Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 28, 1794, Image 4

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.-lefday ths 29th instant
t 11 o'clock in the Forenoon, -will be by public veiuiue, at Air. Bowcn'i
•inhibition Room, No. 9, north Eigitft
Capital Pißures,
By t'ic 1110 ft approved French, Italian, and
flemifti MaifcetsJ coll ny a gentleman of
aiie in Europe, and superior to any that have
!ver bec« offered for sale in America.
Thtfe Pictures may be viewed at any time
previous to the day ot'lale at the Exhibition
floSm, where catalogues may be had, and at
the Stibicribers Aurtion Room.
A Collection of Books 0
in foreig i languages, such aV llu!]ia:i, Polifti.
and a few map's in tire {aid Languages.
FIOTMAN it CO. AttSliomcs.
April 2. tuthfcst29
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16,' Wall-street, New-York
THtC SuWcViber intending to confinr hinvfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE &r SALE op
STOCKS on COMMISSION, bfgs leave to of
for n-.s fViends and other*, irt the
lineo(a Stock.Broker. Those who may please
to favor him with their bufineCs, may depend
upon' having it tranfa&cd with the utmost fide
lity and difpataK.
Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any
other the United State*, will be- ftridUy
attended to._ ' LEONARD BLEFCKER.
. Lately intporlrd, and for sale at
No. 26, Spruce:, opposite Dock
Among drt the folio-wing :
Hiilorv of* I ondon with plates
PajAfrtt Aichue&ure, 2 vols. in ©ne best edi
tU* M
Tillotfon's Works, g vols, best edition
Rapin's H.itory of England with Ticdal's
C'ontinuatioi , 3 vols-
Shaw's Travels thro' Barbary and the Levant
PoiHethwait'-v Di&ionary o{' Trade and Com
merce, 2yi )s.
i <
Trav'ei;, 5 vols, fine p'ates
Robe "tinn's Hi l ory ps America, a vols.
.Mael»nrin's Account ot'NewtojisPHilofopb;
M'Knight's Harmony of the Gospels ■
Lwmui on the Re veil ions'i Antiquities of Ireland
Locke ot> the Epistles
Glad's account of the Canary Islands
Eell'i Travels through Asia, 2 vols.
Toumefort's v*>vage 10 the Let "it, 2 tfols.
0 C T A V 0.
The annual & e vols, trom its com
Niebuhr's voyage to Arabia, 2 vols.
Hume's Hist >ry < * England, with SmoHetts
continuation* 14 vols.
Crevier's Lives of the Roman Emperor's, io
OPennant's Account of London
Reeves's history qf the EngliOi La\v, 4 vols.
Commentaries, 4 vols.
Raynal'S hift.ify of the Ealt aiid Weft Indies,
7 vols.
Be ll's beautiful edition of the British Poets,
169 voh.
L -\ntiqui e explicjuee avec Ftgtiitl par Morit
fs»uy»n 15 torn. fp!.
Lc A 't'quite de I'Egypte par Norden sol. a
ecD fcription
Di6l onnairc Hillorique 9 torn. oft.
Thea r C de Voltaire refie 9 ;om.
Hilt >nc Romaiu par Roll in idiom.
Lc Ti m -le des Muses avec des beaux Tableaux
CEuvrcs de Boileau, Molierfc, Helvetius&c.
With many others equallv good,
Jin Excellent Quadrant,
warranted perfed; a tew acromatic Pocket
perfpr&iv.e Glalfes ; a fine toned German Flute
6 keys and additiou2l joints ; and a few ele
gant Coloured P«int<.
And entered upon the fiifl; of May,
The noted Efiate, edited
yohnjon Hall:
Lying in the Mohawk country, state of New
Voik, formerly the feat of Sir William John
son, containing about seven hundred acres of
land, which is of the very best quality j toge
ther with the ft-iek, and farming utensils. The
buildings are large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
easy, on good security. For further particulars
enquire of George Meicalf, Esq. on the premif
rs, of Silas Talbot, Kfq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Broshers, in New York, or
of the luhfctiber in Providtoce.
yabez Bowen.
TO BE sold;
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible lituntion,—alfo a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of* land and the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of the city, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
(no. 60 y
Dyhict vj renijyL LLinta, to ivit :
Be it remembered that
on the tweiJtn day of April in the eighteenth
year ot the independence of the United States
of America, lie■ jamm D:.v;es of the said dif
tri& hath debited in tins office the title oi a
map, the right Whereof he claims as prop) *
-tor, in the words following, to wit;
u A Giound Pljin of the City and Sub
u urbs of Philadelphia, taken from a&ual
u Purvey; containing; an exa& description
il ot all tlie squares, streets and alleys in
u the City and Liberties ; of the fit-nation
44 of all Ihe prin ipal pu lie buildings • oi'
u the rivulets, and as mgch of the Canal
•< as lies within the compass of the draft,
" by H. P. Folic : pubjiihed by the Propri
-11 etar, Benjamin Daviesi"
In Conformity to the a& of the Congress of
the United Suites, entitled an ast for the en
couragement of learning, by i'ecuring the co
pies of I&p'S} charts and books to the authors
2nd proprietors of fueh copies, during the
times therein mentioned.
CI rkof the D ftri&of P*eunf)lvania.
April 9.
Library Company of Philadelphia,
WILL oe held at the Library, in Filth
street, on Monday the fifth ot May next, at
three o'clock in the afternoon, when the trea
surer wilt attend to receive the annual pay
men t&>
As there are fevera! {hares on which fines
are due, the owners of or their rep e
fentatives, ire hereby notified, that they will
be- forfeited, agreeably to the IjWs of the
Company, uniefs the said arrears are paid off
on the fifth day of May, or within ten days
By Order of the Directors.
April 7. m&w tjth May.
Henry Rape State of Maryland.
f. J High Couit of Chancci y,
BenjaminGaithei > March sth. 1794.
and \ "
Basil Oaither
The Complainant dates
in his bill that the detciidants Benjamin Gui
ther and Basil Gaither were leizcci in fee as
tenants in common of a trait of land in Fre
derick County, called Hammond's Strife
that being so l'eifed, Baiil executed a power
of attorney to Benjamin authorizing him to
fell his, the said Baiil's interelt in the fa d
land, that afterwards the said Benjamin folcj
the laid land to a Gatther for
the corifideration of fix hundred pounds which
hath been since paid, that the laid Wiljiam
hath afligued to the Complainant HenryJlape
the bond executed by the said Benjamin for
the conveyance of tne said land : The Com
plainant now further states (and so appfears
to the Chancellor) that the defendants are
u6n-reiidents of theltate of Maryland, and
herefore out of the reach of the process of
this court.
R T 0.
adjudged a. od, ~a
lie Complainant procure a copy of this or
ler to be inferred in the newspaper of Angel
And Sul {van, and in the United States Gazitit
at least three weeks successively, before the
twentieth day of May next ; to the intent
that the Defendants and all others, who may
conceive themselves interested in the pitmil
es, may have notice to appear in this court,
on or before the third Tuesday in September
next, to ftiew cause wherefol e a decree fliould
not pass for vesting in the Complainant acom
plete legal titJe to the land aforefaid.
Reg. Cur. Con.
THE Subfcribrr having cntertd into Co
partnership with Mr. John Bartholomew in
the bufinofs of Sugar Refining, will dispose
of the
Remaining Stock on band
Consisting of
Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares,
Plated Coach & Saddle
Furniture, &c. &c.
By Whole/ale at Prime Coji for Cajh.
John Dorfey,
No. i 2, North 3d (Ireet.
Trealury Department,
Revenue Office, Aptil 19, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby that proposals
will be leceived at the oiiice of' theCominif
fioher of the Revenue until tlie sixth of May
next inciufively, for the fnpplji of all Ra
tions, whicbmay be required daring the cur
rent year, at the city of Philadelphia, for
the recruiting fer»ice.
The rations to be furniihed are to consist
of the following Articles, vi
One of bread or flour /
One pound of beef, or 3 4 of a pound pork
Half a gill of rum, brandy or whisky
One quart ot fait, ~S
Two quarts vinegar f n .
Two pounds soap S Per >00 rat.ons
One pound candles J
April 2a. mw&slw
The annua] election
Directors and a Treasurer
March 18.
Concluding Sales.
April is.
Just Imported,
In thefhij> Abigail, Captain.Hartan, from St
Pctcrjburgb in Rujjia, and new Ihnding a
Rujjtil's wharf,
And (or fak 41 ihe (lores of the fubfciiber ii
Vi nui ftreei, No. 22.
John Donnaldfon.
April 4. (iiw wic t
Phllad. April 22, 1794.
* * Notice, agreeably to charter, is here
y given to the members of the Corporation
for the Relief of Poor and D jlrejjid Pre/by
terian Mini/lets, and of the Poor and Dis
tressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian
Miniflers, that a meeting of said corporation
is to take place, on the 22ti day of May next,
in the second Presbyterian church in the city
of Philadelphia, at 4 o'clock P. M. for the
dispatch of all fiich bnfinefs as may then be
brought before the board.
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, JSpril l(itb, 1794.
Communications by post or
otherwise. will be received by v.ay of infor
mation at the Office of the Commiilioner of
theßevenue from per fans willing to supply iron
Cannon, Cannon Ball, and Shells, for the for
tifications and Ships of W-r. The fi'nefs of
the metal for cannon, and the capacity of the
founders }n fmeUing, in preparing and mi*.
the metal, and in calling and boring the
cannon (which are to be cast folldly) will re
quire to be par:icularly stated.
S milar communications will also be receiv
ed fioin any perf'ons willing to lupply live
oak and red cedar limber for live Conftrti&ion
of thefhips of war. Different plans of pro
curing a-nd fUppJying the fame may be propos
ed. The convenience of the fiiuauon i n re
gaid to navigation, ai*d the state of the timber
whether artady fallen or hereafter v to be cut,
will require to be noticed.
All the neceflary particulars in regard to
theffevcral articles which aie wanted, will be
fpecified ir. contrails intended to be 1 grounded
in part on the information, which is hereby
April 17.
Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleaftjie ihat.tHe pubfi/her has to
info'm his t'ul>lcriber6 and tile p-übiic in gene
ral, that the plate .s now under the hands of
the engiaver, and in g. eater forWardnefs than
was at frft contemplated. At the fame time
he begs leave to r mind them, th t i'uW i ip
tujn papers are ftili open at inoft of the noted
book-ftoies in the city ; , n d that he hopes
trom the whole of them to be enabled to foim
inch a refpecftable caialogue of names, as will
do a credit to the work, a s we ]| as af f old a
re iTonable encouragement to the undertake.r
Thole who are-delirous of further informa.
tion are requested to call on
Benjamin Davles,
No. 68, Market ilieet.
A P ril '4- m&rthtf
Just Published,
In onehandfome volume, umo. Price 5s
Prdtihl'ifi j Head) No. 4 > Second
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on the
Duties which it impo!.-*.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
"I eylerian Society at Haarlem.
CoireSed and Enlarged.
D - D -
ProfefTor of Moral Philosophy, and the Law
ol Nature, and of Ecclefhftical HiiWy •
and Mmifter of the Engtifc Chuich at V
Aliquid semper ad communem utilitatem as
The Firjl American Edition.
grand principle of Equality, if right
. understood, is the only basis on which
un.verfal juilice, (acred o.der, and perfetf
reedom, ca.ihe firmly built,and permanent
!y fccured. The v.ew of it exhibited in th,
elray, at the fame time that it reprefies the
insolence ot office, the tyranny of p, ide, and
the outrages o( oppression ; confirm,, ,n the
moll forcible manner, the necefiity of fnbor
tiination, and the just demands of lawful au
thomy So far indeed, from loosening th.
oancis of society, that it maintains in violate,
every natmal and every civil djftinftim
draws more clolely every (ocial tie, unites i,
tein a r nd°f n '- OUS a " d ■' Ui " V P ro P ort| o |l ed fyf
' fjrrrg, men together on the eve'
ZT f! rights of h uman , la
ure, „f reciprocal oblation, and of acorn
mon relation to the community.
Marc " ,8 - tu&ftf
/ Secretary of the Corporation.
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Fife Dollar Hills ~f
the Bank of the United States x and Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Batik of North Auienca,
Jcverul of which have appeared in drcuiat'iMi
within a few days pajl; they are a good
neral imitation of the genuine Bills, out may
be diflinguifhtd by the following
Fine Dollar Bill of the Bat,Je of the
United States.
.1 1 .!
ALL tlut have appeared liav? the fetter p
for their Alphabetical Mark.
Ihe Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely than
the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is fma!!er
than the M. and other lefters of that wori
fa that a line extended from the top of the t >
to touch the top of the M. would extendcon!
fideiably above the range of the whole word!
In the word Un ted the letters are nan<> w "
erard closer together than the reft of the bill"
The i and/in the word prom,fe are
parallel, the/inclining much mo're forwar *
than the i.
Tire engraving is badly executed,! he
of all the Letters are stronger and the devi e
in them arg in particularly ismuch coarkr and
appeal s darker ihan in the true bills. Soin
el the counrerfi its bear daie in i 7 j t \v\ K ' r ~
as the Bank was not in operation till Decern
tier, and no hve dollar bills were iiluerf T*
ihatyiar. * '
Twenty Dollar Bills of tlx Bwii of AV/i.
ALT. that have appeared have the letter
B for their alphabetical mark.
They are primed on a paper nearly Hmi'ar
to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes
above defer.bed ; the engraving is better CRe .
ucted, and they approach nearer to the au
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the (void Tuck
tyy iii the body of ihr bill, are in nunibei th r
teen in the genuine bills, and but iwilve in
the counterfeits.
The word Company i 5 much lik6 the fame
word in the Five Dollar B Us is defer ibed a
bove, the o being less than them, and othes
There is no stroke to th* t inlhe word Air.'i
whereas in the genuine bills the Hoke is \tell
The Infers enl in the word Tumty, to the
left hand at the 1 lot torn, do no,- come down to
the line, but are so cut as to give an "irregular
appearance tu the word, the Tw and :lie> go
ing below them.
The lignature J Nixon, the appe»r
a ice of fxin s written wiih lamb-tlack >itd
01, and differs from other inks ijfcd ia
pi 'nting the bills and the culkiei's fig latwc.
It is supposed these frygeiies were cuumiiite*!
in lotm of thi Southern Stales, as all the com.
re, ierts thai have appeared, h->ve come from
ih nee, and two person's have been aj-prrhene- .
ed m Virginia, on fufptcion of being 1 ! c author 4m
of them. /
w !1 be paid toany ferfoii or p .-rf us wfi , ilull
difco-er and prosecute !o convi£i»on the iicveral
offenders of the follownrg defcripuons o an/
of them, viz.
The per fori or prrfons, who manuf ftured
the] p:r oq which the Biili are primed.
The person or pc.foos, who engraved ihc
Tlk nicr or primers, raf the bills.
v ( ry t' why has as a pri c ; t>al in
" ny ® th " J"?'. 'O. 'he couuterleuing a; d utic
■ ng (he fa J bills.
Philadelphia, Mafdi 28. 17
~ , A r'< l 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
IZ! , I d -" n n omination isof TWENTY DOL
teffl. alphabejical mark is the let
in Jh he^, m y, bt ' diain ? ui^d f-om ,h e krntt
me by the following MARKS •
of « of a mnre
tend r texture and gloffey f ur | a « than (he
r 'V'" W: ' te '' mark irttbera.
truTb U :; C " tfle WOrd CalW ". «"
true b,ll, , s ftu.ngly marked, W |, frt „ j„ the
ZITT-1' *i whu,e <*'
t" - V En state. T «
devue ' is much datker -in
the "1 h' rt "i '" e genuine bijU owing to
toLttl , b r ngcoarre '' much
,5 'kJ' cnn 'eqiieiitlv much nxne nu
meroun. rh.s d&rence ft. ikes ihc eye at
„?! f a '" e rc «"ird of ONE THOUSAMO
JULAKS, mi)] |,e paid so- apprehending, k
A r k Ut j" S i° c «P'iftion the I'everaJ ab ve
i„ refpeft to this, as to
tbe lalt defcribod bills. -
of the 8 nk ttWjfrd Sutei.
JOHN NIXON, Pre fid cut ol lYe
Bank, ol North Ameiica.
By otorr of the Committees of the Ref
peiftive Boards.
. P*?" fhis Gavzette be enlarged-, as it
receives encouragement—The Suhfcriptim
encreqfes daily—A/fi>crlifmg Favors ate
* eon ji' ltaie ** iffiatisl I tent
the Debit Jide of the j4count.
Printed by JOHN I'ENNO, No 3
South Fourtk-Street.