Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 19, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 109 of Vol. V.] Saturday, April 19, 1794. [Whole No. 568.]
For Amsterdam,
—I The new fsft-failing, copper
bottomed SHIP
|gg| ADRIAN A,
K. Fitepatrick, Master.
BUII.T of live oak and cedar was in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with
• all (Convenient speed. For freight or passage,
having excellent'accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut ftreet-wharf, or to
N. B. Pallengers will be landed in Eng
land if required.
March A, dtf
For Norfolk & Fredericks burgh,
John Earl, Master.
A Haunch good velTel, will fail in a few
days. For freight or p flage, to the
matter en bosrd at Chefaut street wharf, or
March 31. dtf
£or Sale or Charter,
jjj Andromache,
(An American bottom)
«rfossgJohn Moore, Master.
IS a flout good vessel, about two years oM,
burthen 232 rous, has only made three voy
ages, and inay be sent to sea at a small ex
]>ence. She maybe Teen at Vine-street
and the terms made knriwn bv application to
March 21. dtf
The Profits artfmgfromtr following fht/ti
catiar. arc far tlx benefit, of the Poor.
Just published, printed by R. Aitkeri and
iiua, and fold bv J. Cruifcank, W. Young
T. Dobfon< anci the other Booksellers,
Of the
Proceedings of the Committee,
Appointed on the 14th September 1793 by
the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Nvii thern
Liberties, and the D (trie* of Southwark,
to atteird to and alleviate the fiifferings of
the afSificri with the Malignant Fe^erjpre
valent. ii] the City and its vicinity.
A lift of persons admitted into the Ilofpi
tal at Bu(h hill, Ihewing the times of their
admiilion, death and dil'charge.
Number of Houit-s, Deaths, &c. in the.
refpe&ive streets, alleys, and courts hi the
c tyol Philidelphia, Northern Liberties, and
Diftnft of Sonrhwark.
A lift of the Interments in the Burial
grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern
Lioerties, and D»ftr»& of Southwark, with a
meteorological account if the weather.
A fuinaia' y ct donations in cash and provi
"ttons, received from sundry peribns and pla
ces, for the us * of the poor and affii&ed.
April 2. dgw
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,'
from and now landing
on WalnuUftreet wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes,
A few bales Holland Duck,
Ditto Oznafoirgs,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Glass Ware, liz. Tumblers and Mugs, va
rious sites.
Sheathing Paper,
Swedes Iron, J\uare and flat bars.
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakttm, tfe. &c.
The above-rhentioned Ship is for Sale—
thoii'dapplication be made •within a few days ;
other-wife Jhe -will take freight for Amjler
March 1, 1794. d t f
to be~solsT"-
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
INan eligible lituatioj,—alfo a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 44 acres ot Jand and ineado v, the
Houle is not exceeded bymany in the vicioit)
®f the city, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
January 23 m&th—tf
7 '
To be fold by Public Vendue,
The laflant,
At the Cqfkf.e House,
At Seven o'clock in the Evening,
By order of the Rector, Church Wardens and
Veftryof the United Episcopal Churehes
of Christ Church at d St. Peter's
l Philadelphia, the T ufrees of the Univeifi
, ty, and the Managers of the Peunfylvania
l Flo'pial,
The House and Lot bequeathed
by tlie iaft Will and Tcftamein of
Stoops deceafedjiri equal proportions to the
a ove institutions, being
The House, No. 20,
Whe ein J >Htph spencer now iiveswellfitu
ated for t)uliixefs, on the weft fide of Third
? ltreet, about midway between Market tfnd
Aich street. It is 17 feetfront upon Thud
T street, and the lot is 132 feet deep
The purchaser payiug half the purchase mo
* ney 011 delivery df the deed, may have twelve
months credit for ttte remiiihfier, on
good fecuritv and paying in.erect.
Committee for the Reftor,Church Wardens
and Veftrv appointed to fell.
Committee for the Um vefPity.
Committee for tke Peimfyivauia Hofpiwl.
Apiii i - dts
The following Certifi
ca«e of the iui/ded three pc r Cent Stock <ii ine
Dotmft c Dc.utii ihe U<«Mied S.iatcs ft.'ndirv. on
the booki ot ihe Tifca|u>\ of th United
Siatts, in ihe names ot Donnala and Bu<tun ot
London, meichants, and ftgned by Joffcph
Register of said Tt alury, to vvii :—
N°. 5476, dated 24 h August J 792 f«»r 2955
dollar «nd ceil(!> wa s tranimitim from Lou
dun in the ihip Prtei, Pau; Huffey, malio,
boUnd for Niw York, and has been lo
The Suhfenber intending to apply to the Irta
furyof ihe United States to have the fame "re
newed, defius all persons who are mteiefted in
the said certificaie, to make tKeir objetlions
thereto, if any they have.
Francis Macy.
Philad. March 27. ■ dow
In the Name of the French
EVXRY Frenehmm is forbid to violate
the Neutrality of the United States.
All commissions or authorizations tending to
infringe that neutrality, are revoked, and are
to be returned to the Agents of the French
i'hilailelphia, Ventofei6th, fecondyear of
the French Republic, one and in&Vifible
'(March 6th, 1794, o. s.)
The Mimfter Plenipotentiary of the French
Republic. JH. FAUCHET.
"I he Editors of newspapers within the
United Sta: ;s, are requested to republic the
oregoing notice. J
Concluding Sales.
THE Subscriber having entertd into Co
partnership with Mr. John Bartholomew in
the bufm-fs of Sugar Refi.iing. will dispose
of ihe
Remaining Stock on hand
Silver, Plated, & Japan Wares,
Plated Coach & Saddle
Furniture, &c. &c.
By WheUfale at Prime Cojl for Cajh.
John Dorfey,
'No. 2S, North 3<l ilreet.
Apnl ' 2 - Hlth&s6«r
Samuel Coates,
At his Store, No. 82, south Front Jlreet
hath for sale,
94 Barrels
Ne*v England Beef,
29 barrels liver oil,
25 barrels Cider,
9* boxc » of Candles,
M°°JT of men's leather (hoes
642 bulhels of Barley
A quahtity of Tow Linen
D.tio, of New-tnglaud Soal leather
4° bags of excellent corton
4 boxes of Clfocolatc
3000 wt. ot Alfpice
too cases of the btft Holland gin.
A P nl '• *eod2<»
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Fine Dollar Bills of
the Bank of "the United States, and Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America >
fenjtral of which ha*ve appeared in circulation
within a few days pajl; they art a good ge
neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may
be dijlinguijhed by the following
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
. - United States.
ALL thai have appeared have the letter F.
for tlieir Alphabetical Mark.
"I he Tekture of tie Paper is thicker and
whiter it takes tlie ink more freely than
tliegifnuine paper.
i Ti>e O. ijf (i, e word Company is smaller
than the M. and oth<r Ittrers of that word,
so that a line extended from ihe topr.f the O,
to touch the t..p of the M would t-xtend con
lulmaoty rl>e range of the whole word.
In the woid Un ted the letters are narrow
erai dclofer together than tht-refl ol the bill
Ihe rind fin the word promile are not
paral el, the niuch jiiore forward
than the 1.
1 lie eflgi aviug is badly eXecmed, he ftiokts
of all the Leriers-aie ftrongei and the devi e
111 the margin particularly is much coa.irr ai d
appears darker than in the true bili:. Some
the couniei fcits'bear daie in Jygi Wfitre
astl>ȣaak was not in operatiou lili Delem
ber, and no five dollar bills were jlTued in
that year. (
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared ha'te the letter '
B alphabetical mark.
1 Key are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of tiie couuterfeit Five Doilai Notes
ab >ve defenbed ; the engraving is bi tei exe
ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine i uled lines through the word Tatrt
h, in the hody of ihe bill, ate in numbei th*r
teen in the genuine b lis, a».d but iwclve in
the counterfeits*
The word Company is n.uch like the f?me '
word in the Five Doliu/ B Us as defer ibed. a
bove,' tlie 0 being ieis than the «, and others
rbert- is no stroke to the t in the word North
when efts ill the genuine bills the ili oke is web
The ent in the word Twenty) to the
left liawd at the battmi, do noi come down to
the line, but are so.cut as to gue an n
appearance to the word, the Tw and go
ing below them'.
The Signature J Nixon, has the appear
ance ot being written wit.i lamp-black and
oil, and differs from the otlaer inks uled in
printing the bills and the cafhiei's iignatuie
It is luppoied these were coinmnieo
in It-me ot the Southern $t«iio, a> all the couu
leileits that have appeared, have come fr«»m
thence, and two perfoiis have been appteheod
ed in Virginia,on suspicion of being the authors
ot them.
will be paid 10 any Perlon 01 Fci f»)in> w l»o ihai 1
d fcovei and profccute to convi&iori the levejal
otfi-nders ot. the tollow ing defci ipuons or any
ot them, viz,
T ne person or p rfons, who manuf«»^ urc d
the paper on which the BiUi are primed.
The person or pcilons, who engiaved the
The printer or printers, of the bU's.
\ very perf.,„ w ho has a&ed as a principal in
any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter
log the iai<i bills.
of the B,tnk Unitrd Staitis.
JOHX NIXON, Picfidtnt of the
Bank ot North America.
By order of the Committees of the Ref
pc£t;ve Boaids.
Fhiladelpnia, Match 28. 1794. dtf.
Excellent CLARET,
In LoglVcad* ai.d in casts of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine j
In pipes, hop,(heads and quarter calks,
No. x 11, South Front Uree't.
Jan. 2, 1794. 1 dtf
An EfTay on Slavery,
Dphgned to exnibit in a new ppint ot v.iew
its eft'e&s on marals, ijiduflry, and the peace ej
focicty. Some fa£U and calculations are offered
to prove tfie labor of freemen to be much more
pr*iu*ii\>c than .that ot jiaves ; that countm s are
rictvpowerful and happy, in piopoiuon ai the
laboring p ople enjoy ihe fruits' of theij own
labor ; and hence the n< cefT«»'v concluGot), that
lUvery ts impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 25 Cents.
'Februarv 15.
3 For the Gazette of the United Srjfss
y Mr. Fenno,
(j Tile excellence of a free jpwernment is
n that the citizens stand on a lair footing of
». equality. A writer in Mr. Bacbe's papa- of
Vv'edntfday, vindicates the eftabhfliment of
clubs, and fairly avows that they will have
influence and ought to have it. This is bold,
but is it discreet, gentlemen clubbifts ?
You meet then to guin influence —What
becomes of other men not members of your
club ! You have influence which they have
d not—of courie your influence is againil equal
n r 'pit. —You are aristocrats—a privileged tor
dcr, not by law, or by the free consent of
r others, but by your own usurpation and in
, trigue—You are conspirators again!} the equal
rights of your fellow citizens.
,! Two hundred men by clubbing together,
]. can set at nought the vote of a citizen who
rainds his own buiinefs and joins no dark
1 meetings—They fan over-rule the votes of
, t two hundred dispersed citizens, who, not
j concerting together, how they lhall vote, in
• fad) lose their fuffrages.
s Thev-are thus dislranchifed by the rlub—
e Is this right ?Is the bluster of the club about
d liberty aid equality confident with either ?
e On the contrary' is it not the furnrmt of ipa
■- pudonoe thus to copipre against libertv and
' equality, and at the fame time to anWV a
n zeal in the cause of both —The people of
, America are not so base and ignorant as, to
J he duped by this (hallow asd imf lident-Hy
t pocrify. "L. E.
!s -
Extract of a litter from Savannah dated
March, 2(j.
n Yesterday afternoon the Industry Cgpt.
Carvatft, arrived in she river with a Span
e ilh prifce, having about 4000 doubloons,
some cocoa, Malaga wine aa4 dry goods,
with $0 £>panilh soldiers, The prize
/, proves to be a brig from Catthagena to t!he
li Havanpah, a King's packet, mounting 8
nine pounders. The 1 nduft 1 y bas also tftk
" en an English (hip, called the Lord Mid
dletpn, bound, with
hogsheads of nim, which ransomed ;
also, t*fo ol- three other Spani/b and Eug
j lifh vefiels.
, The following is an Climate of the car
go of the Spanish prize sent into Savan
-1 nah, received by a gentleman jult. ariv'ed
~ from thence ;
s 3,400 doubloons 5 i,qs>o
3,000 dollars 3,q00
1 8 bars of gold, valued at 30,900
1 Cocoa valued at 29^000
1 1 in -
Monday, March 31.
The bill, sent from the House of Re
prefeHtatives for concurrence, entitled, «;a»
tact transferring for a limited tiir.e, the ju
rifdiftion of suits and offences, from the
diftrift to the circuit court of New-Martifi
(h!re, and afligning certain duties, in rcf
peft to invalid pensions, to the attorney
. of the faid-diftrift," was read the third
Resolved, That this bill pais.
Ordered, That the Secretary, acquaint
. the House of Reprefentatiies with the
concurrence of the Senate in this I)ill,
The bill, sent from the Hou e of Re
presentatives for concurrcnce, entitled,
" an ast to provide for placing buoys on
certain rocks off the harbor of New-Lon
don, 2nd in Providence river," was read
the third time.
Refolvrd, That this bill pass with a
Ordered, That the Secretary Stfire the
concurrence of the House of Representa
tives in the amendments to this bill.
Mr. Burr from the committee, to
, whom was referred the mbflagfe from the
President of the United States, of the
' 28th instant, reported a lcfolutron tocar
-1 ry into more compleat effect, the resoluti
on direftin* an embargo; which waa
read— ' .