EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 93 of Vol. V.] For Amsterdam, —3 —> The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP mm ADRIAN A. K. Fitzpatrick, Master. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafTage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Walnnt street wharf, or to THOS. &. JOHN KETLAND. N. B. PaiTengertwill be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794. The American Brig J&fcfeSlT R I T O N, BURTUEN 7CQ barrels, with her tackle and apparel as Ihe came from sea, Slje is a flaunch veflel, not two years old, and may be put to sea immediately. For terms apply to GARDINER & OLDEN, Arch Street wharf. Who have for sale, Pork, Lard, and Hams As usual, a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few casks Timothy Seed—also Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron call ings, in any form executed on the shortest notice. March 14. For Sale or Charter, ANDROMACHE, John Moore > Majhr. IS a flout good veffbl, about two years pld, burthen 232 tons, haj only made three voy- and m,iy be iciit to sea at a small e-4- pcn.ce. She may be seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made known bv application to Lsrm. lVlari:h 2 1 Just Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, frorp Amsterdam, and now landing on Walaut-ftreet wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A fe-zv bales Holland Duck, Ditto Oz/iabitrgs, Holland Sheeting, Juniper Berries, Glass -viz. Tumblers and Mugs, iti- rious flzes. Sheathing Paper, S-.Ledes. Iron, fquqre and flat bars, Hair Ribband, No. 4, Dutch Great Coats, A quantity of "Junk and Oakiun, &c.&c. FOR SALE BY THOMAS ZETLAND, Jan 7he- above-mentioned Ship is for StJe—r fboukiapplication be made •within a few days ; etherwife Jhe will ttfie freight for Amjler dam. March i, 1794. FOB. S?T£\ BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118. Maiket-Strcet,, An Eflay on Slavery: Deftgned to exhibit in a new point of view, its effects op morals y indujiry, and the peace of society. Some fa&s and calculations ire ottered to prove the labor of Jrcemen to be much more productive than that ot Jlavcs ; that countries are rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor ; and heirce the nceffary couclufton, that slavery is impolitic as well as unjujl. Pr ice 25 Cents, TfiHruarv 1,5 The following Certifi- C*te of the funded three per Cent Sock of the Dotmftic Dkbt of the United States (landing on the books of the Trcafury of the said United States, in the names of Donnald and Burton of London, meichants, and signed by Joseph Nourle, Reg fterof said Treasury, to wit:— No. dated 24th August 1792 for 2959 dollars and 53 cents wag trairfmitted from Lor»w \v Has for Sale at his Store, No. 25, Doci- Street:— A few Bales of Shectiygs Barcelona Handkerchiefs in floyes, A bale of low-priced Cotioi\ Handkerehipfs, A Quantity of Souchong Ti-a, Hyson and. Tonkay, ditto. Holland Gin in Cases, A Quantity of Bnmifon*, With a Variety of other Goods. Feb. 20. 3taw6w Excellent CLARET, In hogl• cads and in cases of 50 boitlcs each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA,, No. ill, Spqth Front ilrcct, Jan. 2, 1794. The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America, fe-veral of which have appeared in circulation within a few days pajl; they arc a good ge neral imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be diftingui/hed by the following MARKS. *diot ALL [that have appeared hay; the letter F. tor their Alphabetical Mark. The|Texture of the Paper is thiekcr and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. In ihe word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of th.it word, so that a line extended from ihe top of the O, to touch the top of the M would extend coo liderably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are narrow erand ekifer together than the reft of the bill The 1 and fin the word promile are not parallel, the yinclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed,the strokes of all the Letters are ft rouge r and the devii e in the margin particularly isuiuch coaifcr and appears darker than in the true bills. Some a bear date in l;9i—.Where as the Bank was not in operation till Decern.-. ber, and 110 five dollar bills were ifiued in that year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank as North ALL that have appeared have the letter B for their alphabetical mark. They are printed on a paper nearly fimilac to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes above described; the engraviug is better exe cuted, and they approach nearer to tne ap pearance of the genuine hills. The fine ruled lines through the word Twen ty, in the body of the bill, are in number thir teen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar B lis as defer ibed a. bove, the 0 being left than them, and others fallowing. Their is no stroke to the tin the word North whe eas in tile genuine bills the ltrokcis well defined. d—tf The let!ers ent in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do not come down to the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and ihej> go ing below them. The Siguature J Nijcon, has the appear, ante of bring written with larap-blaclc and oil, and differs from the other inks used in priming the biils and the calhier's lignature. It is supposed these forgeries were committed in feme of the Southern States, as all the coun terfeits thai have appeared, have come from thence, and two persons have been apprehend ed in Virginia, on suspicion of being the authors of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any Person or Perlons who shall discover and prolecute to convi&ion the feveial offenders of the following descriptions or any of them, viz. The person or pcrfons, who manufa&ured the paper on which the Bills are printed. The person or persons, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every person who has acted as a principal ifi any other way, in the counterfeiting and utter ing the. said Wills. THOMAS WILLING, Prefiler.t of the Bmk United States. JOHN NIXON, President of the Bank of North Ameica. By order of the' Committees of the Rrf. pe&ive Boards. Philadelphia* March 28. 1794. dtf Monday, March 31, 1794. Mordecai Lewis, In pipes, hogftieads and quarter casks, FOR SALE 9Y JOHN VAUGHAN, Fhie Hollar Bills of the Bank of the United States. America. AND WANTED AN APPRENTICE To the Printing Buiinefs, Enquire at' this. Office. The following article ij occajimedJiy an -Ad itertijhnent, of the keeper of the 'Museum in in which the public are in formed, that " a cOmpleat GuMvtine, ca pable of performing the part, d which it 1 was originally defignad in France and a wax figure, which frequently repcefcjits a nun beheaded"—are to be l'eea at tkat Repository of curiosities. From the (N.T.) Daily Advertijer. KEEPER of the GUILLOTINE; You have often taken occafiprt to re mind us of the dignity of your appoint ment, by the frequency of your publications these however, having generally been littlf* more than theavaricious dilplsv of. a catch pennyJhetvman, would have pa dec] without police ; but your late advertikinent, not to creep out of fight without antmad verilon. The additional ci.rioiity of 9 Guillotine which you have with equaljugj rnerit and generality, procured for th« di veitil'ement of the goot' people «f Nqw- YOl k,calls; for compensation very different from what yon ordinarily receive. Let ui however look at this new ground of your pretentions to public favor—let us fee what you Cay for yourfelf. J Tom Thumb, Elquire, prime virtuoso, and general, having long delighted in exhibi ting and deferring natural deformities, deleterious plants, venomous animals, See. npw offer to the view of my inquisitive countrymen that exquisite piece of u'irkmanftiip—that paragon or mechiap ism—that machine of never dying csfe brity—the; GUILLOTINE. Think no more brave friends of air guns, rattlesnakes, and scalping knives j these hide their dimini(he4 heads, and are scarce worthy of lying in the fame room in the pretence of this admirable pootfi vancc which yields Uj nothing of human ingenuity but to its glorious prototype m the Revolution Square qf pari:. Do not imagine gaJlan t citizens, that I mean to mqck your b"Pe?t on difaupoint your expectations by exhibiting this ailo nifhingcontrivance, painted on baby-cards, or cut out of pafte-bwd—Np, I fcom such childish amufemeut—l have it beau tifully erected, compofej_pf folui Jharf materials of full growth, perfectly fitjted and ready to perform the for which it was ORIGINALLY IN TENDED. Bra VP ! Bravo 1 Bravo I Vive la Guillotine. But to be serious—is itpofiible that the intelligent, the kind hearted citizens of can have arrived at fyclj a 4«? grec of indifference, as to read with pati ence, or view with composure, so sangui nary an instrument, advertised tQQ in lan guage so ofFenfive to common decency, fa ihocking to hnmanity ? What 1 this bloo dy weapon may It ufedand is how, ready to commence its bloody career in these peace ful regions ? Forbid it God of all mercy. Shall our real, our unfeigned love of liberty, unheedingly fecjHce us into an liaf ty approbation of every measure and rvtry means to which lefe favored nations have resorted, than were necessary in this en lightened country, for the eftahlifhrnent of rational liberty ? Shall we make familiar to our eyes ob jects of horror, that w« may banish from our heart*, those gentle emotions ; those endearing affections ; those reverential views of aoothef world, which give to life it-s highest, its most delightful rcli.'h, and without which we are no better tkan brutes. God forbid. But some will fay, i ftrrely the fight of a Guillotine net A not pccafion fucb gloemy re fieclkms. FeUow-CitisuWß.you are mlAcfcen *—a dangerous fprrit h?s crept in smpng us-r 'an inluiiou* fpir»:, vv!yr.h.j£ wdaaptvaiffc, faiei [Whole No. 553.] will overthrow us.—ks operation is guided by this principle. If I can pcrfuade the peo ple of Amerita, tP Approve heartily and openly of every species of means, for the accomplifljment of a papular end my; \voF,k is"half done. The between appro bation, and adoption, fiercely admits ofmea furement. I leave the good fenie of those who reflet, to fill up the commentary. HoVr cautious tuight the people of America to lie at tins awful period ! How diftreUing the idei that this prpfperpus, this independent land, so lately saved from the grasp of all devouring ambition, ijjay soon be plunged into all the horrors which at present are de flating with mighty strides, the old world ! My friends the present state of.fociety and manner* aipong us aflfotds. well grounded ar»- prchenfions that we are infenfibje of the bief lings whjclj we pofiefs, and in the moll imminent danger of losing them : When the moral lentiment is debased, or allowed such unbridled licence, as is everv where evidenced, it naturaHy weakens tile iegal power of the government, ahd givesi 6ipre%e of, decaying morality, or of po litical Uecad?nqe, ~ But why, you will fay, Keeper of curirji tief, all tljis fecmopwiog ?• D« not fret, ror flatter yourfelf that it is you. this paper comerinto the hands o£ojie reflc(st ing citizen,of ©ue true patriot, warmed with ,he iieal love of liiscQHntry.he will not disdain tQ reafl it, ajjd luch are the men with v/honi J wiih tpadbciate. Keeper of. Beaftt Ailicu. March 26. Frern the Gensrnl Advtrt 'ijer. The Legislature will dp n xerv popular a& by granting to Mr. Peale, tiie moder ate loan he cequefts. The general inters ft of science demands In all civilizcd countries aid and patronage, becaiil* it exalte mankind to the dignity and felicity of their donation. The cultivation of natural Mtory' is in this' country very important in many It brings to light our many treafi»res 19 animals* plants and .minerals ; fuggefling tfeareby new branches ps mauufecuues and commerce, which otliarvvife. may lie JoV mcnt for a long time. fylr. Ptale's le&ion of ores and fwfiils does already rais n't attention. What sums may we not faye is articles of copper and tin, (jucenV ware, &e, by exploring and improving the treasures we often tread upon ! The hair of wild animals, the featlfers of birds, the bones and, oil of fifties, are io fever ed countries employed ip divsrfc manufac tures"; for example, the strongest glue is made from the lk in of a species of by the Laplanders. The nffals of herr/ng are by a lat« improvement, converted into very valuable oil, by the Swedes. In Eng land and Germany a-great variety of eltt gant feathered muff's are rnnde. TL9 skins of Elks ve ip the north of Europe made intQ buff, so firm as to be a defenfive ar mour. The moral effe& ps a museum isr very fojiMerable, I appeal to all who have seep thi? sublime inferiptiou In that of Mr. Peale. " A(k the beasts, arid they- will tcjfch thee : and fowls of the air, ar\d they (hall tell thee, and the fifties of the sea (hall de ckrc un.ta thee. Who knoweth not in at] tbefe, that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this ? Jn whose hand is tbc fauj of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind." Job, XIJ. ?, 8, 9, 10, ysrfcs. Haw many thoafand pounds do w«, throw away upon foreign gewgaws! Let ladies and gentlemen who admire true ej?«- gance, yitw the Summer Duck, the hum-, raing bird, the fcavlet fparrtjvv, the Brati-, Han creeper, the gold finch, the poweefe, • the ruby crested wen, Bcc. they wilj be charmed at a very small expense. Numbers wiih with myfelf, that Jilr. Pealc, may have fiufficient encouragement to remain arooflg us. The removal of the museum would not only be feverety .felt h.y the votari-s of feience but also (iimim'fh tqat circulation of wealth winch arises from of liberal arts. A JLQVT.R qs Nature. 1 A WAN,