tender texture and gluiTey furface than the
I genuine, and there is no water mark in them.
I The letter, (i. in the word Caftfier, in tbe •
I true bills is ftrtoogly marked, wheieas in the
I counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair
I ftt;oke, evidentlyjn ap unfiniflied ftafe. The
I letter a in the w.urd demand, js badly formed
I and the whole word ill done, and there is no
I comma at the* end of it, as there is in the
I genuine bills. '
I The marginal device, is ippeh darker in
I the sals?, than in the genuine bills owing to
1 the ftiade strokes being coarser, much nearer
I togetlier, and etwfequeirtly much more nu-
I merous. This ilie eye at'ftfft
I view.
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, wilt be p'jid for apj>i ehendin; T ,
profeeutiivg to convicWon the leveral above
defer ibed Offenders in refpedt to this, as to.
the latiiefcrihed biUs.
of the, fij»nk. United States.
JOHN NIXON, Prefidentof die
Bank ot North America.
By order oi ibe Goiumutees of the Ref
-1 pfAive Boards.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible fituatiofi, —alio a Country Seat
whin 6 tnUcs of the City, with 9 acres ot]
ftin J, or 43 acres of land- and meadow, the
House is not exceeded bvmniiy in tbe.vicmity
of the city, in lis?, or convenience..
For particulars jipf] j to the printer.
Just Imported,
is tbefilp Abigail, Captain Hertvn, from St
Peterjburgh it} Ritfiia, and no<w landing at
RujJATs wharf,
And for sale at of <l*e{ublc/iljef an.
Walnut ftreel, N". a«-
"John DonnalAfoti.
April id 1 w *&<tf
— *
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Apt 11 19, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, that proposal
will be received at the office of the Commif"
fioner of the Revenue until the li*rh of "Mav
next inclusively, for the supply of all K -
tions, which maybe required during the cur
rent year, at the city of PhiJadeiphia, for
; the recruiting ferrice.
11 The w*ti«ns to be foraifked are to confill
of >thefoUowitig articles, viz
t One pound of bread or flnnr;
; One pound of beef, or 3 4 of a pound pordc
\ Half a gill of rum, branny ®r wbijky
» One quart ot fait,
Two quarts vinegar (
1 , r > Per iO3 rations
Two pounds soap f
t One pound candles J
Aprrj 21. mw&slw
'j 1 ■ — • •*•
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-iireet, New-York
THE Subfcriker intending <© con-fine hrmfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE 8c SALE of
STQCKS on CQIMMISSION, leave to of
fer-his fewicesto his friends and others, in the
line ol a Stock. BrokA. Those who may pJeafe
to favor h»m with their bofvneJs, may depend
upon -having ii trar.fa&ed with themmoll Ade
lity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part of the United' States, will b*. ftrt&ly
attended to. LEONARD BL££CfC£R.
Just Publiffied,
At the Sto'ue house, Ma.4l, S >uth Second
Historical Collections;
And other authentic Document , intend d as
materials for<uv Hillory of die United State*
o( America.
In two large.quarto volumes, price ten dol
lars in boa nth. «
SuWcribet's will be fa»ni!hed with <the its. 1
vol unit <mi paying three dollars and a quarter
—having paid five dollars and a quarter an
receiving the firft.
This (econd volume comprehendi, amory*
other interesting a complete co
py of the Recordsof tlieU«it>d Colonies of
M. England, iij whfch the tfoorfijStoftfc'e com
mifSojiers receding the ge«eral coneteras ff
the colonies —the neighbouring Indians—and
the Butch at Minhmidt (now New Yotk) Is
, particularly detailed.
*#* Materials are collected fufficient to
form a "THIRD VOLO'ME, The time of
pub'ilhinp will dep-nd on the encouragement
to be,derived f»om fubferiptimrs which
reeeired by Thomas Doblim, Philadelphia ;
; Jere. Libhey, Portsmouth, New Ha-mpflvrt ;
Titomai & Andrews, & Dwv. Weft,Bofton; tl-
aia Thomas, Worceftcr; Uaac Brers, New-
Haven; Timothy<3*een, New London; Jao»b
Rjchardfon, Newport; Jnhn C.artrr, Provi
dence ; Hugh Game, Thomas Alien, p atid
Samuel Campbell, New Yori; Fred rick
Craig, Wilmington, Delawaie; James Rice,
Baltimore; Mr. l.indley, Norlolfcj David
e HenJerfon, Fredericksburg; John Grammar
PeterCburg ; Augustine Davis, Richmond; F
X.Martin, Newbern, N.'C, John Bradley,
Wilmington; and William Price Young,Chai
' left on.
April 4. inwfcfjjw
Treasury Department,
Re-venue Office, April lit I,
Communications by post or
otherwtfe. will be- recpived by v. ay
matjon at the Office of the CommiJlion. r of
the Revenue from persons wiling * 0 fttpply iron
Ca.unon, Cannon Ball, and 'Shells, for, the for
tiftcatioos a«d Shjps of War. The fitntfO of
( the metalfor cajmot?, and the capaeityof the
founders ifi. fmcJiing, in preparing art? mx
' »ng the metal, and in caftinp aud the
caiinon (which are to be caflt foliAly) >vill re
quire to be p<ir Jcularly stated.
S unilar communicati(>7is will also fce-receW
td from any persons willing to fop ply live
oak and red cedar timber for the
of of war. Different plans of puo
cur-ing and ftipplyirg the fame may he propos
ed. The convenience of the fitoa-ioh in *e
gatd to a«d the state of tSe timber
whether. »lre*dv fallen or-hereafter to be cur,
will- require *o be not-iced.
All the neceiTary particulars regatd to
the fever,al arvicUs which are will be
fpecified in comrafts intendedto be grounded
in part on the iofitfnutioo, which is hereby
t fought.
i; 'Aprti, 17.
Pkihted bv JOHN FENNO, No 3
| South Fourth-Strist.