Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 15, 1794, Image 1

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[No. \os of Vol. V.]
For Norfolk & Fredericks burgh,
John Earl, Matter.
A ftauHch good veflf 1. will fail in a few
days. For freight or p.fToge, apply to tl.e
matter on board at Chefnut street wharf, or
March w.
For Sale or Charter,
(•^■ n American bottom )
John Moore, Majitr.
JS a ft out good vefTsl, abolit two years oW,
burr hen 232 ton*, has only made three voy
ages, and may be sent to sea at a final! ex
pence. She may be seen at Vine-ftieet wharf,
and the terms m d.• known by application to
The new faft-failjng, copper
p- ,%if"'V bottomed SHIP
rtiMi. K. f itzpatrick, Master.
BUILT of live oak and cedar and' was in
tended for a-Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenient fpefd. For freight or pillage,
having excellent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut street wharf, or to
N. B. Paflengers will be landed in Eng
land if required". i
March 6, 1794. dtf
Jull Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes,
A few bales Holland' Duck,
S Ditto Oz.naburgi^
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Barries,
Glass Ware, -viz. Tumblers and Mugs, -va
rious fixes.
SK'aihing Paper,
Swedes Iron, square and flat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, EsV. (Sfc.
Th: above-mentisned Ship is for Sale—
Should application be made •within a few days.;
qtjierwife she will take freight for Amjler
March 1, 1794. d—tf
The Profits arifingfrom the following publi
cation are for the benefit of the Poor.
Just puUlifhed, printed by R. Aitken
Son, and fold by J. Crukfhank, W. YounS
T. Dobion, and the other Booksellers,
Proceedings of the Committee,
Appointed on the 14th September 1793, by
the Citizens of Philadelphia, the Northern
Liberties, and the Diftrift of Southwark,
to attend to and alleviate the fufFerings of
the affliftcd with the Malignant Fever,pre
valent, in the City and its vicinity.
A lift of persons admitted into the Hospi
tal at Bnlh-hill, flic wing the times of their
admifljon, death and discharge.
Number of Houses, Deaths, 4c/ in the
refpeftive streets, alleys, and courts in the
c;ty of Philadelphia, Nm thcrn Liberties, and
Diftri& of Southwark.
A lift of the Interments in the Burial
grounds in the city of Philadelphia, Northern
Liberties, and Diftrift of Southwark, with a
meteorological account of the weather.
A fumniary of donations in cafli and provi
fions, received from sundry persons and pla
ces, for the dO of the poor and affli&ed.
A P ri ' 2- d3w
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible fituation,—alio a Country Seat
within 6 miles of* the City, with 9 acres of
Jand, or 42 acres ot Jand and meadow, the
House is not exceeded bymany in the vicinity
of the city, in size, or convenience.
For particulars apply to the printer.
January 23 m&tli—tt
iof ttje Ifttufei Jpf
Affortmcnt of Hanging Paper,
hieh coloured and plain.
White fiik Stockings, high drelfed and put
up Engltfti fafhion.
The handfoineft artificial Flowers and Fea
Some Looking Glass Plates to be fold by the
A few hampers of* Champaigne wine fix
years old.
An elegant parcel of
Bearikin MuiTs,
And very beautiful Silk which on
account of the season fold low, aud at
a long credit.
42 pipes Madeira wine,
and a few casks ot Claret.
A Quantity of
Hamburgh Demijohns.
In a few Days,
He twill have for sale,
A general-assortment of
White and Black Laces,
Leghorn hats, fans and carabmks, claret in
cases, a quantity of window glass well sort
ed «f all size , and a few pair of remarkable
LoojcingGlafTes framed, all arrived at Nor
folk, now coming round.
March 22.
Old Lisbon Wine of a
fupcrior quality in pipes, imported in the Ihip
\Yil nington.
OLD CHERRY WINE of the firft quality
in quarter calks, imported in the brig "Nancy
capt. Gwin. frcm Cadiz-
SHELLED ALMONDS and a few kegs of
RAISINS, imported in ditto.
Particular TENERIFFE WINES,in pipes
hhds. and quarter casks, imported in the ill ip
Thomas, capt. Skinner.
A few quarter casks of old particular bill
of exchange MADEIRA WINE.
George Meade,
Who has also, just arrived and for sale
Lijbon Salt.
A quantity of empty BAGS for sale.
April 5. diw w&sim.
OF the mouev robbed from the mail near
Bahimorr, by Doftot Gant, no dollars were
afterwards lent by an unknown hand, to the
Postmaster at Baltimore, who transmitted
the fame to the General Post Office. The fuf
ferers by that robbery are desired to state the
amount of their losses respectively, and trans
mit the fame, with the original letters of their
correlpsndent j (where recovered) or other
evidence thereof to the General Post Office,
before the firft day of June next, immediate
ly after which a dividend will be made among
the claimants.
Poji Majler General.
Gen. Post Office, April 4, 1794 iaw6w
Mordecai Lewis,
Has for Sale at his Store, No. 25, Dock-
Street :—
A few Bales of Ruflia Sheetings,
Barcelona Handkerchiefs in Boxes,
A bale of l®w-priced Cotton Handkerchief*,
A Quantity of Sauchong'Tt-a, Hyfou and
Tonkay, ditto.
Holland Gin in Cases,
With a Variety of other Goods. * o fl
20 - 3taw6w of
Loft last Night,
Between Second and Seventh streets, a
Red Morrocco Pocket Book,
CutainingJ a few private letters and a bill
of exchange, dated Charleston, March
drawn by John Minnick on Philip Care, in fa
vor ot Sims White, which can be of no use I
to any one but the owner, whoever has found I
the fame, antl will deliver it at Israel Israel's '
Inn, fhallbe handi'omely rewarded. J
April 9. , 4t |
Tuesday, April 15, 1794.
In the Brig George and Harriot, from
Havre de Grace,
Louis Ojmonty
A, h D
Excellent CLARET,
In ljOgUcatis -rtd hi cafe* of 50 battles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
111 pipes, hoglheads and quarter calks,
No. in, South Frout itreet
Jan. 2, 1794. ;
Mai ket-Street,
An Eflay on Slavery,
Dcligncd to exhibit in a ne\v poini ol view
ii* efte&s on indujtry, and the ftucc of
focuty. Soipe ta£fc& and calculations are offered
iq prove the labor oi freemen to be much more
productive than that ot Jtaves ; that countries are
itch; powerful and happy, in proportion as the
Üboruig people enioy the jryUs of their own
labor ; and hence the mctflaiy conclusion, that
slavery is impQluic as well -S unjuji.
Price 25 Cents. dtf
Februaiv 15.
The Public are cautioned to
b&ware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of
the Bank of the United States, and Twenty
Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America,
J'e-vtral of "which have appeared in circulation
•within a fe<w days past ; they are a good ge
neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may
be dijtbiguijhed by the following
Frve Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL thai have appeared have the letter F.
for tueir Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture oi' the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more ficely than
the genuine paper.
The O. m the word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letters ot that word,
io that a line extended from the top of the O,
to touoh the top of the M. wouldtxtend con
liJeiaoly above the range fti the whole word-
In the word Umtetjl the letters are narrow
erand closer together than th* reft of the bill
Ihe zaird fin the word promile are not
parallel, the _/"inclining much mora forward
Jhan the i.
The engraving is badly executed,the ftiokes
of ail the Letters are fttoiiger and tile devil!
iu the margin particularly is much cuailer and
appears darker ihan in tlie true bills. Some
81 the counterfeits bear date in 1791 —WliCTer
as the Bank was not iiJJ Decern
her, and no five dollar bills were ill'ued in
that year.
T<wenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have ihe letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly similar
to that of the cuuuterfeit Five Dollai Notes
above defci ibed ; the engraving is beite* exe
ucted, and they approach nearer to the ap
pearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through ihe woid Twen
ty, in the body of the bill, are mnumbei thir
teen in the genuine bills, and but twelve ip
ihe counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer ibed a
bove, the 0 being lets than them, and ethers
There is no stroke to the t in the word North
whereas in the genuine bills the stroke is well
The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the
left band at the bottom, do not come down to
the line, but are so cut asto give an irregular
appearance to the word, the Tw and thej' go
ing below them.
The Signature J. Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamp black and
oil, and differs from the other inks used in
printing the bills and the calhiei's lignature.
It is supposed ihefe forgeries were, committed
in furne of the Southern Stales, as all the coun
terfeits ihai have appeared, have come Irom
thence, and two persons have ■been apprehend
ed i|i Virginia, on Ijfpicion ps being ihe authors
of them.
will be paid toatiy Person or Persons who shall
discover and prosecute 10 convi&ion the several
offenders of ihe following descriptions or any
of them, viz.
The person or persons, who manufactured
the paper on which (lie Bills are printed.
The person or pedom, who engraved the
1 he printer or printers, ®f the hills.
Every person who has ailed as a principal in
any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter
ing the said bills.
of the Bank United States.
JOHN NIXON, President of the
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of the Res*
peftive Boards.
Philadelphia, 1794- dtf.
*'* * t
[Whole No. 565. j
From Correspondents•
France is now regenerating her marine—it
is expected that in one year from this, Hie
French navy will confilt of upwards of 100
fail of the line. Should this country enter ill
to the war, we may expert the most power
ful succours from our ally. At leail a fleet
of 30 fail of the line, and 10,000 veteraji
troops. Such a force will be absolutely neceT
fary to effedtuate the reduction of Canada
a measure which every diclate of policy
will urge as eligible. This plan will keep
the United States at a proper remove from
the vortex of European pplitics !
There is plenary evidence daily laid be
fore the public, to ftiew that all tli-e vexa
tions, spoliations, and depredations of the
British cruiffrs on the commerce of this
Country, are the most plcafing, grateful
and consoling circumstances to a certain
set of politicians, that could possibly have
occurred at this junflure. Under tlic
guise of ineafurps to affeit and support the
rights, dignity and independence of the U
nited States, the most deadly ftrnkes ar.e
aimed at the existence of the Constitution
—the credit—the union, and the internal
peace of the Country. Measures of real
energy in coiijundtion with those which
common sense, and common prudence
would didlate, and which the sober reflec*
tions of every ieal Republican must ap
prove, meet the rnoft pointed and invete
rate opposition. The tru« meaning of
tins condud is* —that except internal con
vulsions should fuccetd the years of peace
and prosperity which we have enjoyed un
der the auspices of the genferaj govern
ment, another opportunity for fpecate
tion will be foreclofed—and the people
will continue to think, that those who
have been perpetually telling them that
they are governed by rogues and villains^
Congress of the United States.
House of Reprefentativas
Substance of the remarks made by Mr.
Giles on Mr. Dayton's resolution for
the fequeft ration of all debts due to
the British fubjedts.
( Concluded.)
Mr. Giles fai'd, he knew nothing of the
change of the minijtry—the principle was
unknown here. The people here were
their own governors. It was immaterial
to them, who the minister was. Even in
the coun try where the people were lefa
fortunate;where ministers govern:a change
of ministers never produced any solid ad
vantage to the nation—lt was iriefefy an
expedient of the moment to imother a po
pular clamor. But even proceeding upon
the gentleman's hypothecs, whifh Mr.
G. thought wholly inadmilEble, whether
a passive submission by foreigner to the a
■vancious regulations of a minister, be the
most likely mean to render him unpopular
at home I—On the other hand, whether
if was not the most effectual mean of pre
serving his popularity and of keeping him
in office ? He prefumcd the people at
home, would never complain of injuries
abroad, if those who sustained them refuf
-63 to complain. It is but by resistance
and throwing the burthen upon the peo
ple orf England tliat they can be brought
to complain.
But in cases of such extremities as the
present all appeals to the people of Eng
land are futile and degrading. Our only
rcfource Jbould be in our own exert'wns.
They would be abundantly fufficient if
we could be brought to believe it.
Mr. G. remarked, that the people ol
Ireland had lately afforded an inftrudtive
leflbn upon this point. They had arms
in their hands for the purpose of asserting
their rights; under th,e idea of acquies
cence and submission, they had surren
dered them to the government; perhaps
under the expectation of a change of mi
nistry. Did this ait of submission ren
V" v