c. evening ad ye r t I s e r. [No. 122 of Vol. v.] Tuft Imported, , In the Ship ApoHo, Capt. Fitr.patrick from Arofterdam, and now landing on Walout-ftreet wharf, viz. Gin if P ! P L ' s \ , , _ , A few bales Holland Duck, * Ditto Omnburgs, , :Holland Sheetpg, Jumper Series, Ghtfs ft'arii viz. Tumblert and Mugn, ua rious fines. g| Siiiei'tljinz Paper, Suedes iron, square and flat bars, Hair Ktbba.li, No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, Aqtmt 'J -of Junk and Oakum, tS?t. £yc. FOR SALE BY THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. "The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— ibouhtnppbcjiion be made it'itnm a few (lavs , Btherwife jhe -will late freight for Amjler- Jam. March I, 179+- d—rf ! To be Let, For Mc-rehants Co,r.pting Hottfes or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses; HAiVl>fG 6 i>v ui» each, with file placM ltefi4« pane's, fruate on rhe south welter ly/rde of l>»ck ftrrei, between Pear and Walnut ft recti. £;q u >?r of BENJAMIN fr. MORRIS. Affril 17. ;iith&atf Excellent CLARET, In hogiheads and in cases oI 50 ootties each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, hoj>lbeads a«d quarter casks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. tn, Soutn Front ttreeu T*rt. 2, 1794. rjtf Lately Published. v* 'f S-e i. t> BY - Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Streets T.-iL Niltory ol NfW H inplhirf, from (he EJ (cover yof rhe R vtr Ps '.jtaqua—tiy Je nmiai BeJinap, D. D 3 Vols. Price jn Boards, 4 M D >ll rs. The Fprrcftcr, an American Fable, being a Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier. < Pice, 75 Cms A Discourse, iritended to commemorate the Difcovtry ot America bv ChnttopherColum bus; delivered at the rcqueft of the Hiftoncal Society in MafTacbufeits, O&dber 23d, 1792, being the completion of lhe Third Ceii u»y, since that memorable event. To which are added, Four Donations, conrue&ed with the fukjeffc—By the fame author Pi ce. 50 Cents. iCl'-irch tmh&rl^w For Amsterdam, The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP gjg ADRIAN A, K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was-in tendedfor a Liverpool Trader, will fail with ad convenient speed. For freight orpafTage, having cxc'eHent accommodations, apply on board at Walnut street wharf, or to THOS. y JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Paflengers will be landed ,in Eng land if retjttired. March 6/1794 dtf For Sale or Charter, John Moore y Majler. IS a flout good veflel, about two years old, burthen 232 ton*, has only made three voy ages, and may be lent to Tea at a fmail ex pence. She maybe seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made known bv appl-cation to WHASTON '& LEWIS. March 2\. dtf For Norfolk & Fredericks burgb, SALLY, John Earl, Mailer. A itaunch good veflel, will fail in a few days. For freight or p flage, apply to the mailer on board at Chefnut street wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONT & SON. March 31. dtf I < - . t #£ tljt fiiitfeji J| FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, "♦ Market-Street, An EfTay on Slavery, L' - finned to exuibit in a new point ol view h» eftefcts bh mbra/s, indujtry, and the pftcc of fociity. Some ta&s and calculations arc utietcd to prove the iabor of Jrccmcn to be much mote productive than that ot Jlaves ; that concur its are ricn, powerful and'happy, in proportion as the Juoriog people enjoy the frurts of their oVn »at>or ; and hence the cancluGon, that flavory is impolitic as well ,s unjust. PRiCfc 25 Cent*. dtf February 15. The following Certifi- C-itc of the iuiwied ihtic per C ere S:ot k of the 1 Domekic Deot ot the United .States tMndisrg on tne books ot the Trcalui y oI thi laid United . States, in the names ot Donnuld and Bur ton of r London, metchanti, and signed bv J »ltph ; v -, Reg liter of laid Tftaiury, to v. a - a * dated lor 219,^9 dollar and 53 cents* was ti arflmiu't-d fiotn Loo dop m lhip Pete 1, Paul Huifey, mailer, bound for New York, and has been loft.— TheSubicnber intending to apply to ttae Trea lury of the Uuited States 10 have the fomc re newed, rfcGies ail pcifous wilo are interefte'd in the laid cerilticaie, to make their objctlious thereto, it any they havp. Francis Macy. March 47. d6w ADVERTISEMENT. OF' the jnuney robbed from ilie mail near Baltimore, by Doftot Gant, Iljdolla s w.erc alter wards sent by Jrt unknown hand, to the Poftinafter at Baltimore, who transmitted tie fame to the General Post Office. Tne fut f.-rers by that rjbbery are delii ed to state thti amount at their Jolles and mit the fame, with the original letters ofc tbeir correfpjndents recovertd) or other evidence the'reof to the General Folf Office, before ;he firll jtay of June next, immediate ly at er which a dividend will be made among the claimants. TIMQTHr PICKERING, Post Mafler General. Geo. Pod Office, April 4, 1794 iaw6w Concluding Sales. THE Sub triber having entered into Co partnership with Mr. John Bartholomew in tlte of Sugar Refining, will difp6'c of the Remaining Stock on hand, CONStSTINO OF Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares, Plated Coach & Saddle Furniture, &e. &c. By Wholesale at Prime Cofi for Cash. John Dorfey, No. 22, North Jd itreet. n ' 1 t n tii &16 w Treasury Department, Revenue Office, April 19, 1794. NO FICE h hereby g ven, that proposals j will be received at theoifice of the Commif- j fioner of the Revenue until the sixth of May 5 next inclusively, for the fuppiy of all Ra- \ tions, which may be required during f* e cur- c rent year, at the" city of Philadelphia, for c the recruiting service. -5 The rations to be furnifhed are to conflft c of the following articles, viz One pound of bread or flour. One pound of beef, or 3 4of a pound pork Hill a gill" 6f run, brandy or whisky Ore quart ot fait, Two quarts vinegar ( _ Two p Hinds soap Per 10(5 rat,ons ( Ofie pouhd caudles 3 April 2». m woe saw FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, j Old Lisbon Wine of a sup rior quality in pipes, imported in.the ship s Wilnington. y OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality j in quarter casks, imported in the brig Nancy s capt. G>vin, from Cadiz. S SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of > RAISINS, imported in ditto. 5 Particular TENERIFFF. WINES,in pipes s hhds. and quarter calks, imported lit the fhrp i* Tnomas, capt.' Skinner. A few quarter cafki of old particular bill of exchange MADEIRA WINE. George Meade, h Who has also, just arrived and for file A SMALL CARGO OF '' Lisbon Salt. I A quantity of empty BAGS fer falc. ft April 5. w&sim. .' » . AND Monday, May 1794. 18, The annual election for Dire&ors and a Treasurer ? OF THE ■ of Company of Philadelphia WU-L oe heid at the Library, in Fill olt ree t, on Monday the fifth of May next, « ar( . tii ''ee o'clock in the afternoon, when the tre: the iur cr will attend to receive the annual paj wu fci.caJs. there are fevera. /hares on which fine a-re due, the owners of them, or their rep<€ fentative?, are hereby notified, that they wi be forfeited, agreeably to the laws of th » Corvpany, ttnicjs the ft*d arrears are paid o: I- on the fifth day of May, or within ten day he after. on By Order of the J3ireftors. C(i BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, (> f Secictary ph April 7. m&w tsth May. ~ JUST PUBLISHED, 39 BY . THOMAS DOBS ON, ji.ookfelUr, at the Stone House in SecondJlreet. Pbtiddefphw, , c n " VOLUME XI OF » ENCYCLOPAEDIA, OR A Didionary of Jlrts, Sciences, aud Miscel laneous Literature., ON a plan enti.ely new ; by which the di.f jr ferent sciences aud arts are digested iuto the rc form of diilinft tieatifes or fyltems. This ie volume Contains the articles, meda'fs, medi 'd c ' l,e > metallurgy, mctaphyfics, methndift-,, j". Mexico, (nicroicope, imdwifry, and a great variety ot' biographical and mU'cellaneous ar licles, illuftraled with nineteen copperplates, ir OS" Thic rabies of logarithms, Sec. » rich ;r were deficient in the tenth volume, are sub Cj joined to this. 5 . Eleven volumes if this wonk are now pub ,g lilhed, and the XUth is in iome lbrwardnels On the firft of Septembe , 1792, the price of lubTiript ion was incriafed T£N dollars on all tctts not taken before that tune. The tub >v fenption is Itill open 011 thel'e terms, and it any copies remain by the si.it of Jul) next,ihe price will be railed TEN dojlars more, on any copies which may be fubfci ibed for after that period. n *,* As many of the fubferibers have taken c only two, thtee or four, &c. volumes, they are earneltly requested to take up and pay for tne remaining volumes, as it bt ijoijies dilficult to complete the setts, and the publillier does not hold him.etf bouud to make up any setts after J the firit day of July next. Ap il 22. ' m&t 6w. TO BE SOLD, And • 1 le cd üboirthc hrlt o: May, The noted Ejlate, called Jobnjin Hail: Lying m the Molaawk country, ftatc of Yoik, tormcrly the feat of Sir William J »bn lon, containing about seven hundred acres of land, which is of the very brft quality ; toge ther wiih the it >ck, and farming uteniils. Tne buildings arc large and convenient, and fit for 3 gentleman's feat. The payments will be made eaty, on good security. For furtlfcr particulars enquire ot George Meicaif, Esq. on the preiml- of Silas Talbot, Elq. at Philadelphia, of Samui 1 Ward and Brothers, in New York, or of the lubferiber in Providence. Jab ex Bow en. ADVERTISEMENT. SALES at NEW-TORK, by A. L. BLEELKER iff SONS, On Thurfdjy the 15th May next at Twelve o'clock at the Tontine Coffee Houle, THE FOLLOWING .TraSts of Land\ In Watkins and Flint'?, purchase, ill the coun ty of Tioga, {late of New York. The containing acres. Southwell quar. of Townft.p No. 2, ' 9,424 Northwest do. do, 4, 5.647 Northeast do. do. 6, 10,525 Southwell do. do. 7, 9300 Southwest do do. 8, 3.P53 Northwest do. do. 6,150 Southeast do» do. 9, 6,2 Jo SiJutheaft do, do. 9,000 Northwest do. do. 10, 10,475 70,521 Thefelands»re rapidlyencreafmgin value, large fettletfierHS are already madi-Mn several of tne the goodnel's of foil, and 'h? advantages in point of situation being so well known, render any further defcript ion I unnecelTary. Ani pof the tracts and condi tions qf lale may be seen at No. 10, Queen ft.eet. New Yoik. April 10. tuth&st!4M [Whole From the General Advertiser. To the Editok of the General Advertiser. Sig., EVE RY kind of condudt which has a j public effect is a proper fubjed of Ihe press, hence pulpit abuse, and pulpit impro i- pieties are not exempt from this tribunal, r. It is full time that a gown or black coat should cease to Shield a man fipm the cen s lure which mifconducl deserves ; for it is II " ot * profejlon, but his virtues that e . ' belter him from reproach. Merit fT is entitled to reverence and esteem whether s it is enclosed in homespun or brocade, and ill-natuie, illiberally, bigotry, or hypocri* iy ought to be exposed though covered bf a mitre. Humility, meekness, charity, peace and goodwill to all men ought to en ter into the composition of every man who profeffes to preach the gospel, and he who is devoid of such attributes, is nu better, li as good as the deist that he reviks. I have been led to these reflections by a publication tinder the' name of James Abercrombie, which appeared in your paper of this day. If it was the inten-* Jkht of that gentleman to exculpate him ie!f from the charge made by some of your correfpjndents, by an extract from his fer mon,he has lpillakcn his capacity, and has underrated the understanding of the pub lic. He is charged with abuling the French nation, and how has he acquitted himfelf of it ? By using almost the fame language which Pitt used in the House of Commons, and charging them with ir religion ! Religion is supposed n.-ceffary to every man of virtue, and to fay that a man is devoid of it, is to charge him with "wee. Mr. A. has called them a nation of deists, and his abuse would not have been icfs. had he called thera a nation of rascals, for deism and rascality must be fy nonimous. But let me aflc what had his sermon to do with France ? Had he taken a political text, that it was neceflary to lug her into his sermon neck and shoulders ? Or was he fearfnl that his present profeflion was to be supported by bigotry and fuperjlitian and that as the French had crumbled theirt into dull, their a tars were insecure here ? Or was he disposed to plead th » cause of the combined despots, and make his essay to alienate the American heart from France? A prcacher must be much at a loss sos a fubjeft, or he must have an uncommon portion of gall in his composition, who could arraign the religion of France at the bar of America! 1 hat nation has cer tainly the right to judge for itfelf in th« important concern of its own happiness; and the conforming clergy theiehave as much right, and would haveaa much justice on their fide, to traduce thi preachers here as they have to traduce them. The French revolution is no text for a preacher of the gospel, it would furnifh a fubiime one for a preacher of politics; but as the gospel contemplates peace, and politics war, the difciplfes of the one are very unfit to be the difeiples of the other; to mix them, therefore, is to produce ail heterogeneous compound, not correfpotu dent with the pacific character of religion, and mtlft require a mind much better fit-' ted for scenes of tumuh and blood; than the mild tranquil aad beneficial {hade of the gospel. I did not hear the sermon complained of, and was disposed to doubt the truth of the charge against Mr. A. but his irifen* ded juuihcation hsg made stronger impref. fiors on my mind, than the paragraphs to which he replies could pofiifcly have done • for he has left no doubt with me that he « unfriendly to a revolution, which has t.he happiness of mankind for its object, and that he is disposed to contribute his mite to produce abhorrence of it in the American world. Whether such a dispo sition u fitted for Mr. A's present profcf ljon I will leave to the benevolent heart to determine. Saturday. NO PHARIS-EE, / 3 1 t o. 51 B.]