> % office of the rrefxSent and Director! i. *f th; INSURANCE company of Njkth America. i* iemoved to No. iJ?, South Fro-it it tit, being the foutli call corner of Fionta d Waihut ltieets. yi v 1 rl-f 1 m. —NO. 2.1— Second Jfreety bctvjmn Market and Cbtfnut Jireets, Pb'tLulfipbia. POYNTELJ.' S AMERICAN MANUFACTORY OF PAPER HANGINGS, WHERE be keeps up a constant ftotk of ten thdufand pieces for sale, comprising every of colours, in grounds and figures, of the most modern and tasty patterns, tor eve ry part of .a house. The perffftion in this manufactory, in peculiar neatness "f workinanfhip, durability of colours} variety jn designs, and good quality ot the paper, will be found to exceed any European papers at the fame moderate prices. An elegant variety of rich fancy feftoon &: narrow borders, and of stucco and other co loured pannel papers. Plain grounds made to any colour or ftiadc. "Wholesale orders for any quantity, from the country or for exportation, executed on a ihort notice, o,n advantageous tenus, oa usual credit. In addition to the above affbrtment, he has a beatitifbl variety of French paper hangings of very superior quality, (Piris raanufjftory) with a variety offtich Border#. April 25 tuth&szw (NO. 60 ) " ' Diflrili of Pennsylvania, to wit t Be it remembered that «n the twelfth day of April in the eighteenth jezr of the Independence of the United Slates of America, Benjamin Davies of the said dif trrtfi hath deposited in this office the title of a map, the right whereof he claims as propri etor, in the words following, to wit; 4< A Ground Plan of the City and Sub " urbls of Philadelphia, taken from actual (i flirvey ; containing an exact description " ps all the squares, streets and alleys in u the Gity and Liberties ; of the situation i( of all the principal pu v >l»c buddings; of u the rivulets, and as ihuch of the Canal u< as fie-iwithin the compass of the draft, u by H. P. Folic : published by the Propri " etor, Benjamin Davies." In cohfot mity to the ast of the Congress of the United States, entitled an ast for the en cou* ageme.it of learnmj;, by securing the co pies of mips, charts and books to the authors and prop iet >rs ofjuch copies, during the times therein mentioned. SAMUkL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Dutritftof Pennsylvania. April 9' W&S2W A New Novel. - nil ■" To the LADIES of Philadelphia. ' This Day is PubE/fred by MATHEW CAREY, TiS, Market street, Pricr, bound, hve-eighihs of a dollar, sewed in aible paper, hall a dollar, Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUM ES. By Mrs. RO'vVSON, of the New Theatre, "Pftladelphia, Author of Vifloria, the In quisitor, the F-.lle de Chambre, &c. Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have given the following character. IT may be a Tale ol" Truth, for it is not unnatural, and it is a talc of real diitrefs.— Charlotte, by the artifice of a teachei, recom mended to a fch >01, from hnmanitr rather than a cinri&ioT of her integrity; or the re. gularity of her former conduit, is enticed from her goveri ek, and accompanies a young officer toAmeiica—The marriage ceremo ny, if not forgotten, ijL postponed, aod Char lotte d es a martyr tb'the inconstancy of her over, and treachery ol his friend —The litu tio:js a ; artlei's and ajfe&ing—i hfe defcrip. atio s natural and pathetic; we ihould feel for Charlotte if i'uch a person ever existed, who for one eror scarcely, perhaps, delerved so feve-e a punifliment. If it is a fiction, poetic juitice is not, we think, properly dif trfbuted Said Carey has jujl published, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled iv Elihu Barker, price one dollar and two thirds. War Atlas, containing maps of France, Garina iy, Spa n,ltaly, the United Provinces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price tw" dollars. Map of Ne>v Jersey—Hals a dollar. Maps of Vt rmont, Conrieflitut, Delaware, Georgia—Price three eighths of a dollar •*«aeti. . Aoril 20 ■ - Just Imported, 111 the Ship Elkvhrd, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peter Iburg in Ruflia, * And now landing at South-street Wlurf, viz. HM EMI', BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, ■RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's bristles. AS'D FOR f ALE BY J oh) i Ddnnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-flreet. dlw3tawtf March 4,1794. The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM 4CTVM SURtTSf. IT is with pleafiire that the publiflier has to inform hisfublcribers and the public in cent ra], that the p ate is now under the hands of rhe engraver,.and in greater forwardness than ivas at contemplated. At the fame time h? begs leave to r-mind them, that subscrip tion papers arefti open at molt of Che noted book-stores in the city ; iiid that he hopes from the whole of tiiem to be enabled to ft> m such a refpeftable caia ogu? of natnei, as will do a credit to the worKjj well as afford a returnable encouragement to the Thole who are delirous trt farther informa. tion are ien of a Committee of ihe Superintendents, as soon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timety notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N Cornming, of Newaik, Jacob R. Wardenbeig, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trentoo, as immediate Managers thereof, who j have given Simple fecuiity for discharging the trutt repoied in them. (£3" In order to secure the punctual payment pf the Prizes, the Superintendantsof the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers (hail each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fuffiVent o lh« Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. t On application to either of the above gentle men, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. Just Imported, In thejhip Abigail, Captain Horton, from St Peterjburgh in RuJ/ia, and now landing at KvJftlTi 'wharf, HEMP, > :r f -> RUSSIA SHEETINGS, ; RAVENS DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, And for sale !■• ihe (lores of thefubfwiber i» Walnut fttect, ' April 4. i,M ■fit *■:.{ ¥%& >■ - • - -*5,060 *9,<*>o '• J • ■ 36,000 81,000 —*2 ! off, bar iron, John Donnaldfon. diw w&.tl; The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bilts of the Bank 6f the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bilts of tlx Bank of North America, fe-veral erf which have appeared in circulation within a fe, to touch the top of the M. would extend con siderably above the-range ps the \V-huie word. In the word United the lettsrs are narrow, erand closer than the reft of the bill The i and.y m the word promise are not parallel, the yinclining much more iorwarJ than tjie i. The engraving is badly executed,the strokes of all the Letters are stronger and the devie in themargii- particularly is risuch coarser and appeals darker rfian itr the true bills. Some el the counterfeits bear date in I 791 —Where- as the Bank was not in operation till Decern ber, and no five dollar bills were iflued in ihat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have'aooeared have the letter ALL that have" appeared have the letter B. for their alphabetical mark. Tftey are printed on a paper nearly fjmtlar to that of the couitfer&it Five Dollar Notes above dcfcnbed ; the en£r"sfvir\g is bette' exe ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap pearance of the genuine biJls. The fine ruled lines through the word Twen ty, in the body of the bill, are in number th r» tqen in the genuine b«lis, and but twelve in the counterfeits. Tj'fie word Company is much like the ff/ne Word in the Five 1 Dollar B lis &s defer ibed a bove, the o being less than the and others following. There is no'ftroke to the fin the word North whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well defined The let Cert eat in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do nor come down to , the line, hot are fa cqt as to give an irregular J appearance to the word, the Tw and 'bey go- . ing below them. The fjgnaiure 1 Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamb-black and | oil, and differs from other inks used in printing the bills a»d the cafhiei's lignatuie. It is fuopofed thefc forgeries were committed in some of lh • Southern States, as all the coun terfeits thai have appeared, have come from thence, and two perfofts have been apprehend ed in on fuipicion of being the author of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to auy Peifon or Perfops who lhall difco-vei and profecuie to convict.on the feveial offenders of the following descriptions or any of them, viz. The perfori or pcrfrns, Who manufactured thepaper on which the Bills arc printed. The pier fan ar pet lons, who engraved the plates. The printer or prinrers, «f the bills. Every person who has a£led as a principal in any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter ing the said b'lis. Pniladielphia, March 28, 1794 April 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the Uni ted States have appeared in circulation.. The denomination is of TWENTY DOL LARS,and the alphabetical mark is the let ter B. They may be distinguished from the genu ine by the following MARKS : The paper of the counterfeits is of a more tendjr texture and gloffey furface than the genuine, and there is no water mark in them. The letter C. in the word Cashier, in the true WHS is strongly riiarked, whereas in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an ufifinilhed state. The letters in the wo-d demand, is badly formed and the whole word ill done, and there is no comma at the end of it, as there is in the genuine bilh. The nparginal device, is much da>ker in the fa He, than in the genuine bills owing to the shade strokes being coarfc, much nearer together, and consequently much more nu merous.TKis cfifference firlkes the eye at firft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLAJRS,. will he paid for apprehending, & profeciitjng so tonviftion tie several above described Offenders in iefpeut pict pour faire a !a voile avec des bonr.es ac commodations poor prfendre paffogers a hord. April 29. 3 _ ANKEENS. Nankeens cf Superior Quality, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. April 21. mw&ftf PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOHN FENNO, No J South Fourth-Street.