EVE N IN G AD V E R T I S E R. "" i No. 120 of Vol. V.] Fiu DAY, May 2, 1794. ' . [Whole No. 51 6.J Tuft Imported, I„ At Ship Apollo, Cat*. Fitzpatnck, frctn Amsterdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. Gin in pipes* r Afw Holland Ducky Ditto Qznabwge, JZtdLvtd Shtet^>%> and Mug',™' rioits , r zes. Sheathing Pap'r, Swedes iron, fqrare and flat bars, J//3, r — Htbbaiid, \o. 4" anJ Oakum, r dc.y c. FOR. SALS THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. «77„ n'^nx-rmniienedShip is f" r &u»— Co (rddapplication be mad* within a few days ; a: Mr-wife Jhe wi'd-taie freight for Amfler- C- l. V. J t c M ireh i, 1794* d To be Let, 1 for Merchants Covfitiig Houfts or Public Offices, \ Two brick 3 story Houses, |IAVING 6io'»THi it\e»ob, wi'h fire place s -b, i le •arrets, fiturte on ihe south wcllerly.lid« rvt Dock (Ivret, between Pear and '.Vjluut §0 *>ts. E»Cm« r * benjamin w. morris. Amil 11 : , tuthßmf T.: artftngfro-n t e following pitbli -1 •.ot'.ati are far t/x benefit of the Poor. Jt> I publiflsedt printed by R. Aitken and 1 V>c, and fold by J. Crukihank, W. Young If. Dobfon, and the other Booksellers, MINUTES OF THE Proceedings of the Committee, Arrp Ointed on Me i 4-» September 1793 V c Cit'tcns of FmlaJilp'ma, the Northern Jj.fcsrtW* and the P ftriet of Southwark, ' W to attend toandalteviattf the tutfen.ig* »i the atSi&ed with the .Malignant Fever,pre valent, in the City arUT it< vicinity. V/ITH AN APPEND IX, CONTAINING A lift oi* perfmis admitted into the Hofpi tti ae Bufli hill, flirwing the times of their admtilftim, death and discharge. Niinber of Honfcs,' Deaths, &c. in the rc!pe tlivt streets, alleys, and courts in the ii Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and Diftritfi of Soutbwark. A Tift of" ihe Interments in the Burial groi! nds in tlie city of Philadelphia, Nortnejn l»i >t [ties, and Dftrift of Sauthwark, with a metaorn.ogical account of the weather. A. iu nm iry of donations in calh and provi fip.ic, rrceived from fupdiy p-rlon- and pla ces, for the us• of the poor and affl'Ct d. Apii'2- d^w For Sale or Charter, ilC^oW, (An American bottom) John Moore, Majier. IS a flout good velli'l, about two years old, burthen 23 1 ton?, iias only made three voy ages, and may befent to sea at a small ex pence. She maybe seen at Vine-ftveet wharf, and the terms marlie known bv appj ; eati'n to WHARTONLEWIS ' Mar-h 21. dtf For Amsterdam, The new fa'ft-failiiig, copper ' f , bottomed SITfP ADRIANA, K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafiage, having excellent accommodations, apply on hoard it Walnut dreet wharf, or to TUOS. & JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Paflengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794 dtf For Norfolk & Fredsrtcksburgh, SALLY, John Earl, Mailer. A Haunch good veflel, will fail in a few days. For freight or p ffage, apply to the mailer on board at Chefnut street wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONT d SON. March 31. dtf % Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Pettrfburg in Russia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hem|, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, . | HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. S3, Walnut-street. March 4,1794- diw.ita.wtf F OR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBES., Old Lisbon Wine of a superior quality in pipes, imported in the fliip Wilnington. OI.D SHERRY WINE of the firft quality ill quarter calks, imported in the brig Nancy capt. Gwin, from Cfidiz. SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs ol RAISINS, imported in ditto. Particular TENERiFFE WINES,in pipes hhds-and quarter calks, imported in thi ihip Tnomas, capt. Skinner. A few quarter calk? of old particular bill of exchange MADEIRA WINE. George Meade, Who has also, just arrived and for sale A SMALL CARGO OF Lijbon Salt. A quantity of empty BAGS for sale. April 5. wfesim. The following Certifi cate ot the funded thr< e per Cent Stock, of the Bornlbc Debt of the United Sta.es II Hiding on the books of the Treasury of th. laid Un'U-d States, in the names of Donnald and Burton of London, merchant!, and fjgncd by Joseph N suife, Rcgifter ol said Ti v ui t proposals wil. be received at the office of t«ie Commif fiorier of the Revenue until the sixth of May ne*t inclulively, for the supply of all R - tfclttraNd&fejCM*' lll ri=4u_ .-d iluxing the cur rent year, at the city of Philadelphia, for the reciuiting fervics. Jfe, The rations to be furnifhed are to consist of the following a'tides, viz One pound of b r ead 6r nonr, One pound of heel, o. 3 40l a pound porlt Halt a gill of rum, brand or wh.fky I One quarto) faljt, Two quart* vinegar £ per iQO ratjons Two pound"? Foap I On- pound candles J JUST PUBLISHED, " B Y THOMAS DOBSON, liookfeller, at the Stone House in SecondJlreet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI of ENCYCLOPEDIA, or A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, aud Miftel , laneous Literature, ON a plan euti ely new j by which the dif ferent fcie ices and arts are digested into the form of diftinft treatises or fyttems. This volum contains the articles, medals, medi cine, metallurgy, metaphysics, meth dlfts, Mexic., microscope, midwifry, and a great varistyo: biographical and miscellaneous ar ticlesj illustrated with nineteen copperplates. j fT The rabies of logarithms. &c. which were d. ficient in the tenth volume, are fwb joined to this. Eleven volume* of this work are now pub liihiid, and the Xllth is in lome forwardnels. "O the firftof September, 1792, the price I offubfeription wasjner afed T£N dollars on J all etts not taken before that t me. The fub fcrmtiOn isftill • ope# on ftbfe terms, and it 1 remain by the firft of July ne*r,the pr ce v/ill be raised TEN dollars on any c »pies which may be fubferibed lor alter that period. *,* As many of the fubferibers have taken only two, three or four, See. volumes, they are > eariieftly requested to take up and pay for the - , remaining volumes, as it becomes.difficult to f complete the setts, and the publilher does not i hold himfelf bouud 11 make up any setts after ; of ju:»next. _ i Penrifylvania Hofp.tal, s 4th Month, j'tft 1794 ; The Contributors are defifed J attend the Election, to be held at the r H isrtTAt, on the sth day of the sth Month n.xt,at 3 o'clock in the afternoon j to choose twelve Managers and a Treasurer, for t e enfnirrg ye;ir: My order of a board of Managers. Samuel Coctfe's, clerk. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, Feb. 21. The fleet aflembled at Spithead, under Lord Howe, amounted to upwards of 106 fail. Sixty of which, were fliips of the line. Some French frigates had been crui sing in the Channel, and taken a number of vefiels. Nine French Eaft-Indiman, under convoy of two frigates, were arrived at L' Orient. By the last accounts from Paris, we learfii, tjiat the Convention has decreed, " that fta very lhall be abolilhed in all the French if« lands." This, they fay, will be a death blow to Pitt. On the 4th inft. the National Convention decreed, that the colony of St. Domingo foould be represented in the aflembly. On that day three deputies came to take their feats, viz. a negro, a mulatto, and a white. They were greatly applauded and received the fraternal embrace of Vadier the President. This scene was accompanied by the reitera ted cries vise l'egalite ! The negroes of St. Domingo have sworn to extirpate the Eng lish from that Island. On the Bth several % people of colour acknowledged their grati tude to the Convention for having given li berty to their brethren. March 4. In the opinion of a certain learned writer, the present French government is likely to end in a military Republic, of v which Paris is to be the center, with the other departments of the kingdom as its circumference, and under its controuL— In that cafe, adds he, let Europe trem ble; depopulation and diminution of in ternal resource will then rather stimulate than impede conquest, as they did in an cient Rome, which conquered the world during the most rapid d.cline of the po pulation and of the resources of Italy. * March 8. It has been said, that the ft ate of , France is industriously mifrcprefented on this tide the water,to anfwei a purpose,& that only in Paris a temporary ir.conve nience prevails, on account remedy the evil. HOUSE OF LORDS. February 14. Lord Moira's Expedition. The Earl of Moira, rose to take no tice of some observations that had been thrown out by an honorable gentleman, Major Maitland, in another house, on the expedition which he had the honor to com mand. His Lordship explained at some length, the general outlines of the expedi tion, the views of his Majesty's Ministers, and the communications which had taken place with the Royalists 011 the fut>jefwered by the Royalists. On the 10th of November, some persons were sent to concert measures with them, and* different spot for landing Was fixed upon. —The Royalists had required artillery men, as they had scarce any one who under flood the use of cannon. I lifLwJr /hip had represented to his Majesty's Mio»