'J? -V E V [No. 115 of Vol. V.] Louis Ofmont, jjas removed from No. 40, noithi Third street, to No. Il7i north Second tlrcel, between Arch and Kacr streets, in those stores luely oerupied by Mr. Starman, opposite 10 Meflrs I W and \V. GVbbs, where he keeps hu VhblcTale Wrehtufe, tor the sale ef all forts of GOODS, and the trjnfaftion of all commiHiou Business, and Has now for Sale, White silk {lockings, High dirfled Englidi fafhion A box ol Fiench pomatum Hanging frper of"the belt patterns and co loors A few pieces of Long Lawns An invoice of Sattin Cloaks, which on .ac count ol.thefeafon will be fold low and at a long credit Champaign Wine 6 years old A few pipes Lisbon Wine Do. do. POll Wine £) 0 , do. Madeira Som c Calcavlla "Wine Bur ( > und y Wine and Claret. April -7. dt< I The following Certifi cate of the funded three p,.r Cent Sock of the Dnmcftic Debt of the United Sutes ftandrtig "n the books ol the Tieafurv of lhr la,9 dollar? and's3 traiiftimted Irom Lou dun in the thip Peter, Paul Hufley, mailer, bound for New York, and has been Infl — The Subfc'riber intending io l apply to the 1 rca. fury of the United States to have the fame re newed, defues all persons who are intereftrd in ' the said ceitificaic, to make their objeaions thereto, if any they have. • Francis Macy. Phiiad. March 27. d6w PIRACY! $3- THE schooner DELIGHT, the pro perty ®f Manu 1 Antonio Martin, of the If y laiid of Bona Vista, was on the 18th of Oc ' tober faljs wt»i|e at anchor in the road of that Ifliind, forcibly entered and carried off by JOHN DUNHAM, JOHN MURRAY, a man by the name of DODGE, aiuj one other parson, name unknown. —This veflel was fold to M. A. Martin, by William M'Neill, who came t<> Bona Vista in her, from Madeira.— She was built in the county Matthews, flaie of Virginia, and was registered at New- York, the 16th April, 1793— He» name wa< piinted on her (lern—Her dimensions as fol lows : 56 feet 6 inches keel, 16 feet 6 inches beam, hold 6 feet 2 inches, her burthen 54 tons. At the time of their entering the vefTel, there was a black man on boarefby the name of Balthazer, whom they carried oft with tlkm. John Dunham was mate of the vetfel under Capt. M'Neill, prior to the sale of her* and the other persons were mariyers. Dunham is a married man, and has a family at Nan tucket. • The cargo of the veflel consisted of the fol lowing articles.—2 caf. s containing 74 pieces Linen j cafe Wine-Glatles; 1 bale containing g pieces Broadcloth; 1 do. 9 do. 79 pieces Cotton, (needle worked)— 33 do. do inferior, 2 moys of Salt; (he had seven small arms and some pistols. If any person can give any information of this Velfel, or any part of the property, so that it can be recovered, or the offenders brought 04 justice, they are rrq Hefted to inform Meflrs. Joseph Anthony and Son, Philadelphia; Mur ray and Mumford, New-York; Clark and Nightingale, Providence; or Head and Amory, Boflon. March 17. diw. FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, Old Lisbon Wine of a superior quality in pipes, imported in the ihip Wil fling ton. 'OLD SHERRY WINE of the fir ft quality in quarter casks, imported in the brig Nancy capt. Gwjn. ft< m Cadiz SHELLED ALMONDS aod a few kegs of RAISINS, imported in ditto. Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in pipes hhds. and quarter casks, imported in the/hip Thomas, capt. Skinner. A few quarter cask . of old particular bill of exchange MADEIRA WINE. George Meade, Who has also, just arrived and for sale A SMALL CARGO OF Lijb on Salt. A quantity of empty BAGS for sale. April 5. w&sim. ©ißrtti of tHje 'Ctniteii ENI'NG For Amsterdam, 3—. The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP W ADRIAN A, * K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight orpaflage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Walnut street wharf, or to THOS. c 3" JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Patfengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794 dtf For Sale or Charter, A ND RO M , IS a ft out good vessel, about two years old, burthen 232 tons, has only made three voy ages, and may be lent to Tea at a small ex pence. She may be seen at Vine-fti'eet wharf, and the terms made known bv application to WHARTON & lEfflS. March 2i. For "Norfolk & Fredericksburgh, ■ SALLY, A staunch good veflel, will fail in a few days. For freight or p flage, apply to the mailer on board at Chefnut street wharf, or t0 JOSEPH JNTHO NT & SOtf. March 31. dtf T A PEW BARRELS OF POTATOES, Well picked, out of a very large quantity — AND A FEW Tierces of Rice, FOR SALE BY Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second street. April 17. dtf Just Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amsterdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A few bales Holland Duck, Ditto Oxtrabwgs, Holland Sheeting, 'Juniper Berries, Glass Ware, -viz. Tumblers and Mugs, "va rious sizes. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Iron, fquar'e andflat bars, Hair Ribband, No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c. &c. FOR SALF. BY THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— fhouldapplication be made within a few days ; other wife Jhe will take freight for Amster dam. March 1, 1794. d—tf The Profits arifmg from the following publi cation are for the benefit of the Poor. Just publilhed, printed by R. Aitken and Son, and fold by J. Crukfhank, W. Young T. Dobfon, and the other Booksellers, MINUTES OF THE Proceedings of the Committee, Appointed on the 14th September 1793, by the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, and the Diftrift of Southwark, to attend to and alleviate the *fnffe rings of the affii&ed with the Malignant Fever,pre valent, in' the City and its vicinity. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A lift of persons admitted into the Hospi tal at Bulh-hil!, (hewing the times of their admiflion, death dnd difchargc. Number of Houses, Deatlis, See. in the refpe&ive streets, alleys, and courts in the city of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and Diftrift of Southwark. A lift of the Interments in the Burial grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and Drftrift of Souihwark, with a meteorological account of the weather. A summary of donations in caih and provi fions, received from sundry persons and pla ces, for the ufi of the poor and afflicted. April 2. djw AND ADVERTISER. Thursday, April 24, 1794- Congrejs of the United States. House of Reprefentativos On Monday last the House agreed to the following resolution : WHEREAS, the injuries whieh have been fuffered and may be fuffered by the United States, from violations committed by Great Britain en their neutral rights and commercial intfrefts, as well as from her failure to execute the seventh article of the treaty oi peace, render it expedient for the interests of the United States, that the commercial intercourse between the two countries should not continue to be carried on in the extent at present allowed: RESOLVED, That from and after the firft day of November next, all com mercial intercourse between the citizens of the United States, and the fubjefts of the king of Great Britain, or the citizens or subjects of any other nation, so far as the fame respects articles of the growth or ma nuiafture of Great Britain or Ireland, fliall be prohibited. AYES—Armstrong, Bailey, Baldwin, Beatty,Blunt, Carnes,Chri(iie,ClaibouVne, Clark, Coles, Dawfon, Dearborn, Dent, Findley, Fitzfimoni, Giles, Gillefpie, Gil man, Greenup, Gregg, Griffin, Grove, Hancock, Harrifon, Hartley, Heath, Hunter, Irvine, Locke, Lyman, Macon, Madison, M'Dowell, Mebane, Montgo mery, Moore, Murray, Nevil, New, Ni cholas, Orr, Page, Parker, Pickens, Pres ton, Rutherfreat Britain as should wish tq. return.—Never were pri soners so happf as we: were during our con finement—beautiful gardens to walk in, and a free intercourse with each other } we had liberty to write to our friends, to gether with plenty of the befl prqviflons, good beds, &c. and all at the expence of the nation." The total amount of the French Emi grants appears now, from the mufUr, re turned to governmeut, to amount to 14,877 men, women, and children, Wrought off by the British fleet from Tou lon. A letter from Toulon dated the 4th inft, states, that the executions go on rapidly in that city, and that already 3000, ac cused of having traiteroufly afiifted the Englith, have been tried by the military tribunal, and guillotined. HOUSE OF COMMONS. French property inforeign Countries. The Solicitor General, after a short preface, on the qeceflity of bringing for ward a measure, mentioned by his Right Honorable Friend on Saturday, relative to the late decree palled in the French National Convention, and dbferving, that if any difference of opinion should arise < on any part of the provifiou which should be proposed that might be discussed in some stage of the bill, said he should now content himfelf with moving for leave to bring in a bill. He moved accordingly, that leave be given* to bring in a bill, to prevent the application of debts in the