Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 07, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 124 of Vol. V.] Wednesday, May 7, 1794- [Whole No. 520.]
For Amflerdam,
The new ftft-failing;, copper
% bottomed 9HIP
mk ADR!AN A,
K. Fifzpa trick, Master.
BUILT of live oak aid cedar and was in
tended fcr a Liverpool Trader, will Sail with
a!! cpnveuicnt speed. For freight or pafiige,
having ejtctllent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut street wharf, or to
fij. B, Ptfli-njjers will" be landed in Eilg
lancHf raqnired.
March 6, Cll> '
For Sale or Charter,
' : *^lfijyandromJCME,
American Lotuxn)
John Moore y Mqjitr•
iv» a. (bout gpod veifci, about tAv-t* years o«d,
bnrrhon 252 ton*,, has only made three voy-
and'thay be Tent to Tea at a final J ex
pence. Sne maybe seen at Vlne-ibeet wharf,
*j»d'the teritts marie known bv application tfo
March 2t.
For Nerfotk & Fredericksburgh?
£7 John Earl, Master.
jx tuuiui; good veflH, will fail in a few
days. For freight or p flagc, apply to the
master ooi?ard at Chefmitftreet wharf, or
Mar-it 1 31. - dtf
For Baltimore,
fiKuY ijEtfSONi Madier.
Bin en about 140- o is, is intended to fail
6)6- as her- '.liward ca go is dij- barged, un
hrf3 *r- fewr d- t*et»-♦*»- <» e-t-HiT- "----|
r -r i'. ight .ipply. to the Captain 01 board
« riall ilt ills wharf, or to
IVho htrvtr for Sale,
Cargo TenerirFe wine
And a !ewpipes Sweet Do.
ilxcelient S'aerry Wine in quarter calks
London P >r.rer in 42 gallon calks
White an(l Red Lead and Spamfh Brown
Tin plates in boxes
An aiT»itment of East India Fans, Nan
ke ns an 1 S lies
With a general aflortment of Merchandize
as it'trad \
a h Mo. i, 1794 dtf
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes,
A few bales Holland Dutk,
Ditto Oznaburgs,
Holland Shectbfg,
"Juniper Berncs,
GlassWare, oil. Tumblers and Mugs, va
rious sizes.
Sheathing Paper,
i win's Iron, square and flat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c.&c.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale—
fcculd application be made within a few days ;
otherwise Jhe will take freight for Amster
March 1, 1794. d—tf
The following Certifr
caic of the funded three per Cent Siock of the
Prtm ftic Debt of the -United States (landing on
Ihe books of the Treefu'v of the said United
Stafrj, in tl>e names of 'Donnald and Burton of
London, merrhants, and signed by Joseph
Nouffe, RegifteF of said Treatury, to wit
No. £g/6i, dated 2sih August 1792 for
and 53 ccn t*> wa S' ttanlmiued from Lon
don in the (hip Peter, Paul Hoffey, pi after,
hound for New York, and has been loft.—
The Subfcnber intending to apply to the Trca
fuiyof the. United Slates have the fame re
newed, defines all petfons who are inteiefted fyi
the W\6 certificate, to make their obje&tons
if any they have.
Francis Macy.
PhiUd. March 37. dSw
Wharton and Greeves,
lUtve removed their Counting Hpule from
Ware' ftrett, to Morton's what/,
IVhere tiny bf¥P e f cr Sale,
Madeira and sherry Wine,
fit for immediate tife
Gin in citfes,
Souchong Tea,
Slack Pepper,
RuJJia Mutts,
Jesuits Bark,
Co fee, and
Eighty Hhds.prirne Tobacco.
ftkiy j. d —_
City of VV>afliington.
THh Subl'cnbsrs to the Article* of Agree
ment of the u ColtTmbian Society" arq ie
qn«fVed to meet at Mr. det's 1 avem
rn th« crty of Phrladefphia, on Monday the
26til day of the prefect nvonth, at v 2 o ci«»<Jc
in order 10 ehoofe a boarti of Managers, &c«
in conformity with the 9th article of their a
Ja.mes Greenleaf.
, N. B. Dinner will b. o dertd on t»e Table
at 3 o'clock for such of tfie Suhfcribers as
may ehoofr to pass' a fecial bour affer the
of the day is ftnifhed.
May .5 d<-9.6M.
The Editor of the American Star propos
ing to publilfi his paper DALLY, without any
augmentatiirn of the prefeVtp iee, is obliged
r<>"ftifpend the publication of if until ilie i sfh
iwlK on account of some arrangements.
May 5- » 3 { .
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads a»d m casts of 50 boiilcs each.
also, v ,
A few cases Champaigiie Wiiie ;
In pipes,.hoaibeads and charier casks,-
No. in, South Fioiu ttiee:.
lan. 2, 1794.
No. 4.1, south Second ftreei,
Extract of a letter from a gen
tleman in America to a triend in England, on
( the Subject of Emigratioti—prite i-Bxh of at
, dollar.
Ecclefiaflical EflMifhmenls detrimental to
a State.
Price I 8 of a Dollar.
Ap'il 22. niw&Pyy
J ust Imported,
in the Ship Edward, Capt. Cra/idon, front
St. Petersburg in Riilfia,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz.
John Donnaldfon,
No. 21, Walnnt-ilreeU
March 4,1794. d "iw.itawtf
The annual election
Directors and a Treasurer
Library Company, of Philadelphia,.
, WILL he held at the Library, in Kiftn
street, 011 Monday the fifth of May next, at;
three e'clock 111 the afternoon,when the trea
f'uret will attend td receive the annual pay
As there are fevera! fbares on which fines
are due, the owners of them, or tUeir rep'e-,
fentative;, are hereby notified, that they will
I>3 forfeited, agreeably to the Uws of the
Company, unless the ftid arrears are paid off
on.the fifth day of May, or within ten days
, after.
By Order of the Directors.
April 7. m&wtsth May.
IIME office Df the President mid Directors
ef the Insurance Compa,ny of North
AMtRICA, is removed to JJo. 107, South
Front street, being-the south east corner of
From ai d Walnutftreets.
M»y 1. t&f i in.
An EfTay on Slavery,
l)ehgned to extribit in a new point of view
it* etfetts on morals, indujlry, and the peace oj
society. Somd fa£U and calculations are offered
c<> prove the labor of freemen to b t much more
produflive than that of jlaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
tabor ; and hence the n p ce(Tary conclusion, thai
flavfcrty is impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 35 Cents. dtf
February 15.
Old Lisbon Wine of a
fiiperior quality in pipes, imported ill the Ihip
Wil nington.
OID SHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter caflts, imported 1 in the brig Nancy
capt. Gwin. from Cadix
SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of
RAISINS, imported in ditto.
Particular TENERIfFfi WINES,in pipes
Uli'ifc. and quarter calks, imported in the OWp
Thomas, capt. Skinner.
A few quarter calks of old particular bill ,
of exchange MADEIRA WINE.
George Meade,
Who has alio, just arrived and ior fade
Lijbon Salt.
A quantity of empty BAGS for sale.
April $. w&sim.
"" (NO. 60 )
Dijlrid of Pennsylvania, to iuit :
Be it remembered that
on the twelfth day of ApWlin the eighteenth
year of the Independence of the (Jiiited'Stdtes
, of America, Benjairiin Davies of the said diA
t rift bath deposited in this office the title of a
map, the right whereof he claims as propri
ttpr, in the words following, to wit ;
a A Ground PJan of the 1 City atid Sub
{ " urbi of Philadelphia, tafaeh frbnl actual
" »—- —• - ; ittiiirr if
" of all the squares, streets and alleys in
" the City and liberties ; of the situation
" of all the principal public buildings ; of
" the rivulets, and as much of the 1 Canal
•' as lies within the compass of the "draft,
" by H- P. Folic : publilhed by the PropH
" etor, Benjamin Davies."
In conformity to the ast of the Congress of
tht United States, etititledan aift fbr the en
couragement of learning, by securing the co
pies of maps, charts'and books to the authors
and proprietors of Rich copies, during the
times therein mentioned.
Clerk of the Dlftril/lof Pehnfylvania.
April 9. vScS2W
And entered upon the fit ft of May,
The noted EJlate, called
JohnJon Hall:
Lying in the Moba w'< country, state of New
York, forpierly the feat of Sir William John
fori, containing about seven hoadred acres of
. laftd, which is of the very best quality ; toge
ther with the stock, and farming utenftls. The
buildings are large and convenient, and fit for
; a gentleman's f&t. The payments will be made'
easy, on good security. For further particulars
mqtfire of George Metcalf, Esq. onthe premis
es, of Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or
of the fubfetiber in*-Providence.
Jabez Bowen.
persons who
undertake to cut timber or wood ot any kind
whatever, from any lands of the real estate of
the late Richard Stockton Esq. deceased, in
the western prccinft of the county of Somerset
in the state of New Jersey, under a pretence of
a right to cut oh lands atfjacetit, are requeftedto
defilt ffonrfo doing, or they will be proceed
,d against in such manner as may prove trou
blesome and expensive to themselves.
' April 16. »w&sgw
Philad. April 22, 1794.
* * Notice, agreeably, to charter, is here
c. g-Tven to the members of the Corporation
■ for the Relief of Poor and DiJlreffedPrefby
tteriart Ministers, ctnd oj tbi Poor and Dif
tre/fed Widows and children of Prejbyterian
Mlnifters, that a meeting of said corporation
is to take place, on the 2id day of May next,
in the second Presbyterian church in the city
of Philadelphia, at 4 o'clock P. Mv for the
rlifpatch of all such bufirrefs as may then be
br<st»eWt before the board.
Secretary of tbe Corporation.
tuth&s6t 1
Tranjlaicdfrom the Ley den Gazette, March
1th —From Manheim Feb. 26.
Thtfe following are the most exact ideas
which we have of the petitions of the French
troops—The army of the Rhiney command
ed by General Michault, since the departure
of General Pichegrue, is divided into three
bodies—The firft which forms the left wing
has its head quarters in tRe valley of Neu-
Jtadt, and fends its patroles to Furckheim —
It now extends from Neivjladt to Franken-
Jiein, Tripjiadt, and Kay/erjlautem —The se
cond, of which the head quarters are at Schif
ferjladt occupies the borders of Rehbach. —
General Defaife has the cofnmand of the ad
vance giiard, the fame, who surprized, some
time since the' poll of Oggerjheim ; froih
whence he fends off from time to time de
tachments against Mundenheim ; polls which
are still occupied bp the German troops.—
The third body which is the principal,
and which is commanded by General Mich-
Milt iA p'erfon cbvefsStTie Rhine to the envi
rons of Spires and Germerjheim—His head
quarters which were the convent of Horil
■ bach, are transferred to Kircbe-veder due
league from Neuftadt. The French at Spires
and Germerjheim, are commanded by Gen.
Delmas—All these corps belong to the army
of tfi'i Rhine, since it is certain the ariAy (?f
the Mafe'Ne has quitted the environs of Deiii-
Ponts. The garrison of this city is : C6rit{sS
fed of ten thoufend troops, Bavarian Pala
tines ; one thousand grenadiers, 400 huflars,
and 300 Austrian artillery. General Count
Browne, returned the 16th of this month
from Moytnce, where he conferred wish the
Marechal Mollendarjf,, who takes,the dky af
ter fo-morfctW the chief command of the
Austrian army —which had been under GoUiit
Wallis, in confeq»ence of his being the oldest
General, and not the Prince of Wald*ck. —
Weare afliired that the Prince will immedi
ately quit this army to replace in Italy, 6en*
Fins, who retires on account of his age, or
perhaps some other cause.
I'TVnt w ■' i /L frfc .ucr.7ir-. f__
Kingston, March 28.
Extract of a letter from L'Arcahaye,
dated 21ft March;
" Yesterday all the vessels at Port au-
Prince, mads their escape from ther.ce,
but were prevented going further thaa
this by Captain Rowley and captain Per
kins. The cause of this sudden bufmtfs,
was owing to the parties there falling out;
-»-thecotifequcnce was dreadful: they put
all the better fort they could lay hold of
to death, which amounted to 600.
" From this tranfaftlon we may short
ly expert to be in poffeflion of it, but am ,
1 mUch afraid they Will set fire to the town
- before we get in ; they have destroyed the
plain close by it a few days ago. The
Brigands came within fix miles of this
town a few nights ago, and destroyed one
of the fineft buildings in St. Domingo,
and cut off the head of one unfortunate
fellow they found there.''
Foreign Intelligeitcc.
February 17.'
The American lntercourfe BiH was
read a third time and passed.
The Land Tax Bijl piaffed the Com
mittee of. the whole House, and p.erfons
profeffiag the Catholic Religion, wefe re
lieved from the customary charge of dou
ble Land Tax. They are to pay only
four shillings in the pound in future, like
other fubje&s.
The Malt Bill also passed a Coasiftit
tee of the whole House.
Mr. Wilberforce said that there had
been some npprehenfion by many that his
motion wottld go to the total abolition ps
the slave trade. His iaeason that fnbj«?6t,
went to that length some time ago, and he
had altered his sentiments upon that sub.
je£t, but the motion with which he fhoulj
conclude, was confined to the preventio n
of any supply by us to any of the foreign