Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 14, 1794, Image 4

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    Just Imported,
In the/hip Abigail, Captain Httrtorr, from St
Pejtrfturgh in Raffia, and nvtu landing at
Rifffeir s <wharf,
And tor sale at the (tore. of the fuMcnber in
Walnut llieet, 51". 22-
"John Donnalafcn,
April 4.
St. Domingo Snferers.
pe'foH! who undertook to col'eft
the l'ub!cn prion m.<d ■ for the relief of H>- a-
Uove unfo tuiate,p*rfonSj «f« r«quefted to
com:>l to tji«rretuni% where they have not
already done it, and to deliver the. fame, with
any ba'an e they may ho'd, into the 'lands o(
the Treafuur, who will receive any Inscrip
tion Which remains uncollefted, or any frelh
donatio.,. It is hoped instant attention wtll
be piid to tfiis notice, to enable the commit
tee >fdift'ibutioal» close their accounts and
give fi>rt»tr relief to a number of those per
sons ft'll remaining here, whose fituaCion is
By order of the d'Hrib'itton,
Robert Smith, Trea/urer.
April 9, «794*
P. S. It is requested the different Pi inters
\frilHor a few days, publilh the above.
Pennfylvaiiia Hofpitai,
4th Month, jthlW-
The Contributors are desired
to attend,the Eiection, to b held at the
Hospital oj ih.- SCII day of the sth Month
nex r ,at 3 o"elodt in the afternoon; to choole
twelve and a TXt aSURER, ior
the ensuing year:
By ofder of a board of Managers.
Samuel Ceates, clerk.
Stock Brokers Office,
No/16, Wall-street, New-York
THh. luolcriber intending to confine hrrofelf
e „m.-iv to the PURCHASE & SALE or
STOCKS on COMMISSION, brgs leave to of
i r ht* ierveccsto hi# irie<K>s »ntj others, in t-ne
line ol a S»t*k BrokSrr. Thtfft-*lio nwy pl«fe
to fjvor him with their Wwef», may d "P'" d
upon having it .tran'.aAed with the u.moß fide
lity *i.<l difpaich.
,'Oiders liom Philadelphia, Bolton, or .any
other partot the United States, will be llriftty
For 'Printing by Slib/crlption,
An Original Nov el,
In Pour Volumes., duodecimo,
Dedicated, by Perrtiiffibn, to Mra. Bingham,
fe N T I T L S D,
Trials of the Human Heart.
By Mrs. 'KOW6 W,
Of the New Theatre, finil.\delpbia, Author
of Victoria, Ijiqu'fi'Or, Charlotte, Fille
<W Ch.imbre, ta.Ac.
11 if there's a pnw'r above us,
<< (And that there is, all Nature cries aloud
" Thro'all her works) he mull delight in
" virtue, _
14 Anithat which he delights in, must be
44 happy."
" The foul, fecurtl in her e*iftence,fmiles
1 1 the dravvb & defies its point"
"1. "The work ro be pritrted with'a tiest type
«n good piper.
U, Price to ful.fcribers ji>ur dollars hound,
One half to be paid at the time of fubferibipg.
111. The fubferibers' names will be prefixed
as patfonsM the undertaking.
« i > Subscriptions are received by the Au
thor, the corner of Seventh atid Chcfnut
streets, MelTrs. Carey, Rice, and Dobtoo,
Philadelphia— Mr. Gicen, Annapolis—Mes
srs. Allen, Barry, and S. Calnpbell, New,
York VteflVs. Weft, Thomas and Andrew
Blake, and Lirkin, Boffon— Mr. Hafwel,
Vermont —MelT s.Rice, and Edwards, Bal
timore —Mr. W. P. Young, Cbarlefton.
April 2. inw&fjwj
In the Name of the French
I? VERY Frenchman is forbid to violate
j the Neutrality of the United States.
All commissions or authqrizations tending to
infringe that neutrality, are revoked, and are
to be returned to the Agents of the French
Philadelphia, Ventofe 16th, second year of
the French Republic, one and indivisible
( March 6th, 1 7<mJ o. s. )
The Minister Plenipotentiary of the French
Republic. JH. FAUCHET.
The Editors of newspapers -within the
United States, are requested to republifh the
for .g' ing notice. d
<X 3" This Gazette Jhall be enlarged, as it
receives encouragement —The S'ubfcription
cncreafes daily—Advertijing Favors are
faHcited —These conjlitute an ejfential Item
in diminijbing the Debit Jide of the Account.
~ : WANTED ! ~
To the Printing Business, Enquire at this
. - - ' ••••■■ ■■ -- ■ - '
„. *■». *■.j 'x,''
For Sale by the Subfcribtrs,
Muscovado sugar in Mids.&^bni.
Ilyfon and Souchong Teas.
Sherry Wines, of superior quality, in pipes
and quarter calks.
! Spaiiifh Iri.ugo.
Ho [ton Beet, in barrels.
And a small invoice of Muslins.
No. 164, South Front-street.
March 8. fmw4w
The following Certifi
cate of the funded three pel Cent Slock of the
Duincftic Debt ot the Unut'd Staiet (landing on
the books of the Treasury of (aid United
Slates, in the names o( Donnald and Burton 01
Loudon, meichanls, and signed by J«(eph
Nouife, Register ot said Trtafury, to wit :
No. 5476, dated 24ih Augult 1792 for 5959
dollars and S3 c*nts was ttanlmitied lion Lou
don in the (hip Peler, Paul Hulley, inaftei,
Ix.urid for New York, and has been (olt.—
The Subscriber intending 10 apply to the Tica
fury of the United States 10 have the fame re
newed , defnrs all perfous who are uitcieftcd in
the said cerufkaie, tp make their obje&ions
thereto, if any they have.
Francis Macy.
Philsd. March 27. d 6w
And entered upon tVic fiift ot May,
The noted EJlate, called
yobnfon Hall:
Lying in the Mohawk country, state of New
Yoik, formerly thereat of Sir William John
son, containing about seven hundred acres ot
land, is of the very bed .quality ; toge
ther with the (lock, and (armir.g uicnfils. The
buildings are large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feai. The payments will be made
ejfy, ongood (ccurity. for further particulars
enquire ot George Metcalf, E(g. on the premif
cs, of Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or
of the fubferiber in Providence.
Jabez Bowen.
Pliilad. March 26 mw&lim
Samuel Coates,
At bit Store, No. 82, south Front Jirect,
.Hath for sale,
94 Barrels
New England Beef,
29 barrels liver oil,
25 barrels Cider,
92 boxes of Candles,
1500 pair of men's ieaiber (hoes
642 bilhels ot Barley
A quantity of Tow Linen
P-uo, of Nexw-tEiiglaiid Soal leather
jjo excellent cortcn
a b®xes or t;t>ocofcart: , >: 3
fipoo wi. ot AHpice
+00 cases of (be Deft Holland gin.
April l. *eod2w
Lately Published.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street :
nPH.h, Hiltory ot Ne\v-Hd<npfliiie, trom the
JL Dtfcovery ol the River Pifcataqua—by Je
remiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vols. Pfice in Boards,
4 I 2 Dollars.
The Foirefter, an American Fable, being a
Sequel lathe Hittoiy ot JohnJJulLthe, Clothier.
75 Cents.
A Ddcourfe, intend td to commemorate the
Dilcovery .ot America by ChrUloyher Colum
bus; delivered at the tequeft ol jthe Hiitorical
Socitty in MaffachuletU, Odober 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Century,
iince that memorable event. To which art
added, Four Diffcrtatioi.s, connected with tht
iubjc —By the fame author. .Price, 50 Cents
March 17. , tuth&^w
The annual election
Directors and a Treasurer
Library Company of Philadelphia,
WILL beheld at the Library, in Fiftn
■street on Monday tliefifth of' May at
three o deck in the at'iei no"ii,wlien the trea
surer will attend to receive the annual pay
As there are fevera! lhares on which fines
are due, the owners of' them, or their repte
fentatives, are hereby notified, that they will
be forfeited, agreeably to tlie laws of the
Company, unlets tlie (aid arrears are paid off
on tlie fifth day of May, or within ten days
By Order ef the Direftoi s.
April 7' m&w t sth May.
Just Imported,
In the Ship Ed<uiard, Capt. Crandon, from
St. Peter (burg in RulTia,
And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz.
John Donnaldfon,
No. 12, Walnut-street.
1 March4,l794. diw^tawtf
Just Pablifted,
In one hindfome volume, i2mo. Price 5s
At Franklin's Head) No. 4%, Second
Natural Equality of Mcn y
On the Rights that result from it, and on the
Duties which it impose.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Corrected and Enlarged.
D. D.
Profeflor of Moral Philosophy, and the Law
oi Nature, and of Ecclefiaflical Hilhirj •
and Minister of the English Chuich at tjl
Aliquid Temper ad cpmmumm utilitatem tf.
ferendum. Giciro.
The Firjl American Edhiofi.
THE grand principle of Equality, if right
ly underft.iod, is the only basis 011 which
nniverfal justice, sacred order, and perfect'
freedom, can be Irmly built, and permanent
ly secured. Tiie v.ew of it exhibited in this
eflay, at the fame time thai it rep/efjes ,[, e
in (ale nee of office, the tyranny of pi ide aid
the outrages of oppreliion ; cimfig ms, in the
most forcible manner, tile necefiity of fnbor
dination, and the just demands of lawful nul
thority. So far indeed, from looleping the
bands of fuciety, that it maintains inviolate
every natural and every civil diftiii«aion T
draws more closely every social tie, unites i,I
one harmonious and justly proportioned fyC
tem, and brings men together on the even
ground of the inherent rights of-iunian na
ture, of reciprocal obligation, and of a com
mon relation to the community.
March 18. eodiw'ugdVf
To be Sold at Public V 'eiidif£~
On Friday the nth day of April next
at the house of Jahu 7bomfon, in P«th-
Amb oy,
The Proprietary House
THE 1-ot contains eleven acres, on vAich is
a I orchaia ot gralted apple trees, a well of
excellent water, a latgr flone c Hero, and a tfery
commodious liable and coach-iwulc, and a gt cat
quantity ol the best building Hones in.the walls
of the houte, which was foinierly built for the
rcfidenee of the Governors of New-Jerley. The
limation of thts Lot 15 so Well known lor irs
heaUhinels and beautiful of the lUri'on
nvei to.(be weft of ihe bay, and Sandy-Hook to
the cafl, that a lufiher defciiptlon is unneceft'ry.
The conditions ps sale will b:, one third of (lie
purchafc muney to be paid uli the ■ ,day of
May mxt, w|un a good and tufficicn'. Deed w ill
be given to the Vj.M'aj. ti *- ,Uv-
TherfurD) Esq. Ptefjdetit of the Board of
Proprietors ol the Eaftem Divtfion of New-
Jersey, and the remaining two thuds foti»l.i&b
rily secured in equal annual payments.
By order of ti c Board,
Pcrth-Ambev. uai \ r t . 1794. 2.iw2m
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry, (Arch) b tween Fou'th and filth'
Streets, adjoining t\)e Episcopal bur) jug
g ound,
r this opportunity of returning his
X grateful thanks to his former employers,,
and requeftiDg their futjive favors, as well as
those of the public in general.
He continues to make and repair at th«
shortest notice, allkinds of pleafurt* carriage*,
such as coaches, chariots, pi ?etons with and
without cran-e necks, coacbe-es, chajfes, kiue
reens,windfor fulkeysard ehaiis, and .baruefs
ofev«y defefiption, in the neatest an,d
fclhion now prevajlingjn the United States.
And as be has a quantity of the best seasoned
wood by him, and capital workmen, he has
not the least doubt but he will be able to give
fatisfa&ion to those whopleafe to employ him.
He has for sale, several carriages almost
finifhed, such as coachees, an Italian windsor
chair, hung on steel springs, a light phaeton for
one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
top. -S
Carriages fold on Commission.
Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794 m&rt 1 Jm
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends ,and
ihe public, Tint from ihe encouragement
he has received, from fevera} tefpe&abte Gentle
men, he is induced once more, to embark in the
PAPER LINE —a«d would offer his £r»vi- es 10
all those Gentlemen, who can place conlidenc
in him and he allures those who employ him,
that th< ir confidence (hall not be mitplaced
but it (hall be his constant endeavor, to pft) ihe
ftn£L ft attention 10. their best in all ne
gotiations whatever. He has taken the Chamber
in State-Street, David ToxnHfend Waich
Maker's Shop, -Where PUBLIC SECURI
TIES, ot alLkmds, are bought and ioid ; and
wheic Coininiiiion Bufntefs ol all kinds, will be
tranfa&ed on itqfonable terms. iJQUSES and
VESSELS will be conlUntly exposed for faie, on
*** Cafb paid for Salem, Providence,
Ponfmoutb SILIS
N. B. If any Gcntlehan in Philadelphia, or
NewA orkyhds any biifinefs to travjacl at
in Paper, Neoocmtionhe wilL be happy to be> cm
, ployed on cpmrrfijjion.
Botion, Jan. 94. 17Q4-
Trinted by jbHN FENNO, No ,3,
South Fourth-Street —