Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 16, 1794, Image 4

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RLaP£CTFULkY informs hi* friends and
>he pu;bjic, Tji#t from the encouragement
he U4S teceivcd, Irom several refpe£lable Gentle
men, he is induced ouce more, to embark in the
PAffcK LlNE—and would offer his fetvi cs to
all thofc Gentlemen, w4io can place confidenc
in him i and he assures those who employ him,
that their confidence (hall not be milplaccd ; —
but it {hall be his conilant endeavor, t<*pay the
itriCtcU attention to their bett irttereft, inall nc
gociations whatever. He has taken the Chamber
in Stale-Street, David Town/end, Watch
Makei'i Sliop. Where PUBLIC SECURI
-7 1 ot aH kinds, are bought and foid ; and
wheit Com million Bdfiuefs of all kinds, will be
trania&ed ©n reasonable terms. HOUSES and
VESSELS wit! be conikantly exposed tor faie, on
* # * CaOv paid for Salem, Providence, a
Porifmouth BILLS
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, or
New-Ydtk, has any Bujinefs to tranlqH at Bojien,
in Paper iugociations, he will bk happy to be em
ployed on comtmjfion.
hoiton, Jan. 24, 1794. mw&fif
Just Publilhed,
and to be sold by
Ac the Stone house, No. 4 1 ) South Second
Historical Collections ;
Aid jther uthentic Documents, intended as
mate' ials tor an Hiltory of the United States
of Amenta.
In two large quarto volumes, pi ice ten dol
lars 111 boards.
Subscribers will be furnifhed with the 2d.
volume 011 paying three dollars and a quarter
—liavi 11 g paid' five dollars and a quarter on
receiving the firft.
Th s lecond volume comprehends, among
Othur imereftUg pa t>cular<, a complete co
py x)f the Recordsof the Umt<d Colonies oi
N. England, in which the condHft of the com
lnifiioiiers relpe&ing the general concerns of
the cobnies—the neighbouring Indians—and
the Dutch at MankatUni (now New Yolk) is
pai'ticnj»rly detailed.
* * Mi r erials are colle&ed lumcient to
{on* a THIRD VOLUME, The time of
pnbiifWg will depend on the encouragement
to be d. rived from fubferiptions which will be
received by Thomas Dobfon, Philadelphia ;
Jere. Libbey, Portsmouth, New Hampfhirt;
Thomas & Andrews, & Dav. West.Boston; If
aia Thomas, Worcester ; Isaac Beers, New-
Haven; Timothy Green, New London; Jacob
Rithaidfon, Newport; John Carter, Provi
dence ; Hugh Gaine, Thomas Allen, e and
Samuel Campbell, New York; Fred rick
Craig, Wilmington, Delaware ( i,c^»
Baltimore; Mr. Lindfey, Norlolk ; David
Henderfon, Fredericksburg; John Grammar
P be' ftw r g ; Augustine Davis, Richmond ; F
X Martin, Neyberji.N. C. John Bradley,
Wilmington; and William Price Young,Char
April A• mw&f 3 w
For Printing by Subscription,
An Original Novel,
In Four Volumes, duodecimo,
Dedicated, by Permiflion, to Mrs. Bingham,
Trials of the Human Heart.
Of the New Theatre, Philadelphia, Author
of Victoria, loqu'fitor, Charlotte, Fille
dg Chambre, &c. &c.
« . If there's a pow'r above us,
«' (And that there is, a|l Nature cnes aloud
« Thro'all her works) hemuft delight in
" virtue,
" And that which lie delights in, niuft be
" happy."
<> The foul, fecur'd in her exigence,fmiles
" At the drawn dagger, & defies its point"
f I. The work to be printed with a neat type
Oil good paper.
11, Price to fubferibers four dollars bound,
one half to be paid at the time of lubfcribing.
111. The fubferibers' names will be prefixed
as patrons of the undertaking.
*„* Subscriptions are received by the Au
thor, the corner of Seventh and Chefnut
streets, MellYs. Carey, Rice, ®nd Dobron,
Philadelphia— Mr. Green, Annapolis—Mes
srs. Allen, Berry, and S. Campbell, New,
York—MeflVs. Weft, Thomas and Andrew
Blake, and Larkin, Bflfton— Mr. Hafwel,
Vermont—MelFrs. Rice, and Edwards, Bal
timore—Mr. W. P. Young, Charleston.
April 2. mw&f3ws
Aud entered upon the fiift of May,
The noted EJlate y called
yohnjon Hall:
Lying m the Moha w<c country, (late of New
Yoik, formerly the-feat of Sir William John*
son, containing about seven hundred acres of
land, which is of the very bell quality ; toge
ther with theftock, and farming utensils. The
buildings are large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
cafy, on good fecunty. For further particulars
enquire of George Mete a If, Esq. on the prcmif
es, 0! Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or
of the fubfc.nber in Piovvdence.
Jabez Bowen.
Philad. March 26 mw&lim
The following memorial from Samue
Hopkins, was read in the House of Re*
prefentatives of tills Commonwealth,
the 19th inli.
To the Speaker and Members of the At
lembly of Pc. fylvania :
THE Subscriber apprehends he has at
great labour and expence much improved
on the common mode of manufacturing
pot and pearl alhea, for which improve
ment the United States have granted him,
an exclusive right for a term of year 9.
The advantages over the furmer is set forth
by diveis*Certificates, one of which signed
by David Rittenhoufe, Doftot Rulh and
others, hath been publiflnd- By variety
of improvements in the application of the
principle, he apprehends he lias so far fim
plffy'd it, that at small expenee it may be
conduced by women or chddren, altho'
larger the works greater the profits result
ing in proportion. In a work that maycoft
about 12 dollars to be worked by a boy of
12 or 13 years old, with attention, may
make 150 weight of pearl ashes, an j with
good house ashes at 9d per bufhtl, wood at
20s per cord ; the pearl ashes so made when
fold at the common price of 50 s P er hund
red,leaves about 40s for his week's labour.
The process is allowed to be easy and fami
liar, one of those small works is now Hand
ing at his house in Arch Street No. 43, and
is free for infpeftion to any thqt inclines
to visit it; he therefore wishes a suitable
Committee may be appointed, one 01" more
members of each County to examine the
fame, fee tome experiments performed,
and should it be thought after every neeef
fary examination, this improvement prefer
able to the former, and a general benefit
to this State, in bringing forward this ma
tt ufa&ury in which little heretofore hawe
been done, he willing to relinquish his afor
faid right,as saras relates to Pennsylvania,
for such a compensation as the merits of it
may appear reasonable todcfire.
2d Mo. 19, 1764.
A work that may cost about 300 dollars
when compleat with 4 large boilers worked
by 2 fires, 2 hands may make as much
pearl ashes as common black salts, perhaps
18 or 20 cwt. per week, it may require
about 7 cord of wood. The quantity
made in a certain given time, will always
depend oaths attention of the woikmeiu _
the fiee of the furnace, the quality of the
ashes, &c. &c.
The Committee appointed Feb. 25,laft,
on the memorial of Samuel Hopkins,
made report, which was lead as follows,
viz :
The Committee to whom was refered
the application of Samuel Hopkins to the
Legislature, on lhe,fubje£t of an improve
ment discovered by him in the manufac
tury of pot and bearl ashes, beg leave to
to report—That they think favourably of
the prayer of the said applicant, and aie
of opinion that it will beadvantageous'for
the State to have the mode invented by
him, rendered of general utility, by the
purchase of his exclusive privilidge in the
discovery, which they understand may be
effetted on very moderate terms; they
therefore recommend the following resolu
tion :
Rtfolved, That a Committee be ap
pointed to bring in a bill to grant the furo
of £ to Samuel Hopkins, in re
ward of his discovery, and as a compensa
tion for the surrender of his exclusive right
to said improvement, within the limits of
this commonwealth.
Ordered to lia on the table.
Just Imported,
In the Ship Ediuard, Capt. Crandon, from
St. Petersburg in Ruflia,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz.
John Donnaldfon,
No. 22, Walnut-street.
March 4,1794. di w,?Uwtf
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York
THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE or
STOCKS on COMMISSION, b(g» leave to of
f r his ferviccsto his friends and others, in the
line of a Stock Broker. Thofc who raav plfatfr
to favor him with their bufwefs, may depend
upon having it tranfatted with theuimoft fide
lity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part of the United States, will be ftriflly
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. I
The annual ele&ion
Dire&ors and a Treasurer
Library Company of Philadelphia,
\VILL e held at ibe Library, in Fifth
fli eet, on Monday the fifth of May next, at
i hree n dock in the afternoon, When the trea-
will attend to receive the Annual pay
As there are several (hares on which fines
are dne, the owner* of them, or their repre
sentatives, are hereby notified, that they \vHl
be forfeited, agreeably to the laws of the
Com pan y r unless the said arrears are paid off
on the fifth day of May, or within ten days
By Order of the Dire<slor*.
April 7- m&w t sth May.
Samuel Coates,
At his Store, No. 82, south FrontJlreet,
94 Barrels
New England Beef,
29 barrel? liver ail,
*5 barrels Cider,
92 boxes ot Candles,
1500 pair of men's leather shoes
642 bushels of Barley
A quantuy of Tow Lin«*n
Duto, of New-tiigland Soal leather
40 bags of excellent corton
4 boxes of Chocolate
3000 wt. of Alfpice
too cases of ihe best Holland g : n.
Apt il 1. *ppd2 w
Old Lisbon Wine of a
sup- rior quality in pipes, imported in the ihip
Wil Tlington.
OLD CHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter calks, impm red in the brig Naiicy
capr. Gwin, ft m Cadia.
SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of
RMSINS, imported in ditro.
Particular TENEUIFFE WINES,in p pes
lihds. and qua-r'er caikr, imported in the ftiip
Thomas, capt. Skinner.
A few quarter calk. of. old particular bill
of exchange MADEIRA WINE.
George Meade,
Who has also, just arrived and for iale
luijbon Salt.
A qua tity of empty BAGS for sale.
„ AfrnJ 5- ' di w _w&s im,
St. Domingo Sufferers.
THOSE pe'foEs who undertook to collect
the fubfeription mad : for the relief of the a
bove unfo tunate per Cons, are requefled to
complete their returns, where tlie> have, not
already done it, and to deliver the fame with
any balarre they may hold, into the funds o.'
the Treasurer, \rho v • 'receive any fablcrip
t'lon which remains uncollected, or any frefh
donation. It is hoped instant attention will
be paid to this notice, to enable the commit,
tee of distribution th close their accounts and
give further relief to a n\fmber of thole per
sons itill remaining here, whose situation is
truly diftreflmg.
By order of the <-ommitteeof distribution,
Robert Smith, Treasurer. 9, ,794.
P. S. It IS lequefted the different Printers
will for a few days, publilh the above.
Henry Rape State of Maryland.
"• JHigli Couit of Chancery,
BenjaminGaither s- March Jth. 1794.
and v
Basil Gaither
The Complainant states
in his b 1! that the defendants Benjamin Gai
ther and Basil Gaither were seized in fee as
tenants in common of a tract of land in Fre
derick County, called Hammond*? Strife ; —
that being so seised, Basil executed a power
of attorney to Benjamin authorizing him to
fell his, the said Bafil'* interelt in'the fa d
land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold
the laid land to a certain William Gaither for
the consideration of fix hundred pound* which
llath been since paid, that the said William
hath adigned to the Complainant Henry Rape
the bond executed by the laid Benjamin for
the conveyance of tie fad land: The Com
plainant now further states (ard so appears
to the Chancellor) that the defendants are
n in-refidents of the itate of Maryland, and
herefore out of the reach of the process of
this court.
It is theiefore adjudged and ordered, that
the Complainant .procure a copy of this or
der to be inserted in the newfpapcr of Angel]
and Sul ivan, and is the United States Gazet e
at least three weeks fucceflively, before the
twentieth day of .May next •, to the intent
that the Defendants and all others, who may
conceive themselves interested in the premis
es, may have notice to appear in this court,
on or before the third Tuciday in September
next, to Ihew cau'e wherefore a decree fiiould
not pal's for veftingin the Complainant aconi
plete legal title to the land aforefaid.
Reg. Cur. Con.
March 18. tuth&s3w
The following Certifi
caic of the funded three per Cent Sirck of thp
Domcftic the United States (lauding en
the books oi the Trcafury of the (aid Uimed
! Sittrc, in the names of Donnald and Burton of
I London, met chants, and signed by Jofepli
Nourfe, Reg fter of f«id Trrafury, tc wtt
No. <1476, 24 h August for 8959
j dollars and 53 c,cn(s a s fiarifmitted from Lon
! don in the (hip Peter, P«jul Huflfcy, mallei,
I boOnd for Ndw York, and has been Joft.—
I The Subfcnber intending to apply to the Trca
-1 fury of the United States to have the fame re
newed, defirt s all persons who are inteifftc*d in
the said certificate, to make their objection*
thereto, if any they have-.
Francis Macy.
Philad. March 27. dow
Lately Publiftied.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street :
THE History of Ncw-Hampftiire, from the
Diftovery of the River Pifcataqiia—by Je
remiah litlkvap, D. D 3 Vols. Price in Boards,
4 12 Dollars.
The Forrdlrr, an American Fable, being a
Sequel to the History of John Bull the Cfoihier.
Prce, 75 Ct-nts. *
A Dilcourfe, intended to commemorate the
Discovery ot America by Chnllopher Colum
bus; delivered at the reqw'ft of the Hittorical
Society in Maifachufetts, Oflober 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Ceniuo,
since that memorable event. To which , are
added, Four DiffV rtationj., connc&ed h the
fut'jeft—By the fame author. Price, ep Cents.
March tu ' &'3w
To be fold, by Public Vendue,
The 19th liiilant,
At the Cofef.e Hoosk,
At Seven o'clock in the Evening,
By Old*! of the Reft, r, Church Warden-, and
Veftryof the Un ted Episcopal Churches
of" ChnftChU'fh and St. Piter's Church
Philadelphia, the T uftees of the Univeifi
ty, and tile Managers of the pLnnfvlvania
Ho(p ; 'al,
The lioufe and Lot bequeathed
by the last Wfiii and Teftaineut of
Srooj) 1 ; equal proportions to tbc
a ove inftitutioij5 > being
The House, No. 20,
Whe:ein Joft-ph spencernow lives well fili
ated for Mitinels, on the weft fide of 1 bird
street, about midway bttwfen Market mid
Arch street. It is 17 leer'front upon Third
street, and the lot is 132 feet deep
**Thi prr chafer paying half the purchase mo.
u - J un ue Un v tyf tlx deed} ma v have twelve ,
m inths credit for the remainder, on giiirg
good fecuritv and paying interest.
Committee for the Keftot,Church Wardens
and Vestry appointed tc»fell.
Committee for the University.
Committee tor the Pennsylvania Hospital.
April 14. dts
SALES at NEW-rORK, by A. L.
On Thursday the 15th May next at Twelve
o'clock at the Tontine Coffee House,
Tra&s of Lcuid,
In Watkins and Flint's purchase, in the coun
ty of Tioga, state ot New Y<> k.
The containing acres
South weft quar of Townfhp No. 2, 9,424
No»thweft do. do. 4, 5,647
Northeast do. do. 6, 13,525
Southwell do. do. 7, 9000
Southwest do do. 8, *.
North weft do. do. 8, 6,<*50
Southeast do. do. 9, 6,250
Southeast do, do. 9,000
North weft do. do. 10, 10,475
Tliefelands are rapidly encreafing in vain ,
large settlements are already made in several
of the town {hip -; the goodness of foil, and
the advantages in point of situation being so
web known, render any further defcnpr'um
unneceilVy. Amp of the tra&s and condi
tions of sale may be seen at No. 10, Queen
street, New-York.
April io tuth&s,ti4M
Just Imported,
In theJhip Abigail, Captain Horton, from S(
Peterjhurgh in Rujfta, and now landing at
Rujfell's wharf,
And for file ai the (lores of the fubfciiber in
Walnut street, N"• 22
John Donnaldfon.
April 4. diw w&c t'
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No 5,
.South Fourth-Street. \