Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 30, 1794, Image 4

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    Philadelphia, Marchi, 171)4.
No. 113, lAarktt Jlreet,
Modern Geography:
Geographical, Hijlorical, and
Commercial Grammar;
And p'-efent state of the several
t. figures, motions, and distances of
tbe planets, according to the Newtonian sys
tem and. the latest obfervitions
2. A general view of tbe earth, considered
as a planet; witji several ufeful geographical
definitions and problems.
3 The g< and divisions of the globe into
land and wafer, continents and islands.
4. The iituation and extent of empires,
kingdoms, llates, provinces and cojonies.
5 TUeir climate?, air, foil, vegetables,
productions, metals, minerals, natural curi.
ofities, sea., rivers, bays,capes, promontories,
aiid lakes.
6 The oirds and beads peculiar to each,
cou try. ,
7. Observation? on the changes that haVe
been any where ob erved upon the face of na
ture since the inoft earjy periods of history.
8. The history and origin of nations ; theit
forms of government, religion, laws, reve
nues, taxes, naval and military strength.
9 Tiie ;ius, manners, customs, and ha
bits of the peop'.e.
id. The r language,learning,arts,fciences
manufa&ures, and commerce.
11. The chief cities, Itru&ures, ruins, am
artifi ial curiolities.
12. Trie longitude, latitude, bearings, am
diftauces of principal places 11 oiri Philadelphi?
To which arc added.
1. A Geographical Index, with the names
and places alphabetically arranged.
a. A Table of the Coiss of all nations, and
tbsir value in dollars and cents.
3. A Chronological Table of remarkable
events, f rom toe creation to the present time.
The Astronomical Part corre&e'd by
Dr. Rittenhouse.
To which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
a id other eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Improved, ajjd greatly Enlarged.
The firft volume contain* twenty-one Maps
and Charts, besides two Astronomical Plates,
1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the world.
3, Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6. South
America- 7. Cook's difcovenes. 8. Coun
tries round the north Pole. 9. Sweden, Den
mavk, and Norway. 10. Seven United Pro
vinces. 11 Austrian, French and Dutch Ne
therlands. 12. Germany. 13- Seat of war
in Fiance. 14. France divided intodepait
ments. 15. Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily,
and Sardinia. 17. Spain and Portugal.
18. Vurkey in Europe and Hungary. 19 Ire
land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar
inillary sphere. 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now in
the press, wjll be given the following Maps:
1. Rufiia in Europe and Alia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
•j. United States.
g. British America.
9. S vte of New'.Hamplhire.
,0. State of Maffichufetts.
ji. State of Connecticut.
j2. State M" Rhodi Island.
,3. State of New-YOl k.
14- State of New-Jersey.
15- State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18- State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
23. State of North-Carolina.
it. TennelTee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23- State of Georgia.
j. This work will be comprised in two vo
2. Subscribers pay for the present volume on
delivery, fix dollars, and the price of bind
iiSt cents for boards.)
3. They .nay receive the fucreeding volume
in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar
ter dollar each, or else, when finilhed, at
the fame price as the firft.
4. The I'nbfcription will be raised on the firft
day of June 1794? to fourteen dollars, ex
clusive of binding.
j. Should any copies remain for sale after the
completion of the work, they will be fold at
sixteen dollars, and the price of binding.
6. The names of the fubferibers will be pub
lished as patrons of American literature,
arts, and ftieiices.
It is wholly unnecefTary to expatiate on the
advantage,to American readers, that this edi
tion pofleiles, over every imported edition of
any system of Geography extent. The addit
tion of maps of the several state-, procured a
a very great expense, and from the best ma
terials that are attainable, I'peaks fuel) full
conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be
difrefpeft to the reader's understanding to
suppose it requisite to enter into a detail of
argujnents to prove its superiority. In 110
similar work have such maps beenever intro
' » f
The euiiadatims and Motions Which are
ra*de in this wjrk.are innumerable, and ocpni
i*n ever/ page. The public are referred to
llV« preface for a, flight JLetch of a few of
them- ,
.The pubJifher takes the present opportu
niry of returning his most fin cere thanks to
thole refptstable characters who have favored
him with Jocuiuents for impioving the maps
of several of the He requests a conti
nuance of their kindness; and hopes that such
public fpifrted citizens, as ire polfefled of fi
inilar documents, will favor him with their
afliflan<*e in perfecting his undertaking.
Tne extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
in his breast the warmett sentiments of grati
tude—fentim mi ts which time will not efface.
He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the
United States, to fptre ncilbetr nor ex
peufe to r ender the p:\fent edition cfGu'h i-*s
Geography improved, deserving of their pa
tronage. waftf
Pennsylvania Hofpltal,
4ft) Mi ith, 5 1: 1 794.
The Contributors are desired
to attend the Election, to be hel j at th<
HosptTAL on 1 hef st.i day of the sth Month
next, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ;to choose
twelve Managers and a Treasurer, for
the enfurng year:
By o»der of a board of Managers.
Samuel Coates, clerk.
In the House of Reprefe.italivcs,
DICtMBEU 2 1 It, 1 793 '
WHEREAS the Comin.fliwners of public
Accounts, h,.vc reported, that they cao
not proceed to the of the Trcafury
Accounts, relpr&iug Ipccial Indents, without
knowing the ouiftandrog amount thereof in cir
culation :—ibercfoic,
Rcfolvcd, Tnat all holders of special Inde nts
be directed, and rpqun 0, on or befoie the firft
day of November u xt, > deliver the fp.cial In
dents in their poiF llion io »ne or other os-tire
Commidioners of the Trsatury, who are to give
receipts for the fame, and to rep -rt to ibeCo.n
miflioners on oublic accounts,, on or befoic t ie
tenth day Of November next, the amount by
thena refpetlively received, and' also to tli Le
gHljture, at their m»- lirtg in Nov<mbei n xt.
and that all i pec 1a I Indents not rendered m >
the Tieafuty as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, .'hail be, and the fame aie
heieby barred.
Rejoined, That publi: notice of this lefolntion
be given in the leveral Gazettes in this State,
once every three weeks, an il the fijlt day o;
November next And <hat 'he Delegates of this
State in the Congress ol the United S ates, be re
queued to cause this rcfolution to be pubhftvd
in one or more papeis in the cities of Philadel
phia and New-York, and that provision will be
made for the expences attending such publica
. Ordered, That the refplution be sent to the
Senate for their concurrence.
By order of the House,
In the SENATE,
December 21(1,1793.
Rcfolved, That this House do concur with the
House of Representatives in the foregoing refo
Ordered, Tlrat tire resolutions be lent to the
House of Reprelentatives.
by order of the Senate,
OF the money robbed from the mail near
Baltimore, by Doftoi Gant, 110 dollars were
afterwards lent by ill unknown hand, to the
Poftmaller at Baltimore, who transmitted
the fame to the General Puft Office. The fuf
ferers by that robbery are aefired to state the
amount of tbeir lofles respectively, and trauf
mit the fame, w th the original letters of their
correspondents (where recovered) or other
evidence thereof to tbe General Pofr Office,
before the fi'ft day of June next, immediate
ly alter which adivideud will be made among
the claimants.
Past Majler Genera!.
Gen. Post Office, April 4, 1794 iaw6w
Lately Publiflied.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street:
THE History of New-Hampfliire, from the
Difcovciy of the Riser Pifcataqua—by Je
remiah Belknap, t). D. 3 Vo!«. Price in Boards,
4 1-2 Dollars.
The Forrefter, an American Fable, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier.
Prce, 75 Cents.
A Difcnurfe, intended to commemorate the
Discovery of America by Chnitopher Colum
bus; delivered at the requcft of the Historical
Society in Maffichufetts, October 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Century]
(incc that memorable event. To which are
added, F«>ur Donation*, conne&ed with the
fubjc&—By the fame author. Puce, 50 Cents.
March 17. tuin&row
Tous lcs Franpois qui fe font prefeme
ou voudront fe presenter pour avoir une
prompte paiTage pour St. Domingue, font in
(lamment pries de laiffcr leurs 110 ms aujoui
d hui ou demain, dans le comptoir de James
Mc. Curach & Co. No 42 Dock street, qui
fe propofent d'envoyer son batiaient le Same,
di procliain 3 de Mai: le batiment ell lout
pret pour faire a la voiie avec des bonnes ac
commodations ponr prendre paflagers a bord
April 29. 3 ,
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Apt il J9, 1794-
NOTICE is hereby given, that propilal:
will be received at the office of the Coinimf
fioner of* the Revenue until the sixth of May
next inclusively, for the lupply of all Ra
tions, which may be required during the cur
rent year, at the city of Philadelphia, for
the recruiting service.
The rations to be furniftied are to consist
of the following articles, vi
One pound of bread or flour.
One p »und of beef, or 3 4 of a pound pork
Half a gill of ruin, brandy or whisky
One quart of fait, S
Two quarts vinegar C n _
rp,, > Per 100 rations
I wo pounds soap C
One pound candles J
April 2i.
Concluding Sales.
THE Subscriber having entered into Co*
partHerfliip with Mr. John Bartholomew in
the bufin®fs of Sugar Refining, will dispose
of the
Remaining Stock on hand
consisting of
Silver, Plated, & Japan "Wares,
Plated Coach & Saddle
Furniture, &c. &c.
By Whole/ale at Prime Coji for Cajh.
John Dorfey,
No. 22, North ltreet.
April lu.
And entered upon the firft ot May,
The noted EJlate, called
JohnJon Hall:
Lying in the Moi. a w'< country, state qf New
Yoik, formerly the feat of Sir William John
son, seven hundred acres at
land) which is of the very heft quality ; togc-
Ther wiihtheftock, and farming utensils. The
buildings arc large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
easy, on good fecurty. For luither particulars
enquire of George Metcalf, Esq. on the premtf.
es, of Silas Talbot, fcfq. at Philadelph a, ot
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, \or
of the iubfcnber in Providence.
Jabe% Bow en.
dookfeller, at the Stone Rouse in Second Jlreet,
Dictionary of slrts, Sciences, aud Mifcel-
laneous Literature,
ON a plan enti ely new ; by which the dif
ferent sciences and arts are digelled into the
form of diftinft treatiies or systems. This
volume contains the articfrs, medals, medi
cine, metallurgy, metaphysics, methodists,
Mexico, microscope, midwifry, and a great
variety of biographical and mifceilaneous ar
ticles, illustrated with nineteen copperplates.
The tables of logarithms, &rc. which
were deficient in the tenth volume, are sub
joined to this.
Eleven vo!umesof this work are now pub
lished, and the Xllth is in some forwardness.
On the firft of September, 1792, the price
nffubfcription was incrcafed TtN dollars on
all ferts not taken befpre that t me. The sub.
fcription isftill open on these terms, and if
any copies remain by the si (V of July nexr,the
pi ice will be tailed TEN dollars more, on
any copies which may be subscribed for after
that period.
%* As many of the fubferibers have taken
only two, three or four, See. volumes, they are
earnestly requested to take up and pay for the
remaining volumes, as it becomes difficult to
complete thefetts, and the publiftier does not
hold himfelf bouud to make uj> any setts after
the firft day of July next.
April 22,
For the Tooth-Ache,
Prepared and fold ly Dr. Lis, Golden
'rt v »
Square, London.
THE public is offered one of the moi
efficacious and fafe medicines, th:it ever ap
peared, lor that molt excruciating pain, th<
Tooth-Ache—the numerous instances of it'
happy effects, in relieving the afflicted, havi
now brought it into iniverfal estimation ; i
not only relieves the tooth-ache, but is of ch,
utmost service in curing the SCURVY in thi
Gums, in preventi„g the difagieeable fine!
that is produced from unf'ound teeth, & wil
occasion a f'weet breath; it likewise prevent
the teeth from decaying, and will be founc
a general preferverof the Teeth and Gum
Sold in Philadelphia only at
Poyntell's Stationary Store.
No. 2i, Second ltreet.
April 24.
tr Those persons who
undertake to cut timber or wood of any kind
whatever, from any lands of the real cftate of
the late Richard Stockton Esq. deceased, in
the weflem precinct of the county of Smnerfet
in the Hate ot New Jcifey, under a pretencfc of
« right-to cut on lands adjacent, are u quelled to
dcMt from so doing, or they will be proceed,
ed agunft in such manner as may prove trou
blr'o ne and expenfivc to themfclves.
Ap:i! 16. *w&s2w
Tile Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Fine Dollar Bills of
the Bank of the United States, and Twenty
Dollar Bills of tlx Bank of North America>
fe-veral of which ba-ve appeared in circulation
<witbin a few di.ys pajl; they are a good ge
neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may
be diflinguijhed by the following '
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of ihe
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter F.
for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of tlie Paper is thi/cker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely than
the genuine paper.
Tiie O. in the word Company is smaller
than the M« and other letters of that word,
so that a line extended from the top of «Se <
to touch the top of the M would extend <> *-
fiderably above the range of the whole word-
In the word the letters are narrow
erand closer together than the reft of the bill
The i and fin the word promise are not
parallel, the pipelining much more forward
than the r.
The engraving is badly cxecured,the (bokes
of alJthe Letters are stronger and the devi t
in themargin particularly is much coar (fraud
appears darker than in the true bills. Some
el the counterfeits bear date in T791 —Where-
as the Bank was not in operation tijl Decern
bcr, and no five dollar bills were jiTued in
jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
.They are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of" tl.e counterfeit Five Dojlai Notes
above defer ibed ; the en raving is pcitc; exe»
ucted, and they approach rearer to the ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word Twen
ty, in the body of the bill, are in number rh.r
teen in the genuine b lis, and but tw< »ve in
the counterfeits.
Til e word Company is much l;k*.* the fame
word in the Five Dollar B'Ms as defer ibed a
bove, the beiug less than the m, and cthe»s
iolhr* ing.
There is no flroke to the t in the word Karfh
whereas in the genuine bilis the stroke is well
The letters cnt in the word Twenlx, to the
left hand at the bottom, do not come down to
toe line, l>ut are so cut as to give an irregular
appearance to the word, the Tw and he_y go
ing belo*v tljem.
The signature J Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black, and
oil, and differs from oiher inks ofed !n
printing the bills and tlie caihier's (ignature.
It is luppoCed the fe forgeries were contmiued
in some of the Southern States, as ail the coun
terfeits thai have appeared, have come from
thence, and two persons have been appiehend
ed in Virginia,on suspicion of being the author
of* them.
wilj be paid toanv Pbrfon or Persons who shall
discover and prosecute to convi&ion the feveial
offenders of the following descriptions or any
ot iheni, viz.
The person or prrfons, who mamifa&t>*ed
the paper on which the BitU are ' -
The pcrfoit or peifons, who engrWcdrrhe
plates. '
1 lie printer or primers, «f the bills.
Evci v person wnojias afled as a pr>ne'p»l ia
any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter
ing : he said bills.
Philadelphia, March 28 1794
7 22 > 1794.
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the UniiedStates have appeared
in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY DOL
LARS, and the alphabetical mark is the let
ter B.
"They msy be diftinguiftied from the genu
ine by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a more
tend r texture and gloffey fur face than the
genuine, and there is no water mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Ofhier, in the
true bills is marked, whereas in the
counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair
stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed state. The
letter d in the wed demand, is badly formed
and the who.'e word if! done, and there is-no
comma at the end of it, as there is in the
genuine bills.
i he marginal device, is much darker in
the falfe, than in the genuine bills owing to
the fiiade strokes being coarser, much nearer
together, and consequently much more nu
merous. This ditference ftrikesthe eye at firft
The fame reward of ONE THOUSANb
DOLLARS, will be paid for
prosecuting to conyiftion the several abooe
described Offenders in lefpeft to tbis, as to
the Jaft defcribetf bills.*
of the B*nk United Sulci.
JOHN NIXON,' Prefateot of the
• Bank ol Noith America* >
By order of the Commiaeel of the Rcf
peftive Boards.
tuth&s £\v
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible fituat ion,—alio a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of the city, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.