EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 11 8 of Vol. V.] Excellent CLARET, v T*i hogiheads and in cafcs of 50 bottles each. also, A few cafe Champaigns Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, bog (he ads and quarter casks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. in, South Front tyreet Jan. 2, 1794. The following Certifi cat- o the funded three per Cent Slock of the Dct>t of the l/niied States (landing on the of the Tieafurv of thr fyd United S*a*es, in the names of Donnald and Burton of JL«*ndon, merchants, and flirted by JrtfVph, Nourfe, Register of said Tr -afury, to wit :— 5476, dated 24'h August 1792 for *9,59 d-oH«r> and cents was ifanfnuticd from Lon don m vhc- (hip Peter, Paul Huffev, matter, bsmnd for New Y >rk, and has been loft.— The Subfcribcr intending to apply trt the Trea fwry of the United States to have the fame re *rvred', dcfire« all perfoo* wh »are inlerrfl-d in the hid cctvficac, to make their, oojeftions lh«»cto, :! any they hav-. *• Francis Macy. P'nila'l. March 27. d6w FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118 Mai ket-Street, All Essay on Slavery, Detuned 10 exhibit in a new point of view its efte&s on morals, indujlry, and the peace of Jotitty. S''me ra&s anrf calculations are offered rt> owe the labor of freemen to be much more frodmclyje than that ot (laves ; that countries are rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor ; and" hence the n-ctfTjiy conclusion, that flavcry is impolitic as well as unjuji. Price 25 Cents. dtf February 1 ij. FOR SALE, BY THE Sl/BSCRIBER, Old Lisbon Wine of a quality in impovted in the ihjp Wil nington. OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality in quarrc calk':, imported in the brig Nancv capr. G>»in. ft. m Cadiz. ALMONDS and a few kegs of RAISINS, importer! , n ditto. Particular TENERIFFE pipes hhdt. and qu;\r;er calks, imported in the (hip Thi/ma*, capt. Skinner. A few qnd 1 ter cnfk • of old particular bill of exchange MADEIRA WINE. George Meade, Who has also, just arrived and for sale A SMALL CARGO OF Lisbon Salt. A quantity of empty BAGS for sale. Apt'l . w&stm Just Imported, In tie Ship Edivard, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peterlburg in Rnflia, And now landing at Soutli-ftreet Wharf, tfiz Hemp, bar iron, "RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN'S DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 23, Walnut-street. diw.-jtawtf March 4,1794. The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURVEY* . IT is with pieafure that the publisher has to i'i!orm his fublcribers and the public in genr. :«!, that the p ate s now under the hjnds of ».ie erv; aver, and in greater forwardnefs than J*a» n» si ft contemplated. At tin fame time Kn 5 leave to rem.nd them, th t fubferip t'on papers are'ftil! open at most of the noted ljpok-fto.es in the city ; an d that he hopes from the whole of them (o be enabled to form fuel) a refpeftable catalogue of n„„es, as will do a credit to the work, a s well is afFo d a reasonable encouragement to the nodemke-r Thole who are drlirousof further informa tion areiequefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market street. *f a J* of ffje Nankeens of Superior Quality, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. -April 21. mw&flf No. 41, south Second Jlreet> Extrad of a letter from a gen tleman in America to a friend i" England, on the Subject of Emigration—price 1 Bth of a dollar. Ecclejiajlical EJbibhJhments detrimental to a State. April 22. The annual ele&ion FOR Dire&ors and a Treasurer Library Company of Philadelphia, WILL be held at the Library, in Fifth ftreety on Monday the fifth of May next, at threeo clock in the afternoon, when the trea /urer will attend to receive the annual pay- ments. As there art fevera! (hares on which fines are due, the owners of them, or their rep e- are hereby notified, that they will be forfeited, agreeably to the laws of the Company, uniefs the fa id a-rears are paid off on the fifth day of May, or within ten days after. By Order of the Directors. BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, Secretary m&w 15th May. April 7. (NO. 60 ) Difiricl of Pennfylvanta, to wit : Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of April in the eighteenth i year of the Independence of the United States of America, Be jamin Davies of the said dif trilic buildings ; of " tiie rivulets, and as much of the Canal u as lies within the compass of the draft, i( by H. P. Folic : publilhed by the Propri " etor, Benjamin Davies.*' In conformity to the a that the tdwer and garrison of Mor telja surrendered on the 10th of that month; that the strong redoubt and batteries of the Convention were ta:keri by storm on the 17th, l /- a T . e cann onading of two days, that the lame night the enemy abandoned the tower of Forneli and two considerable sea batteries dependant upon it; that on the 19th they retreated from St. Florenzo -to iialtia ; that previous to their retreat one of theirfrigates was funk, and another burnt hi the Gulph ; and that the town, forts and port were taken poflVffion of the fame day by his Majesty's land and sea forces. The loss of the British consists of 13 killed and 39 wounded, besides fix sailors of the fortitude killed ayd 56 wounded, frqm the fire of th£ fort Mortella. Congress of the United States. IN SENATE, Friday, April 18, 1794. (Continued,) A meflage from the House of Repre sentatives by Mr. Beckley their clerk : " Mr. President—The Houfc of Re presentatives have patted » a reiolution to continue the present embargo on ships or vessels in the ports of the United States, bound to any foreign port or place," in which they desire the concurrence of the Senate"—And he withdrew. 1 he refutation was read. A meflage from the House of Repre sentatives by Mr! Beckley their clerk : " Mr. President—The President of the United States hath notified the House of Reprcfentatives, that he this day, appro ved and signed the following acts—'* au ast to authorise Ephraim Kimberly to To-' cate the land warrant ifl'ued to him for feiviees in the late American army," and " an ast for the relief of Leffert Leffert? and others"—And he withdrew. Mr. Bradley reported from the com mittee to whom was leferred the confide , ration of the laws patted in the Territo ry of the United States north-weft of the river Ohio, from July to Ijecember inclusive, that they be referred to the next fefiion of Congress ; and the report was adopted. The Senate took into confederation, " 1 he resolution to continue the present embargo on (hips or vessels in the ports of the United States, bound to any foreign port or place." On motion, It was agreed to amend the refolntion by striking out all the provisos, as follow. " Provided that nothing, in this resolu tion, be construed as intended to contra vene any rights or privileges arising out of treaty or treaties between any fore ign na tion and the United States : And provi ded also, that the President of the Unit ed States be authorized to permit the fail ing of any veflel for the sole purpose of lodging in the courts of vice Admiralty in any of the Weft India Islands, appeals from sentences or decrees of the said courts, whereby veflels or cargoes claim ed by American citizen or citizens, have [ been condemned ; Provided, that bond with fufficient security be previously giv en, that filch veflel ftiall not dire&ly or indire&ly carry on any commerce whatso ever during the voyage." On the question to concur in the reso lution as amended. It pafled in the affirmative Yeas 17 —Nays 10. The yeas and nays being required by one fifth of the Senators present— Those who voted in the affirmative, are, , Messrs. Brown, Burr, Butler, Edwards, Frelinghuyfen, Gunn, Hawkins, Henry, Jackson, Izard, King, Langdon, Martin,