PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A Ground Plan OF THfi City Philadelphia, AND ITS ENFIRONS: Taken from a£tual survey, by A. P. Folie, Geographer, from St. Domingo. THIS Flan will be engraved on a plate 26 inches square ) and it will contain an ex aftdefcription of all the squares, ftreeti and qileys in the City and Liberties. The fituauon of the fcveral public buildings, such as the State- House, City-Hall, Seat of Congress, Churches, Meeting-Houses, Hofpttal, Library and Semina rics of Learning—of the ieveral Banks, and o the Federal and State Offices, will be ascertained. The parts which are built on will be diftingU'ln ed from those that are not. The courses of the rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and as much of the Canal, imended to connect the navigation of these two waters, as lies within the compos of the draught, will be accurately delineated. It will also be ornamented by a view of the ftiioping in'-he harbor, and an ele vation of Congfifs-HaU, and of the other_put)Jic buildings that occupy the giound cpntiguous. In fhoii, nothing will be omitted to render this ufeful and desirable work acceptable to an en lightened OubliCjtfeat is in the author's power : ant} it (hall be compleated with the greatell pouible dispatch, asfoon as the generous encou ragement ot fubfcribcis ffiall insure to the author such a fuin as will be lufficjcnt to defray ex- P A Pamphlet will be delivered -with each Plan, which will contain an alphabetical lift of the Subscribers names, and information con cerning the police, population and present (late pt the city. The price to fubferibtrs will be Two Dollars and one third, to be paid at the time of deliver- ing the $lans. Subscriptions will be gratefully received at the principal 800k f ellers iu this citv and the Oliginal Draft may be feen'at B. Davies', No. 68, Markft-ltrcet, at any time until it (hall be v»ui into the hands of the Engraver. Feb 28. , jn&thtf ADVERTISEMENT OF the money robbed from the mail near Baltimore, by Do- March sth, 1794* and \ '"B.iJi'l Gaither J The Complainant states in hfs bill that the defendant; Benjamin Gai ther and Baftl Gaither were Seized in fee as tenants in common of a tract ot land in Fre derick Cinnty, called Hammond's Strife ; — that be-ng so seised, Basil executed a power ot ..ttorney to Bsnjamm authorizing him to fell hi*, the fa id Basil's interest in the fad land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold the laid land" to a certain William Gaither for tlie-Co.ilideration of fix hundred pounds which liathbeqn since paid, that the said William hath assigned to the Complainant Henry Rape the bond executed by the said Benjamin for the conveyance of tiie said land : The Com plainant now farther states (ard so appears to the Chancellor) that the defendants are non-rcfidents of the lfate of Maryland, and herefore out of the reach of the process of this court. It is therefore adjudged and ordered, that the Complainant procure a copy of this or der to be inserted in the newspaper of Angel] and Sullivan, and in the United States Gazette at least three weeks successively, before the twentieth day of May next ; to the intenl that the Defendants and all others, who mi) conceive themselves interested in the premif es, may have notice to appear in this court on'or before the third Tuesday in Septembei next, to lhew cause wherefore a decree fhouli not paCs for Veiling in the Complainant a com plete legal title to the land aforefaid. Tell, SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Reg. Cur. Con. March 18. tuth&s3w March 18, Stock Brokers Office, No. i6j Wall-street, New-York. THE! Subscriber intending to confhie himfclf cn irely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave to of r hisicrvicesto his friends and others, in the line ol a Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States, will be ftriftly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER WANTED * £ W A Servant, TO wait nn a (ingle Gentleman. Enquire at No. i6j, Chefiiut street. •a 5' for Directors and a Treasurer OF THK . Library Company of Philadelphia, WILL beheld at tiie Library, in Fifth ftveet on Monday the nfth of May next, at threeo clock in the afternoon, when the trea surer w< 11 attend to receive the annual pay ments- -a A* there are fevera! fliares on which fines are due, the owners of them, or their repre sentatives, are hereby that they will be forfeited, agreeably to the laws ot the Ompany, unless the kid arrears are paid oft on the rath day ot'Ma\j or within ten days alter. By Order of the Directors. BENJAMIN R MORGAN, Secretary April 7. m&w t sth May. Samuel Coates, At bis Store, No. &2» fo'.'th Front Jlrect, 94 Barrth New England Beef, 29 barrels liver oil, 2 5 barrels Ciilei, 9 > boxes (St Cindlcf* 1500 pa>< of men's Vicr (h 642 bufhcls of fca- Icy A quantity of Tow Lm n Ditto, oi New-Lngland Soal leathev 40 bagsoi excellent corton 4 boxes of Chocolate 3000 wt. of Alfpice +00 caics ot the foe it Holland gin. Ap-l >■ »«xUw Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in Russia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. HEMP, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN'S DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTT FS AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-street. March 4,1794. diw.tfawtf The following Certifi cate of the fuoded three per Cent Stock of the Dum ftic Debt oi the United Svaies Handing on the books ot the Tteafurv of the laid United States, in the names of Donnald aod Burton of London, merchants, and figncd by Joseph Nouife, Register of feid froafury, to wit: — No. 5476, 24 h >1, ull 179,2 for 29.59 doli»'»'and 5* cents was tranlmitted from Lon don in the thip Peter, Paul HuHey, mailer, bound for New York, and has been loft.— The Subfctiber intending to apply to the Trea sury of the United States to have the fame re newed, defuts all persons who are interested in the said certificate, to make their objections thereto, si any they have. Francis Macy. The annual ele&ion HATH FOR SALE, Philad. March 27. For Sale by the Subscribers, MUSCOVADO Sugar ill hhds.&bbsl. Hyson and Souchong Teas. ' Sherry Wines, of superior quality, in pipes and quarter calks. Spanilh Indigo. Boston Beet', in barrels. And a lraall invoice of Muslins. N ALBRO' & JOHN FRAZtER, No. 164, South Front-street. March 8. fmw 4 w TO B And entered upon the fiift ot May, The noted EJlate, called Johnson Hall: Ly»o- in the Mohawk. country, New Yoik, formerly the feat of Sir William John son, containing about seven hundred acres of land, which is of the very best quality ; toge ther with the (lock, and farming ucenfils. The buildings are large and convenient, and (it for a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made easy, on good security. Forfuither particulars enquire of George Metcalf, Esq. oil the premis es, of Silas Talbot, Esq. at Philadelphia, of Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or of the fubferiber in Providence. Jabez Bowen. Philad. March 26 Lately Published. SOLD BY Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Street: THE Hiitory o\ New-Ham pfliire, from the Difcoveiy of the River Pifcataqua—by Jc nmiah 3 Vols. Price in Boards, 412 Dollars.-^P The Forrefter, an American Fable, being a Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier. Prce, 75 Cents. A Dilcourfe, intended to commemorate l»ie Discovery ot America by Chrillopher Colum bus; delivered at the request of the Hittoiical .Society in Mairachufetts, O&ober 23d, 1792, being the completion of the Thud Ceniuiy, since that memorable event. To which are added, Dissertations, coin vetted with the fubje&—By the (aijie author. ?nce, 50 Cbms. March 17. 111U1&I3W JuJl Imported, From London, Dublin, and Glasgow, And now opening for (ale, By MAT HEW CAREY, No. 11 Marht-Jlred, A Large and Valuable COLLECTION ®F BOOKS, Among which are the following : NEW Annual Regilter for 1 79S European Magazine tor the firft ux months of 1793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs of the Manchester fotfiety, 3 vols. Priestly on matter and I'pirit on chrilhanity Disney's lite of Dr. Jorrin D'Anville's ancient geography Memoirs of Guy J Variety,a collection ot essays King of PrulTia's works Calm observe!-*—by Mackintosh Ruffe'l's ancient and modern Europe Langhorne's Plutarch Elegant extracts, superbly gilt Elegant erttrafts of hatural history Saugnier and Bi iffon's voyage Rochon's voyage to Madagascar Townfend's travels in Spain Taffo's Jerufalein delivered Smeljie's translation of Buffon Berwick's history of quadrupeds Buffon abridged History of birds Philips's history of inland navigation a, Hooper's rational recreations History of France, in 3 vols. C.uriwfities of literature, 3 vols. Whitakeh's defence of queen Mary Sheridan's dictionary. 2 vols. Daw's liift >ry of Hindoftan Sketches of the Hindoos Key to polite literature. Imlay's description of Kentucky Present state of Nova-Scotia Present state of Hudl'on's Bay Preftnn on masonry Lavater on physiognomy, aoridgea Zimmerman's survey Murphy's life of Dr. johhfon Necker on executive power Kilfes ofSecundus Gallery of portraits VolneyN ruins ofempires -Travels Vaillaint's travels, with superb engravings D'lwnman's infancy Ada r's history of American Indians B >ington on materialism and imma enalifm Berchold's advice to patriotic traveller Builder's magazine Complete farmer Cliandon's life of \ oltaire De Non's travels 1 Franklin's life and works G' ozier's description of China Murohy's translation ot Tacitus Godwin on political jullice Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. , . itefvetius <#n man Kainies's (ketches of the history ot man Liberal opinion?, or the history ot Bemgims Mawe'-s gardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell tami y Playhouse dictionary Pceveries of solitude Smith's theory of moral sentiments Stackhoufe's history oi the bible Watson's life of Philip lid. &: Illd. Wonder 1 ? of nature and art, 6 v.ols. Wanley's wonders of the little world, called man / Wallii on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflia,Poland, &c. Cox's 'ravels into Switzerland Rabant's hiftpry of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Morherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid wifery Manning's practice of physic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Innes on the inuPoles Pott's works Fourcroy's chemistry Armstrong on diseases of children Qnincy's dispensatory Edinburgh dispensatory Lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the aftbma Robertfon's treatise on fevers Lee's botany, Leake on the viscera Leake on diseases of women Nicholfon's chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Haller's physiology Spalanzane's diflertations London pra> that their confidence (hall not be "» f £ but it (hall be his constant endeavor, to pay he (i n a< ft attention to their best interest, m all - gociations whatever. He has taken the Chamber fn Statc-Strcct, over Mr. h Make.'s Shop. Where PUBLICS f^ U TIES, of all kinds, are bought. and fold , and. wheie Comm.ffion Business of all kinds will b« tranlafled on reafonab|e terms. HOUSES and VESSELS will be conttantly exposed tor laic, on commission. . » Ca(h paid for Salem, Providence, ana Portsmouth BILLS . , ■ N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, or New- York, has any Business to tranjacl at flojten, in Paper Negotiations, he will he happy to be cm ployed on commijfion. Bolton, Jan. 24, 1794* mvv&ui ~~ Just Published, In one handlome volume, 121*10. Price 5s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin's Heady No. 41, Second Street, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, Jn the Rights that result from it, and on the Duties which it imposes. To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the Teylerian Society at Haarlem. CorreSted and Enlarged. By WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, D. D. ProfefTor of Moral Philosophy, and the Law of Nature, and of Ecclesiastical History ; and Minister of the Englilh Chuich at U trecht. Aliquid feinper ad communem utilitatem af ferentfum. Cicero. The Firjl American Edition. THE graud principle of Equality, if right ly understood, is the only basis 011 which universal justice, sacred order, and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, and permanentr ly secured. The view of it exhibited in this essay, at the fame time that it repreffcs the insolence of office, the tyranny of pride, and the outrages of oppression j confirms, in the mod forcible manner, the neceflitV of subor dination, and the just demands ot lawful thority. So far indeed, from loolening the bands of society, that it maintains inviolate, every natural and every civil diftinftion, draws more closely every locial tie, unites in one harmonious and jultly proportioned sys tem, and brings men together on the even ground of the inherent rights of human na ture, of reciprocal oblication, and of a com- u -P. To be Sold at Public Vendue, On Friday the nthday of April next, at the house of John Thomson, in Perth- Amb oy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CITY. THE Lot contains eleven acres, on which is an orchard of grafted apple trees, a well of excelleiu water, a large Hone c.stern, and a very commodious stable and coach-houfc, and a great quantity ot the best building stones in the walls of the 1 house, which was formerly built for the \ residence of the Governors of'New-Jerfey. The fuuation of this Lot is so well known for its healthiness and beautiful profpett of the Rariion ( river to the weft of the bay, and Sandy-Hook to the east, that a further description is unnecefFary. The conditions of sale will be, one third ot the purchase money to be paid on the firft. day of May next, when a good and fufiicient Deed will be given to the puichafer, by Walter Ru th erfurd, Esq. President of the Board of Proprietors ot the Eastern Division of New- Jersey, and the remaining two thirds fatislafto rily secured in equal annual payments. By order of the Board, JAMES PARKER, Rcgifter. Perth-Amboy, February 5, 1794. 2aW2m George Bringhurft, COACH-MAKER, In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying- ground, TAKES this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to his former employers, and requesting their future favors, as well as those of the public in general. He continues to make and repair at the f Iborteft notice, all kinds of pleasure such as coaches, chariots, phstons with arwi without crane necks, coachees, chaises, kitte reens, wind for fulkeysand chairs, and liarneis of every description, in the neaJLeft and newtll fcifhion now prevailing mi the United States. And as he has a quantity of the best seasoned wood by him, and capital workmen, he has not the least doubt but he will be able to give fatisfa£hqn to thoie who please to employ him He has for sale, fijveral carriages almoffc finiftied, such as coachees, an Italian windsor chair, hung on steel springs, a light phaeton for one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling top. Carriages fold on Cojnmiffion„ Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794 m&thjm PHILADELPHIA : Printed by JOHN FENNO, No irch 18. eodiwt' South Fourth-Street ,