Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 23, 1794, Image 1

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    - • '■* i ' -' • * ' , - •; * ' • ' .• "*•'
[No. 112 of Vol. V.] Wednesday, April 23, 1794. [Whole No. 508.] '
For Sale or Charter,
( An American bottom)
aSiaS John Moore, Majler.
IS a (lout good veltel, about two years old,
burthen 232 tons, has only mad 1 three voy
»jes, and iriay be lent to sea at a frnall ex
pence. She maybe Teen at Vi'ie-ftieet whbrt,
and the terms made known bv appl cation to
March 21., dtf
For Amsterdam,
-j The new fact-failing, copper
(CT&iuT bottomed SHIP
tfliii u T K. Fitzpatrick, Mattel - .
BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in-
for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenient speed. For freight or paflage,
having excellent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut street wharf, or to
N. B. Passengers will be landed in Eng
, land if required.
March 6, 1794 dtf
For Norfolk & Fredericksburgh,
Brig ■
John Earl, Matter.
A iiaunch y*jod veiTel, will fail in a few
days." for freight or p ITage, apply to the
mailer on board at Chefnut street wharf, or
March 31. dtf
Well picked, a very large quantity—
Tierces of Rice,
Louis Ofmont,
No. 117, north Second street.
April 17. dtf
The Profits drijing from the following publi
cation are for- the benefit of the Poor,
Just publilhed, printed by R. Aitkeh and
Son, and fold by J. Crukftank, W. Young
T. Doblon, and the other Booksellers,
mi NUT £ ( S
Proceedings of the Committee,
Appointed 011 14th September 1793, by
the Citizens of P liUdelphia, the Northern
■ Liberties, and-the D'.itrift of S,i#tbw»rk,
to attend to and alleviate the Culferings of
the afflirterf with the Malignant Fever,pre
valent, in the City and it- vicinity!
A lift of perfoirs adm.treu into the Hospi
tal at Bush hill, Ihewing the times of their
admift-m, death and difchargr.
Number of Houfcs, Deaths, &c. in the
refpedfive streets, alleys, and courts in the
c>ty of Philadelphia, Noith rm Liberties, and
Diftri<st of Southwa'k.
A lift of ihe Interments in the Burial
grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern
Liberties, and D ftricl of Souihwa'k, with a
Inetcorological account of the weather.
A fuinmary of donations in calh and provi
fioiis, received from sundry persons and pla
ces, for tne ufj of the poor and
April 2. <13 w
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipe Si
A few bales Holland Duck,
Ditto Oznaburgs,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
1 Gldfs Ware, ■viz. Tumblers and Mugs, -va
rious fuses.
Sheathing Paper,
Swedes Iron, fnuare and flat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, &t. tfc.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale
fhouldapplication be made •within a fetvdays ;
etherwife fbe will take freight for Amster
March 1, 1794. d t f
The following Certifi
cute of the iunued three per Srock of tbe
Dounilic Debt ot the United Suites ftandmgon
vhe books ot the Treasury ot the id United
States, in ihe names ot Donnald and \J3urion of
London, merchants, and signed by Joseph
Nouife, Register of laid Tic-iury, to wit
No. 5476) dated 241b Auguit 1792 fok 29,59
<:iollai-> 53 cents v vvas tianlYmtied fron\ Lou
don in the (hip Peter, Hutfey, nailer,
» uound for New York, and has been I<|>ll.—
Tiii-Sublci ibcr intending 10 apply to the Trea
mry ol the United Stales 10 have the fame re
newed, dcfiirs all furious who are inteiefted in
the laid certificate, to make their ohjetf'ioiis
itieceio, ;f any ihey have.
Francis Macy.
Philad. Martfh 27. clow
Louis Oimont,
Hjs removed irom No. 40, cjojitiil ,iid fticel,
'" Wo. 117, norln jSecoud iti'ci, between
1 and Ract itreets, id thcl'e flirts lately
» occupied by Mr. Stanuan, oppofne 10 Mcffrs
1 J- W' and \V. whir he .ktepe his
Wloltfule Warcheuffii loi the laic ef all
for s of GOODS, and the t ran fa tit on of all
coin»»flio finfiii fs, <iiid
Has now for Sa\e,
White silk stockings,
> High Jtngfiin fafhiou
A box ol French pomatum
Hauging Paper oi the be ft patterns and co
-1 lours
A lew pieces of Long Ljwiis
An invoice of Satiin Ctoaks, which on ac
count of thefeafon will be lold losv and at a
long crcdit f
Champaign Wine 6 years old
A few pipes Lisbon Wine
i Do. do. Port Wine
Do. do. Madeira
* Som e PalCavelia Wine
Burg or, dy Wine aud Claret,
Annl 17- dtf
~P I Li A C Y!
{f3* THE ichooner DELIGHI", the pro
peuv ttf Mjnu« lAn nui.i M 4a ,<. us th- 11-
(•nu (.1 Bona ViHa, was on the 18th of Oc
tober laft,while lying at ancnor in the load of
thai Island, forcibly enrimd and cairied'ofF
man by tue naoic of DODGE, and one other
parson, name unknown.—This veilel wiiS fold
t M A- Martin, by SV'iiliara MiNeill, who
[ «aine to Bma Villa in her, trom Madeira
S'ie was LSuilt in the county of Mauhews,
ttate oF'Vuginia, and was registered at New-
York, the 16th April, 1793 —Her natns was
piinicd 01 her (lem—Her diraenfions at fol
lows : 56 leet 6 inches keel, >6 sees 6 inches
beam, hold 6 feet 2 inlhes, her burthen 54
At the time of their enteting the veflel,
, theie was a black man on board by 'he name
«f Balthaler, whom they carried off with them.
John Dunham was mate of the veflel under
Capt. M.'Neill, prior to the faje of her, and
the other persons were mariners. Dunham
is a married man, and has a faiiilly at Nan
The cargo of the ve(f;l confided of tfie fol
lowing articles.—2 cafis containing 74 pieces
Linen; cale Wii.e-Glailes; 1 bale containing
g pieces Broadcloth j 1 do. q d». 79 piece?
Cotton, (oeedie worked) —33 do. do inferior,
2 m»ys of Salt; (he had seven small arms and
some pistols.
I If any person can give any Information of
( this veilel, or any part of the property, so that
it can be recovered, or the offenders brought '
oj jultice, tney are rtquefted to iirturm Miffrr.
Joseph Anthony and Son, Philadelphia;
Mu « k *r and Mumford, New.York ; Claxk
and Nightingale, Providence; or Heao
and AiMosy, Boston.
March 17. d iw .
Old Lisbon Wine of a
superior qujlity in pipes, imported in the Ihip
Wil Tiington.
OLD SHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter calks, imp orted in the brig Nancy
cafit. Gwirt. fr. m Cadii.
SHSLLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of
RAISiNS, imported in dltio.
Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in Jjipes
hhds. and qnarier calk*, imported iu the Ihip
Thomas, capt. Skinner. '
A ie.w quarter tfaifc of old particular bill
of exchange MADEIRA WINE.
George Meade,
Who ha? also, just arrived' and for sale
Lijbon Salt.
A qnantity of empty BAGS for sale.
Apt" 5. w&sim.
Louis Ofmont.
April 19.- d 3 t.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogftigads and in cases of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
In pipes, hoglheads and quarter casks,
No. in, So«h Front ftrtet. N
Jan. a, 1-194. dtf
CAREY, No. üB,
An EfTay on Slavery,
to exhibit in a new point'pt view
itsetiedU on hoials\ ladujiry, and the peace oj
fotfety. Some ta£ls and calculations are offered
to prove the labor of jreemen to be much more
prodnl foe than that oi Jlaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful und happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the n ctffuv conclusion, that
slavery is impolitic as well s ttojujl.
Pr Ice 25 Cents. dtf
February 13.
B O 0 K S.
Lately imported, and for sale at
No. 26, Spruce, opposite Dock
■dmong <which are the folloiving :
Cbanthei lain's Hillary of London with plates At clmedturcy 2 vols, in one bo ft edi
Tillotfon's Works, 3 vols, best edition
Rapines History of England with Tindal's
C ontinuation, 3 vols.
Shaw's Travels thro' Bgrbary and the Levant
Poftlethwait's Dittionajy of Trade and Com
merce, 2 vols.
QU A R T 0.
Bruce's Trave's, 5 vols, fine plates
Robertfon's History of* America, 2 vols.
Maclaurin's Account ofNewtoaisPhilofophy,
M'Kniglit's Harmony of the Golpels
Lowman on the Revelations
Ledtvick's Antiquities of Ireland
Locke on the Epistles
Glafj's account of the Canary Islands
Bell's Travels through Aiia, 2 vols.
Touinefort's voyage to the L-vant, 2 vols.
The annual Regiftet, 34 vols, from its com.
Niebuhi's voyage to Arabia, 2 vols.
Hume's History of England, with Smplletts
coniißu'atfon, 14 vols.
Crevier's Lives of the Roman Emperor's, lo
Pennant's Account of London
Ree\ es's frftoty of the Eng! fh Law, 4 vols.
Blickftone's Commentaries, 4 vols.
Rayrial's history oi the East a+id Weft Indies,
7 vo|s.
Bell's beautiful edition of the Britift) Poets,
109 vols.
L'Antiquiie expliquee avec Figures par Mont
lauf >n torn. foi.
Les Auriquues dc I'Egypte par Norden foi. a
vec D«. fcri ption
Dictioiinaire H ftorique 9 torn oft.
Theatre dc Voltaire elegt. relie 9 torn.
Hift.iire Romam par Roll in 16 torn.
Lc Temple dis Mufcs avec des beaux Tableaux.
CEirvres dc Boileau, Moliere, Helvetius&c.
With many others cquallv good,
An Excellent Quadrant,
warranted perfect; a tew acfomatic Pocket
perfp. Give Glafles ; a fine toned German Flute
6 keys and addi'tiou2l joints ; and a few ele
gant Coloured Piints.
Apnl 21. "*mwf&m
Penrifyivariia H-ofpital,
4th Month, jch ! 794. .
The Contributors are desired
tf. attend the Election) to be he]J at the
Hospital on rhr sth day of the sth Month 3 o'clock in the afternoon; to choose
twelv- Managlrs and a Treasurer, for
the enitifng year:
By o/'dtr of a board of Managers.
Samuel' Coates, clerk.
From the Virginia Gazette.
Publilhed at Richmond.
Mr. Davis,
TO you is presented for publication,
the enclosed extiaft of a letter, of the 4th
instant, from a Philadelphia citizen, whose
life in the late war, when real objects were
at flake, exhibits incontrovertable testimo
nials of his love of country, his obedience
to the obligations of morality, and his per
' fonal military exertions in the cause of rea
son and of liberty.—l have introduced
this detail of the writer's chara&er, be
cause the inchoate palLonate proceeding®
of one branch of an august body, detailed
by the public papers, and heightened by
private correspondence, which every mail
circulates through this state, manifeits un
equivocally that the spirit of internal dif
c6t d and foreign war, is affectionately es
timated by some deputies of a people, who
hold the peaceable occupations of the har
row and the plough to be the certain paths
to national weight and to individual happi
ness, and who did fuppbfethat ourconfti
tution general, and conflitutions particu
lar, afforded a positive warrantee of peace
and its blessings to them, which never
could be interrupted by the egotism and
passion of men, clothed with public au
thority, aided by the desperation of their
seconds, whose noise is become as disgust
ing, as is their courage to fight and pow
er to pay those who have courage to fight*
Whether we are to be deprived of the a
bundant blessings we poflefs, will depend
on those to whom our public concerns arc
entrusted. May the God of Nature en
due our Congress with wisdom, and by
his lpecial interposition, save our nation
from the menaced deep calamity, by in
spiring the Houfc of.Reprefentatives with
a recollection, that they are the trufteei
of a people who love religion, obey the
truths of morality, and lijle our Blefled
Saviour, believe peace among mankind to
be the highest grade of felicity allowed
to the human race.
the extract.
"OUR worthy friend, I ought to fay
father, from his gootlnefs to us, has lived
too long : A second war opens to hii
view, and catches him like the past in
enterppfing commercial adventures I
wish his situation now was correfporident
to his situation then—but alas! injured
by the capture of his vefTels, and injured
by the paper payments received from
his country, he was reduced low *
—When he recommenced on the return
of peace the business to which he bad
been bred, again his honesty flourifhed,
and he had again fair profpeas from the
flow but certain gains of frugality and in
dustry.—Hi& numerous family urged him
into an extension of his foreign business,
and pending his second adventure on hig
enlarged plan, war appears !—war unne
cessary and apparently courted !—but so
it is—for could you hear the debates of
the Congress, you would think that our
| country's happiness is at an end Re
venge governs our politicians— or perhaps
ir m its garb, personal interests, personal a
nimosity, and base ambition—Our Le
gislators are too highly paid—They be
come proud and mighty of spirit, and
think that as they are well off so long as
they can hold their places, which they
.count certain so long as the passions and
not the judgment of their constituents can
be rcforted to, and therefore hold cheap
the pnblic welfare,—Virginia ought to
set the good example of mixing honor
with coin, in return for the services of
Congress. lam told your own State Se
nators and State delegates have but twelve
shillings per day in money, and the ba
lance in honor; and they are generally
speaking, superior to the United States'*
„ Ho'ufe of Representatives.
An experiment in Congress in this
way would be fair in this period of theory
—if it produced refpedt to refra&ion and