Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, April 03, 1794, Image 1

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    E V E N I N G AD V E R T I S E R.
[NTo. 9 6 of Vol. V.] Thursday, April 3, ! 7S>4 . [Whole No. 5.55.]
For Sale or Charter,
. r: - , r --v The Shi?
¥%'.; V . (A:. American bottom)
l4C<r. J ib" Moore, Majkr.
IS 3 ft.'w vdff.'!, about two years old,
burthen ton*, hasunly made three vov
»ge«, and may be <ent to sea at a f'mall ex
pence. She may be seen at Vine-fti eet wharf,
iud the terms made known by application to
March 2i. dtf
For Norfolk & Fredericks burgb,
John Earl, Master.
A Haunch good veflel, will fail in a few
days. For freight or p flage, apply to the
mailer on board at Chefnut itrpet wharf, ot
March 31.
For Amsterdam,
The new fact-failing, copper*
' JOWL'S bottomed SHIP ,
mm. K. Fitzpairick, Master.
BUI-uT of live oak and cedar and was in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will tail with
ajl convenient ipeeu. Ivjr freight or palfoge,
having excellent accommodations, apply pn
board it V/alnutilreet wharf, or to
N. B. Pafl*engers will be luded in Eng
land if required.
March 6, 1794. d{f
To the diftrefled inhabitants of St. Do
mingo nbw in Philadelphia.
The difti buiiou of the money allotted to
them will be made en Wedne day next", at the
i fourVTFcSrcoi hcrt»t "WaTnutandW ater ifreeu
~ iVoin nine o'clock 'till noon, and from thretf'
tr> five afternoon.
Aux Habitants de St- Domingue d-e nues
de toute a Philadelphia.
La Diiliibution dt la iomnie actordec fe fer*
jWecredi pmchaiii, au Coin d'!a Rue lud oucli
oe 1' Eau & De la Rue de Walnut, cntre ticuf
heuicsA. imd j & tie trois &Cinque apres paidi.
The Printers ot Philadelphia, are rc
quettcd to repub-ith the above.
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
From Amlierdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz;
GIN in pipes,
A fc<w bales Holland Ducky
Ditto Oznabiags,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Glajs ITgre, viz. Tumblers and Murs, •va
Sheathing fop*,
Swedes Iron, square and fiat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakurti, &c. CSV.
rem sale by
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sate—
Aoidd appi\,:atum be matle within a few days j
Wherwift Jhe 'will tuie freight for Amjler
March t, 1794. d-^tf
AgreeiKy t»the last Will of DEBORJh
MORRIS, deceased,
IhcHoufe N°. 245,
Lot of Ground
On which it Hands, wherein James Bipole
now lives, on the north Tide of Market
ftreet. near Sixth-street.
I™ Home being ig fret 10 inches in
,t, t.f ml and the Lot
■ A** ■*«!>• The whole will be fold Cub
innnm' gr °u d rent Pounds per
p r ? P a y ab ' c '° the contributors to the
JSST 211(1 tb£h
iO*ever. For terms apply to
; _. Samuel Coates,
Jonathan Jones,
Anthonv Morris,
v-am-übl Pa\m L Griffiths,
Surviving Executors of
u,„i . Deborah Morris, dee'd.
iVlJlCjl J- 1704, #
' /V 4, €Op 3MT
'* ;
The Admirers of Sacred Music
arc rcfpo& informed, tbat One or more
Performances from the nvoft approved
Parts of Handel's Works-,
■ ('particularly Irom the Meiruh) will be given
in the week preceding Easter Sunday, (tora
r mon y called Pafßon week)
A every ability in the Instrumental and
Vo«l Line will be called forth on this utcafi
on, there i* no doubt, but that a Libera.l Ugb
, lie will take the present undertaking under
their protection.
N. B- Part of the Profits will be appropri
ated tn the ufi: of" a puhlic cl>ariiy. ,
A particular description of the Place, iq
leftiori,&c. will be given as faon as the necel
farv arrangements can be fettled.
March 29. rftf
In the Brig George arid Harriot, .from
Haw re de Grace,
Louis Ofrnonty
Assortment of Hanging Paper,
high eolourtid and plain.
White fik Stocking*, high drtjfnd aud pot
lip gnglilh fafliion.
The handfpmefl jjijfcial Flowers and Fea
Some Looking Glass Plates to be fold by the
t "#afe.
A few hampers of Chf»mpaign= wine fix
years old.
Ar\ elegant parcel of
Bearikin Muffs,
And very beautiful Silk Cloaks, wfych on
account of the season will be fold low, and at
a loug cicdii-
42 pipes Madeira wine,
and a few calks,of Claret.
A Quantity of
Hamburgh Demijohns.
In a few Days, " ,
He'will have for fate,
Wljjte and Black Laces,
Leg^orolifts, fans and cajnbriclts, claret in
cales, a quantity of window glass well foi Jt
ed of a)] lize , and a few pair of remaikabje
Loo/c/iigGlalles framed, ail arrived at Nor
folk, now coming round.
! March ?2- drf
J Excellent CLARET,
J In hogfceads and in caies of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
In pipes, hegftieads and quarter casks,
No. Nt, South Front itreet.
Jan. 8, drf
the Name of the French
EVERY Frenchman is forbid to violate
tbe Neutrality of tie United States.
All commissions or authorization* tending to
infringe that neutrality, are revoked, and are
to be returned to, the Agents of the French
Philadelphia, Ventpfe 16th, second jjear of
the French Republic, one and indivifihle
(March 6 th, 1 yw, x>. ,s.)
Tlje Minister Plenipotentiary of the French
Republic. jh. FAUCHET.
The Editors of ne\frfpapers within the
United States, afe requelted to republilh the
foregoing notice. d
And entered upon thc fii.ft.oi May>
The noted Eft ate, called
yobnjon Hall:
Tying in the Moba wk country, stale of New
Yo'k, formerly thefeat of Sir William John
fan, coniaining about -seven hundred acres of
land, which is of the very best quality ; tpge
iher with the (lock, and farming uienfcls. The
buiklings ate large and convenient, and lit fnr
a gentleman's feat. The .payments will be
easy, on good (ocurily. For fuithsr particulars
| enquire of George Meicalf, .Esq. Qn the pre'mif
fs, of $il ? » Talbot, Effl. at Philadelphia, of
Samuel Ward and Brothers, in New York, or
of the fubrcriber in Providence.
Jabez Boiuen.
Philad. March t>6 fnw&lim
; The following Certifi
eaie of the funded three per Cent Stock of the
Doipifttc Debt of the United States ftandi-ag-o*
i books.ot the Treasury of tbr faj<i tiojud
» i States, in the names of Donna Id ans BurioA of
- I.ondop, merchants, and signed by Joleph
Nourfe, Register of said Treasury, tp wit
\ No. 4476, daied 24 , h August ifg* (or 20.50
► j cents was tranfrailted from Len
» Pelpr > PiulHvffey, i^r,
bourKi for New Y or k } and has been loft.—
Ihe feubfenber intending to apply t 0 the Trea
sury of the United States to-have the fame re-
defue* ail per fogs who are ioterefced in
the (aid certificate, to make tb?ir ©bie&aaus
thereto, ;f any they have.
Francis Macy,
Philad. March tj.
Rack Qi the New Lijrvy, between Ctofout
and Waliu i,Streets.
George Rutter,
TD ESPEC PFULLYi nfornis his friends and
**• the pifyltc in general, that he continues
carrying 0 n tlie business of .
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
tor doors or wi„dow-(hutters,dont in tie most
mi ? naer » with dispatch.
re«iv!d S cou " t,; y VHI t>e th^fuUy
recet ved, and duly attended to.
December 3p. dtf
Writing ~
Done in the moil elegant manner, and after
the firft matters ; likewise,
Fire Buckets
Pajatsd and finifted at tji* ftgftfft notice, by
In Norm's Court, back of the New Library,
bet we< * Chefnut and Walnut,
March 4. . '
BY MATiiEW CAREY, No. 118 ,
Mai Atft'Sjreet,
An Jjfiay on Slavery*
to in a new poi„ t 0 f „i, v
Us effifis on n „,at s , indufi and (he ' V
Joe,cl,. So«,eiaft, calculation, ar/effcred
1° P iT !l V ai P"""> «be much more
01 Jim, ■ thM wwlf i
I Ch, powerful and, m prd p 01llon as lllc
shoring people enjoy the,, of their own
1 i and the concluf.on, that
, (lavery is impolitic as well as urtjujl.
rebriiary i - dt f
For Sale b) the Subscribers,
Muscovado sugar in i&ds.&btksi.
Hyfcji »d Souchong Teas.
Sherry Wiues, of Ijiperjftr quality, jij pi-p^s
q 3n i? l l ai ? r cafts
opanilh Indigo.
80/ ton Beef, in laurels.
And a fmafl invoice of Muslins.
No. 164, South Fropt-llreet.
March 8. fmw4W
The Profits wifivg from the fallai/jing pubH
cation are for the benefit of the Poor.
Just publiftied, printed by R. AMcen and
Son, and fold by J.Crnkfhank, W. Young
i . Dobfon, aod cthe otiier Boo^fellers,
Proceedings of tlx Committee,
Appointed on flte 14th by
the Citizens oi Philadelphia,
Liberties, andthe Diitrifl of Sootbwark,
to attend to and alleviate the fufferings of
the aiflifted with the Maligtrant Fever,pre
vsletit, in tlie City and its vicinity.
WITH an appendix,
A lift of persons admitted into tbe Hofpi
tai at Bulh'hill, fliewing the times of their
admission, jdeathaoddifcharge.
Number of Hou{ct ; U«{»tJis, &c. in tte
refprfUw ftreetn,. alley*, court;, in the
City of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and
Diftrift of Sootbwark.
A' Ivft of the Intements in <4ie Burial
Ktnunits ju tiie city of J»hiladelplija, Northern
Liberties, and I)■ li'■ ict of Sa.y^h, wiih a of the weather.
A fumniary of donations in ca(h and provi
("mm;, received from sundry persons and pli
:o«, for the uf;of t'he poor und afflicted.
♦ ■ L ' 1 ■ ■ -■ ■ mm
[. '
Friday, March 21 ft, 1794,
The bill sent from tfce Houfp of Rcprf
fen thrives for concurrence, entitled " a;i
ad to provide for the erecting and repair
ing of arsenals and magazines and for o
the'r purposes," was lead the third time.
Refolwd, That this bill pass with a
Ordered, That the Secretary, define the
concurrence of the House of lleprefenta
tives in the amendments to this bill.
Mr. \ ining reported from the commit
tee on enrolled bills, that they had this
day, laid before the Prefidept of the Uni
te 4 States for his approbation—The bill
entitled " an ast making appropriations
for the support of the military eftabii/h.
ment of the United States, for the year
one th'pufand seven hundred and ninety
four"—The bill entitled " an ast to prohi
bit the carrying on the slave from
the United States to any foreign plate
pr eountry,'' and the bill entitled " aij
ast to provide 3 naval armament."
Mr. Llvermprc from the committee to
whom was referred the bill to authorize
the 1 resident or the United States in cer
tain cases, to alter the for holding a
f?ffion of Congress, reported amendments.
Ordered, That the amendments be
printed for the iafe of the Senate.
The report of tie committee to whoit)
was referred the bill, entitled, " an ast li
miting the tityie for presenting claims for
destroyed certificates of certain descrip
tions," >vas read.
Ordered, That the fconfideration there
of be ppftponed until Monday next.
The Senate resumed the confideratioq
of the motion made on the 18th instant,
that it be
" Refo|ved, That a committee be ap
pointed t<? examine into and report on thj?
parafticability of obtaining statements of
the principles on which the accounts pjf
I the' individual States with the United
States have been fettled,, and a statement
of the several credits allowed in the said
On motion,
To'adopt thfs resolution—
It palfcd in the negative. Yeas—£
The yeas and nays being required hy(>ne
fifth of the Senators preient—
Those who voted in the affirmative, are,
MefTrs. Edwards, Hawkins, Martin, Mon
roe, Potts a,nd T?yJ or.
Thoie who voted in the negative, are*
MefTrs. Bradford, Bradley, Brown, Ca
bot, Ellfworth, Foster, Frelinghuyfen,
Q,unn, Jackson, Izard, Langdon, Li
ve rmore, Mitchell, Morris, Rofcinfun and
. Strong.
A meflage from the House of Repre
by Mr, their clerk :
" Mr. President—The House of Re.
preff.ntat.lveß have pafled the bill sent from
the Senate for cpacurrence, entitled*
Ap ast allowjug to Major general L&
FayfU.e hi? pay and emoluments, while
in the feivice of the United §tates."
" TJie Houfc of Representatives have'
pasTed a bill, entitled, "an fer the re
lief of Stephen Pajanqye," in whieji they
desire the concurrence of the .Senate. And
he withdrew.
The bill last mentioned wag read tlv?
firll time.
Ordered, That this Jjil] pass to the fe
cppd wading. 1
On motion,
" That a committee be appointed to
coqfider and report in what plainer the du
ties of .the office of a diftrift judge (hall
be dificharged, during the inability of the
judge ef a diftrift"—
Ordered, That the .motion he referred
to Mr. Ellfworth, Mr. Strong and Mr.
Langdon, to consider and report thereon
to the Senate.
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock,
on Monday morning-.