Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 14, 1794, Image 3

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    A*, ■
intereil and prejudice may oppole, yet
the fundamental principles of our govern
meut, ns weft as the prc»gref!iv< and rapid
influence of reason and religion, are in
our favour,& let us never be dilcouraged
by a fear of-the event, from performiug
any task of duty, when clearly pointed
put j for it i? an undoubted truth—that
06 ;rood effort carl ever be entirely loft-
While contemplating the great princi
ples of our associations, we cannot re
frain from recommending to your atten
tion thepi'opriety of uJing your endeavours
to form, as circumftnnces may require,
Abolition Societies in your own, and in
the neighbouring dates; as, for want of
the concurrence of others, the good in
tentions and efforts of many an honest
and zealous individual, are ofteu defeated.
But,while we wish to diaw your atten
tion to these objects, there is another
■which we cannot pass over. We are all
too much accustomed to the reproaches of
the enemies of our cause, on the iubject
of the ignorance & crimes of the Blacks,
not to wish that they were ill-founded.
And though, to us, it is fufHciently ap
parent, that this ignorance, and these
crimes, arrowinglo the degrading state
of slavery; yet, may we not, with con
fidence, attempt to do away t,he reproach ?
—Let us ofe our endeavours to have the
children of the emancipated, and even of
the enfiaved Africans, inftru&ed in. com
mon literature —in the principles of virtue
and religion, and in those mechanic arts
which will keep them moll contlantly em
ployed, of eourfe, will lels fubjeft'
them to idienefs and debauchery ; and
thus, prepare them for becoming good ci
tizens of the United States: a privilege
and elevation to which we look forward
with pleasure, and which we believe can
be bed merited by habits of industry and
We 'hall transmit you an cxaft copy of
our proceedings, with the different me
morials and addresses which to us have ap
peared recefTary at this time ; and would
recommend to you the propriety of giv
ing full powers to the Delegates who are
to meet in the year 1795 ; believing, that
the business of that Convention will be'
rendered more ealy arid more extenlively
ufeful, if you fend, by your Represen
tatives, certified copies cf the constitu
tion and laws of your Spciety, and of all
the laws existing in your state concerning
slavery, with such facts relative to this
buiiiioH, as may ascertain the refpedtive
fitustion of slavery, and of the Blacks in
By order of the Convention,
Joseph Bloomfield, Prudent.
John M'Cree, Secretary.
Philadelphia "Jth 'Jan. ! 794.
Th;s forenoon, a large body of seamen,
paraded and marched through-the principal
ft rests of the city, with colours fiving.—
What their object was, we have not been in
Says a Correfpontlen!,
I find the principal men of the party
that is for engaging in the war along with
France, provided it can be effected with
out a formal declaration ; endeavor to per
suade us that in cafe of such an event, the
British and their Allies would not attempt
to invade this country by land, or to life
their own words not attempt to land any
troops in the United States. Upon what
reasonable grounds they found such a sup
position, I am at a loss to determine.
It may perhaps be said, it would be mad
ness and folly in the extreme, to attempt
that a second time, in which they had fail
ed on a former occasion. True, but if
we will take a view of the condutft of
the British Government in the present
scene, and many former ones, what is it,
they are not foollfh and wicked enough to
attempt ?
I would ask these gentlemen however,
if it is not probable, that the enemy would
at least endeavor to pofTefs themselves of
one or two of our harbors,, for their [hip
ping ; annoy us from Canada and the
Floridas, and aid the savages in commit
ing depredations on our frontiers, with
fury ?
According to the ideas of these gentle
men, taking the whole of their plans toge
ther, and making what we can of t?lem,
we are to lay aside all negociation ;—put
an almost entire flop to commerce, and,
\" % «
thervbv deilrcy our only feurfe of reve
nue without providing a fubllitute. 1 o
annihilate all public and private confidence,
and e&nvince the Britijh that we can be as
wicked as themfeives ; commit a kind of
facnlege, by a fequeftratiou of debts.
Without providing a military force, or
means to pay our just debts in order to
save us from bankruptcy at home and
broad ; fold our arms in security, and car
ry on war against the combined powers of
Europe, with a frt of refolutioas that
would throw us into an internal fever, and
weaken, if not dcilroy eyery nerve of the
body politic.
As a preparative to a declaration of war,
it is very obviously proposed in the relbluti
ons of the Democratic Clubi to annihilate
the public credit of the United States, for
they fay " that the w hole of the cre
COUNTRY MAY COMMAND, is not to be put
in competition the if ait of our rights as
a free and independent nation" —As i; can
not be supposed fhat any man, or body of
men, are lb infatuated as to believe, that the
rights of this, or of any other country
can be supported without means —and the
only adequate means, are credit, what is
the inevitable result of the above declaration
but that the property reqmfite to carry on
the war,(hall be railed by a force loan, a !a
mode de Paris, or by a depenuance on foreign
This day the following resolution in
substance, pafied the House of llepre
fentatives in committee us the whole —
61 in the affirmative—and was reported
to the House, and laid on the table.
Resolved, that until the Rritifh go
vernment (hall make compensation to the
citizens of the United States for spolia
tions on their commerce, for the negroes
carried away contrary to the treaty of
peace, and until the wellern pods (hall be
delivered' up—all commercial intercourse
(hall cease between the fubjefts of Great-
Britain or the fubjefts of any other na
tion and the citizens of the United States,
so far as the fame (hall relate to articles of
the growth or manufactures o?~ Great-
Britain or Irelandpiovided, the fame (hall
not take place before the day
. of
A letter from a gentleman in Liibon, to his
brother in this city, dated Feb. 11, 1794,
received by the southern mail—contains
the following information.
" That the Algerines are out to the num
ber of sixteen fail, part of them cruifino- be
tween Cape St. Vincents, and Cape Fnu.V-rre
—and fix fail on the coast of France—That
the Barbary states have remonstrated to the
Court of Portugal, against the Convoys which
had been granted to the American (hipping—
in cpnfequence of which, no more were to
be sent out —and that fifteen fail of American
veflel? were hauled up in I.ilbon—a great
scarcity of grain there, and prices conse
quently enormously high.
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, April 7.
Friday arrived, schooner America, from
Dominque, Phineas Smith, Matter, 23
days paflage, where he had been carried
in, and his veflel apd cargo condemned
and fold : The veflel he purchased for a
bout 70 dollars, and came home empty.
He informs, that veflels uncondemed were
given up.—That the last Britidi instruc
tions were received at Dominique four
days before he failed, and that all process
on American vefTels immediately ceased.
That of about 60 veflels carried in there,
31 had not been condemned, and the go
vernor had advil'ed the agents of the priva
teers, who had brought in those which
were not condemned, to make the best
terms they could with American captains,
as relHtution must be made : That a veflel
had been sent to Martinique, to obtain
the inftruftions of Admiral Jervis, as to
future proceedings refpefting American
veflels. That when he cleared out he was
charged at the office, the fees, &c. of
clearance. I o this he objected, observ
ing that it was hard to condemn all a man's
property, and then make him pay for
coming oft: that the governor replied,
that he might make himfelf easy, as he
would have it all returned. Capt. Smith
enquired of whom the restitution was to
be made, for if he was to depend on King
George, he (hould get nothing, as he was
already 3 bankrupt ; and was answered by
the governor cavalierly, that the French
I(lands would pay for it.
NEW-YORK, April 11.
From some hints suggested by a French
gentleman. CoJ. Stevens of this city lias caus
ed to be Wide a model of a cannon, mount
ed or. a carriage of .a new conftruilion. The
jfun is placed on a carriage nearly of the ufu
a! form, which Aides on a second carriage or
platform, which is moveable ; the end be
low the muzzle turning on a pivot, while.the
other end may move throtigh an arch at
least 90 degrees., The machinery is simple,
and managed with less strength than
cannon mounted in the ufaal manner. This
manner of mounting guns, has two remarka
ble advantages; it elevates them above the
breastwork, so as to fire over, and save the
neteflity of embrazures, which always weak
en a fortification ; at the fame time it gives
to the direction of. the fire a sweep of ninety
degrees, initeadof about J.?, usually allow
ed to embrazures; an immense r.dvantage,
when moving bodies are to be attacked. a
This model has been exhibited to the com
mifiioners of fortifications in this city, and
received their app obatiori.
\ - „ Minerva.
Mr. Fenno,
The Tragedy of Macbeth has been
twice acted at the New Theatre.—Mrs.
Whitlock and Mr. Fennell, have, in the
parts of Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth de
veloped and exhibited in its gigantic form,
the genius of the immortal Bard, Shakes
peare. - . j
The Observer cannot suppress a ve\y
pointed delire, that the Othello, Hamlet, '
Lear, &ci of the fame Bard, /nay be per
formed by this company ; he is confident
that the lovers of the Drama must experi
ence the highest gratification from Shakes
peare's exalted ideas, made familiar by the
inimitable expression and action of a Mrs.
Whitlock, Mr. Fennell, &c.
The Obfeiver is particularly gratified
I*ll the choice of plays lately exhibited ;
the Gameller and Guardian were happily
choftrn for the fame evening; the play and
after piece are in perfect unison to our
feelings ; the moral of each is excellent,
and the sentiments and language of the
best kind.
The Managers will rarely hazard any
thing by exhibiting Mr. Garrick's pieces ;
the G ardian (lands among the producti
ons of his tnallerly pen.
Mrs. Mar/hall in the parts {he has per
formed has never failed to ast unexcepti
onally : it would lead the Observer into
a detail too lengthy, in this hint, to mark
her excellencies, they {hall be rcferved
for an entire paper and probably the
The Observer is impelled by bis feelings
to giva his mite of applause, to Airs.
iVhit lock and Mr.Fennell,'tat their exhibi
tion in the Gamfter &. Macbeth ; he has
always been delighted by their Theatric
performances, but never more so, than in
these two last.
A hint to those who attend the Thea
If an accident {hould happen,during the
play, that (hould render it necessary
to leave the houfe,plcafe to fit a minute or
two: believe me my friends, your con
venience and probably many lives, may
depend upon such a precaution.
Should the alarm be real, from fire or
almost . any other cause, you must wait to
know what it is, and where, or by at
tempting to avoid the danger, you may run
into its way. Should the Gallery or up
per Boxes break down, which event is
nearly impofiible, your fate must be de
termined immediately, and if you find
the house or any part of it fallen, and you
are not injured, by pressing all at once to
the door, some of you must be inevitably
hurt if not killed. But the principal dan
ger to be avoided, is the result of a falfe
alarm, such as happened the evening of
last Monday : and uulefs you fee positive
danger, the presumption is, that the
alarm is falle ; in such a cafe youe lives
depend on fitting still, at least till a certain
ty can be In Europe, many
people have been killed attempting to
hurry from public buildings in alarms, and
history hardly affords an instance of death,
in a tlieatie or other public building, 'by
any other cause, than attempting to rulh
out all at once. It is sincerely to be hop
ed the Ladies will provide themselves with
sal volatile, to prevent fainting in cafe of
an alarm.
The Managers {hould so contrive their
doors, as that they can open out of the
House; thiscircumftance will be a relief
to our feelings, as well as a real security,
in facilitating a paflage.
* If the extradl of a letter from Win
chester is genuine, the person who sent it is
requelted to make himfelf known to the Edi
Brig Two Sifters, Sigourney Boston, 11
, N days
Union, Martin, New-York, 8 days
Sloop Eleanor, Carrol, Charleston, 11
Nancy Steelman, New-Y:>rk, 4dayg
Hope Hufley, Nantucket, 6 days
Elizebeth Webb, Charleston, 7 days
Schooner Industry, Poole, St. Eulhtius
18 days
Saturday arrived here the Lhoonei 3et
fy, Capt. Betterton in 19 days from New-
Orleans. He informs lie left there the
following vefTels :
Brig Gayofa, Graifberj-y, Philadelphia
Georgia Packet, Stevenson, do.
Molly, Morgan, do.
Sloop Wheeler, do.
Belides 8 more American veflels—moft
ly belonginging to New-York—names un
% P°Ji Office, April 8.
% Letters td go by the opportunity ex
peifted for Halifax, in the course of next
week,, in or(ler to be conveyed by the Britiih
Packet from t hat place to England,will be
received at this offlee until Tuesday the 15th
>n!t. at 11 o'clock, noon.
N. B. The inland portage to New York
must be paid. „ ....
To be fold by Public Veiidue,
The 19th Inltant,
At the Cofeee House,
At Seven o'clock in the Evening,
By order of the Rector, Church Wardens and
Vestry ot the United Episcopal Churthes
of Cbnft Church and St. Peter's Church in
the T uftees of the Ufrfwfl
ty, and the Managers of the Pennlylvania
The House and Lot bequeathed
l.y the lait Will and Teftanicut ot jaiiics
Stoops tleeeafedj-n equal po,jortions to tue
a ove being
The House, No. 20 *
Wi'e ein J >frj j livesw^i! Situ
ated for bulinels, on the ' weft ikie of Th >d
i\ eet, abou, midway betv-en Ma ker mid
Arc 1 ftrcet It is 17 feet fro r lyot, TVrd
ltrc.-:, and th. lo'isl3afe.* deep
J h purchaser payi hau t l >e purchase mo
ney ou .iejivei v ot may have twelve
months credit fir ti.e remainder, on giving
good fec.uity and paying in erect.
Committee for the keiftor,Church Wardens
aud Vettry appointed tniefl.
Comini. t«*e io. tlx University.
SAMUEL < OriTi>.,
Comm;ttee for the l*enufylvaiiia Ho pital.
Ap'il 14. ' dt«
April 14.
Will be performed,
A COMEDY, called
The Road to Ruin.
Dornton. Mr. Whitlock
Harry Dornton* Mr. Green
Sulky, Mr. Finch
S''ky, Mr. Bates
Goldfinch, Mr. Chalmers
Milford, Mr. Cleveland
Smith, Mr. Moretoa
Holier, Mr. Harwood
Tradesmen, MefTrs. Francis, De Mou
lin, Lee, Bason, &c. &o.
SherifTs Officer, Mr. Warr'tll
Jacob, Mr. BliiJett
Marker, Matter Warrell
Poftiliion, "'Mailer T. Warrell
Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Shaw
Sophia, Mrs. Marfoall
Jenny, Mrs. Francis
Mrs. Ledger, Mrs. Bates
End of the Comdy,
A Pantomimical Dance, called
The Sailor s Landlady,
Jack ih Distress.
To which will be added,
A COMIC O ERA, in 2 ;ic:s, Written
by the Author of the Poor Soldier) called
Agreeable Surprize.
* As inconveniences to the public have
arisen from the Box book being rptn 6n ihe
days of performance only, ifi future atiende
ance will be givtn at the office m the Theatre
every day from ten 'till one, and on the days
of performance from ten till three o'clock in
the afternoon. Applications for Boxes, iti»
refpe&tidly requested, may be addrefled, to
Mr. Franklin, at the Box Office.
Boxes, one dollar —Pitt, three quarters
of a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar.