Philadelphia, Marclii, 1794. JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, No. xiß, Market Jireet, *JHE FIRST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography : jOR, A Geographical, Hiftoricai, and, Commercial Grammar-, Aiwi present state of the fevcral NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CONT AIN -I NC , l» figures, motions, and distances of the 'planets, acco ding to the Newtonian sys tem and the latest obferyations. 2- A .general yie.w of jt he earth, confide red as a planet; with several ufeful,geographical definitions and problems* 3. The grand divisions of the globe into land and continents and ifUnds. 4. Tiie Attrition and extent of empires, kingdorns, states, provinces and colonies. J- Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, productions, metals, minerals, natural curi osities, Teas, rivers, bays,capes, promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds und beads peculiar to'each country. 7. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed upon the face of na ture flnce the must ear;y periods of history. 8. The history and origin of nations; their forms of government, religion, laws, reve nues, taxes, naval ami military ftrengrti. 9 The genius, manneis, customs, and ha bits of the people. jo. Their language,learning,arts # sciences, manufactures, and commerce. 11. The thief cities, ftrufturesj. ruins, and artificial curjofities 12. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places fromPhiladelphir r i ■■ L —l J- J To which arefldded, 1. A Geogr apHi caL Index, with the names and placei alp'iabetically arranged. 2. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and cents. j. A Chronological TABtEof remarkable events,, flora the creation to the present time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Efy. The AftronociicaJ Part by - D'. RittenhoWSE. ' - To which have been added, The,late DiscoyEMjis ofD r - Herschell, and other eminent Astronomeks. T ie FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrcfted, ImP r °ved, and greatly Enlarged. The firft voiurae contains twenty-one Maps and Charts, besides two Astronomical Plates, i 4 Map of the world. 2. Chart of the world. 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6. South - America- 7. Cook's difco'veries. 8. Coun tries round the north Pole. 9* Sweden, Den mark, and Norway. iQ. Seven United Pro vinces. 11 Auftrjan, French and Dutch Ne therlands. 12- Germany. is. Seat of war in France. 14. France divided intodepart me ts. 15. Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, *nd Sardinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. l 8 Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19 Ire land. Weft-Indies, ji. Vermont. 22. Ar- sphere. 23. Copemican system. With the second volgrae, which is now in the press, w.ll be given Jhe following Maps : t. Rulfia in Europe and Alia. 2. Scotland. J. England and Wales. 4. Potanid. 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. •j. United States. 8. Britilh America. 9. State of New-Hampftiire. 10. Btate of MaffachuHetts. It. State of Connecticut. 12. State of Rhode Island. 13. State of New-York. 14. State of New-jerfey. sy. State of Pepnfylvania. >6. State of Delaware. j7. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. 23 State of North-Carolina. Sti. Tennessee Government. 22. State of South-Carolina. 23. State of Georgia. TERMS. j. This work will be comprised in two vo lume 1 !. 2. Subscribers pay far the present volume on fix dollars, and the price of bind ing, (j(> cents for board:.) 3. They may receive the succeeding volume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar ter dollar each, or else, when finished, at 'the fame price as the firft. 4. The fubfeription wil be raised on the firft day ot June 1794. to fourteen dollars, ex clusive of binding. j; Should any copies remain for sale after the completion of the work, they will be fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of binding. 6. Tlie names of the fubferibers will be pub lifh'd as patrons ot American literature, arts, and sciences. It is wholly unneceflary to expatiate on the American readers, that this edi tion polfe're*, -iver every imported edition of aiyfyften >f Geog aphy extant. The atldit tio o maps of ihe several ftr.te , procured a a ve y g--eat exprnfe, and frcjin the belt mal teiials that are speaks fucti ful conviction on this fnbjedl, that it would be difrefpeft to the reader's underftandng to fnopofe it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its superiority. In no similar work have such maps bsenever intro duced. The emendations and additions which are made in this work, are innumerable, and occur in every page. The .public are referred to the preface for a flight Iketch of a few of them. The publiflier takes the present opportu nity of returning his jnoft fmcere thanks to those refpodtable chara&ers who. have favored ; him with documents i'or improving the maps of several of the states. He requests a conti nuance of their kindness ; and hopes that such public spirited citizens, are poflelTed of si milar documents, will favor him with their afliftance in perfecting his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement with which he Jias been favored, has excited in his breast the warmest sentiments of grati tude—sentiments which time will not efface, fie pledges himfelf .to the citizens ol" the United States, to fpar-e neither pains nor ex penfe to render the .pfefent-edition of Guthrie's Geography improved, deserving of their pa tronage. waftf Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-itreet, New-York. TH>Esubfcriber intending to confint himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE &SALLof STOCKS on COMMISSION, b< gs leave to of fer his Cervices to his friends and others, in the line o*f a Stock Bfokrr. Those -who may please to favor htm with their bu fine Is, may d< pend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other partof the United States, will be ftri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf NORRIS- COURT, Back of the New Lijr vy, between Cliefnut and Waliu 1-Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFULLYi nforros hk friends and the pi&lic in general, that he continues carrying on the of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likowife, JAPANNED PL A.TES, tor d on or wi idow-(hutters,donl in tne most elegant manner, and with difpafth. Orders t'roin the country will be thankfully received, and duly attended to- December 39, drf PROPOSALS TOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A Ground Plan or TH* City Philadelphia, AND ITS ENVIRONS: Taken from a539 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Lalt drawn number, 2,000 38.000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266.000 Tne draw ng will commence, under the m fpittion of a Committee of the supenuiendams, as loon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Hardenberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, ot Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample fecunty for discharging the trust reposed in them. (£3"' I n order id iecure the punctual payment of the Prizes, the Supenntendantsof the Lottery have dire£led that the Managers ihall each enter into bondsin 40,000 dollais, with sous iufficient securities, to perform their iniliuctions, the lub- Uance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (hall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, he (hall imrndiately place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the ciedii «t the Governor of the Society, and such of the.Superiniendants as live in the cay where the monies arc placed, to remain there until the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prize*. H. The Managers to take Sufficient lecunty for any Tickets they may trust, otrterwife to be refpouiible for them. HI. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the bank, ab ftra£U of which (hall be lent, monthly, to tire Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gentle, men, information will be given where tickets may be had. In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peteriburg in Ruflia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN't DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 12, Walnut-street. diwjtiwtf m&thtf M.Carey,No. 118,High-Jlreet, The PROMPTER; Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, tuhich are full of Common Sense, the bejl sense in the world. THIS lirtle book is written in a stile altogether novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as well as to all claflVs of people, merchants, me. chauics and farmers. Such a reputation has this work acquired, that it has passed thro three im prcflionsin the eastern dates, and many houie holders deem it so ufeful as to purchase a copy tor every adolt in their families. Price 2s. February 4. dil JH. FAUCHET. TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible Pituation, —also a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres ot' land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the H'llfe is not exceeded by many in the vicinity of the city, in size or convenitnce. For terms apply to the printer. January 23, S C H E M E: i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 10,000 10,000 1 8 6 10 5,000 2, 000 I,oo© 500 100 50 20 12 SO 20 100 300 1000 SOOO 3000 8100 February 24. Just Imported, March 4,1794. JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR MALE BY Excellent CLARET, In hog P. cads and in cases of bottles each. a l, so, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, FOR SALE BV No. m, South Front lireet. Jan. 2, 1794. SOLD BY Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Street : THE History of New.Hanipftme, frojn the Discovery otthe River Pifc\ataqua—by Je remiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vols. Pi ice in Boards, 4 I 2 Dolldis. The Forrefter,. an American Fable, being a Sequel to the History of John Bull the Clothier. Prcc, 75 Cents. A Dilcotjrfe, intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Chrirtopher Colum bus; delivered at the requoft ol the Hiftorica4- Society in Maflachuletts, October 23d, 1792,. being the completion of the Thud Centuiy, since that memorable event. To which are added. Four Donations, co»iießcd with the. fubjeft—By the fame author. Price, 50 Cents. March 17. tuth& r ow Advertisement. Wl LL be expoftd to public sale, on Se venth cay the 29th of tiiis inflant, at the late dwelling house »f Richard Cheyney, deeeaf: a plantation,fiiuate in the Township of Thornbury In the county of Delaware, ana lying on Chester creek, containing 80 acres, 15 of which are good watered n-eadow, and more may be made at a I'msllexpence, abont 25 acres of wood land, and the remainder is good fertile land well supplied with water. There are on the premile",a good flone dwelling House and kitchen, an excellent garden, an orchard of 2 J good bearing trees a good barn cellai'd under, a saw mill, and an excellent Teat for a grift ar merchant mill with a fufficiency of water. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 io t ooo 15-,000 20,000 30,000 36,000 Si.coo 262,000 Likewise a tradt of wood land pjoinlng the above—-Immediate poffeifion will be given to the purchaler—The sale to begin at 2 o'clock on Paid day. wher« attendance will be given, and conditions made known by JOHN CHEYNEY, ?„ WILLIAM CHEYNEY, March, 19 d4t. tor Sale by the Sabfcribers, Muscovado Sugar in hhds. &üb«i. Hvfon and Souchong Teas. Sherry Wines, of superior quality, m pipes and quarter calks. Spanish Indigo. t Bolton Beef, in barrels. And a fm&ll invoice oF Muslins; NALBRO' & JOHN FRAZIER, No. 164, South Front-street. fmw4w March 8, STATE or SOUTH-CAROLINA. In the Huufe of Representatives, December 21ft, 1793. WHEREAS the Co mmiflioners of public Accounts, have reported, that they can not proceed 10 the ui e(ligation of the Treasury Accounts, refpr&ing special Indents, without knowing the ouiftanding amount thereof in cir culation Therefore, Rcfolvcdy That all holders of special Indents be dtrc&ed, and required, on or before ibe firft day of November 11. xt f to deliver the special In dents in their poffefiion to one or other of the Commiffiontrs of the Treasury, who are to grvfe receipt* for the and t« repvrc to tbeCom miflioners on public accou-nts, on or before the tenth day of November next, the amount by them refpefclively received, and also 10 the Le gJflature, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indent* not rendered into the Treasury as above, on or before the firft day of November next, Ihall be, and the fame are heieUv barred. m&rif. Rcfolvcd, That public notice of this resolution be given in the (cveral Gizettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the firft day of November next. And that ihe Delegates of this State in tlie Congress of ihe United Stales, be re quelled 10 cause this rdoiution to be publi(hc4 in one or mo«e pipers in the cities of Philadel phia and New-York, and that provifinn will be made for the expencet attending such publica tion. Ordtrtiy That the resolution be sent to the .Senate for their concurrence. By order tvs the Hovfe, J OHM SANFORD DART, C. H. R. In the SENJTEj December 21(1,1793. Rtfolvcd, Thar this House do concur wiih iKe Houle ot Representatives in the foregoing refo- lul ions, Ordered, That the resolutions be sent to thfc Houtc of Reprclentatives. cwtNov INFORMATION Is Requested By the Editor, of a Mr. William Kilton, a( Brick Layer, who went from New.England and was at Philadelphia lit Aiiguft, 5?93» since which time nothing has been heard of him—Great relics* will be afforded to his aged parent) and friends, by any intelligence coft tef.-iing him—as tley are fearful that he has fallen in the late general calamity. March 22 PHILADELPHIA : Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, raith—tf JOHN VAUGHAN, tely Publiftied. by order of the Senate, FELIX WAR-LEY, Clerk. South Fourth-Street, I dtf