Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 08, 1794, Image 4

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    Just Imported,
In the Ship iEdward, Capt. Cra/idon, •fro®
St. Peterlburg in Rtjflia,
And uow landing at South-ftrcet Wharf, viz.
- — ttJtVEN*B DUCK,
.» John Donnaldfon,
No. Walnm-itrce-t.
March 4,1794. di w.^tawtf
scheme of a Lottery,
To raije 39,900 Dollars, on
Dollars, deduaing 15 per Cent, from
the Prints—this Lottery confijls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there dre
14,539 Prices and 23,461 Blanks,
"being about one and an half Blanks to a
THE DireSors of the Society for cftablilhing
Ut.lul Manufa&ures, having resolved 10
nrft LOTTERIES for tailing O.N £. Hiwb *10
Thousand Dol la rs, agreeably to an Act of
ihc Lcgiilatore of the Slate ot New- Jdr'fey, have
appointed the following person* to superintend
jii-I diretljhe drawing ol the Tame, viz. Nicho
las Low, rfulus King, Herman,Le Roy, James
Watson, Richard Harrifon, Anijah Hammond,
and Cornelius Ray, of the city ol New.Yoik—
Thomas Willing, J. >feph Ball, Matthew M'Con
nel and Andrew Bayard, ot the city of Phila
delphia—'Hi» Excelleucy Richard Howell, Esq.
Elus Bonciinot, General F.liai Dayton, James
pjrker, John Bayard, D"£tor Lewis Donham,
Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua M.Wallace, Joseph
Bluoinfteld, ami Elitha Boudinot, of Ncw-Jer
(ty, who offer the following Scheme of a Lot
ury, and pledge ihemlelves to the public, that
thry will take e»ery allowance and piecauiion in
their power lo have the Monies paid by the
Managers, from titxe to time, as received, into
the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpoteof paying Priz s, which
■lh.ill be immediately discharged by a check
upon one of 1 tie Banks.
1 Pi use of 20,000 Dollars is 2©,000
1 i 0,600 *0,000
•2 10,000
g 2,000. 10,000
10 1,000 10,000
SO 500 lf»,000
too 100 10,000 |
306 £0 *5»ooo
1000 , 20 20,000 I
2000 15 30,000
3COO 12 36,000
8100 10 81,000
- * ~» ■
14,539 Prizes. 2#a,000
23,461 Biatikt, Firfl drawn number, 2,000
Last drawn uutnber, 2,000
381,000 Tickets at Dollars each is 266.000
The drawing will commence, under the m
fpe&i >n of a Committee ot the Superintendanis,
jgL as fool! as the Tickets are fold, ot which timely
notice will be given.
Superintendents have appointed John N.
Camming, of Newark, Jacob H. Hardenberg,
of New-BrunVwick, and. toiwihan Rhea, ot
Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who
have given ample security tor discharging the
trust reposed in ihem.
(£3T In order to secure the pun&ual payment
of (he Prizes, the Superitjtendanisof the Lottery
have directed that the Managers shall each enter
into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient
(ec until s, to perform their mftrufiions, the fub
ftanceoF which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
(hall receive the fu 111 of Three Hundred Dollars,
he shall immdiately place thefame in one of the
Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the
ciedu ot the Governor of the Society, and such
ot the Supervn:endants as live in the city where
the monies are placed, to remain there until the
Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prize®.
11. The Managers to take fufficient security
for any Tickets they may trust, othcrwifc to be
refponnhle for them.
111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets fold,
Monies received and paid into the Bank, ab
ftra£U of which ( sent, monthly, to the
Governor ot the Society.
Pater foil, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gentle
men, information will be given wheretickets !
m<»v be had.
February £4. tij&'tf.
Lately Published.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Second-Street-:
THE Hikoryof New-Hampshire, troin the
DifcAveiy ofnhe Pifr.ataqua—by Jc
roniah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vols. Pricc in Boards,
4 1.2 Dollars.
The Foirefter, an American Fable, being a
* Sequel to the History of John Bull the Cioihier.
Prce, 75 Cents.
A Dtfcourfc, intended to commemorate the
Discovery of America by Xhriftopher Colum
bus; delivered at the request of the Historical
Society in MaflfachufeUs, O&ober 23d, 1792,
being the completion of the Thud Cctuuiv,
since that memorable event. To which are
added, Four Dtffortations, coimefled with the
fubje£t—By the fame author. Price, 30 Cents,
March 17. , tutn&f3W
A Servant,
TO wait nn a single Goiitlem&u. Enquire
at No. 165, Chefimt ftreec.
April 5. dtf
just Publiftiedj
At the Scujio tfa. 41, South Second
Historical Collections:
And other authentic Documents,' intended as
materials for an Hiliory of the United States
of America.
In two large quarto volunus, price teu dol
lars in boards.
Subscribers will be lUrnHhed with tl>& 2d.
volume on paying three dollars and a qiiarter
—having paid live dollars and a quarter on
receiving the firit.
This feebnd volume comprehends, atnoog
other imereftiwg pa't cularsj a complete co
py of tbeßecordsof the Unir<d Colonies of
N. England, in which the condu&of the com
milfioners reipe&ing the general concerns of
the colonies—the neighbouring Indians—and
the Dutch at Manhattans (now NewYoik) is
particularly detailed.
I%* Material? a r e colte&ed fufHcient to
form a THIRD VOLUME, The time of
publilhing will depend on the encouragement
Gtf be derived f«om fubferiptions which will be
received by Thomas Dnbfpn, Philadelphia ;
Jere. Libbey, PortfmontU, New Hamplhir.;
Thomas & Andrews,&Thos. Weft,BoJloti; 11-
aia Thomas, Worceiter ; Isaac Biers, New-
Haven; 10 thy Qi ben. New London 5 Jac b J
llchardfon, Newport; John Carter, Provi
deuce ; Hugh Gaine, Thomas and
Samuel Campbell, New York ; Fred rick
Craig, Wilmogton, Delawaie; James Rice,
Baltimore; Mr. Lindfey, Norfolk;; David
Henderfon, Fredericksburg; John Grammar
Pnerfburg ; Augustine Davis, Richmond} F
X.Martin, Newbero, N. C. John Bradley,
Wilmington; aad William Price Young, Char -
April 4 mw&f^w
Pennsylvania Hospital,
4th NJonth, sth 17<?4.
The Contributors are desired
to attend the Ejection, 10 be held at ih
Hospital 011 ihe jt» day of the j h Month
next,at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; to cboofe
twelve Manages and a Tr t ASURfc*, for
the enluing year:
By order of a board of Managers.
Samuel Coates, clerk.
Done in the rntfft elegant manner, and after
the firft mailers ; likewise,
Fire Buckets
Painted and finilhed at the ihorteft notice, by
In Norris's Court, back of the New Library,
between Chefnut and Walnut,
Fourth and Fifth ltreets.
March 4. dtf
Just Imported,
In theJhip Abigail, Captain Horton, from St
Peterjburgh in Rujfia, and now landing at
Rujfell's wharf,
And tor at the (lyres of the; fubfer ibcr in
Walnut flreet, No. 22.
John Donnaldfon,
April 4. diw w& t
Henry Rape _ State of Maryland.
v. /High Court ol'Chancery,
BenjaminGaither > March sth. 179^.
and \
Basil Gaither
The Complainant dates
in his bill that the defendants Benjamin Gai- •
ther and Basil Gaither were seized in fee as
tenants in common of a tratt of Jand in Fre.
dericlcCounty, called Hammond's Strife
that being so feilfed, Basil executed a power
of attorney to Benjaiptn authorizing bun to
foil Tris, the said BafiJ's inured in the fa d
land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold
the laid land toa certain William Gaither for
the consideration of fix hundred poundswhich
hath been since paid, that the said William
hatli afligned to the Complainant Henry Rape
the bond executed by the said Benjamin for
the conveyance of t )efaidjand : The Com
plainant now further Hates (and so appears
to the Chancellor) that the defendants are
non-residents of the llatfe of Maryland, and
herefore out of the reach of the procel's of
this court. ,
flltis therefore adjudged and ordered, that
the Complainant procure a copy of this or
der to be inserted in the newspaper of Angell
aitd Sullivan, and ia the United States Gazetie
at least three weeks successively, before the
twentieth day of May next ; to the intent
that the Defendants and all others, who may
conceive theiufelves iuterefted in the premis
es, may have notice to appear in this court,
on or before the third Tucfday in September
next, to ftiew cause wherefore a decree should
not pass for veiling in the Complainant acom
plete legal title to tbe land aforefaid.
Keg. Cur. Con.
March iH
The Following Certifi--
cate of ill* funded three pci Cent Stock of the
Dom.ftic D*bt ot the United States lUndingon
the books of ifcte. Tieafury of the laid United
'States, in the nam- * ot Doi>nald and Button ot
London, n.e chains, and signed by Joicph
N >urlV, Regilter of fa id 'Dvattji-y, to W ' l • '
N<>. 5476, dated 24 "-h Auguil 1792 f° r *959
doiUra oiid 53 cent* was tiaafmitted from Lon
don in thr (hip Pcfvi, PaulHudey, mailer,
hound for New York, aud nas been lulfc.
The Subscriber intending 10 apply to the Tiea
fury of the United States id have the fame re
newed, defues all person's who ate inter eited in
ihe said certificate, to make their objections
thcieto, if aiiy they have.
Francis Macy.
Philad. March -27.
And rnfered upon ihe fiift of May,
The noted EJlate, called^
yobnjon Hall:
Lying iu the Moba w*< country, ffatc of Ntw
Yoik, torircly the feat of Sir William JoHn
son, containing about fevpn hundred acres 01
land, which is of the very best quality ; toge
ther with the (lock, and farming oienfils. The
buildings are large and convenient, and Til tor
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be made
easy, on godd fecuruy. For further particulars
citquiie of George Metealf, Etq. on the pretnif
es, of SiUs Talbot, fctq. at Ph-ladelphia, of
Samuel Ward and brothers, in New Yoik, or
ot the lubfciiber in Providence
Jabcz Bow en.
Philad. March 26 mw&li,m
A Ground Plan
City Philadelphia,
Takfcn from a&ual survey, by A. P. Folie,
Geographer, frorfi St. Damiiigo.
THIi) Pian will be engraved on a plate 26
inches t'quare ; arid ic will contain an ex- 1
a£i defenptiou of all the squares, ftTf-ets and
alleys in the City and Liberties. The situation
of the several public buildings,fiich as the State
iioufe, City-Hall, Seat^of Congrfltfs, Churches,
Meeting-Houlcs, Hofpual, Library and Semina
ries of Learning—ot the several Banks, and oi
the Federal and State Offices, wili be afccitained.
The parts which are built on will be distinguish
ed from those that arc not. The cnitrfes of trie
rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and
as much of the Canal, intended-to ccmoeCt the
navigation of those two waters, as lies within
the compass of the draught, will be accurately
delirtcatcd- It wit 1 alfc» he ornamented bv a
view of the flapping in thtr.hafbo/, and an ele
vation 6t Congrcfs-Ball, atid ot the other public
buildings that occupy the ground contiguous.
In fhoii, nothing will be omitted to render Uifis
ufetul and deferable work acceptable to an en
lightened public, thdt is in the author's powfcr :
and it shall be compleated With uhe,.greatett
poflible difpacch, a* toon as the generous enebn -
ragemeht oi insure tO-t
such a sum as Will be Uftßcfcnt CO del ray ex
pcnccs. v
A Pamphlet will be delivered with each
Plan, which will contain an alphabetical hit oi
the Subscriber* nan es, and information con
cerning the police, population and pfelem ft ate
of the city.
v The price to fubfcribc > s will be Tvyo Dollars
and one third, i(» be paid at the rime oi deliver
ing the Plai>6.
Subfcripcions will be received at
the principal Booksellers iu this city—and the
original Draft may be seen at B. Davies',
Mo. 68, Marku-ftreet, at anv ti^ncuntil it (hall |
be put into the hands oi the Engraver.
Feb 28.
In the Hbufe of Representatives,
December 2lit, 1793.
WHEREAS the CrtmmillVdners of public
Aeco<mts, have reported, that they can
not proceed (o the in\eftigatimi af'the Treasury
Accounts, refpc&tn* fp;cial IfidenH, wilhoui
knowing the oiuttandmg amount rhtieof in cir
culation '.—Therefore,
Rcfolvtdy That all holders of special Indvnts i
be directed, and reqviiria, on or before the Grft J
day of November n-xt, to deliver the special In
dention their poflfeffiorv t clone or other <>f ttoe
Comnniftouejs of the Trealury, who are to give
receipts lor the f.ime, and to repujt to tbeCom
milljoncrN on public accounts, on or"beloie the
! enth day of November next, the amount by
theix relpejfciivcly and also to the Le
gislature, at then meeting in Novertvber next,
and thiat all fperial Indents not rendered luto
the Treasury as above, on or btfoie the hill day
of November next, iball Ue, and ibeTaxne are
heubv barred.
Rcjolvali That public notice of this lefolution
be given in the ievera) Gatectes ro this Stale,
once every three-weeks, u|) if the firit day of
November next. And that Ihe Delegates ot this
Slate in the Congrcls of the United States, be re
quffied to caiife this rci«»lulio*i to be publiiiicd
in one or more papers i*i she cities of Philadel
phia and New-York, and thar provision will be
mads foe the expenses attending such publica
Ordered, That tlie rcfoldiioa be fc*U to the
•StUd\c ior their coficarrenre.
13v "1 Her of the House,
In the SENATE^
Dec K MB I R vi ft, 1793.
Rtfoltttf, That this Houfc'do concur with iht
Houle of BLepuefenLaiives in ihe refo-i
Unions. lAii_ . i. i .-J& 1
Ordered,, Thji the refoluiioiu 10 thej
Koule oJ R^pfelemarivcs.
by order of ilir Senetr, -j
George Bringhurft,
in Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets\ adjoining thfc Ejjifcopal burying-
TAKES this opportunity fcf UturrvingwU
grateful thanks to bisl'ornwi em[>loy«f« f
and requeuing their futuTe favors, al •«" "*
those of the public in general.
He continues to make mil repair at the
lhorteft notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages,
fucli as coabbes, chariots, pl.astons with bud
without crane necks, cOaClvees; chaifet, kilte
reens, windsor fufkeyi-ird chaiis, and liai fie( s
ofevwy delcripriun, in "he neatest and ne'M'ft
fafliion now prevailing in the United States.
And as he has a quantity of the bed seasoned
wood by liimj and capita) workmen, be has
not the least dotibt biit he will be able to give
fatisfa&ion Ttt those who pleaie to employ Him.
He has far sale; fever*! earriages alinott
finifhed, fucb as coachees, an Italian \*ind!or
chair, hung on Iteel springs, a light pbseto)> for
one or tfro hories, and a lulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commiflion,
Philadelphia, Jan. I, 1794 mStth jjm
Jult Published,
In one hamilome volume, inno, Pried 5s
Sit Franklin's Head) No. 4'» Heeentl
Stre :t,
Natural Equality of Men,
On the iitghtt that retult worn it, and on the
Dlitire which jt impoki.
To which a M£DAL was adjudged, by the
Teylerian Society at Haarfeui.
Corrected and Enlarged,
D. D.
Profeflor of Moral t'liil'ofopby, and the Law
ot Nature, and of Ecc'icliafttcal Hiiloiy ;
and Minister oi'the Englidi Cbuicft at U
Aliquid Temper ad c'ommuncm utilitatein as.
ferendum Ci'c mo.
Tht Firjl American Edition.
THE grand principle of Equality, if right
ly Ittjderiiood, is the only basis on which
universal jiiftite, lac-red order, and perfect
freedom, can bt finily built, and permanent
ly feed red. The v eiv of it exhibited in this
e/Tsiy, at Hie fame time that it rrpreffej the
infoience of office, the tyranny of pride, and
the outrages j>f oppression ; cokSwu, in the
molt forcible manner, the necefliry of subor
dination, and the jull demands of lawful au
thority* So far indeed, frtrtn tswftfiipg the
bunds of TocietJ', that it maintainsinviolate,
every natural and evfery civil
oraursKiiirt cWfly'lively fUIW WTtr?iym
pn* harmonk)ij» »Bd jHflly pwipßiri/iwii sJP
teii, aikd raeii «o tit •£'.*s
'gi-oywU {b» w)4i'«it'ftgS)ts '6% humsii" i>a
tur«, df reclprocat alj|bat'fon,.iiy(l*(>J" &cdm»
jnorrralatidn luHw coininunity. ' .
■""»•''S .MwMpqW;
Jhk-)i6ti6't'# i lyil«l'Y informs |v? frk*dt **4
fat pfAllc«.'Tiut'ir<i(n> the' encokurttfclMut
fr6jl) tcA t-i'd 11 eiu< t'AUt,
Wen, .tic u induced, "o«c<n»t<, «» criritMk in th«
•JP AP&ft 'LlNE—arid 'would offer mtj'** to
id ihofe fccnlicmcn, who can
"rti'hinV; Trffd'ttc affufe* tljofe wbyj etMoy btm,
ijltt lhflt CniiftdtAee'ftatt rffct TJ«
4jut:it JiajMy itirj
ilnOlt MCent'ian to llwii »«•
£ticii['*jns Whatever. He haj tjken th« Chamber
inSMfSfrtet, wtt-Mr. D&rd Tiicfiftfyi. Watch
Jphaipi—MlßiJit SECLKU
T^tS ( ot a« ki«d«, bought and l*-d ; w»4
whetcCnromiflion Bu&ucf*ol all kiiMMi will I'e
tr«nfa£ied ou leafonable tetsit. JfP*9 ES H>&
VISSEXS will b« fat &' e r 011
comnuiTioa. -
**♦ Calii p*i4 far Salnjn, Praviieptt, and
N. B. If any Gentleman in PhihiUlphta, fir
New-York, has any Bujinefi to IrahjtUl st liojlen,
in Paper Negociations, he mil bt Jiapfbtfi fa tM*
'phiid on comnu'JfiDn.
Bofttai, Jan. *4, 1^94.
T0 be Sold at Public Vindue y
011 Friday the inhdayof April next,
at the houfc of John Thorn/art, in Perth-
Anjb ojr,
The Proprietary House
ThE Lot contains eieVan, <»i whi«b ft
An oichaid of grafted apple tf<f i, * w£*i .tf
excellent water, a targe 4fone c ftetnf »<>(s a vtfy
commodious (table and coach-houtcj awid 3
quant ity ot the best buildiog ftonesm jfas w»<!s
ot the houfr, which was formerly fudt(*3l ftof
refideliee ot the Governors of'New-jef fey. Tl»c
fllWatior. of this Lot is so wcH kii-iva tar i««
i healthiness and beautiful tb« fiwuttfiy
river to the well ot tbebav, and Sa»<)»,Hi»»fc«rt
tbe eafl, that a further <j c., c n s> :u) n isti«"K<ji|rry.
The conditions of fsle will be, oueXiitd at the
purthafe money lo be paid on (h<< firfi (,(
Way next, when a gooo and Dejd writil
be given to the purchafcr, by WfLTf.*. ftt»-
Therfurd, Esq. Prefidrnt of Jie B.wrrf <»f
Proprietary ot the pillern Divii'j .a «f
Jtriey, and tiie remaining two'thii.rt*
rtly fe<ured in equal aonual paytmSmi,
&y order ot the Board,
Pcrlh-Ambo\. February t-4
South Fourth-StreH,