Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 26, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 115 of Vol. V
£3"* THE schooner DELIGHT, the pro
perty ©f Manual Aiwonio Martin, of the If
lanriof Bona Vista, was on the 18th of Oc
tober last, while lying at anchor in the road of
that I (land, forcibly entered and carried off
man by the nftme of DODGE, and one other
feerfon, name urtknown. —This vessel xvZs fold
. , m. A. Martin; by William M'Neili, who
c ame to Bona Vista in her, from Madeira.—•
S'ie was btsiit in the county of Matthews,
Oate of Virginia, and was registered at New-
York, the 16th April, 1793— Her name was
pTMi'ed on her Oern—Her dimensions as ioU
Jowl: 56 feet 6 inches keel, 16 feet 6 inches
Heapi, hold 6 l'eet 2 inches, her burthen 54
t™ S * er
At the time of their entering the vessel,
.there was a black man on board by the name
of Balthazer, whom they carried off with them.
J t!in Dunham was mate of the- velfel under
Capr. M'NeiM, prior to the sale of her, and
the other perfcms were mariners. Dunham
is_a married man, and has a family at Nan
Tilfc cargo of the vessel consisted of the sol
' lowing articles.-—2 caP s containing 74 pieces
Linen; cafe Wnie-Glatfr' ; 1 bale containing
q pieces Broadcloth; 1 do. 9 do. 79 piece*
Cotton, (needle worked) —,33 do. do inferior,
2 m -ys of Salt; Hie had (even small arms and
some pistols.
If any person can give any information
this veil Tel, or any part of the property, fothat
it can be recovered, or the offenders* brought
oj juft'.ce, they are rrqietted to inform Mefirs.
Joseph Anthony and Son, Philadelphia ;
Mu it k ay and Mumford, New-York ; Clark
and NrGHTfKGALe, Providence; or Head
and Ampry, Boston.
March 17.
Old Lisbon Wine of a
superior quality in pipes, imported in the thip
"Wil nington.
OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter casks, impot ted in the brig Nancy
, capt. Gwjn f fr nj Cad'z.
SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of
RMSfNS, imported in ditto.
Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in pipes
hhds. and quarter calk';, imported in the fhlp
Tnomas, capt- Skinner.
A few quirter calk 1 ; of old particular bill
of exchange IVJADEIRA WINE*
George Meade,
Who has also, just arrived and for sale
Lijbon Salt.
A quantity of empty BAGS for sale.
April 5. w&sim.
The following Certifi
catc of the funded three per Cent Stock of the
Domestic Debt of the United States (landing on
the bookk of the Treasury of the said United
States, in the names of Donnald and Burton of
London, ineichants, and signed by Joseph
Nouife, Register of said Treasury, to wit
No. 5476, dated 2.fh August 1792 for 29/59
dollars and 53 cc nts was tranlmitted from Lon
don in the fh'rp Peter, Paul HuflTey, master,
bound for New Yoik, and-has been loft.—
The Subscriber intending to apply to the Trea
sury of the United States to have the fame re
newed, desires all persons who are intecefted in
the said certificate, to make their objections
thereto, ;f any they have.
Francis Macy.
Philad. March 27. d6w
Mai ket-Street,
An EfTay on Slavery,
Designed to exhibit in a new point of view
its effetts on morals, induflry, and the peace of
Jociety. Some facts and calculations are offered
<0 prove the labor offreemen to be much more
produflive than that ot Jlaves ; th2t countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of rheir own
labor ; and hence the n ctffjiy conclusion, that
flavcry is impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 25 Cents. dtf
February 15.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles each.
* V, ALSO,
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
In pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks,
No. in, South Front Urcet.
J»n. a, 1794. dtf
of ft)t IfJmfei |p
For Norfolk & Fredericks burgh,
John Earl, Master.
A staunch good .vefltl, will fail in a few
days. For freight or pflage, apply to the
master on board at Chefnut ftreat wharf, or
March 31. dtf
For Sale or Charter,
(An American bottom)
iS a stout good veflVl, about two years old,
burthen 232 tons, has only made three voy
ages, and may be r eni to Tea at a small etf
pence. Slie may be seen at Vine-street wharf,
.and the terms made known bv application to
March 2t,
For Amsterdam,
. The new fall-failing, copper
bottomed SHIP
g|g§ ADRIAN A,
K. Fitzpatrick, Master.
BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenient speed. For freight or passage,
having excellent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut street wharf, or to
N. B. PalTengers will be lauded in Eng
land if required. '
March 6, 1794 dtf
di w.
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes,
A few bales Holland Duck,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Glass Ware, -viz. Tumblers and Mugs, "va
rious Jizes
Sheathing Paper,
Swedes Iron, square and fiat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c. &c.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale
Ihouldapplication be made within a few days ;
othernuife Jhe <will take freight for Amjler
March 1, 1794.
The Profits arising from the follo-.ving publi
cation are for the benefit of the Poor.
Just published, printed by R. Aitken and
Son, and fold by J. Cruklhank, W. Young
T. Dobfon, and the other Booksellers,
Proceedings of the Committee,
Appointed on the 14th September 1793, by
the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern
Libarties, and theDiftrift of Southwark,
to attend to and alleviaie the fufferings of
the affli&ec! with the Malignant Fever,pre
valent, in the City and its vicinity.
A lift of persons admitted into the Hospi
tal at Bush-hill, (hewing the times of their
admiflion, death and discharge.
dumber of Houfcs, Deaths, &c. in the
refpe&ive streets, alleys, and courts in the
C Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and
Diftrift of Southwark.
A lift of the Interments in the Burial
grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern
Liberties, and Diftritft of Southwark, with a
meteorological account of the weather.
A summary of donations in calh and provi
fions, received from sundry persons and pla
ces, for the us.- of the poor and afflicted
A P ril 2 ; d 3 w
To be Let,
For Merchants Compting Houfej or Public
Office Si
Two brick 3 story Houses,
HAVING 6100 ms in each, with fireplaces
beside garrets, fituatej on the Tooth westerly fide
of Dock ftrrct, between Pear and Walnut
streets. Enquire of
A P nl '7-
' ' _ 4
« " *
Saturday, April 26, 1794*
No. 41, joutb Second Jireet,
Extract of a letter from a gen
tleman in America to a friend in England, on
tlieSubjeft of Emigration—price 1 Bth of a
Ecclefta/lical EJlabhJhments detrimental to
a State.
Price I 3 at a Dollar.
April 22.
Just Imported,
In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from
St. Peterlburg in Rufiia,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz.
John Donnaldfon,
No. 22, Walnut-ilreet.
La J\
sojLd by
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 4.1, South Second-Str£et :
THE History of New-Hampshire, fiom the
Difcovcry of the River Pifc2taqua—by ft
rcmiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vols. Price in Boards,
4 I -2 Dollars.
The Forreftcr, an American Fable, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier.
Prce,.7£ Cents.
A Discourse, intended to commemorate the
Discovery of America by Christopher Colum
bus; delivered at the rcqueft of the Hillorical
Society in Massachusetts, O£lober 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Century,
since that memorable event. To which are
added, Four DilTertations, connected with the
fubjeft—By the fame author. Price, 50 Cents.
M fch 17. . ' fhttTAEfow
the Tame author.
A large elegant House,
> •'
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible situation,—also a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of Jand and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of the city, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
January 23 ni&th—tf
And entered upon the fit ft ot May,
The noted EJlate> called
Johnson Hall: *
Lying in the Mohawk country, Rate of New
York, formerly the feat of Sir William John
son, containing about seven hundred acres of
land, wtych is of the very bed quality ; toge
ther wfth the flock, and farming urcnfiU.
buildings are large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
easy, on good security. For further particulars
enquire of George Metcalf, Esq. on the premis
es, of Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New Yoik, or
of the fubferiber in Providence.
Jabez Bow en.
Philad. March 26 mw&lim
OF the money robbed from the mail near
Baltimore, by Doftof Gant, no dollars were
afterwards Tent by'jn unknown hand, to the
Poftinafter at Baltimore, who transmitted
the fame to the General Post Office; The fuf
ferers by that robbery are desired to state the
amount of their lofles refpeQively, and trans
mit the fame, with the original letters of their
correspondents where recovered) or other
evidence thereof to the General Post Office,
before the firft day of June next, immediate
ly afier which a dividend will be made among
the claimants.
Post MaJler Genera!.
Gen. Pnft Office, April 4, 1794 taw6w
£r Those persons who
undertake to cut limber or wood of any kind
whatever, from any lands M the real estate of
the late Richard Stockton £fq. deceased, in
the western precinct of the county of Somtfrfet
in the state of New Jersey, under a pretence of
a right to cut on lands adjacent, are requefte<J to
desist from so doing, or they will be proceed'
ed againlt in such manner as inay pi*>ve troil
blcfome an<? expensive to themfeives.
April 16. *vv <3csfcvr
tales •
[Whole No. 511.]
GENOA, Jan. 10.
The following picture will give those
who are desirous of obtaining a just idea of
the affairs of Genoa, which continue to
be greatly embarrafted some information
on that fubjeft. The members of gov
ernment, that is, the whole nobility are
of course all ariflocrats, some young men
excepted. It would have been easy, es
pecially after the capture of Toulon, ■to
have induced the Republic to declare in
favor of the combined powers. Govern
ment would have found no opposition
fiom the class which you call commoners,
nor from the people, for fay what we
will, the general interell of Genoa is to
preserve its tradfe : that of guarding its
property veiled in the funds "of France,
is but a secondary motive ; but, in con
sequence of the extreme violence of the
English, the pro'penfity of the second
class who are rich and of the people who
are not without energy, is entirely chao
ged. This injultice has at length produ
duced a spirit of independence. The
recovery of Toulon, which would render
an invalion of Genoa on the part of France
more practicable, added to the just con
dudt of the French with respect to the
Republic, has confirmed this change of
sentiment, and neutrality at all events is
to be maintained. As the government
has no power except when it has the ge
neral voice in its favor, a revolution might
be expected, were it to adopt a different
conduct. Hence, the'refufal of treating
with Sir Gilbert Elliot at La Spezzia.—
The government dares not fuffer the Ge
norfe and the French to imagine it is in
clined to abandon its neutrality. This,
like wife, accounts, for the effedts which
have been produced bj the artful negoti
ations of Mr. Drake and Lord Hood.
MADRID. Jan. 20.
It should seem that the court of Spain
interefled in the re-eftabji(hment of the
House of Bourbon ought to have .found
no difficulty in acknowledging Monsieur
Regent of France. Such, however,is the
wtaknefs of this court, and its want of
confidence in its allies, that it dares not
venture on this conduct. The title of Re
gent had been given to Monsieur in the
court almanac; but the edition was Sudden
ly withdrawn, and the sheet in which the
title flood reprinted.
A part of the army of Roufillon is
gone into cantonments; it is reduced to
18,000 men fit for service. Epidemical
fevers ftiU continue, and the number of
sick and wounded is effimated at 16,000
The Spaniards being in possession of the
town of Collioure, and the forts of St.
Elme, and the Bellgarde, hope ro main
tain themfelve6 in Roufill on, by flrength
ening their army with 20,000 recruits,
raised as it is said, by government. But
tho' they feel the necefiity of quickening
the flow motion of the Spaniards, if they
would refill the impetuosity of the FrcncTi,
and though conncils have often been held *
at Madrid, to which the bed informed mi
litary men have been called there is every
reason to fear,the French will soon assault
Perpignan in mass, and that the Spaniards
will be reduced to endeavor to flop their
progress in the defiles of Catalonia.
It is affirmed, that the Vice Admiral
Borgia who commands tha division of
Cadiz, will go to Carthagena, and (Com
mand the squadron which is to remain in
in the Mediteraneart. Jit is prefumeel that
Langara will go to Cadiz, and perhaps
ast iu concert with English on'the ocean,
COWES, Eng. January 30.
The Heflian cavalry, 900 in number,
are all landed, and the flores of Mr. Al
derman Macaulay and other proprietors
converted into stabling for their accom
The horse& begin visibly to recover their
wonted flrength and animation, and will,
we have no doubt, in a (hort time make a
rtfp«stable appearance.