IMPORTED From London, Dublin, and Glasgow, now for sale, By MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Market facet « A Large and Valuable I COLLECTION of BOOKS, ; Among which are the following: Annual flatter for 1792 European' Magazine tor the firft fix > W hs of 1793. Gfmisin tfecline and fafi of Roman Empire Memoirs of the Minchefter focicty, 3 vols. FneftW mi iwmti 9W fpftt on chriftwmity Difnfiy's !;le of Dr. Joftjn anient geography Meni"tr< of Guy jolt cotte&ioil ofeffjys King of Pj-tiifivts Caim observer—by Mackintosh Rh {fell's ancient and modern Europe L* i-gUo ne's Pmtaich Elegant extra&s, "ups rbljr gilt , «.*t exti-i&s * sna ! oral hillory and BrilToii's voyage ftoc&jh's voyage iVladagalfcar "TVnvifend.'s gravels in-Spain Talk's Jerusalem deliverer! Siiieii e'» trauijiation ps Buflfon Ber wick*'; "hiiioi y of quadrupeds 'ButFiiti abridged HUtory of b.vds Pluiipv's history of inlind navigation IXooper's rational recreations fcftory of France, in 3 voh. Curi*fities of literature, 3 vols. Whir defence of queen Mary §!ierida:»'s dfidVtonary, 2 v ols. Dow's hisfy»ry H.mdoftan Sketches bf the Hindoos Key to polite literature. Imlay'tj idt f rrtj>tio!» of-K«ntucky Present fyAte i»f Mova-Scotia , Frelent Itate of Hudson's Bay Preffon on maiohry m Lavater on physio ;nomy, abridged i\it me r f fta 1 \*'s Ai rvcy Murphy's life of Dr. Johnfofl Neckjer on executive power Kftfes of'Secundus GaUcry of portraits Volney's Yuin4 as empires — —t Travels • ' ; Va4la-w»t's-fcr*v*U, with iuperu engjaying* Downaiaii's infancy Ada«r'i A'yerican Fmlians B on lalifm aiid immatertahfm, BerchoW's advice to patriotic travelers JBttilder's magazine Complete farmer Chandon's life' f Voltaire De Non's travels Fr;n kjin's life and works G< ozier'sdefcription of China ohy's translation oi Tacitus "Godwin on political j-nlltaffe Gazetteer of.Prance, 3 vo^* -Keiv etius on man KjTunes's (ketches of the bjftory ot man literal opthioira, or Mv? loftory ot beuignus Mawe's jrardeuer's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family Pljiyhmife dj&ionary. Reveries of folithde S n'tfhfa theory of'moral Sentiments S-.aekhoufe'i hiftoiy of the bible \Vatfan\s life of Philip IX.e's j'uuroaMn France -Gox's fiaveisiintoDenmark, |luffia,Polaqd | uc^ Ci)x's 1 ravels into Switzerland Rabant's biflttry of the French revolution B'fe- of Loi'.<- :Z-. 2CZE2JMC, Affi S&Jkr&ierrtl. Gro-. rod Ofer r iptti 4ft ?84' aia i T A 1 Treasury Department, Hevensn Ojftce, Jpril iCtb, 1794- * Communications by post or j otxiertrjfe. wiil be received by vvgy of inior n> 9 oOD Southwest do do. 8, 3*95° » Northweit do. do. &, 6,2 5° Sf»utheaft do. do. 9> 6,250 Southeast do, do. 9,'dbo Northwest do. do. 10, ■ Thefelands aire rapidly encreafuig in valut, large settlements are a'heady made in several of the townfliipsj- the goodnels of foil-,- and the advantages io point of situation being To well kniiwr, render any father deft nation unneceflat }. Amppf the tra&s and condi tinrti'of fait may be seen at No. io, Queen iftieet, New-York. 16- t«>th&M:i4M (NO, 60) DifitiQ of Pennsylvania, to Wit: Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of in the eighteenth year of .the Independence of the Omrcd Slates of America, Bet.jamin D.» vies of the faiddil trift hath deputed in this office the title ot a map, the rigtotjwhereof he claims as 'propri- in the words following, to wit ; ; u A Ground Plan of the City and Sub " urbs of.Philadelphia, Ujtfn from actual 8 survey; containing an'exaft defcripf jqii " of dll the fquaves, and alleys in " the City and Liberties ; of the si Hi at ion iL os-all ihe pit freHmiWrngs ;of u the rivulets, and as much of, thejCanal * at lies within the com pad of the draft, " by H. P. Folip : pubhihed by the Propri " etor, Reijamin Da vies." In conformity to the aA of the Congrefs'of the Uiiited States, entitled an for the en couragement of secy ring the.cp p»es of in*ps, charts and books to and proprietors of such copies, duii/ig the times tlierein irtcnt ot>ed. SAMUEL CALDWELL, Q 'rkof the Diltrittof ,Penofylv»nja. I Si. Domingo Sufferers. THOSE pe'fivus who undei toot to cnliea the fufarcription made/in- the relief ol' the a buve UDio tuoate perfonsj are ruquelled to complete thsirreturin, where the, have, not already done it, aiid to deliver thetanw with, any balance s pnhlilh the abOTe. Samuel CoatesT" At in Store, No. 82, south FfmtJlrect, HATH FOR RALE, |P 94 Betrrcit New England Beef, £-9 barrel* liver ml^ 35 barreU Cnlcr, .boxes iVf Candle*, pan of tnen : s leather flaocs Barley A quantity of Tow Ltnea Ditto, of Kc Soal i either 4c 4b»KCMt)f ■qOdo wt. ,ot AJfpicc to c* fee «if tbe zZoJiaad g ui. Afjii a- *oodiw i . pwsrsipEi^-i . i * •> .-•- :'''■>.: .■ -•• i 'ft. Concluding Sales. THE Subfcribcr having entered lata Co partnership with' Mr. Jcim Birtliotnmrw i n the buiiiWs of Sugar Refining; wis) dtfpofe of the Rema'uung Siaclt on hand consisting <>r Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares, Plated Coach & Saddle Furniture, &c. &c. By Wbolefale at Prime Cost for Ciijh. John Doriey, No. s2, North 3^ April 12- tuth&'tw Henry Rape _ State of Maryland. • v. J High Court, of Chancery, 3enjaminGaithei V March jtfc. 1^94. and S Bad Caither The Complainant states in his bill that the defendants Bf'njaftlio Gai ther and Basil Gairher »vere fcized in fee a 4 tenants in common nl' a trai% of t»>id hi pre. dm ick County, called Hammond's Strifi *— that being To foiled, Eafil cxecutcd a paver of attorney to Benjamin authorising hiit to fall his, the laid Batil's interefl in tlje fa il land, that aftei wards the taid f-'cirjamiir fold the laid land toa certain William Gaulicr tor the consideration of fix hnnjdred |)<.u"dt»tiich hath been fnice paid, that the (;ii»t the Complainant procure a copy of tbit or dei to be inserted in toe newfpapei of Angell and Sul ivan, and in the United State {J,.j4,tie at lealt three weeks fticteffively, l«-ior( ihe twentieth day .of May next ;u> tie intent that the Defendants and all otliers, u ho nuv conceive them'elves tnterefled in the (ntiiiif es, may have notice t» appear in t|>i> tfruit, on or before the thiid Tocfday'm fceptcmbrt next, tofhew cauie twi< iciorc adecrcc ftiouid not pal'sfor vcftingin the CoDU'latiiiior tc tji. plete legal the land ifctxfaid. Test, SAMUEL HARVEV HOWARD, Reg. Cur. Coo. March 18 tui'h&ajw Just Imported, Inthejinp Abigail, Captain Hsrtm, frem &t Petirjiurgh in Riijia, and ufw ianMag at Ruffi'H'j wbarfy HEMP," Mm HAR IRON', " IU'SSIA SHhETIN'GS, RAVINS UUCK, RUSSIA DICK, And !o; fdle at the Hurts of the fubfc&rt io Wa.aat iireet, Nr>. 22. John Donnaldfon. April 4. (ijw FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSC*J£fR, Old Lisbon Wine of a •firj' rior quality in pip-i, imported tbc ft? Wilnington. OLD aHERRY WINE of tl* Cf fl quality -in quarter caiks, imp u ted in tie bf ig Natty capt. Gwiu. fr, m Cadis- SHELLED ALMOINDS and a £evf kets of -RAISINS, imparted in dltio# T particular TEVERirFII iViVE*, ; »fi|V.i hhds. pnd quar er caiV.s, time fl»f Tiioma% capt. Skinner. A fi-w q«»'ter cafc .of okl partkli'jr b;!! of exthange MADEIRA WJ.VF.. GcQ):g£ Meade, Who has alfi"), fnfl arrived and fut A SMALL CAftCO (OF Lijbon Salt- A quantity of empty BAGS {•jr^Ag. April j. irtpnat; Pennfjlvajtiia <(th iloitti', sft The Contributois are ddsred to attend the Jo tee t>e2,d »t ilfc Hosnt al on• Ihe 51! i day of th? next,at .3 o'clock io the afternoon; Iwilfofrfe twelve Miinwslrj and a tw the e»luing yrar fiy older »if a board of^er^ Samuel Qwxt?s, dirk. TO BE SOLD. A large elegant Hoofcj aiul Lot of Groan*!, IN an eligii>lefituation,—alto a Uoui*r«&*g within 6milr!of the City, wtiHfipj&flbt-if land, or 42 acres of land and ttite 1 House is not exceeded bwjan.y in tthe (w&wtojr of the city, in. ttz.', or converuei.'Ce.. I For parcffculai s apply to tbe pn-nfef- January 23 jaACii— — PHILADELPHIA Fainted *BY JOHN FENNOj lie it ; fk.itL Fou.tli-Stx.ect. . K