Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 15, 1794, Image 3

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    ylfand fir Sydeey Smith, who joined
me from Smyrna about a formght a*o, ■
having offered his Cervices to burn the
ft"ps,°l put capt. Hare under orders,
with-the lieutenants Tapper and Gore, ot
the Victor;, and.lieut. R. W. Miller, of
lh , \VLn.tfor Cattle. Ten of the enemy 6
(hips of the line; in the arsenal, with the
in iiV houfc, great store houfc, hemp> W,
and other buildings, \Vere deft y
Tid before dav-light all h» nyi|edy » ,
with thoW of Spain, and the two
s x e « were out of the reach ox the ene
my's .'hot and (hills, except the Robust,
7hi h was to receive capt Eiphinjon,
(he followed very soon after, without
Ant her. I have under my or
ders Rear-Admiral in the Com
, 1 ~ \j irfeilles, Puiflant and Pom
*rX,z. f.i-nte:, and fcveral large cor
vett;s, which I have manned, and an
cloved incollefting and provisions
from the different ports in Spam and Ita
lv having been constantly m want of one
species and another, and am now at (hoi t
3iloW3itlCC* . in i_
J)»n Langara undertook to deuroy the
{hips in the Bason, but, I am informed,
r ound it not practicable ; and as the Spa
n'ifli troops had the guarding the powder .
veiTcls, which contained the powder of the |
(him I ordered into the Bason and Arse
nal on my coming fere, as well as that
from the'diftant magazines, within the
enemy's reach, 1 requested the Spamth
Admiral would be plcafed to give orders
fnr their Wing scuttled and funk ; but in
stead of doing that, the officer to whom
that duty was entrusted, blew them np,
by which two fine gun boats, which 1 <¥"-
d-r d to attend fir Sydney Smith, were
(hook to pieces. The Lieutenant com
manding one of them was killed, and (e
---v ral feimen badly wounded. lam for.
rv to add, that Lieutenant Gcddard, ot
the Victory, who commanded the seamen
upon the Heights of GralTe, was wound
ed but 1 hone andtruft not dangeroufiy.
I beg to refer vou for further particulars
to'general Dundas refpeamg the evacuation
of Toulon, and, to fix Sydney Smith as to
the burning the enemy's fhips,Sec. on which
fen-ce he very much diftmguifhed himfelf;
and he "ives great praise to captain Hare, of
the Firdhip, ns well as to ail the Lieutenants
employed under him. .
It is with very peculiar fatisfadhon I have
JiomJ" to acquaint vou,. that the ulmoft
' harmony, and most cofffitf undemanding,
has h-.rpilv fuhfifted in his majesty s army
and fleet, not only between the officers of ad
ranks but between the Seamen and Soldiers
a I herewith transmit a copy of Sir Sydney
Sro'th's letter to me, with a lift of the of
ficers employed rnder him, and -dfo a return
of officer- and seamen killed and wounded
at Fort Mulgrave on the 17th. .
I have the honor, &c.
P. S. The lift of the (hips at Toulon that
were burnt, and those remaining has been
received since writing my letter.
Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas.
A letter is published in the Cornier
Francais cf this morning, said to be a li;J
teral copv of one received from New-
York, dated 26th March—and among
other things, contains the following ar
ticles of information, viz, That twp ships
of the Line and three frigates arrived at
Port-au-Prince from France,the 6th March,
having on board Mcflis. De Letombe,
Painiere, Le Roy and Pagefe, who are
lent out to replace Sonthonax & Polverel,
that M. Le Roy and Pagefe with a strong
escort are gone to Cayes to arrest Polve
rel. After securing Port-au-Prince, M.
Le Tombe (ailed with the fleet for Jere
mie, where he arrived the 12thMarch;
and surprized and took two Englifli fri
gates, and three privateers, which were
in the port; the EngHlh garrison were
made prisoners of war, and nearly all the
inhabitants are taken and embarked on
board the fleet, to be sent to France, to
render an account of their conduct. The
fame thing happened at Jeremie as at Tou
lon, one part of the people as soon as
they saw the fleet, turned their arms a
gainst t'i j other, and were the cause of a
feeble rcfiftance.
A motion was this day made in the
House of Representatives to strike out
the several fpecifications contained in the
Resolution passed ycfterday in committee
of the whole for (topping'the commercial
. intercourse With Great Britain.
Tnis inoiion, after some debate, was
with4ravrn —Jnd was succeeded by ano
th>r for the previous queltioin—whether |
the main question Hull be now put—fur- j
thcr debata ensued—the motion for the j
previous question was at length put and
loft, 53 to 44—and the House adjourn
ed without deciding on the resolution, as
reported by the committee of the whole.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Vi 'l
ming'ton, to a refpeilable merchant ot tiiis
city, April I4> 1 79->•
" Captain ArtguS arrived here this morn- I
intj from Guadaloupe, but last from Antigua,
where he was carricd into by a privateer,
but liberated in consequence of the last m
" Captain Angus brought me a letter
from Capt. Willis, of nd March, by which
I find they had released his vefiel two days
before, he had fold his flour at 3-4 dollars,
one half rum, and the other half cafn, but
did not expect to obtain permillion to ftll
the lalt provisions at Antigua but would
probably go to St. Bartholomews, or St Mar
tins, to diipofe of his pork and beef, and lay
out his money in sugar."
1 Extra <5t of another letter dated Brandywine,
I 4th month, 14) 1784-
1 »We have the plealure to advise you,
that Capt. Angus has just arrived from Gua
daloupe, he was carried into Antigua, and
released underthe Uteinftruaions from Great
Britain—several veflels,all that were not con -
demned at Antigua were released, amongst
them was a schooner belonging to our neigh
bor, I. B. he has letters from Captain,
confirming the above account.
At a meeting of the Philadelphia Con
tributionfhip, tor insuring homes from lois
by fire, the following gentlemen were
chosen, viz.
Gunning Bedford, George Roberts,
Richard Wells, Joseph Pafchall, Thomas
Morris, John Moreton, Mordecai Lewis,
Pattifon Hartft©rne,SamueWDoates, John
Perot, Samuel M. Fox, David Evans.
Samuel Sanfom. .
We, the fubferibers, declare, that we
left the Island of Dominica on Sunday
the 23d March. That at the time of our
departure*, there were thirty-five American
veflels condemned, all which condemna
tions took place previous to the arrival of
the second order from Gjeat Britain.—
That wheii the said fecoira oftfer did ar
rive, the Judge requirjri ofail owners and
agents of (hips of war and privateers to
give bonds for amount of the sales of t'hrofe
veflels and cargoes that had been condemn
ed, that the agents of the men of war
did give surety agreeably to ast of parlia
ment, but the agents,and owners of pri
vate vefiels refufed to comply that
they acted under authority of government,
and if they had given wrong inftruftions,
of course government must abide by the
On the arrival of the second instruc
tions, the court had met from day to day
without doing business, but it was the
prevailing opinion of all clafles of people
there, that all those veflels taken under
the former instruCtions would be condemn
And that after the investiture of Mar
tinique by Admiral Jervis, and no more
American veflels coming from Martinique,
all the small privateers, such as had for
merly been drogers, and unfit to cruize
at a distance, and such other veiTels as
were wanting to load home to Europe,
were called in ; it is to be understood,
that no orders weie iflued from the admi
ralty, or from any other authority, for
difinantling the private fliips or veflels of
Phil. April 14th, 1794.
Copy of a letter from Capt. BARNEY,
to a Gentleman in Congress.
" Kingston, March 4th, 1794.
" Sir,
" I wrote you on the 2id, informing
you that the Britilh seemed determined
to ruin the Americans, &c. Since which
time a number of Americans have been
sent in, some of them directly from A
merica, loaded with lumber, who have
now a lawsuit to go through, the expen
ces of which will require the whole car
go of each to pay. Many of them are
obliged to abandon their veflels, having
neither money nor friends. Yoiir brig
John is libelled a a French pr«p-r>y, but
that is merely a form, to cover fouie other
reason. Mr. Is goi 'g to make a
elate), but was I in the lartw fituatwn,' 1
wouii abandon all, a tic) come home, be
in" well convinced all will be cot.J.Pnii*
ed.— ■
" Ycilerday 1 was to have been tried,
but the court have adjourned till the loth
init. They tantalize me with ''We have
" caught you at lafl,' and we will take
" ;Tood care you (hall take no more vet
" fels; we wish the others may foil into
" pur hands," &c. Now, Sir, I wish to
relate to vou a piece of the greatest im
pudence and insult I ever heard of: Yes
terday the American (hip MaffachVfetts,
Capt. White, arrived ; (he was taken on
her passage from Bourdeaux to New-York,
by the letter of marque (hip Jame's, Capt.
Wilkes. On her coming into port, Capt.
Wilkes ordered the British ensign to be
Lb'tjltd over the American enjign, in which
situation it remained all day. This insult I
to the nation ought not to be fuffeied.—
Satisfa&ion, by the puiiifhment of that
Captain, is the leait that can be demand
ed, and was it on our fide such an affront
had been given, the nation would have had
more ample fatisfaclion.
" I hope, fir, tho' that you and Mr.
do not agree, oil the British trade &c. I (nail
fee you among the firft to support the credit
of our flag, when insulted in such a manner.
If you were to be only four hours riere, you
would fee more into the deiigns of the British
than all the information that can be sent to
you by letter; reft allured of this serious
fz'A, the more you humble the inoreyou may;
th:y are determined, and you have nothing
i lore'to do, than instantly prepare to meet
them: Now is your time; (too your piovi
fions and lumber, and they will soon render
you juilice, but let me beg of you to embar
go the American vefi'els, iu order to keep
vour seamen, or the British will have them
all." I am &.c.
Joshua Barney.
For the Gazette of the United States'
Mr. Fenno,
Please to give the following a place in
vour paper, and oblige
A Friend.
I OBSERVED in Mr. Baehe's paper, a
long firing of Resolutions published by the
Democratic Society. A Society which I had
for some time contemplated to join, suppos
ing that good might result therefrom, but
" npijl observing that the tendency a»d design
I op those resolutions is evidently to inflame
i the minds of msny of the citizens of the li
nked States, and viewing them as held up as
a Rod to awe the government of my coun
try, and that Congress may be driven there
by into a premature war with fevefal of the
powers of Europe ; lam brought to a pause
at this moment, and shall omit joining the
society, and shall continue to stand aloof un
til I am convinced that they do not mean to
ait as Dictators, yours,
A True Republican.
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, April 14.
Extract of a letter from Lisbon, dated
Feb. 12, to a merchant in this
" I am now waiting for a convoy which
is granted t}V the Queen of Portugal to
the American vefftls to fail on the 27th
inft. Yesterday week arrived a Portuguese
fehooner from Gibraltar which brings
news of the Algerines being out of the
I Straits in great numbers; two leagues
from the rock of Lisbon she spoke with
three Algerine cruizers—a fliip oi 40
guns, and two brigs of 18 guns each.
Twenty-three fail of American veifels are
here waiting for the convoy, which Con
sists of two 74 guns ships, two frigates
and three brigs which are to proceed as
far as the Western Islands.
Extract of a letter from a Mercantile
houjfc" in lisbon, dated February 11,
to a merchant in this city.
" We refer to ours of the 31ft of Octo
ber, and hope you notice our advices
with respect to the Algerines, and that af
j fairs will be soon arranged to make your
navigation free to Europe—At prelent
the Algerines are out—we are very sorry
that you cannot enjoy the benefit of our
present very good prices."
t —
BALTIMORE, April 12.
Extract of a letter from Cape-Fear, North
Carolina, to agentkman in this town,
dated April 1.
\ " This day a boat landed near this
place, from a privateer (loop from Ber- j
muda, in order to collect flock, from |
I - 1 .' " /
which John Simfon, fai'or, a native of
South-Carolina, made his escape—lie in
forms, that fail! (loop was on a cruise to
capture all American vefl'els; that he had
repeatedly heard the Captain fay his or
ders were such, and that he had been in
formed by his owners that private orders
had arrived at Bermuda the 20th March
fcr that purpose, ami that (he was to cruise
between the Delaware stml Chehipeake
i bays, for inward and outward bound vef-
I lels, American or French.
" A filhing boat is just come in ; the
crew of which informn, that the above
(loop was this day token by a French
schooner, which stood off to the south
ward with her-prize."
Brig Union, Martin, New-York
Norfolk, Rice, Charleflon
Sloop Humming Eird, Clark,
1 lie S'aip Sampion, Capt. Reflet er of Phi
ladelphia, is arrived at Chester, ill 4 nicnths
from Canton in China.
By a velfel arrived this day from Anti
gua, news is recived that all the American
' veifels carried in there which had r.ot been
condemned, have been rclealed, amounting
to upwards of 30 fail.
Capt. gxfitter failed from C>r.ton the 15th
December, he kit there the ,
Capt. Magee from the north-weft ooaft of
America—rhe fliip Wafhingteii, Capt. Ran
dall, and the fliip America, Capt. Howell—•
the two firft expc&ed to faii in about fix
weeks, Capt. How ell in abcut three weeks —
Capt. Lee in the (hip Fair American, failed
.from Canton for the Cape of Good Hcpe
and Amsterdam the firft of November
Lord Macartney, the Briiifli ambafiador
with his suite, had been to Pekin the Capi
tal of China, where he had been well receiv
ed, and the rich presents he earned had b; tit
ac.ep^ed —He was on his return with hfs
suite, from p*kin ( to Canton by land -and
was expected at the latur place the aoth De
Mr. William White, who went out surge
on of the P: mpfon, died five days after the
ihip left Canton.
'The Ground Flan
of the
City and Suburbs
IT is with ;>!eafuie that ,t}iepub)ifher lias to
inlorm his tubferibersand the public in gene
ral, that the p'ate is now under the hands of
the engraver, and iti greater forwardnrfs than
was at firft contemplated. At the fame time
he begs leave to riiptud them, that fubfciip
tion papers are iiiil at moil of the noted
book-ftoies in the city ; and that he hopes
from the whole of them robe enabled to so: m
such a reiperfable catalogue of names, as will
d-< a credit to the work, as well as ifrford a
le.ifonable encouragement to the undertaker.
Benjamin Davies,
No. 68, Market llreet.
April 14. m&thtf
April 15.
Will be performed,
A COMEDY, written by Mrs. Cowley,
called the
Belles Stratagem.
Doricourt, Mr. Chalmers
Hardy Mr. Moms
Sir George Touchwood, Mr. Whitloclc
Flutter, Mi". Marftiall
Saville, Mr - Green
Saviik's fervt. Mr. Darley jun.
Villprs Mr.Cleveland
Courta'll, Mr. Moreton
Gentleman, Mr. Hu'wood
Cibfon, Mr. Worrell
Dick, M '- Ffancis
Letitia Hardy, Mrs. Morns
Mrs. Racket, Mrs-Shaw
Ladv Frances Touchwood, firft time
Miis Oldfield
MifsJ Ogle, Mrs. Francis
Kitty Willis, Mrs. Rtjwion
To which will be added,
A FARCE, in 2 arts, (Written by the
Author of the School for Scandal) called
Saint Patrick's Day ;
Scheming Lieutenant.
With an occafienal Oveature, coippofed by
Mr. Reinagle.
-- ' /,t inconveniences to the public have
arisen from the Box book heing open or. the- .
davs of performance only, in future atEendc
ance will be given at the office in the 1 he..tre
every day from ten 'till one, and on the days
6f performance from ten till three o'cSlcckin
the afternoon. Application? tor Box'-?, iti*'
Irefpo&fullv may be addrdicd, to
Mr. Trankliri- at the BoxOtnce.