Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, May 06, 1794, Image 3

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%!e enough—but paper that is once funded
that is not a tender for debt, that is the evi
dence of a just debt is full of all mifchiet'—
it is a corrupt influence. The whole mifchief
would vanish if the pledged faith of the pub
lic were broken, then our funded paper
would do for a lawful tender to pay debts. —
In a word a debt that is honestly due, and ho
nestly paid, is the spring head of corruption.
We- h?.ir that the President of the United
States will honor the Theatre with his pre
sence To-morrow evening. *
The late arrivals fromßourdeauJt, though
they might have bro't accounts to the middle
of March, do not appear to fnrnilh .my I'a
tisfaiftory, or authentic intelligence. One
French paper publi.hed in this city, gives the
mod dcplorabie account of the executions
which are flill continued there, and of the
great fearcity which prevails—while another
French paper fays that Bourdeaux is tranquil
—that the scarcity has not been felt as has
been published.
There are reports in circulation that
the embinjo in France was owing to the
American vefTels having fold their cargoes
of provifioiiSt in England and other ports,
and then repairing to Bourdeaux with
calh and credit only, to load for the Uiu- |
ted States ; and that the veflels whicli ar- \
rived here, were particularly released, be- ,
cause they had.carricd provisions dire&ly
to France. . ,
At an Election held yesterday afternoon,
at the Library, for ten Directors aid a Trea-
Jurer of the Library Company of Philadel
phia, for the ensuing year, the following
gentlemen were duly chol'en, -viz..
JO'IAH HE\V r ;8,
Vhjs evening the lovers of music are
promised another feaft at the Pnofcffional
and Am iteur concert. Tin's City could
never hoaft of poflefiing an equal number
of performers of equal talents. The pie
res for this evenmg's entertainment are
judiciuufly chotuV Tl. • hattlf of
Prague alone, which has never been per
formed here in full band, will no doubt
attradl many amateurs.
Yesterday, in the House of Represen
tatives of the United States, a reiolution
was palled which exempts from the embar
go, a!l (hips or veffela" in the forts of the
United States that are now loaded and
bound to China, or the East-Indies.
Fx!ral! of a Letter from Baltimore dated
ijl May, 1794.
" This day a Certain Captain R—:—,
commanding a brig owned by Mr. Dela
port, of this town, was imprudent enough
to reverse the colours of the United S,tates
and hoi 11 the Britilh above. The People
of the Point, enraged thereat, called him
to account—but, instead of attempting to
vindicate himfelf,he abufedthe Americans,
their measures, government, &c. in the
molt opprobious language— upon which
he was tarred and ftathcred, brought to
town, and led through all the streets, ac
companied by a great concourse oPpeo
p'e, huzzaing at every corner. R ,
is an American.
" I have alio to inform you, that two
B.fnfh brigs(privateerß) belonging to that
scoundrel Emery, of St. Kitts, have ar
rived at Norfolk. The Captains attempted
to evade being difovered, fecretedtheirguns
!» the holds of the veflels, where they were
buried in fait, and went under pretence of
procuring provisions. It being discovered
who they were, the inhabitants of the town
aflembled, fn'zed the vessels, and carted the
the two captains, clothed with tar and
feathers, through the principal .streets of
Norfolk. I had this information from
Pitt the Pilot, who fay 6 he was an eye-wit
nei'sto the scene the day before yesterday."
* The preceeding extra 3 is copied from
the American Daily Advenifer of this mom
">S- 1
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, May 5.
A .V^ ter l / rom Falmomh (England) ,
dated March 19, to a gentleman in this 1
1 city, dates—That the Saturday prints
fay, our cruizers arc ordered to bring in
all Danish veflels. The Turkish Am
bafT «or has left St. Pcterfburgh—and
Robelpierre has abfeonded from Paris.—»
The Packet goes to Halifax with two
•By a gentleman who came paflenger in
the (Tiip Draper from Dublin* we are in
form that 1300 men had been sent to Bel
faft by government, for the puipofe of
preventing an inlurrefkion, which, appa
rently, would have taken place, had it
not been for the troops.
Yesterday arrived ship Severn, in 45
days from Bristol—-and brig Orange,
Carbery fn 42 days from Dublin.
By the above arrivals we have received
London papers to the 18th March. The
paragraphs which follow, are copied there
from. Other extracts to-morrow.
LONDON, March 18.
It is said, that an examination of a ve
ry serious ai'pect to the parties concerned
h.i; been some time in hand at the Admi
ralty, relative to the loss of poor Capt.
: Cook, and his boat's crew.
i A letter from the Hague, dated March
: 'the 6tn, fays—" The current report here
since yesterday, is, that RulSa has decla
red war the Porte."
The ISOO men sent by the King of
Naples to join the army in Piedmont,
will be commanded by the Austrian Ge
' neral, Zeuthner.
The Duke of Modena is to give
200,p00 ducats to defray the expences
of the war ; and it is hoped that with
this aid, and that of the other states of
Italy, the army in Piedment can be raised'
to 120,000 men. The Croats who arc
to form a part of it are now on their
march through Carinthia.
The Senate of Venice,, pressed by the
ministers of the coalesced powers, has, it
is said, returned for anfvver, that it should
regulate its conduct by that of the Otto
man Porte; and that should the Porte
be forced into a war, the Senate of Ve
nice will determine 011 an armed neutrali
The emigrant corps in the frrvice of the
Dutch, lately discharged for mutinous
behavior, in can fide ration of their past
services, have had their arms restored, and
are again admitted to the honors of the fer
The equipment of some ships of the
line, which was to have begun on the 24th
ult. in the Daniih ports, has been put off,
on account of the late fire at Qhiittiaiif.
The Dutch squadron at anchor in the
port of Leghorn has no other object than
to ftrengilien the good underilanding
which fnbfifts between the States-General
and the Regency of Algiers, and hascon
fiderable presents on board for that pur
pole. This squadron, however, may al
io clear the Mediterranean of the French
corsairs which infect it.
A letter from Dieppe, dated the 27th
of February, and brought by a fifhing
boat, contains the following interesting
details refpefting the army of the Royal
Their army augments daily ; it at this
time conlifts of above 60,000 men, arm
ed, and divided into troops, exclusive of
a number of brave royalists who have re
tired tor a time, and who begin to rejoin it.
The Limoufin, is in a full ttate of in
furreftion, and they hope will be able to
join the royalists of Lavendee.
In Lower Normandy 7000 men have
taken up arms under a brave commander.
Aflemblies are also taking place at Di
againft whom the Convention have
sent troops ; but they desert, or refute to
march. In faift, every thing promiies a
general infurreftion.
Intelligence is received, that the French
have for the present changed their inten
tions of visiting Gi-eat Britain, fir ft i u .
tending the conqueftof the ifiand of Jer
sey. The force is col!e6Ld at' St. Maloes;
the number announced is 10,000. The
force at Jerfey, CO nfifts of J)4oo> 4COO us
which is militia.
It is rumoured that an order is given to
our ships of war and cruisers to make
prize of all Danish veflels, and to refufe
payment of the dues oil passing the Sound.;
and that this is done to force the court of
Denma'k to declare war against Fiance,
i he Danes are fitting out twelve fail of
r r£ "- e ' V P rotc< their neutrality.
1 here is reason, however, to apprehend
hat the court of Denmark, is fecrctly in
clined to favor the French Revolution,'and
to render it assistance.
, - ■* •' 1 - - "I
Several of the American veflels which
had been taken or detained, as having
pot-nfh as part of their caigoes, and bound
to Holland and other parts, have been
prrmited to depart, but without any pay
ment of demurrage. There are and have
been Ihips of this description in almost e
very port in the channel.
Perpignan remains in jtoffeffion of the
Intelligence has been received from Ita
ly, that 6000 AuftrianS have polfeffed
themselves of>the important poll of Von
timigin, by which it is rendered impofii
ble fur riie French to penetrate into Italy
by the Genoese territory.
No less than eighty-seven Britiih manu
factuiers, allperlons of property, embark
ed in the river last week for America ; a
mong them, are several baizemakers from
Suffolk, where the woollen manufactory,
it seems, is totally at a (land.
AMSTERDAM, March 10.
We learn from Petei (burgh, that the
Turkifli Ambaflador left that place on the
loth of last month, after having delivered
to the Imperial Minister a-memorial refpec
tiug certain objects which the two Coiirts
cannot bring to an amicable termination.
General Balbaroake, who received this
Ambaflador when he arrived on' the fron
tier, is ordered to accompany him thither
0/1 his return, and to be present then at the
exchange of the two refpe&ive Ambassa
dors ; tar M. Kuturoff, who waited only
for the arrival of a fuccefior at Constanti
nople, will depart immediately.
From a London paper of March 17, re
ceived by the Severn', from Briitol.
Two hundred letters which were on
board the Boston Packet, some time since
taken by the French, were on Saturday
received at the general. poll-office, from
Jersey, where the Boston Packet is arriv
ed, having been given up by the French ;
remittances to a very large amount arc said
to be contained in these letters.
Letters brought by Capt. Sa/age of the
Camilla, who failed from Virginia the 18th
of February, state, that on the day on
which he failed, two French men of war
of 74 guns, two frigates of 40 guns, and
two of 18 and 16 guns were turned into"
Hampton Road; the Ambuscade and two
other French frigates were already there,
in- consequence of this intelligence insur
ance to America has arisen from five to
eight guineas per cent. ,
Yesterday afternoon, another infamous
character, with a label in large letters, de
noting him to be an " American P/rate"
was exhibited through the street?, with
all the honors and insignia, attendant up
on a coat of " Tar and Feathers
Ship Caroline, Gerrifh, Jamaica 26
Sehr. Hope, Town, Charleston 11
Freedom, Burnet, Virginia, 12
Sloop Enterprise, Bradford, N. York. 6
Harmony, M'Coimick, Savannah 9
Samuel, Smith, do. 10
Dolphin, Kentee, do 14
Brig Hiram, Childs, Warren
Sch'r Jolly Robbin, Price, Falmouth
Columbia,Tupman, Frederickfburgh
Sally, Skinner, Hartford
Slo'op Eliza, Davis, C. N. Mole
Captain Gerrilh, 26 days from Kings
ton, Jamaica, informs, that Captain Bar
ney, in the (hip Sampson, was to have
(ailed for Baltimore in 12 days, having
obtained feeurity for the value of his ship.
Several vefiels were liberated in like man
ner, but the cargoes of all were detained.
A number were sent in shortly before
Captain Gerrilh failed.—Flour at 8 dol- ,
lars, and beef 10. All the ports of the ;
island were juil opened for provisions in
American bottoms, aqd such supplies ex
pected that the flour in store was felling
□ff at auction.
Arrived at New-York, May 5.
Ship Active, Seaman, .Liverpool
Draper, Collins, Dublin
Severn, , Bristol ,
Orange, Carberry, Dublin '
Sloop Nabby, Beebee, St. Bartholomew's
The Swift, Steele, arrived at Belfalt in
16 days from this port.
Boston, April 16.
Arrived (hip Fame, Capt. Davisj from Li
verpool, 64 days. By papers and-letters bro't
in her, we learn the particulars that follow :
The lhip Delight, of this port, Capt. Isaac
Bridges, is fafe arrived at Amsterdam.
On Saturday, Jan. 25th, the lhip George,
of Bolton, Silas JDogget, mailer, from Nor
iolk, was 101 l on the Oaredge, off the Isle of
Shappy. The people all got fafe on lhore,
at Margate, in the boat.
On the 22(1 Jan. the brig Columbus, Ger
rard, from Copenhagen for Boston, was fpok
tn with by Capt. Birtie, in lat. 34, J7) out
114 days, in want of provisions, but the wea
ther being bad, could not be supplied.
The news of the spoliation on the Ameri
can commeroe, in the Weft-Indies, arrived
in England, the beginning of February.
The following velfels were up for Boston,
at Liv rpool, Feb. 13. Ship Sally, Tew;
brig Sally, Johnson ; and (hip Townfend,
Winch—besides one for Norfolk, four for
Baltimore, two for Philadelphia, and two
for New-York.
Sailed from Liverpool, Feb. 6th, lhip Wif
caffet, Holbrook, for Massachusetts.
Letters from Capt. Dowse, of this town,
dated Antigua, March »?, mention, that or
ders had been received there for the release
of American vessels, and that he with his
vessel and cargo, expected to fail from that
liland the next day.
Ninety fail of American vessels passed the
Sound, in 1793* —Of all nations the number
was 9931.
Extract of a letter from London, March 18.
" The merchants have applied for a. con
voy for a fleet to New-York, which has been
granted by government; it is to be a 74"and
a frigate.
C/" The Letter from and
other favors Jhall be pullfhed to-morrow.
Far Baltimore,
PiRkY Benson, Master.
Burthen about 140 cons, is intended to fail
ae fiJOL. as her inward caigo is difVharged, un.
It ft freight fhoulc! offer to detain her. *
For freight apply to the Captain on board
at Hamilton's wljarf, 01 to
IVho have fnr Sale,
Cargo TeneriiFe wine
And a lew pipes sweet Do.
Excellent She: ry Wine in quarter casks
London Porter in 42 casks
Whfte and Red Lead and Spamfh Brown
Tin plates in boxc?
An aff.rtment of East India Fans, Nan
keens and Silks
With a>general assortment of Merchandize
as ufiia 1 .
SthMo. 5, 1794 dtf
A quantity of stout well made Men's size
SHOES, adapted ior the Southern market, for
sale at
No. 36, North Third Jlreet.
May 6 mw&fioc
By Particular
May 7.
Will be performed,
A COMEDY, called the
Provoked Hujband:
O R,
. A Journey to London.
Lord Townly, Mr. Fennell
Manly, Mr. Green
Sir Francis Wronghead, Mr. Morris
Count Basset, Mr. Finch
Squire Richard, Mr. Bliffet
John Moody, Mr. Bates
Poundage, Mr. De Mouliu
Conftaßle, Mr. WarreU
James, Master WarreU
Lord Townly's servant, Mr. Darley, jun.
Lady Townly, Mrs. Morris
Lady Grace, Mrs. Francis
Lady Wronghead, Mrs. Shaw
Mils Jenny, Miss Broadhurll
Myrtilla, Mrs. Cleveland
Trusty, Miss Willems
Mrs. Motherly, Mrs. Bates
To which will be added, a new serious PAN
TOMIME, originally performed at the
Theatre in Paris, cailed
La Foret Noire ;
O R,
The Natural Son.
Places in the Boxes to be taken at the Box-
Office of the Theatre,at any hour from nine
in the morning till three o'clock in the after
noon, on the day of performance. Tickets
to be had at the office near the Theatre,, at
he corner of Sixth-ftreet,and atCarr & Co's
Muficalßepofitory, No. 121, Market-street
Boxes, one dollar—Pitt, three quarters
of a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar.