feTrltories with slaves from the Coast. of , of Africa That was a part of.tKte trade vVhich in fact could hardly how be laid to exist, and the main object of his motion was that it (hould not be Yevived; and therefore it was unnecefiary for him to Ar gue the point at length, he (hould wait to hear what Was to be urged agaiiift his mo tion, rather than labor to establish the pro priety of it, as the fiibjeft had been amply dilcuffed and the argument long ago ex hauited. He therefore moved that leave be given to bring in a Bill for preventing the supply of Foreign territories with slaves froal the Coast of Africa, and that this motion be referred to a Committee of the whole House. This motion was opposed. Mr. Wilberforce replied to all the ar guments against his motion. The House divided, for the motion -63 Againlt it -40 The bill was then Ordered to be brought in. * " Congress of the United States. IN SENATE-, Thursday, April 24. The honorable James Rofs from the state of Pennylvania attended and tookhis feat in the Senate. The oath was by the Vice-President administered to Mr. Rofs as the law pro ' vides. The bill, sent from the House of Re presentatives for concurrence, entitled, " an ast providing for railing and organi zing a corps of artillerists and engineers," • was read the second time. Ordered, That this bill be referred to Mr. Gunn, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Bradley, . Mr. King and Mr. Langdon, to consider and report thereon to the Senate. The bill, sent from the House of Re pr'efentatives for concurrence, entitled, " an ast directing a detachment from the 'militia of the United States," was read the second time. Ordered, That this bill also be referred to the committee last named, to consider and report thereon to the Senate. A meflage from the House of Repre sentatives by Mr, Beckley their clerk : * Mr. President—The House of Re presentatives agree to the proposed confer- on the disagreeing votes of the two on n ■■■■ ■— 1 —; *— r >VrC -5* fc '* *}ite, to the bill, entitled, " an ast to es tablish the poll-office and post-roads with •hi the United States ; and have appointed managers at the said conference on their part"—And he withdrew. The Senate resumed the consideration of the letter yeflerday laid before the Se nate,, from the committee of public fafety " cf the French Republic. A motion wis made that it be " Ordered, That the letter of the com mittee of public fafety, of the French Re public, addrtffed to Congress, be trans mitted to the President, and that he be requested to cause the fame to be answer ed, on behalf of the United States, in such manner as (hall manifeft their sincere friend fhip and gotfd will for the French Repub lic." , On which it was moved that this mo tion be referred to a committee, to consi der and report thereon ; and It passed in the negative—Yeas 13 — Nays J*. gfc- The yeas and nays being requited by one-fifth of the Senators present. Those who voted in the affirmative, are, Mcffrs. Bradley, Brown, Buit, Butler, Ed wards, Gunn, Hawkins, Jackson, Lang don, Martin, Monroe, Robinson and Tay lor. Those who voted in the negative, are, Mefirs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth, Fos ter, Frelinghuyfen, Henry, Izard, King, Livermore, Morris, Potts, Rofs, Ruther ford, Strong, and Vining. A motion was made by Mr. Martin to poftpvine the consideration of the motion before the Seriate for the purpose of con fideri rig the following motion : " Resolved, by the Senate and Honfe of Reprefrntativrs in Congress assembled ; that the letter of the committee of public fafety of the French Republic, addreflcd to Congress, be tranfmittetfto the Prefi-' dent, and' that he be requested to cause the fame to be answered hi behalf of the United States, in such manner as (ball manifeft their friendfhip and good will for the French nation, with their sincere tvifh es for the prosperity of that Republic"— On mot-ion, It was agreed to amend the original 1 . motion by inserting thtfe words; " Senate of the j" before the word " United." On rriotirtn, To amend the motion by adding these words* after the \Vord " States." (l Congratulating thtm upon the late brilliant iuccefies ot the arms of the Re public, and the ertabhftiment of liberty and order, and the progress of industry It puffed in the negative. On the quedioli to agree to the motion amended as follows : " Ordered, That the letter of the com -1 tnittee of public fafety of the French Re public, addrefied to Congress, be trans mitted to the Piefidetrt, and that he be requested to cause the fame to be answered on behalf of the Senate of the United States, in such manner as (hall manifeft their sincere friend(hip and good will for the French Republic." 1 It pasTed in the affirmative—Yeas 28; The yeas and nays being required by one-fifth of the Senators present. Those who voted in the affirmative, are, MefTrs. Bradford, Bradley, Brown, Burr, Butler, Cabot, Edwards, Ellfworth, Fos ter, Frelinghuyfen, Gunn, Hawkins, Henry, jackson, Izard, King, Langdon, Livermore, Martin, Monroe, Mot 1 is, Potts, . Robinson, Rofs, Rutherfmd, Strong, . Taylor and Virting. Ordered, That the Secretary lay a co • py of this vote of Senate befoie the Pre sident of the United States. Mr. Ellfworth from the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled, "an ( ast to encourage the recruiting service," reported amendments. ' Ordered, That the amendments be printed for the use of the Senate. , On motion, t Ordered, That Robert Connelly have r leave to withdraw his petition. The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to morrow morning. ; Friday, April 25th, 1794. ; The Vice-President laid before the Se- J nate a report from the Secretary for the department of War, refpefting invalid J pensioners, which was read. r Ordered, That this rqiort be referred to Mt.Taylor, Mr. Ellfworth, Mr.Brown, Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Livermore, to consider and report thereon to the Se nate. The amendments reported by the com -3 mittee to the bill, entitled, "An ast to _ ' vEvre •_ considered, adopted and the bill amend ed accordingly. [1 On motion, r It was agieed that the rule be so far dispensed with, as that this bill be now u read the third time. Resolved, That this bill pass with a - y mendments. Ordered, That the Secretary desire the concurrence of the House of Reprefen i_ tatives in the amendments to this bill. A meflage from the House of Repre [_ fentatives by Mr. Beckley their Cletk : e " Mr. President—The House of Re ■. prefentativtfs agree to the amendment of 1, the Senate to the bill, entitled, "An ast [. allowing Lieutenant-Colonel Toufard, an equivalent for his pension for life." They have pa (Ted a bill, entitled, " An act. to - suspend the importation of certain goods, _ wares and merchandize," in which they desire the concurrence of the Senate." And he withdiew. The bill last mentioned was read the y firft time. Ordered, That this bill pass to the se t cond reading. |. Tlie Senate adjourned until 11 o'clock on Monday morning. House of Representatives. Ways and means under confide) ation. On Friday last in committee, Mr. Dexter observed, that very few of the ob > jeftions were confined to the question. 1 Some were arguments against all excises ; some against all public contributions; some against the nature and administration ! of our government ; and some against all ; goyernment. The statement of the gen : tleman from Maryland, (Mr. Smith) that 1 the duty would make three times the ca pital neceflary, he said could not be accu : rate. He had reckoned the cost of the ■ raw material employed ; if this be true, I as he dates tobacco nt 4 cents per r and fnuff is worth 30 cents per pound, it • follows that the manufacturer makes 750 •I per cent, net profit. Tl* cannot be true ; the principal capital must be em ployed in preparatory works and labor of nttfiiifa&uiing. He added that our hav ing formerly protected the manufacture, is no reason againlt now taxing it. It wctuld rather be a reafon,for calling on it to contribute to the pußlic burthens. He said the fame gentleman asked, why there is no.excise on beer manufactured in New- England, as well as im foilthern whilky ? I anfwet, beer is not manufactured there in any considerable quantity *, if it were, it ought not t6 be taxed. New-England rum is taxed enbrmoufly. The duty on this and whi(ky, are protecting duties to good morals. The life of fnuff and to bacco is certainly a mere luxury* or ra ther folly, and all who use and of course pay the duty, are volunteers. A land tax, which is named as a substitute for this and every thing else, is 3 tax very un equal, and laid on all the neceflaries of lite, and opprefiive to the laborious poor, it looks like governmental rapacity, which is so deprecated by the gentleman from Pennsylvania, (Mr. Smilie.) He has more than once told us that insensible taxation is daangerous; and that we should make the people feel the taxes they pay. The way to make them feel taxes, is to lay those which will be most inconve nient ; the argument then is that the most inconvenient tax is the belt. The very faCt stated to reason from is the ftrongelt reason in favor of indireCt taxation, viz. the burthen is so small that the people do not feel it. What the gentleman's meaning is, unlets it be that measures ought to be taken, which may make the people diffa tisfied with the government, is difficult to fay. The fame gentleman has said, that &U excises are against the spirit of a repub lican government like ours- It is strange, said Mr. Dexter, that the spirit and let ter of our government should be so con tradictory ; for by the cor.ftitution, ex cises are expressly provided. The man who buys his food and clothing in imall quantities, as he "can obtain the means, does it much more easily than he could purchase a flock for a year at one time ; and he who buys dutied articles, and re gulates his confnmption by the price, pays his tax in small portions, with ease, when he would be diftrefi'ed by being cal led to pay the whole sum in gross arir.nal ly.—Mr. D. proceeded to fay, that as to the fears of the gentleman abovemehtion ed from Pennsylvania, and also of the jrcntleman from he had heard them too often to be alarmed at them : They seemed like a sale coat, made for any fubjeCt. He said that a faCt fatisfied his mihd on the fubjeCt. Con necticut.is a land of equality beyond any on earth. Scarcely a man among them is rich enough to keep a coach, and" scarcely one so poor as not to keep a hoi fe ; learn ing is more equally diffufed there than in any part of America ; their morals are so pure that crimes hardly have names; yet this happy race of equal republicans never since the lnflitution of olir government, have sent one member here to whine or thunder about the ariftbcracy of our con stitution. He said he would not compare this slate with others in the union ; one man was not there disposed of at the will of another. As to the fear of the gen tleman from Virginia, that excises would destroy American liberty, Mr. D. said there was no danger of it. The charac ters of individuals form the character of the government. * A people are never enslav ed until they need a matter. The Ame rican habits exclude all danger. That ex cises and slavery exilt together in some part, of Europe is true ; but it remains to be priced that ole is the cause of the other. It we havj the benefits of go vernment we must pay for them. There was a time, said Mr.' D. when laboring under the debility of disunion and thedif trefles of anarchy, we rejoited that the people had inftitutedthis government. It is now represented not as the guardian of liberty and innocence ; but as the afTaffin of both. What has happened to change our opinion? Under its auspices we have encreafed in strength and riches ; we are now free and happy when the world is in confufion. The gentleman from Vir ginia seems to despise our prd'ent happi ness, unlcfs it can be eternal. Whv fir should we expeCt th!i? Nations,'' like men, come to maturity, they grow old and perish. The furi must go out in dark ness : -the earth m.rfl be burnt up ; nature m»lt expire m agonies. What right have we to claim to be an exception from gene ral rules . AU.nature is in perpetual revo lution ; Wf are a part, and must revolve wit . the Tvhole. The fyfiem fuffers, and Probably requires conflar.t renovation. ] Suceefliori appears to be a law of naturals univcrlal as her works, and as immutable as her author. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 7. Extrall of a letter from Edinburgh, receiv ed by the late arrival at Neiv-Torl— dated 22d Jan. 1794. " The state of my dear native country appears to me more dark and gloomy than 1 ever knew it. In the rtfbellion of 1745. the country in general was warmly attach ed to the revolution fetrlement, and look ed with horror on a change of govern ment. If France had invaded us in the time t>f the American war, those who most disapproved the measures against A merica, would have been as zealous as those who approved them, in repelling an invasion. But though I believe a great majority in Britain wish the preserving our present happy conflitution, I am a fraid there are many in fume parts, espe cially of those employed in manufactures, who, if there was a landing of our ene mies, from the hope of levelling all ranks and fortunes, would be tempted to join them, and who have so fat shaken off the principles of religion and jultice, that they would fciuple no ast of violence or cruelty by which they might better their circumstances. There are, indeed, men of fortune and virtue, who, from real principle, wish a reform in our constitu tion, and have countenanced societies for endeavouring to procure it—but many of 1 the meetings of Societies for Reform, or Friends of the People, consist of persons of broken fortunes, who never had any character to lose; nor is it improbable, that those of them who would spurn with abhorrence, the idea of pra&ifing fitch cruelties as take place in France, by join? ing with those furious men, might learn their ways. I cannot but approve your found policy in America, in endeavoring to keep clear of the war. I-t would" have been wife in our administration also, if they were not forced intt> tne measure by discoveries of ferret negociations between France and people at home who wiftied to overturn our conftitulipw : The pacific cor dudt of Mr. Pitt, hi other mftance#, KU r-cel ivr tliiftimftiing the ttß- tional debt makfts this the more probable, though he might have good reasons for not disclosing the extent of his informa tion, nor the channel through which it was-conveyed." Letter from Barcelona February 15, 1794. Lord sTood failed from the Tflaiids of Hieres with chief part of his fqtiadron the 13 January, leaving fir Hyde Pa.'Uer to keep the ffation from Marfe'lles to Nice. His lordlhip went diredfly over to Corsica, and was e!cfe in with Caliz, hut a violent gale of wind came 011 ana prevented any landing bein;; made there ; the dry before they ran in io dole the Lc*ia chalc-d aw 1 engaged a large 40 gun frigate, which by dint of fail ing and boats that came out escaped into Cafe, where the and another frigate were seen the next day. The I.eda loftten men °:n the engagement, ana was very rrui h cut up in her rigging. Lord Hood arrived at Prat Ferrzro on Elba the 28th January, and there is reason to fnp pofe he failed again with the greater pari of tlie Squadron about the sth of this month for Corsica. While they were at Elbe an officer from General Paoli joined I hem, and he reprelented that nearly allthe inhabitants of the ill a; id were anxiously waiting for the Engliih as their deliverers, hut were under the greatefl terror that the French -might push over the reinforcement with-which ihey threatened the Island. It was known in re ality that the French since the reduction of Toulon, had prepared 7000 men at Nice to watch the firil opportunity of being able to flip over to Corsica ; and .the frigates seen at Caii? had been cruiiing to favor the paflage. , We are anxious of course to hear news f*'< m that quarter. The L'Aigle did not go into Toulon, as it was feared /he might hive done ; but the Amphitrite was 101 l on a reef of rocks near Leghorn, the crew were all saved, the purser came to Port Ferraro with the account the 29th January. Before the.squadron left the Bay of Hieres, the tßth January, seven men who escaped from Marseilles in a Genoese boat came on board the Vitflory; they came out of Mar seilles in the night of the 17th. The account they gave refpefting that place, Toulon and Lyons, was extremely fhockirg—lnftead cf 4cc people havim* been put to death at Tou lon, they aflejted that upwards of 5000 had been lhot. That all the priefls without ex ception were destroyed, every where j and every person related in the moil diflant man ner to any of the wretched fugitives, vrere htinted cut, arrefed, and gene-ally put to death. At Marseilles net a davpaficd wita * t