the holders of fciip, they must in the fame proportion withdraw it fiom our diftrefled commerce. I" hich a situation there will be only one confutation leit : Cobourf's army having retired behind the Dutch fortreffes for fafety, may contri bute to the defence of that country ; this will give us time to refleit; the eyes of this nation may at tail be opened, they •will then perceive the danger into which they hav ¥ been led by his Majesty's minis ters, and compel them to relinquilh a litu ation for which they have proved them selves so totally unfit. Peace may then be made, for peace only can raise our funds, or revive our drooping commerce. Peace only caii save this country from ruin. UNITED STATES. NEWBEDFORD, April 7, Thiirfdav, March 27 —Arrived, ship Maria, of Nantucket, Captain Hill man, from a whale voyage on thecoaftof Peru 820 hhls.— 730 sperm, 90 whale oil. 26th Dec. Captain Hillman left at the Faukland Ides, the brig Caliqpc, Capt. Shell, belonging to New-Yotk, with 17,000 feallkiiis— Nancy, John Barnard, of Hudson, with 12,000 skins —all'o Captdin Green, of New-York, in a brig, filled with skins, and in readiness to fail for Kamtfchatfkai, and from thence to the Eaftindies. In lat. 44, 29 —Coafl of Brazil, spoke ry of* the English Law, 4vols. Blackftone's Commentaries, 4 vols. Raynal's history of the Eaifc and Weft Indies, 7 vols. ?ll's beautiful edition of the Britifti Poets, 109 vols. LIVRES FRANCOIS. L'Ant.iqune expliquee avec Figures pat Mont-' tauf>n 15 om. sol. Les Ai'tiqunes de I'Egypte par Norden sol. a vec D< fenption Di&ionnaire H ftorique 9 torn o£V. Theatre dc Voliaire elegt. relie 9 torn. Hiftoire Romain par Rollini6tom. Le Temple des Muses avec des beaux Tableaux. CEuvrcs de Boilcau, Molicre, Helvetius&c. With many others t quailv good, AL s O, An Excellent Quadrant, warranted perlrd; a tew aciom,uc Pocket perfpo&ive GlafTts ; a fine tuned Ge ( man Flute 6 keys and additioual joints ; and a few ele gant Coloured Piinis. April ai. Treasury Department, Revenue Office, Apt il 19, 1794. NOTi.E is 1. eby giver, that prupofals, will be received at tiieolfic of the Commit fioner of tlie Revenue until the sixth of May next inclusively, for the supply 0 f all Ra tions, which may be r ed during the cur rent year, at the city of Philadelphia, for the reci uiting fe/vice. The rations to !-e furniflied are to consist o( the following ait tele., viz. One poind of bead or flour, Ow p una of l ee), 01 3 4 of a pound pork H':li a 5111 of ruoiy brandy or wliiflcy One quart of (ait, ") Two quarts vinegar ( „ Two pound* /bap >P" 100 rat.ons One pound candles J April 2a- NEW THEATRE. Will be performed, in Historical TRAGEDY, written by Shakespeare, called King Richard 111. £ing Henry VI. Mr. Whitiock Prince Edward, Mailer Warr-lt Duke of York, Mailer T. VVai. .11 Duke of Glofter, Mr. Chalmers Duke of Buckingham, Mr. Wignell ■ Earl of Richmond, Mr. Fennel Duke of Norfolk, Mr. Moreton Ratcliff. Mr. Frincis Mr. Cleveland > Mr. Mar/hall 'j Mr. Bliflett .nantof the Tower, Mr. Finch Stanley, Mr. Greer i Mayor, Mr. Bate.' rell, Air. De Moulii "nt, Mr. Wane /ueen Elizabeth, Mrs. Morr:' Anne, Mils Oldfiel Duchess of York, Mrs. Shai With new Scenery, designed and execute* atclift, 2ateiby, f refiell, Dxford, Lieutenant of the Tower, Lord Stanley, Lord Mayor, Tyrell, Blunt, Queen Elizabeth, Lady Anne, Duchess of York, With new Scenery, designed by Mr. Milborne. End of the Tragedy, A Pantomimical Dance, caSec The Sailor s Landlady Jack in Distress. To which will be added, A COMIC OPERA The Son-in-Law. London St. Crbix Newbern Nantucket St. Euftatia •CLEARED. S. Street, *mw f -&ni mw& S 2\» THIS EVENING April 21.