Concluding Sales. TifE Snbi'cribrr having ertcrtd into Co lart.ieifhip with Mr. John Bartholomew in he bufmel* ui' Susar R:fiainj, will difpole >f the Remaining Stock on hand CONSISTING of silver, Plated, & Japan Wares, V Plated Coach & Saddle Furniture, &c. &c. By Wbolejah at Prime Co/l for Cqjh- John Dorfey, No. 22, North 3 I it reel tnth&rs6v ' At" 1 ' J&3 'The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURI'RY* IT is pleasure i hat the publisher has to nform his subscribers and the public in gene ral, that the plate is now under the hands of the engraver, and in greater forwardnefs than was at nrft contenip ated. At the fame time l.e leave to rimnd them, th«;t fubferip frori papers are (till open at moil of t;he noted bo'ok-ftoies in the city ; and that he hopes 'roiTi the whole of them tcftc enabled to so m uch a refpe&ablc catalogue of nametsj as will |o a credit to the work, as well as afford a e tfooabie eneouragemeni to.the undertaker. Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Mark*i Itreet ir&thtf >TATE of SOUTH^CAROLINA. In the House of Rcprefcntatives, DfC&MBU 2111,1793. KTTHEREAS the ol public VV Accounts, have reported, that they can tot proceed to the in* eftigation of the Treasury Accounts, refprfting Jpscial Indents, without mowing the outstanding amount thereof in cir ulanon Therefore, Resolved, Tnat all holders oF special Indents le dVre£f d, and requireQ, on or before the firft lay of November n xt, to deliver the special In lents in heir pofleffion to one or other of the Jonimiffionera of the Treasury, who are to give eceiots lor the fame, and to report to tb'eCom* j ni'fli oners bn public accounts, on or before the ; tnch dav of November next, jhe amount by Hew refpc&rvely received, and also to the Le {tflatiire, at their meeting in November next, ind that all fpeei&! Indent* not rendered into he Treasury as abovq,on or before the firft day nf November next, /ball be, and the fame are hereby barred. Jleioived, That public notice of this rcfolution be given in ibe fevcial Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the fir EL day of November next And that the Delegates of this S.ate in the tongrefs of the United S'ates, be re q tie lied to ca-ufe this rciolution to be published in one or more papers in the -cities of Philadel phia and Nlhire, from the Discovery of the RivCr Pifcataqua—by Je remiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vols. Price in Boards, j 412 Dollars. The Forrcftcr, an American Fable, being a Sequel to the Hillory of John Ball the Ciothier. !*rce, 75 Cents. A D fcourfe, intended ro commemorate thtf Discovery ol America by Chnttopher Colum bus; delivered at the request of the Historical Society in MaflVchufelts, October 23d, 1792, b«mg the complet on of the Thud CentVry, since that memorable event. To which are added, Four Diflirtations, conne&ed with the fubjc£t~-&y the fame author. Pncc, 50 Cents. March 17. tttlir&fgw St. Domingo Sufferers. THOSE perfovj who undertook to collect the subscription made for the relief of the a. bove unfo tunate persons, are rsquefted to complete their returns, where they have, not already done it, and to defiver the fame with any balance they may hold, mto the fanth of the Treasurer, who-wiil rective any fablerip tio» which remains urnrnHeftedj or any f.elh donation. It is hoped instant attention will be paid to this notice, to enable the commit tee ofdiftribwtion t&elofe their accounts and give further relief to-a number of those per fons'ftill remaining here, whole fituatiou is truly diftrefling. By order of the rommittreif distribution, Robert Smithy Trepfurer. April 9, 1794. P. S. It is requested the different Printers will for a few d»ys, publilh the above. JAMES LEACH, RESPECTFULLY informs tvis. fri«nd»and the public, That lrom the cncnuragemtni l>e has leceivtfl, from ffveral icfyeflable Gentle men, he is induced once more, to embark »n the PAPER LlNE—and would ojfpr his feivi es to all tfcofc Gentlemen, w>o can place coivfidenc in him; and he aflures tno'e who employ him. that th-ir confidence (hall awl t/e miiplaced ; but it (hall be his conttant endeavo-, to pny th. drift ft attention to their be it inured, in all ne gotiations whatever. He has taken the Chamber in Slate-Street, David J idon ; Jacob K'chardlon, Newport ; John Carter, J?rovi ; Hugh Gaine, Thomas Allen, e and Samuel C&mpbell, New York; Fed tick Craig, Wilmington, Delaware ; James Rice» Baltimore; Mr. LindJey, NorloJk ; Damd Henderfon, Fredericksburg; John Grammar Pcterfburg ; Augustine Davis, Richmond ;F X- Martin* Newbern, N. C. J->hn Bradley, Wilmington; and William Price Young, Char left on. April 4- mw&fgw PROPOSALS ffor Printing by Subscription, An Original Novel, In Four Volumes, duodecimo, Dedicated, by Permission, to Mrs. Bingham, ENTITLED, Trials of the Human Heart. By Mrs. ROWSON, Of the New Tueatre, Philadelphia, Author of Victoria, Inquisitor, Charlotte, Fille d« Chambre, &c. &c. " —If there's a pnw'r above us, " (And that there i*, all Nature cries aloud " Thro' all her wurks) he must delight in '• virtue, " An 1 tljat which he delights in, must be " happy." ted. " The foul, fecur'd in her exiftence,frtiiles " At the drawn dagger, & defies its point" CONDITIONS. I. The work to be printed with a neat type on good paper. 11, Price to fubferibers four dollars bound, one half to be paid atithe time of lubfcribing. 111. The fubicribers'names will be prefixed as patrons of the undertaking. *„* Subfcriptiom are received by the Au thor, the corner of Seventh and Chrfnut streets, Messrs. Carey, Rice, and Dobfou, Philadelphia— Mr. Green, Annipolis—Mef frs. Allen, Berry, and S. C.arrpbell, New, York—MeflVs. Weft, Thomas and Andrew Blake, and Larkin, Boston— Mr. Hafwel, Vermont—MelTrs. Rice, and Eiwards, Bal timore—Mr. W. P. Young, Chartefton. April 2, Jobnfon Hall: Lying in the Mohawk country, (late of New York, formerly the feat of Sir William John son, containing about (even hundred acres of land, which is of the very best quality ; toge ther with the (lock, and farming utensils. The buildings are large and convenient, and fit for a gentlertian's feat. The payments will be made easy, on good security. For further particulars enquire of George Metcalf, Elq. on the premis es, of SMas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or of the fubferiber in Providence. Bhilid. Much a 6 0 BE SOLD, And entered up«n the fiift of May, The noted EJlate, called Julez Bowen. The following memorial fiom Saniuc Hopkins, was read in the 1 loufc of Re* prefentatives of this Commonwealth, the 19th inft. To the Speaker and Members of the Af fcmbly of Ptnfylvania : T ' 3 ■> i THE Siibfcriber apprehends he has at great labour and expence much improved on the common mode of manufacturing pot and pearl a (lies, for which improve ment the United States have granted hiin, an exclusive right for a term of years, 'i iit* advantages over the former is set forth by divei a Certificates, one of which signed by David Rittenhoufe, Do&or P.ufh and others, hath been published. By variety of improvements in the application of the principle, he apprehends he has so far Am plify'd it, that at small expence it ir.ay be conduced by women or children, altho' larger the works greater the profits result ing in proportion. In a work that maycoft about 12 dollars to be worked by a boy of 12 or 13 years old, with attention, may make 15b weight of pearl ashes, and with good house ashes at gd per bushel, wood at 20s per cord ; the peail ashes so made when fold at the common price of 50s per hund red,leaves about 40s for his week's labour. The process is allowed to be easy and fami liar, one of those small works is now Hand* 1 ing at his house in Arch Street No-43,and is fiee for infpc&ion to any that inclines to vlfit it; he therefore wishes a fuitdjle Committee may be appointed, one or more members of each County to examine the fame, fee some experiments performed, and ihould it be thought after every necef favy examination, this Improvement prefer able to the former, and a general benefit to this State, in bringing forward this ma flufa&ury in which little heretofore have been done, he willing to relinquilh hisafor faid right,as saras relates to Pennsylvania, for i'uch a compensation as the merits of it may appear reasonable todefire. SAMUEL HOPKINS. 2d Mo. 19, 1764. A work that may cost about 300 dollars when compleat with 4 large boilers worked by 2 fires, 2 hands may make as much pearl ashes as common black salts, perhaps 18 or 20 cwt. per week, it may require about 7 cord of wood. The quantity made in a certain given time, will always depend on the attention of the workmen, the size of the furnace, the quality of the ashes, &c. &c. The Committee appointed Feb. 25,laft, on the* memorial of Samuel Hopkins, made report, which was read as follows, viz : The Committee to whom was refered the application of Samuel Hopkins to the Legillature, on the fubjeft of an improve ment djfeovered by him in the manufac tury of pot and bearl ashes, beg leave to toreport—That they think favourably of the, prayer of the laid applicant, and aie of opinion that it will beadvantageous for the State to have the mode invented by him, rendered ■of general utility, by the purchase of his exclusive privilidge in the dilcovery, which they underltand may be effeded on very moderate termsthey therefore recommend the following refolu tton: Rtfofoed, That a Committee be ap pointed to bring in a bill to grant the sum of £ to Samuel Hopkins, in re ward of his discovery, and as a compensa tion for the furrettder of his exclusive right to said improvement, within the limits of this commonwealth. Ordered to lie on the table. Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in Ruflia, And no\v landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN'* DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, miv&l^Ws HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Dcnnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-street. diw.^tawtf March 4,1794 Stock Brokers Office, No. t6, Wail-street, New-York. THE Sublet iber intending to confinc himlelf entirely to the PURCHASE &rSALIic>F STOCKS on COMMISSION, leave toot f r his Cervicesto his friends and others, in the line oi a Stock Broker. Thole who may pleafc to favor him with their bufincfs, mav depend upon having it tranfafted wiifa the uunoft fide lity atid dispatch. Orders f.o n Philadelphia, Bolton, or any other part of the United Siate>, will |> e fliiflly a'tcndtd to. LEONARD BLEECKER.' rowocli in The annual election Fop or, t'n'k-;. ' *. ■ '■■ * v Übrtiry Pmtpam of PtyfdfoT&fc tt 'fflfiv it reef, abn Mf»»4sr tie fifth of Jfia# nrxf, «fc iltree o'clock ia tfa siiemooii, whc iytTj# <*<*- flirer will attend to recjeive tbe ai>t;ua|,jMy. BWnts. .- ~ ;,,,. '• As ttopre fMerji! fares, on tvfci e V Ijrws are due', t}ie owners of" them, or their rep e /entatives, are itrttfJietf, that they will lie forfeited, tfl. the Jjws ef the Company, unkfs r. rior quolity in pipri, ilnpoi ted in the (hp \yM liingtnn. OLD SHERRY WINE of the firfl quality in quarrev casks, imported in the brig Nancy c«pt. Gwrt, fr< m CadU SH.i.LLcvD ALIYIOtyDS and a feiv kegs of RAISINS, imported in ditto. Pai titular TENERIFFE WINES,i„ p'.pts hhds. and qtiar e> culkc, imported in tlie (hip Thomas, capt. Skinner. A lew qtiai ter ca!k; of old particular Irill of exclmogc MADEIRA WINS. George Meade, Wiio hai aifo, foft arrived ant) for lale A SMALL CARGO OF Lisbon Salt. A qoa uity of empty BAGS for fj.le, April 5. diw *v&strc. Henry Rape State of Mai vL.iti. v- ) High Court of* Chancery, BenjaminGa.itber> March sth. I 7^4. and \ Basil Gait her The Complainant states in his b II that the defendants Benjamin Gai ther and Baiil Gaither were feizcd in fee as tenants in common of a tract of landjn Fre derick C<>u;i\v, called Hammud's Strife ; — that being so seised, Basil executed a power of attorney to Benjamin authorizing him to fe.ll bis, the said Baiii's intcreli in the said land, that aftei wards the said Benjamin fold the laid land to a certain William Gaither for the consideration of fix hundred pounds which hath been since paid, that the laid William hath afiigned to the Complainant Henry Rape the bond executed by the said Benjamin for the conveyance of tae fa'd land : The Com plainant now further states (and so appears to the Chancellor) that the defendants are non-residents of the Hate of Maryland, and herefore out of the reach of the process of this court. It is the r efore adjudged and ordered, that the Complainant procure a copy of this or der to be inserted in the newspaper of Angell and Sol ivan, and i» the United States Gnzete at least three weeks successively, before the twentieth day of May next ; to the intent time the Defendants and all others, who may conceive them selves intere fled in .the prem.f es, may have notice to appear in this court, on or before the third Tuekhiy in Sepucker next, to {hew cau'e wherefore a decree ihould /»ot pals for veftingm the Complainant aconi plete legal title to the land afore fa id. T*rt, SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Reg. Cur. Con. M trch iB, In the Name of the French Republic. "LIVERY Frenchman is forbid to violate J—' the Neutrality of the United States. Ali commjfiipns or authorizations tending to 'infringe that neutrality, are revoked, 2r.d are to be returned to the Agents of the French Re-nblic. / . ■Philadelphia, Ventofe ifitli, ftcand ysar of the Fren-h Republic, one and indvifible (March 6th, 1794, o. s.) The Minister Plenipotentiary cf the French Rerublic. JH.FAUCHET. The Editors of newspapers within the United States, are requested to republilh the d y :vc "> u >• n-v, '-p. ADELPHIA: Pfti.NTED BY JOHN FENNO, No «, South Fourth-Street. Pll. t *tod2w tuth&rs3 w