out si ve or fix people being executed in form ajid the aiTaffinations in the streets and hou fes were numberless. The prisons were al crammed full, and it was expe&ed they weii loon to be cleared by a general maflacre, for provisions were become so scarce that with out a very great reduction of the number of mouths the people mud soon be reduced to eat each other. At Lyons rhat was said to be already the c;ife —and as'the army had secured what little provisions there was, the miserable inhabitants have risen en masse and fought defperattly with knives, flicks, and any other weapons they could meet with, that in (hort, no description could equal the 1, errors that reigned thro' all the south of France ; and nothing prevented an immedi ate general counter-revolution, but the abl'o lute want of arms with' every description of people, except the soldiers, who feenied de termined to make an end of every body and every thing that does not dire' :T_h Ir. Lau n;ght major general Haddick arrived - ; ?m Vienna,with important difpatehee rela tive to the conduct of the Campaign, and the inauguration of the Emperor. The in auguration is to take- place in the course of this month, and the Arch Duke Charles to - ail as proxy f or the after which »t is supposed that Gen. Haddirk has brought jum the Emperor's leave tf> join the army- In the mean time, hi, field equipage is kept' in coaftant readiness. 1 t The duke of York's are ?t ourtiay. On Sunday the 9til be advanced with about: 3000 of the combined troops and took poffe/Tion of Mcnm, Koubue, IJaliuin and Roulhcque, from whjfch the French re treated in s uc h haste as to leave some field p.«ees behind them. The troops were so elated, that they offered to attack the flrong pest before Billed ; but hjs R,>va! Highoels Mfralned their ardour, affirt-Tng them that n/i'-f i ave fu^icient opportunities of d, ip l a^„lg their valourt Q f peasants who marched on this expedition, fifven re ed the gold medals,as the reward of their zem and bravery. ,' Scvc r n t}loufa nd Pioneers are to be employ ed in forming entrenchments between Lan- J Urcom - Th e number of troops • along tie frontier, from Orchies to Nieuport, is computed at 45,000, commanded by the duke pt York a,d General Clairfait. 7 jy.i! tr '' ea "hfeu, whose head-quarters are SaMS? ~. a S/ e m to the P n-e of Saxe ; reinforcements, to enable him 5 thp'*s- nf ttCmpts of the Fre nch Armv the Mozelli on that part of the frontier The Prince of Saxe Cobourg has his head , V Valenciennes, General Mack is ar- K ''. , / report * S that the French are to be attacked without delay, that they may be obliged to fight before they can corn fefey« ,h "«-» CGNSTANTWOPLE, Feb. 7. cur A < rn) le^ 5 j at ° n °f R;!^c Mottapha, onr Ambafiador at the court of Peterf &As not u> lmvr -' tab,T vsry 1> The iii!tructions given to tliis miniitcr, I related to two very principal objects. The J ■ e firft-was, that the Ruffians should in frt- j ,r Jure fubrnit to the new duties eftabfifhcd , , [. in all the Turkiflj dominions, and the le >f cond was, to in fill upon thp liberation of ■ o all the Turks who are prisoners in the 0 Ruffian territories. e These two demands have suspended 1 the negoeiation ; but it is hoped, that the i new Ruffian Minister, M. Codlabey, will ? renew them, although the Grand Signior - appears determined, notwithstanding the f interposition of the courts of Vienna and London, to abide by his demands. f The Divan have ordered the neceflary . preparations to be made. The Captain 1 Pacha has visited all the sea-ports, arid r given directions for fitting out the (liips with the utmost speed. At his return to Constantinople, he had a long conference with the Grand Signior. Preparations . equally active are making by land, and the ; commandant of Bender and Annaps have' . I received orders to spare no expence in put i ting these important fortreffes into a res • : peftable (late of defence. A war with J Ruffiafeems to be inevitable. Diftrafted, . however,, by internal commotions, the • Porte is not now in a condition to oppose with any probability of fuaeefs, the migh ty monarch of the North. ° Mahmud Pacha's probations of fide lity were only made for the purpufe of blinding the Divan to the immense prepa rations which he is making All that pait of his army which had .gone over to the Seralkier of Rotr.eba, is returned to', his service. Aii Pacha of Janima has also declared in his favor, and has, in Conse quence, refufed to pay any tax to the Porte. Roused, at length, from its lethargy,," the Turkilh government has resolved to check the operations of the insurgents, and for that purpose has ordered an army of 120,000 men, under the command of the* Captain Pacha, to march from Na volm against them. PARIS, March Tl. Thomas Paine, in his prison here, is determined not to remain, idle. A proj du£tion- of his has just made its appear ance in English, and bears the followfrJ title; " The Age of Reason ; aq I'lvtftfgation of True and Fabuiwis The"; oWv. By Thomas Paine, Citizen and CuWvatdr, of the United States of Ame-j tica." See. &c. 1 he inhabitants of this Metropolis, and its environs, to the distance of feyerar leagues, are all extremely discontented :■ j the poor cannot,obtain the common nej ctfTancs of life, and provisions are ex tremely scarce and exorbitantly dear.' The Convention is publicly vilified in hand-bills difbibuted and (luck'up through out Paris, and a division even fubfifb be tween the mod hot-headed Patriots. In the fitting of the Cordeliers on the 29th, Vincent demanded the puirifhment of the remainder of the Briffo tines who" are in confinement; and denounced'* new faction, pointing out Philippeaux, Bour don, and Camille Defmoulins, as its chiefs, who wished to destroy liberty and those deputies have since been expelled from that society. general of the army of the North, died in the Conciergerie, the e vening before he was to have been con duced to the guillotine. The quantity of fait-petre colMed in the levfral fetftions of Paris, during the fii It decade of this month, was reported to be 13,256 pounds. .The Pandour and L,e Courageux pri vateers are arrived at Dunkirk : they took 19 prize* in the Northern Seas, many of which are fafs in port. A great number of Emigrants are now aid to be in this metropolis, as liackney-coaciimen, barrow-driverc, and carmen. The Revolutionary Committee of Lisle has tound out an excellent way to flop kankrupt cics, by refufing certificates of civifm to all thoie who have not honorably paid tkeir debts. Amongst the persons who have been lately guillotined, are the Count de L'Aigle, Mare chal de Camp, and Louisa de la Rochefou cault. Ninety-one prieltshave beeh conduct ed from Rouen to Rochefort, condemned to [ betranfported to the coast of Africa. The number of falfe aflignats which now circulate m France is so very great, that Jjo body can diftingmlh them from t(ie o-ood committee of afiignat? fu S pub.iifced mftru&ions on this fubje a ' f i o'clock noon. N. B, The inland postage to STew-York must be paid. Ad vertifemcnt. M. CARPENTIER, an inhab'tanf* of Si. DoiningOy Roirig to Baltimore in tNe ftagr,!ofg on his loutr the sth inft. a POCKET BOOK containing several and papers, parti cularly a draft for livces or one thr.ufand dollar, in favot'rff NjeflVs Zaehaiie Coup man and Co. o,t B£ltimt>r«- Whoever thai! return the pocket Inok ancj papW< to M. fca'rptntier at Baltimore, or to rhe Jrcompenfed for tneir trouhjr. v. "« <* •' j /X' { 'I NOTICE. i I THE Subscriber acquaints the gentlemen and lades, Retailers of Dry Goods, that t On Monday the 12 th inji. At 9 o'tjock jn the morning, he wjll have rea dy -for sale, at his Wholcfalc AVarehoufe,No. ii 7, north Sccond street, opposite to Mef lis. J. W. anil Win. Gibb-, A N£AT PARCEL : DRY GOODS, Ju/l imported in thejhip iVtllium Perm, from Lcndotit i Confiding of an atlortment of Sattins, modes & perfl- MiS) narrow corded Dimities, and £ some India Mufl'ns. Louis Ofmoht, Who has alfofor sale, , T ■ A quantity of Looking Glasses, Framed, Chre.t in ci!l"s of superior qu~.«jty, Champaigne Wine, and a few B«.xes Spersqaceti Candles. May 7. dtt - Treasury Department. May Vh> ' 794 - iNUliciL. is hereby .given* . tfai Piopofals Will oe received at % Office ?! the Commif (iOßex ef tie Revenue, for Ship Timber of t';e.followwg kinds, Suitable (ot the building of the Prigate,s authorized by Law. A par ticular detail of the sizes and pu>poitioijs will ' be communicated, 011 application at tire fold Urate. , White Oak Timter and Plank. 98 Pieces ol various Dimensions, inclad ing Keels,, Floor and Rifmg Timbers, &c. tor a Vellel of 14.0 or 150 feec Keel 2 7,ood Feet of PlanK« Scantling, \V«le aj pjeces, Bilge Streak :, Clamps, &c. to 200 Logs, for. various uses. £ Pltch pine. _ 25,000 Feet of P ank for Decks, ov 210 Beams, fr m 42 to 28 feet long, and w from 10 by 12 to 15 by 18 inches thro'. £ $0,00:5 Locust Treenails, 18, 2(4 and go inches long. 5,000 Feet ol Inch ancl balf-inqji Cedar Boards. 30,000 Feet of Yellow Pine & >ards and i - Scantling. Perfo.n? willing to supply any,part of tfye above Tiniber tor one Ship, or in propofiyja U )r whole ilx, will wake their Piopofals. accotdiigly. tuScf^w. Diftri&of Pennfyh ~ania t 0 w 1 t : (L~S.) BE iirnenibered, that on the W twenty fourth day of March, in tne eighteenth yejr ot" the independence of the U litedSrares of America, EBlNEitil HaE/j*i> of the Paid riifUirt, iiasdepofited in {his office, [j tlu' title of a book,the right whereof heclaiins as author, in the words following, to \frit: " Historical C elections; consisting of state papers, and other authentic.doctments ; in tended as materials for an history of the U nited States of America. , By EBENEZER HAZARD, A.M. , Member of the American Philological So > e'ety, held at Philadelpha, lor promoting ufeful knowledge; Fellow of she American academy of Arts and Sciences; and corres pondent member of the Maffcchufetts H fto rical Society. VOLUME IT. Ingenium, Pietas, Artes, acbelliea virtus, Huu profugae venient, et Regna ilMftria condent, Et Domini hie Virtus eri t, et fortuna mi niltra." In conformity to the atf of tlie Congrcfs of the United Stater, entitled " An ast for the eucouragement of learning, by fecoring the copies of maps, chi-fs and book?, to the au thors and proprietors of fnrh copies, dining ihe times therein mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the D jlr 'id of Pennfylvtiniti. Ma V ' ew4'v NEW THEATRE. By Particular Desire. THIS EVENING, May 7. WHI be performed, A COMEDY, called the ProvoJid Hujband; / 0 R ' A Journey to London. To which will be .added, a new serious PAS 4 ' 1 OMIML, ffiglnaily performed at cte Theatre in Paris, called La Foret Noire; o R, The Natural Son. Boxes, one dollar—Pitt, three quarter* oi a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar.