fe VEN IN G A N D VERTI SE R. ' ' " ' ' »' VrSiwl • liiir-i *1 r mr jjpy* yj - ■ -|i", lii» *|» ■tf'ir *" "jlaT*"' [No. 95 of Vol. V.] Wednesday, April 2, 1794. [Whole No. 554.] vru-E GAZETTE of THE IGNITED STATED. .S , . TQ JESTRINJ. TO Ace Iftrina, empress of my "heart Ere far fromJience my wandering footfteps part ; Uepreft by fortune, ttnt with bitttntft woe, v The (ast, said, accents of my fqrrow flow. Tho' now, nor life, tranquility or joy, . My words can ask for, or my lines destroy; . Yet, as to the*, thalrall oh earth more dejr, i They befr the farewell of a heart fmcere, Not with a Jiceift vihare ne«diftrayj»ife. I call tQ mind what ilwect fen&tions .thrill'd Thro'all my frame, what joy my bpfom fiil'd. Mid fire drrii room, where hufh'd each whifperirtglWrfe 3 d th)q Toft, Tweet, accents of your voice. ■Oft J review-.the lacwrs, in thought beguiled With you employ'd when all creation smiled; The social evenings whose too fwift career Cenverie andJionks comhin'd to render dear, The pltal'ant walks, '-. hen fpringawoke-the day, When beanty'triumph'd, and the world was gay. O then, array*d'iii heavenly beauty bright, 1 Y«u toak'd sdl lovely totny raptured fight, Viftons of night, and images of day, Bide o'er my foul yonr loved idea stray, Ami ev#ry iiour that fancy rcrade you mine Was taught with some resplendent bliis to.fliine. Deceitful views ! that still Awake the sigh twnun Wirti tears she melancholy tye. With pale and livid aguesjhake my frame And fiteTny-bcflbm with the "fevers flame. 1 WiHhould have lived she happiest pair on earth, for eaoh iwlier nature gave us birth; ■And-mimis, and •manners, taste, and fortune drove, * AlUce in daah, ,to Varm wall -mutual love. What joys, wtat rapLUiCo, what trsuriporting hours, ~9 Bkft in our kxvfs, Eftrina»had "been ours ! T-i* rolling fun had run his annual court, And fen, return'd their undkrtiniQi'd force j MoWth after month had lightly ,past away, Not known one instant unrejoicing.'ftray.; tes inlucceflicn -hud -delighted vreW'd, With love unceasing, all our joys renew'd? And every hotfrwith feathery foot that hies, And winged moment that so fwiftly flies, I-adcn wifhblifs and extacy IracT moved, And to the admiring -world our wond'xous pafiien proved. But nowtfark ctouds these profpe&s ovcrcaft, Their beauties (hrink from sorrows blighting blast, With lion rage deftrtnftion treads the grpelj, And -defoUtion.hovers o'tr the fesne. That bright succession of supernal joys, One dire mi-fortune,inftaatly destroys, And, fco«n the heighth of beatific%lifs, Hnfls me;to Sorrow's terrible abyfc. _ I fondly thought domestic joys-to prove, 'I he fleets of filial, and connubial love.; Andfohcy oprrn'd on "my raviih'd view Atfairy land of pleafnres -ever new. But with -torn .eye, artti tteftHating hantl, Fell difappoi«t»ient*»wisiier frigidtwrtd, Before its pewer.Hiy;promis:d joys decay, 1 And expe&ation s transports flit away ; i I fee thee coldly unrelenting led, Drawn.like a vittim, to the maraiage bed to trtjmnftiir nature ne'er Hefigri'd, \ Or-genaroos passion, thou flrouidft e'er be joiri'd, : To.tbee nnlSie, who-'fetls ttogehralheat Djlateihk haart-alidiin Jiis pulses :b*at; hose foul alike unmov'd by joys or woe«, J unvarying tsmper, only knoU«s,; Ana whom, nortafte, .norgenius, jave in tbefs, ! And in mechanic arts have delign'd to hiefs; ColHly'he tskes thft tt) his lanquid arms j With face phlegmatic gazes on thy chartns ; Who all im-foul with 'frantic paflion fill ; Whose charms my broail *rith joy tumultuous thrill.; . i Whose save to haaven might.teach my hopes to afph-e, I Warm d with the influence of seraphic fire. > j O call, to ntind thole energies of ipeeeh ' j Which4iv«ly_paflion tought my voice to reach ; The fchange of feature, gesture, and of air, By hope supported, or depreft by care ; t And call-to mind, that dire, that fatal day : f X\ hidi rent my hopes of liappinefs away, « lien your, cob! manner, and your face sedate T , o fearching eyes-proclaim'd my fate, r, Andfora time, (-both Ipeech and motion fled) J,t£ " image of the dead ; f all then to mind —and let your memory trace, V With care minute, the history of his face, v His words, and actions, whose more happy lot ( G.ve S h.m your love mypaffon, trutfc forgot,— A And own, nsdbong emotion hare yoru feeh, r No ua»fitnt : glow-of passion intervene, Inuant of joy, or -molneatajy grief, To.give the'rtemal'fanrenefs fome-rdrrf ; But in Aeir place, one •frxM, unchanging 'look, lias from the firfthis features .ne'er fbrfcok, Sa*e far some tend unrnraning burst of (ninth, Shertas the trifling era« flie -day, as sure thfc daiymuft come, ' For life, that-takes you fiaom your prtfent home ; When, to aiu>(band j; -uaraliftedciaim, You yield .the honours of -your viijgin name You lhall.be .led, .with an autrembling hand, TO where yourfriends, and jjrielt-uniting, itand ; From lips which *iever,gtow'd, a cold, feint, kiss, Shall .be your welcome .to cqnaubial bliss ; The.pomp.of servants, carriages, arid show, The charms, and fcjjperies-that from felhion 'flow Thqfe fliallhe your';,, and *11 the blifis.thttlies In place,, in riches, or from stank can rife. But fey, Eftrina, .lovely.woman fay, Where do the hours of fond endearment Jtray ? Where are .the .days de-«oted to your .will ? The timesfliour convede, youths alone, can fill ? I Seasons, with you, employed so search the lore Of ancient sages, and the timaj of yree ? Seasons with you -diredled to the cafe A smiling offspring happily to rear, To form their.manners, and their minds improve In all the modes of science, and of love; You know them-not-:—-arftaidjpun&iliolis form A itridl attention, ne'.er with feeling warm, Solicitude, which, temdernefs forgot, In deeds appears, not occupies the.thought ; Aad low fubmiiTiua, where noneafe, itor gracr, Nor manly dignity, retains place ; An empty cqnverft, -where -nafcicqce fliines, No wit enchants, or elegance refines; These are the precious substitutes you gain ; For faith.fincer-e and love's delightsome reign. , Nor look for confidence—-that heart, so coM, Afecrst never to another itold; Of frieiidlhip-iie'er conceived, fsrfelf itfcols, And to itfelf, alone, its-thoughts reveals. 3 had.raceivirtl you wi¥h tsranfporting joy, Ot g»i«f our days had witnefs'd no alloy.; Onecourfe alone had seen the miputes -move Of fond ondearment, confidence and love. Where do I run ? ah ! whither am I borne ? That love you own not, nay, yqu laugh toicorn. " hich can with extacy the breaift difteitd Or with diftraaing woe the -bosom rend, * * Blest with fticcefs, which bids the man excel; Uiibteft transfixes with the pams of.hdl ; Or leaves condemn'da life of woe to boar, Loft to the world tire victims of despair. Wrttoh.th4tl.aUß'! ah ! who do I addnefs ? One that difdams my endless truth to bless: Who diftdietos that truth tlfat love contemns ; W«h cold unfeeling heart, asftign'd, condemns Pierced as Lam, and hopetef's as a cure, The vary sorrows I for her endure. InTenfete woman ! is her Abfom flone ? All virtue, passion, all ftnfttion, gone ? Ffeels-not tor heart. ? or.feeKng brinks with shame That Jove.to acknowledge, which it'dares difciaim > Ofay, Eftrina, -whete has nature-fled ? Or dar it thou-ftffle maturcm-thy heart ? Root out the:beftoJfey frantic, 'furious, demon train, ] 'Bear tne to,fome ordarkfomeglen •I "Where rAvens croak, tghofts-yell, andierpents hiss, I And'hfrU.fetfms topen'd in dread ahyfr: | ®here, joiflid witfi tjiee, ibrjev.er let.nje dwell, I £qd wait -that passion which I cannot tjuell ; ( l jintily Eftrii®, nor wibe gain to Woo, ■I My-heart cdiitehjna, tny-fnte eommand»purfue. 1 1 'le»»e'that •happy mean -thatpeaceful -way, | Whsseon Ihro'fife my-feet pe,iric.re worxhf-of -your love. J Q*nay-yptjr children, rich in every.grace, ,j Catch the bright features of their mother'sftce, J And-Jive aflorn'd Iwfth all that can engage, I Jby of youryctqth aid'fofetfe #-yx)ur age. | While 1 fhali snk umrnify to (be grave, I Ifoieyetoyity, out«ftretch'd arm-to five; "I Loft wenhatrimg prftifcs of the good I iNor injmyoifeiTriijgiiappily rrnew'd J in,life-afflicted, dtflolate,unprized; j Jn Death.unknown, negle««d and defpiled. 1 February., 4^93. I M/R gji'L£, BY MATTHEW GA'REY, No. riß, 1 Ma«kn proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own ' Übdr; and Hence-the tii er-tfary conclufio#, tlijt I ft*vefy xrtrmpnlkic is tirjuft. r !P R I c t CentA. is. ' dtf Tiic following Certifi cale °T ihef<» three per Cepl Sioek of the 'DbOltWc'Debt of the Uniied States standing on the books ofnlte Tfeifury of she laid Urfued ■States, in,the names of Donmatd and Burton of , i-ondon, merchants, and figoed by Joseph NourfiL Register of (aid Tr. afuty, to wit : ' oltdd "94' th Auebli 1702 for aqcq - 4eit