, Philadelphia, Marchi, 1794. JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, / No. 118, Market Jlrect, i"HE FtKST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography : OR, A Geographical, Hiflorical, and Commercial Grammar-, And present state of the several NATIONS OF THE WORLD. • CON T AININ C, 1. Thf! figures, motions, and distances of the planets, According ti> the Newtonian fyf tein and the Jateft observations. 2. A gene-a! v ew of" t >e earth, considered as a planet; with fcveral ufeful geographical definitions and proble-tns. 3 The grand divisions of the globe into land and water, continents and islands. 4» The situation and extent of empires, kingdoms, states, provinces and colonies. 5- Their climates, air, vegetables, prodnftions, metals, minerals, natural curi osities, seas, jrivers, bays,capes, promontories, - aud lakes. 6. The birds and beads peculiar to each country. 7 Observations on the changes that have be (56 cents for board:.) 3. They may receive the succeeding volume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar ler dollar-each, or else, when finifhed, at the fame price as the firft. 4. The fubfeription will be raised on the firft day of June 1794, to fourteen dollars, ex clusive of binding. j. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion of the work, they will lie fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of binding. 6 The names of the fubl'cribers will be pub lilhed as patrons of American literatu re arts,and feiences. Iti« wholly unneceflary to expatiate on the advantage,to American l eaders, that this edi tion pofleiTes, over every imported edition of any system of Geography extant. The addit tion of ra«ps, procured a a very great expense, and from the best ma terials that are attainable, fpcaks such full conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be difrefpeft to the reader's understanding to suppose it requifire to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its fqperiurity. In no Guvlar walk have such maps beenever intro'- duced. The emendations and additions which are made in this work,a-e innumerable,and occuj it every page. The public are referred to j tiie preface lor a Uight {ketch of a few of them. The publisher takes the present oppoi tu nity of returning his molt fmceie thanks t«» those refpeCtablc clia actci ' who have t.ivred n ;n with documents foi imp tlie oi'feveral of che states. lie request ; a conti inance of tlicir ki.nl ief i; and rh-«r inch public spirited citizens, as are d of li- I milar documents, will favor him with their I allifiance in perfecting his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement with which he has beep favored, has excited in his breast the warmelt fentluu nts of grati cude—fentiments which time will ,»ot edface. He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the United States, to fp ire neither pains nor ex penfe to render the pi\ sent edition o' Guthrie's Geography improved, deserving of their pa tronage. waltf Just Published, AND TO BE SO I D BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone houie, No. 41, Snurh .Vcond Street, Historical Colje&ions: CONSISTING OF STATE PAPERS, And other authentic Document*, intended as materials for an History of the United States of America. BY EBENEZER HAZARD, A. M. In two large quarto voJum» s, price ten dol s lars in boards. , Subscribers will be furnifhed with the 2J. volume on paying three dollars and a quarter —having paid five doilars and a quarter on receiving the firft. This second volume comprehend, among other interefti»g part-cuJa r f a complete co py of the Recordsof the Unit< d Colonies of IN'. England, fft which the cdftduftof the com mi lioners relpefting the general concerns of t ie colonies—the neighbouring Indians—and the Dutch at Manhattans (now New York) is pirticularlv detailed. %* Materials are colle&cd to form a THIRD VOLUME, The time of pobi idling will depend ou the encouragement i> be derived from fubferiptions which will be received by Thomas Dobfon, Philadelphia ; J re. Libbey, Portsmouth, New Hampfhirc); fhomas & Andrews, & Dav. Weft,Bofton; If a a Thomas, Worceffer; Isaac B, /J," UD " rd St3lC1 ' * ;i > '« ari&y attended to. LEONARD BLUICKER. r m&thtf GC/* This Gazette J!)a!I be enlarged, as it receives encouragement—Tlx Subscription encrea/es daily-AdverM„g FaLJ are fohcited—Tbefe ctnfliiutc an ejential Item d'mitufhmg the Debit fide of the Account ; Samuel Coates, J Jt his Store, No. 82, south Front peet, HATH FOR SALE, 94 Barrels J New hug]and Beef, > 2p banc 15 liver oil* 25 bane]* Cider, 1 i)OXv sol Candies, 1 500 p,> < r of men's shoes 642 bushels of Barley A quantity < Tow Linn Ditiu, of New-ling lajidySoal leather 40 bagsof excellent corton 4 boxes of Chocolate 0000 wu of Alfpjce cases of the best Holland gin. Apnl 1. *eod2w Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in Russia, And now landing at South-flreet Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY yohti Donnaldfon, No. 21, Walnut-street. Mar.ch 4,1794. diw-jtawtf For Sale jby the Subscribers, MUSCOVADO Sugar in hhds.&bbsl. Hyson and Souchong Teas. Sherry Wines, of superior quality, In pipes and quarter calks. Spanish Indigo. Bolton Beef, in barrels. And a small invoice of Mufiins. NALBRO'& JOHN FRAZ.TER, No. 164, Soufh Front-itreet. March 8. fmw4W TO BE SOLD, And enterled upon ihe fit It ol May, The noted Eflate, called Jobnfon Hall: 'Lying mi the Moh* wk- country, ftateofJVew Yoik, formerly the leac of Sir Witliam John son, containing about seven hundred acres of land, which is of the very bett quality ; toge ther with the ft >ck, and farming uienfils. The buildings are l .rge and convenient, and fii for a gentleman's fear. The payments will be marie easy, on good fecurny. Forfuither particulars enquire of George Metcalf, Esq. on the premis es, of Silos Talbot, Esq. at Pniladelphia, of Samuel Ward and Broihcis, in New York, or of the fubioiber in -Providence. Jcibez Boiven. Pbilad. March 26 &„ & , ln The following Certifi cate ot the iundeit three per Lent Stock of tne Domrft c Debt ot J he United States lj.nidmg on the books ot the Tteafuty ot tin laid United States, in the names ol Donnald and Burton of London, ineirhants, and ligned by Joseph N'ourfe, Regifterof said Trtalury, 10 wit : Nu. ,5476s dated 24th Augull *792 tor 2959 and 33 cents was nanlmiiud from Lou don in the Ihip Peter, Paul Hu (fey, mailer, bound lor New York, and has been loll.— TheSubfcriber intending to apply to the Trca luryof the Untied States to have the fame re. liewed, deities all [iirfoils w ho arc intercllcd tit . the said ceitificatc, to make their objections theieto, if any they have. Francis Macy. 1 Philad. March 27. . d6 w Lately Published. SOLD 'BY Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Street: The Hiitoiy Ol N' w- riamplhirr, liotii ih JMcim-ry Ol the Rives P I at:, Oftolier 23d, 1702 being t+ic completion of the Third •Centuii'! Itiice that memorable .event. To which arc four D'd't nations, com etted v. 1• h the luojcS —Bv the lame author. Price, co Cents ,ch '7- ■ t„a& 3 w The annual ele&ioiT FOR Direaors. and a Treasurer OF THE Library Company of Philadelphia, W ILL be.helri at the Lisrary. i n fife 1 r °" Monday the fifth of Mav next, at three o Clock m the afternoon, when t; le trea surer w.U aitend ,to receive the annual P av. me .us. ' A : the :f are r ™"a! Secrrtiry P 7 ' «'&w 15 th May. George Briughurft, CQACH-MAKER, x In Mulberry (Arch) t-f-tvcer. Foo.thand FisH Streets, adjoining the Epifcopai borvj,,.. ground, TAKES thit opportunity of returning hi grateful thanks to his forme, and requcftmg t.etr future favors, as «c)! those of the public in general. He continues to fciake and repair ct the fh irteft notice, all ktpds of plea fare carriage, such as coaches, chariots, phaeton* .with a id' without crane necks, coachees, kitte reens, wind for fiitkeys ard cltairs, and BaVncjC 0 evarv description, in the neatefl anil »„ Vcrt filhion now prevailing in the United Sla'et And as he has a quantity ofriie heft featured wood by him, aixi capital workmen, he ha* not the lead e volume, nmo. Price 5 s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN OR M ROD, Fj ankTtn s Ileudy Is/ o» J\-iy Second Sire AN ESSAY ON THE Natirrzd- Equality of Afai, % On the Rights that refjuit from it, ind on I lie Duties which it impoies. 1 0 which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the Tevlerian Society at Haarlem. Cor reded and Erdarvcd. By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, V. D. P'ote! orol Mora] Puiiolbphy, and the Law 01 Nature, and of Eccieliaftical History ; and Minister of the Eoglilb Chuich at U trecht. Aliquid leinper ad coramomm ntilitafem af fereiidiwi. CtCEao. 7hc Firjl American Edition. PHE grand principle ol Equality, il" rigbt- J. |y unilerftood, is the only basis on which Ut.iverfal justice, faced oider, and perfect freedom, can bc&iui) bnilt, and permanent ly lecured. Th« Tew rt' it exhibited in this efiay, it r the fame tine thai it reprefflb the mlolence of effice, tie tyranny of pride, ard the outrages ol oppreffjor. ; confirms, in the most forcible manner, the necessity of fubor dinar ion, and thejuft demands of law so! au thority. So far indeed, from loofenirg the bands of fooiety that it maintains inviolate, every natural and every civil diftinftton, draws mote cloiely every foc'al tie, ttnites in 01,e harmonious and jullly proportioned sys tem, and brings men together on the even ground of the inherent rights of human na 'nrej of reciprocal obli atton, and of acorn -111011 relation to the community. March '8- eo-ll'wtnfeftf LEACH, RESPECTHIIXy Siiiorß)! hi* friends and Ihe public, That from che rncouragemert he b?s rrceivtd, ho m several lefpcaable Genr.'c men, he is induced once more, (oembark io tfve iAt h R LlNt,—i>od would i»ffe* (ervice% to all thpfc Gemiemiu, who can p>ace confidenc in hitn j and h: offurtt mfe who employ htm, fliai iheir coufidentf ftjj.'j not be misplaced ' but 11 IhaJl be bis vendeavor, to pay the ftnefc, ii a(|rnt'i&'n to theii brfl inftrtft, inall ne gociaiions whatevrr. He ha» liken the Chamber in ate-Street, nwti Mr. David Towrjend, Wafcfi *> Shop. Wficie PUBLICSKCURI- T IL'.S, ol all k n