not beefl out of Paris, and is it this prefer.t moment in a state of requisition, to make Ihoes for the soldiers. « GENERAL PICHEGRU, Commander in ChieJ of the Army of the North, to the SOCIETY OF THE JACOBINS. Brethren and friends, as soon as 1 liad re ceived my appointment to the command of the northern army, I resolved, to come among you for the purpose of repeating the oath which i 9 engraved on my heart, and of ai furing you that I will defend to the last drop of my blood, Liberty and Equality and the unity and indivisibility of the Republic. Orders, however, which have been tranf irtitted to me and which command me to set off initamly for the army, deprive me of the pleasure which I had proposed to myfelf. " I fly to my brethren in arms, determined nevr to separate from them till we have bowed to its b?fe the column of despotic power.—l glory in the fucceiTes of the army of the Rhine, and I am convinced that the soldiers o£ the army of the North have equal courage and eqml patriotism. A French Re publican fighting for liberty must be invin cible. " Founded on the rights of man continue to propagate the love of the Republic, while we are fighting in defence of it. " I fo'emniy swear that the arms of the Republic (hall be triumphant, and that either the tyrants (hall be exterminated, or. I will my life in the ccnteft. My last words (hall be Viye la liepubliquc !—Vive la Mon tugnc ! (oigned) . « Pichegru, Commander in Chief of the army of the North. . '. ' February ix. \ Barrefe raids a report on La Vendee, not Hot to alarm the Convention, not to speak of MfurnetSionof X-3 Vender, a refurre<£\ien i'iipoffiMe, though much desired by bad citi zens and the partizans of the. foreign pow ers, Some h? # been co nmitted in 1/3 Vendee, which had given freflj hopes to the remnant of the banditti; feme bodies of them had collected, but the troops of the re public had alrca4y dispersed them in fereral place*. He prppofed several measures which were adored, and-a monument ordered-to be ere£led*o. the memory of young General Moulin, who killed himlelf to prevent his felling into the hands of the royalifls. The convention decreed, that the tnemory rtf General Moqlin behig dear to the repub lic, a monument ihould be ereifted over his grave with this mfenption—" Republicans 1 he destroyed .himfelf that he might not fall Irving into the hands of the ruffians!" The Representatives of the People with the army at the Weltern Pyrennees to the Convention. , " Lan S fa" the republic !—Chawvins-dra- ganj, Pluvioje 17 (Feb. $.) " This morning we were attacked by five colunns of Spanish troops, cornpofed of about 15,000 men. Their intention was to fire the barracks of the Sans-Culnttes, and to pene trate into the interior; but we have van quiihed, and forced the Spanish General tc retreat, after having loft about- 1200 men Our Iof? cor,lifts in 60 killed, and 150 wound ed. The battle iafled eight hours. This i one of the moll glorious days of the repub lie. The French, attacked on all points nave triumphed every where." February J9. Barrere, in the name of the committee of public welfare, made a report refpepoint 3,1 officers > o^er n , H 1 redil ' e