Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 29, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 117 of Vol. V.] Tuesday, April 29, 1794- [Whole No. 515.]
Mai icet-Street,
An EfTay on Slavery,
Pefjgned to exhibit in a new point ot view
l's effetts ou Motility indujiry, and the pto-ct of
focnty.. S<»me fads and calculations are otlered ;
Co proee (he labor of fjtcmcH to be much more
productive than that ot jl<xvcs ; that countries arc
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits ot their own
labor ; and hence thq n-cc IT" y cAnclufipn, that
slavery is as well ts vnjujl.
I'lt :ck Cents. dtf
February 15, I
. . Excellent CLARET,
In liOftii'* ads and in cafcs ot 50 bottles each,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipes, hopjhrads and quarter eaflcs,
No. 111, South Fconc. Urect.
Jan. 2, 1794. dtf
THE febooner DELIGHT, the pro
perty of Mj»u \ Antonio Martin, of t-ie If
land of Bona Vifla, vras on the 18th of Oc
tober lalt, while l vngr at anchor t he load Q.f
tha< Island, forcibly entered and carried otf
man by t'ie name of DODG£, and one other
person, nain.s unknown.—This veiTel fold
to IVf. A. Marjin, by William M'Netfl, who
«nme to B Hia Vitta in her, from.Madeira.—
She was built in the County of Matthews,
lfate of V'« f.inia. and was regifteredat New-
Y >rk, the 16th Aprils*793:—Her name was
p-inted on her Oe-n—Her dinienfions as sol- !
lows: go feet 6 inc'ies keej, 16 feet 6 inches j
beam, ho d 6 feet 2 inches, her burthen 54
At the time °f 'heir entering the vessel,
there was a nlack man op board by the name
*>f J5& Wneer, n'hom they carried Avith thrm.
J>U 1 Bun'ia a was mate of the velfel ui>der
Ca.pi* MWeill, prior to tht sale of her, and
the other persons were mariners. Dunham
js a married man, and has a family at Nan
The cargo of the veiTel con lifted of the fol
lowing article -—2 caf< s containing 74 pieces
.Linen; cafe Wi ne-Glaflfes; 1 bale containing
% y pieces Broadcloth; 1 do. 9 do. 79 pieces
Cotton, (needle worked) —33 do. do inferior,
2 m yt ot Sal:; (he had (eve;, small arms and
some pistols.
If any person cart give any information of
4lv» veifel, or any part of the property, so that
it can 'be recovered, or the offenders brought
04 justice, they are reqneftcd to inform Mefrs.
Joseph Anthony a:id Son, Philadelphia ;
Mu k r ay and Mumfoud, New-York; Clark
apd Nio+iti no \le, Providence; or Head
and Amorv, Lofton.
March 17. dt\v,
For the Tooth-Ache,
Prepared and fold by Dr. Lbs, Gulden-
Square-, London.
pub ic 15 off-red one of the most
eScacious aiid medicines, th;it ever ap
peared, lor that most excruciating pain, the
Tooth-Ache—the numerous instances of its
happy effects, in relieving the afflicted, have
now brought it into u liverfal eftlmation ; it relieves the tooth ache, but is of the
iitmoft service m curing the SCURVY in the
ms, in preventing the disagreeable finell
t iat is produced horn unbound teeth, & will
occalion a sweet breath j it likewise prevents
ti.e teeth from decaying, and will be found
a general preferverof the Teeth and Gums
Sold !n Philadelphia only at
Poynteirs Stationary Store,
No. 2i, Second llreet.
April 24. tuth&s 3W
The following Certifi
cate ol the funded three per Cent Stock of the
D.>m ft'c Debt of the United States Handing on
•he books of the Treasury of (he laid United
States, hi the names of Donnald and Burton of
London, merchants, and signed by Joseph
Nourfe, Rtg.fter of said Treasury, to wit
dated b August 1792 for 29,59
do>Ur„ and 53 cents waa tranimiued from Lon
don tn the Ihip Peter, Paul Buffey, matter,
bound f.„ New York, and has been loft.—
The Subfcr.ber unending 10 apply to the Trea.
fury of the United Slates 10 have the fame re
newed, dcfiies all persons who are interested in
the fa id certificate, to make their obie'aions
fheieto, ;f any they have.
Francis Macy.
Philitl. March 17.
For Sale or Charter,
(An American bottom)
JSKSm. John Moorty Majl. r*
IS a (tour g«io<l vefDi, about two years old,
burrhen 232 tons, has only made three v<ty-
and may be ,"ent to.feji at a fmal e-< She may b? Teen at Vi k- Ibect wharf,
a»»<i the terms m:ide kno'vn bv appl citi
March 21. dtf
For Amsterdam,
The new faft-failiug, oopper-
AE't bottomed SHIP
l&MHESittf. K. Fitzpatfick, Master.
BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenient speed. For freight or pai&ge,
having excellent accommodations, apply oh
board at Walnut street wharf, or to
N. B. PafTengers will be landed in Eng
land if required.
March 6, 1794 dtf
For Norfolk Iff Fredericksburgh,
John Earl, Master.
A flaunch good veffcl, will fail in a few
days. For freight or p flage, apply to the
raaiter on board at Chefnut street wharf, «r
March 31. dtf
J ust Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fit;zpatrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz,
GIN infixes, - _
A few Sales Holland Dud,
Ditto Oxnaburgs,
Holland Sheeting,
Jltniper Berries,
Gla/s Ware, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va
rious fixes.
Sheathing Paper,
Swedes Iron, square and flat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4. «
Dutcn Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c. &c.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale—
thouldapplication be made within a few days :
oiherwije she will take freight for Amjler
March 1, 1794. d—tf
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Hay/is or Public
Two brick 3 rtory Houses,
HAVING 6 loom-, in each, wuh fire places
belide garreis, fnuaje k on the Couth weilerlyfide
of Dock Itr el, between Pear and Walnut
ftrrets. Enqti''f of *
A P nl 17- tuih&.tf
The Profits arifingfrom the following publi
cation are for the benefit of the Poor.
Jult published, printed by R. Aitken and
Son, and fold by J. Crukfhank, W. Young
T. Dobfon, and the other Bookl'ellers,
Proceedings of the Committee,
Appointed 011 tne 14th September 1793 by
the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern
Liberties, and the Diftrift of Southwark
to attend to andalleviate. the fufferings of
the aflli&ec! with the Malignant Fever pre
valent, in the City and its vicinity.
A lift of persons admitted into the Hospi
tal at Bulh hill, (hewing the times of their
admimon, death and discharge.
Number of Houses, Deaths, &c. in the
refpeftive streets, alleys, and courts in the
of , Philadelphia, NorthcrnLiberties, and
Diilrift of Southwark.
A lift ot Ihe Interments in the Burial
grounds in the city of Philadelphia. Northern
Luerties, and Diftrift of Souihwark, with a
meteorological account of the weather.
A lumunry of donations in cafli andprovi
hons, received from f'undry persons and pea
ces, for the uO of the poor and affli&ed
April 2. d3 w
' On T-liurfday the 15th May next at Twelve
o'clpck at the Tontine Coffee House,
< Tra£ls of Land,
In Watkins and Flint's purchase, in the coun
' j ty of Tioga, state ol New York.
The containing acres
Southwefl: quar. of Townllup No. 2, 9,424
- . Noitiweft do. ilo. 4, 5,647
No theaft do. do. S6, 10,525
.Southwell do. do. 7, 9000
Soy tli we ft do do. iS, 3,943
Nothweft do. do. 8, 6,250
Suulheaft do. do. 9, 6,250
Siiutheaft do, do. 1-, 9,000
North weft do. do. 10, 16,475
t Thefelandsare rapidlyencreafingin.vaiu.,
( Jarge rett!4mentt_aie already made in
of the townfliips; the goodness of foil, 4nd
tlie advantages in point of situation Being so
well k 'own, render any lartlier description
unneciirary. A ill pof the traits and co idi
tions of sale ;nay be feed at No. 10, Queen
street, N w-Tort.
A|,rjl 10. tuthfes tl 4M
Second Jireet, between Market and Che/nut
Jlreets, Philadelphia.
WHERE he keeps up a con Rant Itock of i
ten thqufand pieces lor tale, comprising every j
variety crt colours, in ground"; and figures, of
the most modern and tasty patterns, for eve
ry part ol a house. The periV&ion attained
in this in pee.u'iar neatneis r>f
workma ship, durability of colours, variety
in design?, and good quality oi the paper, will
be fourd to exceed any European papers at
tii* fame ntode ate price*.
!; Aw elegant Variety «»f rich fancy feftoon &:
u trrow borders, and of stucco and other co
loured panne! paper*.
Plain grounds made to any colour or &ade.
Wholesale orders for any quantity,-from
the cou..tFy or for e*jko taticwi, executed on
a Ihort notice, on advantageous te ms, on
usual credit.
In addition to the abvve affbrtmert, he has
a beautiful variety of
French paper hangings
of very superior quality, (IVis maiiufjaory)
with a variety of Rich.Bordei*.
.Aprils tnth&sgw
Lately Published.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street:
THE Hiftoty of N w-Hampfhire, frorfi the
Difcovt-ry of the River Pifcataqua-nby Ji
rcmuh Belknap, D. p. 3 Vols. ,Price yi Hoards,
4 1 2 thjU-rs.
The Forrcfter, an American Fab} 4, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Giothier.
A Dilcouife, intended to commemorate the
Discovery ot America by Chriltopher Colum
bus; delivered at the request of she Hiftoncal
Society in Ma flachu felts* October agd, 1792,
being the completion 6f the Thud Geiuury,
uoce that memorable event. To which are
adejed, FuUr D'lTcrtatioiis, conueded wiih the
fubjfft —By the fame author. Prici, 50 Crn.'S.
March 17. tu Sci X"
(NO. 60 )
DiJIAS of PennfylnatUa, 10 wit :
Be it remembered that
on -the twelfth day of April in the eighteenth
j year of the Independence of the United States
| of America, E»enjafrtin"Davi6s of the said djf-
I trift hath deposited in this office the title of a
map, the right whereof he claims as propri
\ etor, in the words following, to wit.;
4< A Ground Plan of the City and Sub
i( urbs of Philadelphia, taken from a&ual
44 survey 5 Containing an eXa<st description
" of all the squares, streets and alleys in
" the City and Liberties ; of the situation
" of all the principal pullic buildings ; of
u the rivulets, and as rtuch' of the Canal
u as lies witMn the coos the draft,
ii by H. ,P. Folic.: puMifced by the
" etor, Benjamin Davies."
In conformity to the of the Congress of
the United States, entitled an ast for the en
couragement of learning, by feci)ring*th£ co
pies of limps, eharts and books to the authors
and proprietors of such copies, during the
times therein mentioned.
Clerk of the DiftFuft'of Peuofylvwma.
April 9- w&s2\v
Copied from a London paper »f the %th of
Monday night the Royal family went to
the little Hay Market Theatre for the firft
time this season. A most afflicting scene oc
curred at the opening of the doors. The
expectation of their Majesties' presence drew
the atfual crowd, and on opening the doors,
the torrent broke in with impetueffity. At
the ejitry of the theatre there is an ill con
trived delcendmg fta'ir, to the pitt; on. which
some of the foremoft of the multitude loft
their feet and fell; the crowd prefled over
them with that thoughtleTs fury. which 'in
such a moment no companion can touch, ri6
eloquence foften. Out readers will hear it
with horror! in shis way, seventeen human
beings ZLx'rr troddeti ■to death !ex el "olive of
thoie, who being recovered from the effeil*
of fuffocation, are scarcely expected to sur
vive the bruises which they ftfftained tinder
■ *he preflure of the eagsr, unthinking crowd,
whose sympathy was extinguished in their
curiolity. The .ronfufipn lasted for h,alf 29
hour, and for all that time no possible aid
could be given to the victims. As soon as
possible the bodies were carried to the ad
joining houses j seven of tfiern to Mr. Win
ches* the druggist, two or three of them to
Meflrs. Longman and Broderip's, and thfe
Tell to other houses in the neighbourhood,
where all the means recommended by the
Humane Society were tried to restore anima
tion in vain. But one person out of all the
vidtims were recovered. Several of them
were immediately recognized as hsving lived
in the neighbourhood, and nine were taken
to St. Martin's work house, where four of
them were owned ; five still remain there
whole names are unknown.
The accident did not interrupt the per
formance ; the hoilfe was quite crowded with
the Beau Mon ,'e, and the pieces went off
with great laughte; and apphirfe. It was
ftid the (hocking event was not made.known
to their Majesties till next rttorning.
The following is a lift of the dead, as ac
curate as we can at present produce :
Mr. and Mrs. Braddfn, of Size-lane.
Mrs. Hartwell, Bridge-Stest.
A Nephew of Mrs. 3radden.'
Mrs. Edgar and daughter,,of Pall-Mill.
Mrs. Spencer,of St. James' 'Market.
Mr. Robinson, of Clerkenw tfl.
Mrs. Fisher and two LidieS, un
known, of Norris-ftreet.
Mr. Brooke, of the Jleiald's-dffici.
Mr. Pigan of ditto.
Captain Garbut, 6f the Merchantman
Three Sifters, of Whitby.
There wer some others, whose names a<e
not known, but who Were taken by their
friends from St. Martin's worfchtjufc. One
remained there last night un-owned.
Mr. Bradden was so much hurt, that fiiK
georw despair of his recovery.
Congress of the United States.
Wednesday, April 16, 1754.
The bill, sent from the House of Re
prefeiitativei for cancurrence, entitled,
A.n ast to authorize Ephraim Kimberiy
to locate the land warrant iiTued to him
for ftfrvices in the late American army/'
was read the third time.
Rcfolved, That this bill pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint
the House of Repr'eferitatives with the
concurrence of the Senate in this bill.
Mr. Brown from the committee to
whom Was referred the bill, entitled, "an
ast to establish the poll office and pad
roads within the United States," repott
ed amendments, Which weri read and a
dopted, and it wasf agreed to amend the
bill accordingly.
Ordered, That this bill pass to the third
Mr. Foster from the committee on en
rolled bills, reported that they had exa
mined the bill, entitled, " an ast to an
thorife Ephraim Kirtfcerly to locate the
land warrant issued to him for ferviccs in
the late American army," was
duly enrolled.
After the consideration of the execu
tive bufinef#.
The Senate axfjourned 1 to li (/.cloik
to-morrow mot-ning.
Thursday, April 17th, I 794.
Mr. Vining reported from the commit-