Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 04, 1794, Image 1

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    *«. "*
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No. 97 of Vol. V.]
For Amfterdairu
The new faft-failiflf. c<spp«r
jbjr 3L- bottomed SHIP
h K. Fitzpitrick, Maftfr.
BUJLT of live oak and cedar and TO in
tended for z Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenient speed. For freight or pafiage,
bavins excellent accommodations, apply on
board at WMmxt street wharf, or to
K. B. Passengers v,Vi be landed ifl ¥»£*■
land if required.
March 6, 1794. d"
For Norfolk Iff Fredcrteksburgh^
John Earl, Master.
A Haunch good uctfcl, will fail in a f»»
day*. For freight or p ITage, fcpply to tK«
milter on board at Chefijui street wharf, or
March 31.
"For Sale or 'Charter,
'yt&S&P' (An American bottom)
Jobn Moorty Majfyr.
IS a ftour good veflel, abom two years »M,
bnrthcn 232 ton.-, has only made three voy
ages, a«>« may be ent to Tea at a small ex
pence Sne way fe» Iffin at w«a=rt,
3ijd the terms made K'»«wn bv application to
Mar b -?i.
Jaft Imported,
In the Ship Apoflo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amtterdam, and now lading
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GiN mfrpes,
A few bales Holland Duck,
Ditto Qvutburgs,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Clefs Ware, t)ii. Tumbler! and Mugs, va
rious Jtz,J s.
Sheathing Paper,
Swedes Iron, ftptare and flat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Duicb Great Coats,
A y wmtitj of Junk end Oakum, &e, V<i
FO*. Sits »Y
The abovc^nvntioneriShip is for &tfle-r*-
(houldapplication be made within a few days ;
otbervuifc she will take freight for /Unjler
March l, 1794.
WHEREAS an slics fubptrna has rffued
out of the Supreme Court of this Con.
tntinwcfUb, »l ibt lit t of M,ucaket Evahs,
upon a petition prcleued by the faict Mabg>.
11 IT, praying lor 3 Divorce Iroin the bonds ot
Matrintony, entered into with Roe c «t IVjic.
This 11 to give notice to the fatd Robert, that
he be and appeal at thr said Supreme Couri, to
be held at the City of Philadelphia qn Monday
the seventh day of April next, jt the Suie-Hoofe
in the bid City, to answer the matters alleoged
in the bid petition.
Sheriff of tyucks C* untv.
March 5, ,794.
To Rtbeit toons.
George Bringhurft,
1 In Mqlhprry {\rch} between Fourth end fifth
Streets, adjoining the gpifcopal burying
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employers,
and requjftiqg tiltir future favors, 94 well as
thole of" the public in general.
He continues to make and repair at the
lhoi test notice, all kinds of pleaftire carriages,
such aseoache;, charints, phselons with and
without crane necks, coachee?, cbaifej, kitto
reens, wmdfor fulkeyjjtcd chaijs, and Uamefs
of every description, in the neatest and newest
fcrhi.m now prevailing in the United States.
And as hehasaquantity of the feeft seasoned
wood by him, and capital workmen, be has
not the least dogbt but he will be able to jive
fatUfacfionto thole Who please to employ |,iin
Ifehts for sale, several carriages altjioft
ftnimed, such as eoachees, an Italian windsor
chair, hung on steel I'pring., a ligl-t phaeton for
*** •• two horses, and *.ftilkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Conuniffioa.
Pbiiwielytriajan. .794, in&th}m
' ' * '■
« . V-C.
vening adv
; Friday, April 4, 1794.
In the Jfrig George and Harriot, from
Havre de Grace 9
Louts Q[mont y
a pratECT
Affortmeot of Hanging Paper,
high enloured and plain.
White fi!k Stocimgf, high drelftd »"»d put
up Poglifli fj(kioiv
The baodfumeft arti&cial flu w « r s aud Fea
Some Lookiog GloA f lau>< to bo {bid by the
A few hamper; of Ghampaigne wine fix
yean etd.
Art tUgantpartel »f
Bearlkin MuiFs,
And very beautiful s : 'k Clocks, which on
account of the season will Ibid ? au<l at
a long credit'
42 pipes Madeira wine,
and a few cafe* of" Claret.
A Quantity of
Hamburgh Demijohns.
\a 4 few Days,
Hi will have far sale,
White and Black Laces,
Leghorn h»ta, f«-,s caisoricks, ela«i in
cases, a quantity of gluts well sort
ed at all fee', and s few pair of ramarkrtbie
LooJciug Glailes flamed, »H arrived at Nor
folk, ■»<> eoining rottr>4-
Vj»rch 4tf
The Admirers of Sacred Music
rc iy intoinM^) } that Oi e 91 luore
Pprtorrraocos frory; the m<)ft approved
Parts of Handel's Works,
Irom the AJeiliali) wiU he given
in (he week preeecißg Easter Sunday, (cum.
many called Pafiion week)
A every ability in the Jufttumeirtal and
Vocl Line Will be eaiied forth "U this oecafi
on, there i» qo doukt, but thUt a J,iber»l P*b
lie Will take the prefeut undertaking under
their proteAior.
N. B- Part of the Promts wiU be appropri
ated to the use of a public charity.
A particular d«fcriptipn of the Place, Se
leftiau,£tc. will be given as soon as the neces
sary arrangements car) be fettled.
March 29, (its
Back of the Js'ew L.jivy, between Chefnut
and Walnt i- Streets.
George Rutter,
T> nforms his friends and
Ja. the ptlhlie in general, that be continues
carrying on the bufuiffsof
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or wmdow-fbuttersjdont ia pie most
elegant manner, and with djtyatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December Jo, dtf
In the Name of the French
EVERY Frenchman is forbid to violate
the Neutrality ps the United States.
All commifltons or authprijations tending to
infringe that neutrality, irp revoked, and are
to be returned to the Agents of the Freach
Philadelphia, Ventqfe 16th, second year of
the French Republic, one and indivisible
( March 6th, 1794, o. s.)
The Mimjter Plenipotentiary of the French
Republic. JH, FAUCHET.
The Editors of newspapers within the
United States, are requefled to reppblifh the
foregoing notice.
Done in the moll elegant manner, and after
thefirft masters ; likewile,
Fire Buckets
Painted and finiihed at the ftortf ft notice, by
In Nprris's Court, haclf of the New library,
between Chefnut and Walnut,
Fourth and Fifth streets,
March 4. dtf
For Printing bj $übfcriftiqn,
An Original Novel,
In Four Volumes, duodecimo,
Dedicated, by Ptnniffigit, to Mrs. Binghani,
Trials of the Human Heart.
Of the New Theatre, Pfriladflpliia, Antl"""
of Vi&oria, inquilitor, Charlotte, Fille
ii Chambre, See. &c.
u —r-» If there's a pmr'r above us,
" (Ami that there is, all Nature cries ait>utl
" Tbrq' all her works) he roust delight in
'• virtu*,
• " And that which he delights in, must be
" happy."
" T';a lout, fecur'd in her existence,fmilas
'» At tfee drawn dajger, & <Jei*s its poiot"
I. Tli# work to be printed with a neat type
»n good piper,
IJ, Price to fuhferibers s oar dollars bound,
on -' half to be paid at the time of fubferibing.
111. The (nbfci ibers' names will be prefixed
»s patrons qt the undertaking.
*»* Subscriptions are received by the .Au
thor, the Corner of Seventh and Chefnut
{Ireets, MelTrs. Carey, Rice, and Dobron,
Philadelphia— Mr. Cieen, Annapolis—iMef
fs. Allen, Berry, and S. Campbell, New,
York—Mdfrs. Welt, Thpmas *qd Andrews
B ate, and Larkin, Bolton—Mr. Hal'well,
V.-r.aqnt—MelTrv Rice, and Edwards, Bal
timore—Mr. W. P. Young, CharUdon.
April 2. mw&f3w
And entered upon the tirft o< May,
The noted called
Jobnfon Hall:
Lyiug in the Mohawk country, ftateofN#w
YqiH» lonperly tb* ffat of $ir Willow Jpho
fon, frven hundred acres of
laud, v/hich is of the very beft.qu*lit,y ; toge
ther A-iih the stock, and farming uienfils. The
buHdings pre large and convenient, and fit for
a gentleman's feat. The payments will be madp
easy, on good fecprity, for further partictriar?
enquire of George Metcalf, Efa, oo the premis
es, of Silas Talbat, Esq. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, qi
of the (übfcnhtr in Providence.
Jabez 80-wen.
Philid. March 26 m»4ihm
Excellent CLARET,
In and >n cases of oottlcs each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
Iu pipes, hogQieads and .quarter calks,
No. ||i, Sovtb Ftoui (ticei.
Jan. g, 179 4. dtf
An Eflay on Slavery,
Deligned to exhibit in a new pqiijt ot view
its effects on morals, indujlry, and (he peace of
focitly. Some tadh and calculations are offered
tp prove (tie Ifbor offreemen to be much more
prtHtuflivt tbin that ot Jlaoes ; that countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the (ruits of their own
labor ; and hcuce the ncctffaiy conclusion, that
flawsry '«inptltft( as well as *njnfl,
P*iCt 2f Cents.
February 15. dtf
The following Certifi
cate of the fpp*Jed thrse per Cept Stock of the
Donieftic Debt of the United Stares ftaudingon
the books of the Treasury of the said United
States, in the names of Donnald and ikirtoo of
London, and figped by Joseph
NQUife, Register of said to vyit :—
Nq. gated 24 h August 1792 for 29,59
dollars and cents v*as tianfmitted from Lon
don io the feip Peter, Paui Hu(fey, mailer,
bnvyid for New Yorjc, and hi# been loft.-*-
The Subscriber intending \o apply tQ {hp Trea
sury qf the United States to have the fame re
newed , defiics all peif<*ns who are interefied in
the said certificate, to make thrir obje&iom
thereto, ;f any tte* b?vr.
Francis Macy.
Philarl. March J7, (J6\»
CCJ" This Gaat/i* Jballbt enlarged, at it
receives einaurag emeut—7iu Subscription
enerenfes daily—Atkjertifmg Favors are
fdicited —Tbefe conßiiute an eJfttiiloJ Item
in dimini/h : n« tb: Dibit fide of ibt Aictw.t.
E R.
[Whole No. 556.]
Extracts from the Couriers Politique, and
thf Departments.
National Convention and Clob of Jacobins.
A deputation of the fe&ion of Quinze
vingt, invites the society not to ljiten to
the denunciations which are made to it
against Botirdpn de L'Oife.Fabred'Eglan
tine, and Cammille of du Moulins. It
declares that all good citizens will haste to
take their part against intriguers.
This feftion gives great piaifc to Rou
fm and Vincent.
Robespierre fays, «We are not to em,
ploy ourselves here concerning private
quarrels between the members. The pub
lic papers are going to Jhew to all Europe
that these great successes, which ought to
have raised you totheikcnmitof enthusiasm,
have made so little impression on voujthat
you have done nothing but continue the
•uHe debates of thefittings of OSober.
" Pitt in his fright," thought that it
was all over with the abominable league of
kings, that the Jacobins were likely toeon
quer and make good use of their victories,
fcy endavouring to exterminate all tyrants
who have escaped from the vengeance of
the people; but he will have cause to re
joice When he learns, that if there is any
place where the successes of the Republ; ■
not produced any effect, it is in the
very club of the Jacobins.
Citizen Mamien sent details relative to
Bourdeaux, and the dispositions which
reign there ; he was not then fufficiently
acquainted with the circumllances.
The pieces performed in the patriotic
theatres are listened to with eoolnefs.
Couthon in the National Convention, »
" There are now only 30 millions in af
fignats in the national treasury : There
have been burnt ipo millions livres in af
Letter fronj Garreau and Moneftier of
Bayone—" The arrangements which we
have made have disquieted our enmy. The
western army is worthy of the Republic."
lierault de Sechelles has been accused
for having had connections with fufpe&jd
men, such as Prolly, Dn Buiffon, and Pa
Club of Jacobins A letter from St.
Quentin denounces the furnifhers of the
waggons, and adds, " the roads as far as
Guise are covered with horses who died
for want of food, and it is, in Ihort, im
poflible to get along.
There are new troubles in the depart
ment of Cherburg—the rebellion must be
smothered in its craddle.the effects must be
dreadful—La Vendee is now a ftrikingex
Convention.—Le Clere who arrived frora
Toulon fays the arsenal is not damaged,
that all the workiug materials have been re
moved to a place of security by a courage,
ous citizen, on whom the nation should
bettow mugh praise.
Le Va(Teur fays so great is the merit of
the men truly born for the happiness of
the people, that they (till serve their coun
try, even after they have ceased to exist.
Marat who well knew Dugomrriier ceased
not to recommend him to the patriots,#:it
was Dugommier who directed the plan of
the attack of Toulon ; therefore it is Ma
rat, who even after his death contributed
to the recapture of Toulon.
Le Clerc attributed these successes to
Robefpi-rre, who so energetically under
took the defence of Barras and Defreron,
basely calumniated,by the tribunal of the
National Convention, by which he pre
served them for the nation.
Jacobin Club.-—The society passed to
the examination of its members. Dubois
Cranee demanded that every person who
wished to be admitted ipto the fpciety
should firft be asked* " What haft thou
done to merit hanging, in cafe a counter
revolution fhouldhappen V'
Many members propofeddifferent means
on this fuhjeft, but they were all put ?fitje,
by the order of the day.
Irpfee, representative of the people*
was wiled upon to undergo his examuia