w The enemies of government seem now to content themselves with general reflecti ons against war, thereby wishing to excite a discontent against the present—bat the people of this country are not now. to be told, that the war in which we are at pre* sent engaged differs in its principle from every other that we were ever embarked in : It is a war for the preservation of our lives, and liberties, our property, and our religion ; and upon the issue will depend the future permanent happiness or misery of this country. • According to Mr. May's calculation, founded on authentic documents, the ■whole number of Indians in North Ame rica, amount to little more than 60,000. After mentioning thjt NappEr lal 0 Ireland, and Mr. Cooper of Mauchefter, were in Philadelphia ; a Jacobin print thus ex. laims, « This is one of the blessed effedH of perfecting political opinions ! ihe verv f.ime remark, with similar jultice,holds rood in refpeft to George Barrington and D' Arcy Wentworth. They are virttms of jtif tice, for atTerting the rights of man in op position to the letter and l'pirit of the law. One of the charges brought against Le Brun, the late minister for foreign affairs in F.ance, was for having christened one of >>is daughters, in the beginning of last year, by the name of ViSoire Dumourier [emappe. From this circumstance, a proof of his intimacy and conspiracy with Dumourier was deduced. He exhibited great presence of mind on his trial ; and when sentence was pro no J need against liim, he exclaimed, " I have supported the Republic ; I now die for the republic.'' The account of the Brest fleet being out, appears very queftionablo. It luch had been the cale, we mufthavs heard of it through many different channels; and the report rests upon the aecount given by one vessel onlv. Tne Turkiffi Arnbaflador has taken an house in the Adelphi, from Doctor Tur ton, for one year, from the ill of janua ary, at 2001. a year. On Saturday even ing he signed the leases ; he writes a re markabiy elegant Italian hand, and signs bis name Hyfuf, Adgiah Effcndi, Anjbafs, de la Sublime Porte, His Bankers are John and Peter Robin son, Throgmorton-ftreet, who are bound for every thing in his money dealings. < £kis highness has 70001. a year from the Porte, besides an immense private fortune of his own.—He has ordered a coach and a vis-a-vis. The Turkey Company are to give a grand dinner, at the London Tavern, on Wednesday next, in honor of the arrival of the Ottoman Ambassador. Last week the Dutchefsof York took t'nc divcrfion of Stag hunting, with the king's hounds, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, who held the loading rein of her Royal Highnefs's hunter during the cliafe. January 6. Extract of a letter from Madrid, December 19th. " The auxilliarv corps of Portugufe troops landed the 10th inft. at Rosas, to the number of 5500 men, and have cantoned themselves in the environs of that place ; we do not yet know, however, whether they will all join the Spanilh army, or part of them go to ■ Toulon. A reinforcement of Spanilh troops w alio expe&ed here from Malaga, from whence they were tofet off the 28th of OA. Gen. Ricardos, having failed in his attempt cn Perpignan, has been unable to maintain himfclf in Roufillon, and has with his army fallen back towards our frontiers, and has abandoned all the places which he was master of, except the fortrefs of Bellegarde. Both armies are now entrenching themselves. This campaign has colt the Spaniards, it is fuppo /ed, 1000 men, besides 10.000 who are ill in the hospitals. The French have also fuffered greatly, elpecially by desertion." s EAS7 INDIES. From the Oriental Star, Printed at Calcutta. The Phoenix, Captain Moore, just return ed from the N. W. Coast of America, brings the firftfubftantiated accounts which we have heard of the loss of the Lark, Capt. Peters, which veffej was fitted out from this port some years ago, at the commencement of those enterprizing expeditions to Nootka Sound, which have since experienced such various fhccefs, and caused so serious an-al tercation between England& Spain. The Lark was loft on Beerings Illand, off Kamfchatka and several of the crew got on (hore: but owing to the hard (hips they underwent from the inclemency of the climate, and want of necellaries, only four survived, who were re lieved by a Ruffian vessel which carried them to Siberia, where they have met with the moll humane and attentive treatment from the Ruffians. They are two Portuguese and two Lascars, and are still residing at Irkufk, in Siberia. The Phoenix found in Beals harbor a Por tuguefs Snow, commanded by Capt. Viana, oi Macoa, which had wintered on the N. . Coalt. The former Captain had been killed by the natives at Port Mulgrave, who had attempted to board the vessel. An American Ihip had left a man to learn the language and trade with the natives. Captain Moore humanely supplied him with such ne:effaries as he could spare. In a Bay near the Green Islands, a Ruffian Captain Beramhoff, who commanded a fqita dron of boats, came on board the Phoenix, and informed Captain Moore, that he came from Kodiac, and was cruizing along the Coast in quest of the natives, for the purpose of civilizing them, according to orders from the Emprel's. He had also received orders to treat the Englilh with the utmost civility : in consequence of which, he oifered Captain Moore every afliftance in his power to afford. The Ruffians were erecting some works in Cook's River. The commander mentioned that there had been no trade between Russia and China for fix years, and that they got all their tea from England: that article fold in Siberia so high as nine roubles per pound. FALMOUTH, January 5. The Portland, from Halifax, arrived late last night in 15 days passage. She has not been at New York, as they had intelligence at Halifax, it would be unfafe, from the cruizers laying off the Hook, for the express purpose of intercept ng the packet from Eng land ; of course Ihe has brought no -mail j from New-York. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 3. Spirited ipeafures were pursued last week by the citizens of Baltimore to carry the embargo into prompt and full effccft. The Baltimore Intelligencer of Monday last, fays, "It is with much pleafm e we learn, that the Executive of the United States, determined to submit no longer to the cruel persecutions of our citizens sow detained in the Britilh islands, have forward ed to the governor of Jamaica, a spirited de mand of Captain Barney and others, and that a pilot-boat tiled from ijiis port very early yesterday morning for that purpose.'* To the Senate and House of Ueprelentattves oi the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennlylvania. XJentlemtn, IT is proper to inform you, that on the m;til Of February last, I issued a warrant in favor of the Prelident and Directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania for .seventy thousand dollars, and that this day I hive issued ano ther warrant in their favor, for the film of fifty-one thousand two hundred and forty five dollars ; which sums complete the pay ment of the loan borrowed from the Bank to discharge the amount of the State fubferip tion to the capital ftoci of that institution. THOMAS MIFFLIN. Philad. 13th March 1794. By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, April 1. Capt. Cummins, arrived here yesterday, failed from St. George's, Grenada, the 9th March : He informs us, that accounts had been receeivea there on the 7th, by the Lady Hammond, from Martinique that the Britilh Batteries were to open cn Fort Bourbon on the morning of the Bth: That a series of heavy rains had retarded their operations, and that about fifty of the Britilh troops had beer, killed in the lines by Ihells from the Fort—but that it was completely in veiled. Capt. Cummins also informs us, that the port of Grenada is open until the id of May, for every article that can be admitted in Britilh bottoms from the United States with permiflion to enter for exportation, any thing they may have inadmissible, and carry it away with them. Capt. Cummins, has favored us with Grenada newspapers, to the 7th of March, from which we have copied the following und«r the Grenada head : St.GEORGE'S (Gre.) March 7. The Ihip Mary, Capt. Molyneux, arri ved here from Martinique on Monday morning. When the Mary failed, which was on Saturday, every thing was quiet at St. Pierre, and the mod perfeit order and regularity eftablilhed among the inha bitants, who under the protection of the Britilh arms, and the equitable command of Col. Myers, enjoyed a state of security, to which they had long been strangers. — The arms of the inhabitants were demand ed, and delivered up to the Englilh, who deposited them 'in a magazine appropria ted for that purpose. The batteries, which had been carried 011 with great expedition considering the immense labour they re quired, were completed and mounted with upwards ot an hurtoied heavy cannon ana mortars, to act against Fort Bourbon ; but their fire had not commenced, not a lingle (hot or (hell having been thrown into the Fort. Sunday night, was the time appointed for the cannonade to be gin, and it was the general opinion, that the place could not hold out more than 48 hours. In the whole of the arduous and fatiguing fetvice of erccting the batteries and carrying the guns from the store-ships, for a considerable distance thro' a very difficult country, impeded by the enemy's fire from the Fort, thefpirit of emulation pervaded every different corps of the Bri tish forces, and the mod perfect good uo derftanding and harmony reigned among the whole. The Midshipmen who com manded the Gun Boats, have all been pro moted to the rank of Lieutenants by the Admiral, in conlideration of their good conduit. A confirmation of the above account I was received by the sloop Speedwell, that failed from Martinique on Sunday after noon, with the additional circumftauce, that Belgarde had lurrendered with two hundred and fifty of his people, on condi on u? his being sent to America ; having been repulsed in ah attempt he made on a party of the English who were landing (lores for the siege, his retreat to his form er pod wag cut off, by a (kilful evolution, and the gates of Fort Bourbon were shut agnrnll him. In this fituatipn several of his party escaped to the woods, a number were killed, and the remainder laid down their arm*, Capt. Drew of the 45th par ticularly diftinguilhed himfelf on the occa fnm. Accounts are' received of the arrival of his royal highness Prince Edward at Barbadoes, and of his proceeding immediately trom thence to join the army at Martinique. Gapt. Neil, of the ship Diligence, arrived yesterday from St. Euftatia, hai alio favored us with the St. Euftatius Ga2ette, of the 7th March; the following under the Basseterre head, is the only article of intelligence we find in it. BASSETERRE, Feb. 18. Extract of a letter from Montl'errat, Febru ary 2j, 1794. " The Lovely Mary left Roseau on Sunday lift, the Sea Flower cutter arrived that morn ing and brings accounts that St. Pierre was taken by storm the 1 oth irilt. with the lot's Of Britifli troops. The Patriots had 570 men put to the bayonet; they have embarked fur Africa 2000 People of colour, and 700 whites for St. Maioes. The Marleiiles priva- , teer of 28 guns and 80 fail of Americans were captured there. The French made a sortie from Fort Bourbon with 400 men and not a man of them returned. Coioriel CVmpbell is dead of his wounds; it is supposed they will hold out about 20 days longer." Extract frem the Log Book of the Brig Nancy, aarived here yesterday from Gr nada. March 13. Was spoke by a Brit'fh pri vateer sloop, which fuffered us to proceed without examination. 14th Parted through St. Euftatia Roads, and law a number of veflels there. At 11 A. M. on the fame day was boarded by the British privateer schooner Nancy, of Tortola,' Newmau Atwater, mailer, and permitted to proceed—met with very ltrong northerly winds and bad weather, which induced me to bear away for Sail Rock Paiiage, which I pafled the 16th at 11 P. M. 18th. Came up with and spoke the schooner Polly, of Portland, from St. Thomas's, bound to Bolton, out three days. 20th. In lat. 26,41, long. 70,.36, at mid-night, was brought to and boarded by the privateer sloop Dove, of Bermuda, Jofiah Bafden, master, who behaved with much civility and permitted me to pro ceed. , 27th. In lat. 38, 15, long. 72, o, spoke the Eliza, from New-York to Jamaica, out three days. BOURDEAUX, Jan. 6. " There is news from Toulon, informing us, that fmce the qapture of that place, there has gone into that port by mistake ; one'Eng lilh 74, and between 60 and 70 fail ot, Eng lish and Spanilh merchantmen with provi sions, arms, &c. which are made prizes of." BALTIMORE. By Captain M'Lauchlan, commander of a brig arrived here in 55 days from Gibraltar, we learn that between the ift and T4th cf February last., 19 Algerine cruiztrs pafled the Straits into the Atlantic ocean. PORT OF PHIL AD ELI HI A. ARRIVED. Brig Florida, Ferreday, returned Sloop B-tfey, Floyd, ' Virginia CLEARED Ship Apolla, Keown, Chailefton & Savan nah Sloop Nancy, Bowen, Showbill The fallowing lift of American, vessels ly ing in St. George's, Grenada, March 9> 1794, Was given for publication by Captuiri Cummins, of the brig Nancy ; ' ' Brig Hope, of York-to*n, Geo. Mickle Nancy of Portland, * Paul Huffey Neptune, of New-Yoik, Jas. Jacobs P«ggy, of Alexandria, Jas. M'Ktnzie Naocy, ofPartf. N. H. Jos. Brown Peace, of Richmond, V. Wm. Colley Dolphin, of Kennebec, Geo. Fish Sclir. Betsey, of Portsmouth, Jes. Drifcci Abigail, of Boilon, Brrnaby Smith Sukey, of Salem, Robei t Se'don Sloop Sukey, of Gloucester, Jos. Lulkin Polly, of Boston, Geo- Stetson George, of Port f. V. Robert Elliot RoJannah, of N. Caf. Mas. J. Gttddard We h ear a large number of American vefTcls , had taken refuge under the guns of Fort Bourbon, on the Englilh entering the bay. j A refo'ution was moved in the House of Representatives yelterday, by Mr. Clark | —the purport of which is, to interdict all j commercial intercourse between the Uni ted States and Great Britain, until repa ration and fatisfaclion be made to the Ci-. tizens of the United States, for the losses occaiioned by the depredations and spolia tions of Britilh cruizers on the commerce of this country—and until the Western Posts shall be delivered, up. The lefolu tion to take effect from the day of —laid on the tablet 1.1 "'I EPIGRAM. On a late naval tranfattion. WHEN mighty Caesar triumphs o'erhis foes, Three words concise, his gallant ails dilclofe ; But Howe, more brief, comprises his in one, And, nidi, tells us all that he has done. Baltimore, 28th March, 1794. R. NEW THEATRE. TO-MORROIV EVENING, , April 4. Will be performed, A COMIC OPERA, never performed here, caHed the Highland Reel. f Written by the Author of the Poor Soldier.) Laird of Col, Mr. Green Laird of Raafay, Mr. Warrell Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Finch Sandy, . Mr. Marshall Charley, Mr. Francis Shilty, Mr. Bates Croudy, Mr. Harwood Captain Daft, Mr. Moretcn Serjeant Jack, Mr. Darley Apie, Mr. Biiflett B.nin, Mailer Warrcll Maggy,; Mrs. Marftail Jenny, Mrs. Warrell Highland Lads and Lafies, Mefli-s. Darley,' jun. De Moulin, Lee, Bason, Mrs. Cleve land, Mrs. De Marquj Mrs. Bates "Mrs.Finch Mist. Willems, Miss Rowfon, &c. To conclude with a New REEL, (Compo sed by Mr. Francis,) by the Characters. To which will be added, A Farce, in two Adts, called v The Lying Y r alet. Sharp, Mr. Bates Gaylefs, Mr. Green Justice Guttle, Mr. Francis Beati Trippet, Mr. Cleveland Drunken Cook, Mr. Bliflet Mcfiflk, Mrs. Francis Mrs. Gadabout, Mrs. Bates Mrs. Trippetj Ml 9. Cleveland Kitty Pry, (firjl time) Mrs. Rowfon No places can be let in the fide boxes for a less number than tight, nor any places tained after the firlt adl. , The Doors will he operted at 5 o'clock, and the performances begin at 6 o'clock pre cisely. *J* As inconveniences to the public Jiave a rift 11 from the Box book being c pen cn the days of perfo-mance only, in future attend ance Wil be given at the office in the J heat re every day from ten 'tillone, and on the days of performance from ten till three o'clock in the afternoon. Applications for Boxes, it is refpedtfully requested, may he addressed, t<» Mr. Franklin, at the Box Office. ' The COMIC OPERA, The Highland Reel, Sold by E. Story, South 4th flreet.