• PZi'.j*L 'April it, 1794- *_* Nottrc, to dußtar,k i£ie fcy fnm Be the members of the Corfaratian far the Kdvf *f Pztr and Prefby- Hvti ftrs, »« offered ti-1 £rove ifar; tabor offmmem to be tnucb more t--han tfcw ot jiaocs ; that countries ate jrada, ptt«teria.i a*d i« proportion asvbe islv3f esjjoy ihe fruits /ff their own ; a«d jv»:Ke tiae ncctifary conciufion, that flweiry i* ifkpaliiic as well as unjjvjl. Pifcttc£ 25 Cents. dtf ternary 35. On Tuekfay lie 29th instant it ji o'clock in the Fort noon, -will be irAfi fey pofcEe TifocUie, at Mr. Bowen's Exiic'noE Room, No. 9, month Elgltii Thttfty A COLLECTION OF Capital Pictures, By the saoft approved French, Italian, and f leralfla Matters, collected by a geutiemao of . tzihe in Europe aMj inferior to any that haw ever fceeft oSr.ed lor fate in A rubric a. Tbcle Pi&ares may be viewed at any time f>rcvi«*ss the day of'fale at rfce Exhibition R whene catalogues may be had, and at tike Swbfcrihcrs Hoojn. LIKEWISE, A ColleSion of Books t in foT<£\VK langnag«s, 44)chas Ruffian, Pojifh., a snaps in the iaid Languages. FOOTMAN & CO. Auaifmteru Apr I st. tuth&iUf * -j " JUST iPUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, BoifrUer t at the Statu Houjie in Second ftrasi, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPAEDIA, OS. X DtSiasary of Artr, Sdeaca, and Mijui fameser f^kers.ture:, OS a eaii.thy new,; by which the aif £srccit &;eseesind acts-arc ihgeSbed into the Jili.ufi n«j*i(ei or lyfteins. This; " tains tin; articles, tasdals, «nedi ei ®£tiWntjn asetaphyfcs, mict«lcope, midwifry, and a great *ar«ty * ii'igrioliical and ini&eßaaeotis ar ticles, v!l«&raterf with nineteen copperplates Tkc tables of JegaritTum, tec. w f>ich wen; di ia the Irath vajauoe, are lifb jowed to *}»■>. Ei-»ea of tfacc «ork a*e now pub- Hfc«3, iati the XJlth is in tame fcrorauxlnefs. On the Si-si uj' t*ie price e< fs'Sibription *vas arxiraXad TLH dollars oa, a Cetta n«t takon before irtiat fane. The 4ib fic :■ rprKtrt k fill] open 01 Ael» terms, and if » ! cc? Teoia: nby tbe fir 2o» Jafw ne*t,the price w;-J: Sae yaitsd Xs>i dollar; oiore, .on aay ccpiei B-lucLbataj as fiui-brJoeKj iar after that *,* Astamyof tJie fijbferihers Jiawe«»ke« aiiy f w three tour, ike:, ve lunits, iliey are ea roefflv senusStd to ta4e «ijj and pay (or the rear : «ni{ at it becomes affjioiik to clz\-^!*eterejects, A-wJ-the pubJJbtr.'•% TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, am? Lot ef Croitud, rlane^O)lefitaiation, —alto aConntryfrat , w itai« Ami brs«f the Ci ty, wit acres of , iaiaS, »c -41 acr« of laiki aud meadow, the j in the*ion-it} j of the city, in ing the metal, and in casting aud boring the caanaea (w-hicfa are to 4>e cast JoUdly) wijj re quire to be par vculariy -Rated. S iELilar communications will also be secevy. Ed from any persons willing to supply Jive oak aacl red cedar timber for of the (hips orf vai". Different plans of pro- and ftyjpjying tbe fame may be propos ed. l'he convenience of the fiiuation in re gard to navigation, and the state of the timber whether already fallen or hereafter to be cut, will require to be noticed. AH the neceflary particulars mi regard to thef-vera] articles wbicji a»e warned, will be specified ic.contra As intended to be grounded in part on the information,'which is hereby fought. April 17. tuth&sgw. *£be Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA takeh nom actual suxmr, IT is with pleasure that the publilher hasto ■ inform hitfubferibers'and the puttie in gene ral, that the plate is row under the hands of the engraven, and in greaterfarwardnefs fhan. was at fir ft contemplated. At theiarne time lie begs leave to remind them, th>t fubferip t.on papers are ftifl open at melt of the noted o#ak-8, Market street. A *> ril M- n.&rthtf Henry Rape State of Maryland. ®" , f High Court of Chancery, Benjamin Gait her}- March fth. 1794. and \ Basil Gait her •* The Complainant states in his bill that the delendn-nts Benjamin Gai ther and Basil Gaither were seized in fee as tenants in common of a tract of land in Fie. derick County, called Hammond's Strife ; that being so fehid, Basil executed a power ef attorney to Benjamin authorizing him to fell his, the said Basil's in t ere A in the fa id land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold the said land to a certain William Gaither far the oirfideration of fix hundred pounds which hath been since paid, tliat the said William ibath affignedto the Complainant Henry Rape the bond executed by the laid Benjamin far the iceiweyance of t.ie said land : The (Com plainant now further Hates (and fa appears to the Chancellor) that the defendants are noo-refidents of the Hate of Maryland, and herefare out of the reach of the process of this court. 11 is the efare adjudged and ordered, that the Genvplai»a»t procure a copy of this or der to be inter ted in the newfpaperof Aogell aol Sud kvan, and in the United States Gazette at least three weeks facceflively, ibefase the twentieth day of May next ; to the intent that tlie Defendants and all others, who may conceive tihemfelves interelied in thejjrcmrf es, may have notwee to appear in this court, on or before the thitd Tucfday in September «ext, to shew cause wherefore at pal's far veftißg in the Cwnpla«»ai* q C om- ' ip.«te legal title to the land aforefaid. Tell, SAMUEL HAS YF.Y HOWARD, ; &eg. Cor. Caii. J£&nrfc tB. e*4ihfcfs*" 1 ADVERTISEMENT. v SALES at NEW-YORK, by A. L. HLEECKER & SONS, On Tiurfday the 15th May tuext at Twelve o'clock at the Tannae CoJ&e House, THE FOILOWIWG T'raßs of Land\ 111 W-tkins and Flint's purchase, in the coun ty of Tioga, - state ol New York. Tib; containing acres Southwell qaar. of Township No. 2, 9,424 NortUwefl do. do. 4, 5>^47 Northeast do. do. 6, 10,525 Southwest do. do. 7> 9 000 Southwell do do. 8, 3<95 3 Northwest do. do. R, 6,? $0 Southeast do. do. t), 6,2J0 Southeast do, of the jGL, to touch the top ui'thc M would ok tend can. ; liderably a. ove tlie range at' the whole mar,d. . In the word United the letters *X£ iiiui .now -1 erand cloier together than the reft ot the hill The i and f irt the word promise Mi£ nolt parallel, the yiuclining uiuch more torwacd than the*. s The engraving is badly execuied,the Anefce of aLltUe Letters are ttronger and the.deviue in then.aigin particulary lsinuchtcoai Jer .and appears darker than in ihe true bills. Sotse e the caunte ictts bear date in J -yn Wiieire as the Bank was nut-in operation till D&ckui. ber, and no five dollar bills weie liiued »u that year. Twenty Dollar Bills of Hie Rani &f Jltrti Araerica* ALL that have appeared have the ieitt&i JL tor their alphabetical nta-Jc. Tl>ey are pruned on a paper nearly jfimafcarr to that ot* the couuterfeit Five Dollar '# in the body ot the bill, are in ruimbci Jtfc j"- j teenio the genuine b lis, and but twelve ie the counterfeits. The word Chmpany is much lijce tfee fame word in the Five Dollar B lis assr:ircfcp«' iai t any other to the counterlciiing and aittew ing ihe taid bills. AJarcii 2&, 17 Jfyril 22, 3-59, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the .United Stages have in ciicu'atitn. Tie denomination is of T\VENTTT LARS,and the alphabetical mark «tfi« Jeit ter B. » Xliey may be tliftingu;&ed the in- by the ioliowing i The paper of tlie counterfeits is of a msre tend r texture and glnfiev fcrface ths« mhe genuine, aim tlie'e is no water mark in thc.au , lie letter C. in the word Calhier, ijhe . tru; bjis is flroi g y marjeed, wheteas .inthe coanterleits,'he wliole letter is a fine hair troke, evidently in an unfinifhea ftAie. Tl* letter a in the Word demand, is hadiy and the whole wo*d ill and there is iai coißoia at tbe eud ol" it, as there is iu tl* genuine bills. 1 f ,-' e r ,nar £ lna ' •device, is much dajser .is k' i j' t ' lan geiuine bills owing tm . > e lu.ide strokes beingcoar;er, much neaJjsr togethej, and conlequeretly much more -nu merous. This diflereuce ftrlkes ihe eye atfij# •view. r r J r h ® fame reward of ONE THQUSAi® I i-LARS, wit] be paid for apprehendiirp,& pr.'iecutlng to convidtion the feverai defenbed Offenders in i*fpe& to this, as t» the last defer,bed bills. THOMAS WILLING, Piefidemt ol the Bank L'mtt d Slates. JOHN KJXON, Pi.fidentofihe Bank of North America. By oidei ot the Committees as the Set Boards. OC?" This Gazette Jhallbe enlarged, at M receives encouragement—The Subfcriftti« encreafes daily—Advtrtifing Favors tint /elicited —Tbef: cmflitute an ejfential Item in dimini/btftg the Debit Jide of tbe Account, PHILADELPHIA : ~ ' Printed Br JOHN FE-NNO, No ! ; South Fourtk-Stcect. v 1