©iinttr of *.l)r UttiM) Jpfafes EVENING ADVERTISE [No. 88 of Vol. V.] For Sale or Charter, he , John Moore, Majier. IS a stout good veflel, about two years old, burthen 232 tons, has only made three voy ages, and may be sent to sea at a small ex pence. She may be seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made krtown by application to WHARTON & LEWIS. March 2i The American BURTHEN 700 barrets, with her tackle and apparel a» the came from sea, She is a flaunch veflel, not two years old, and maybe put to sea immediately. For tern® apply to GARDINER isf OLDEN, Arch Street wharf, Who have for sale, Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual, a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few caiks Timothy Seed—alio Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron cait ings, in any form executed on the Diorteft notice. March For Bojl on, DOLPHIN, William Nichols, Master: WILL Sail in about eight days; for freight or paifage apply to the Captain on board at Hotige's Wharf, betwen Arch and Race- S RUMFORD Vf ABIJAH DAl'/ES. 3d Mon« , ( ' — Bojion, For CIIRL. THE BRIC & Harriot, Jo/tab Bernard, Majler. WILL fail the 25th inft. has good accommo dations. For freight or paHage, apply to the Captain on board ot Mr. Sims's wharf, or to JOSEPH 4NTHONT & SON. March tj. d' 2 5 For Amsterdam, The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP M ADRIAN A, K. Fitzpatrick, Master. BUILT cf live cak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafiage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Walnut street wharf, or to THGS. & JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Passengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794. dtf Just Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amllerdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A few bales Holland Duck, Ditto Oznaburgs f Holland Sheeting, yuniper Berries, Glass Ware, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va rious Jtzes. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Irony are and flat bars♦ Hair Ribband, No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, 4 quantity of Junk and Oakum, &c.&c. THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— (houldapplication be made within a few days ; otherwise Jhe will take freight for Amjler- dam. March I, 1794. This Gazette Jhallbe enlarged, as it receives encouragement—The Subscription encreafes daily—Advertising Favors are foliated —These conflitute an ejfential Item ji d'm imjh 'mg the Debit Jidc of the Account. IMPORTED In the Brig George and Harriot, from Jiavre de Grace, AND FOR. SALE BY Louis Ofmont, A PERFECT Assortment of Hanging Paper, high coloured and plain. White silk Stockings, high drefftd and pUfc up Englilh tafhion. The handsomest artificial Flowers and Fea thers. Some Looking Glass Plaies to be fold by th« cafe. A fe f w hampers of Cbampaigne \rne, fix years old. An elegant parcel of Bearskin MuiTs, And very beautiful Silk Cloaks, which on account of the season will be fold low, and at a long credit. 42 pipes Madeira wine, and a few cafk< of Claret. A Quantity of Hamburgh Demijohns. In a few Days, He twill have for fale y A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF *diot White and Black Laces, Leghorn hats, fans and cambricks, claret in cafe«, a quantity of window glais well sort ed of all lizes, and a tew pair of remarkable Looking Glafles framed, all arrived at Nor folk. now cominz round. _ ' 0 j.r March 22. INFORMATION Is Requested By the Edi'or, of a Mr. William Kilton, a Brick Layer, \rho went from New-England> and was at Philadelphia Ift Augoil, i 793' lince which time nothing has been heard o* him—Great relief will be afforded to his aged parents and friends, by any intelligence con cerning him—as they are fearful*that he has fallen in the late general calamity. March 22. WHEKLAS an alijs fubpcena oas ifiued out of the Supreme Court of this Com monwealth! at the suit of Eva ns, upon a petition preferred by tfre (aid Marc a. r et, praying for a Divorce frorti the bonds o- Mdtrimony,entered into with Robert Ev ANsf Thtsjs to gift- notice to the said Robrrt, that he be and appear at the said Supreme Court, to be held at the City of Philadelphia on Monday thefeventh day of April next, at the State-House in the said City, to answer the matters ailedged in the said petition. 5 , 1794. To Robert tvans. STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA. In the House of Representatives, D&ChMBER 2111,1793. WHEREAS the Commifiioners of public Accounts, hdve reported, that they can not proceed to the mvf(ligation ol the Treasury Accounts, refpe&ing special Indents, without knowing the outstanding amount thereof in cir culation Therefore, Resolved, That all holders of special Indents be dtre&ed, and required, on or before the firft day of November next, to deliver the special In dents in their poffeflion 10 one or other of the Cotnmiilioners of the Treasury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report to theCom mi(Goners on public accounts, on or before the tenth day of November next, the amount by thero refpeftively received, and also to the Le giflaturc, at their meeting in November next, an d that all special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above, on or before the firft day of November next, lhail be, and the fame are heieby barred. Rcjolved, That public notice of this resolution be given in the several Gazettes m this State, once every three weeks, un:il the firft day ot November next. And that the Delegates of this State in the Congress of the United States, be re quested to cause this rciolution to be published in one or morp papers in the cities of Philadel. phia and Newt York, and that provifton will be made for the expenccs attending such publica tion. Ordcrcdy That the resolution be feat to the •Seuate for their concurrencc. By order of the House, JOHN SAN FORD DART, C.H.R, In the SENATE, . d—tf Rcjolvtd, That this House do concur with the Houle of Rcprefentativcs in the foregoing refo- lutions. Ordered, That the rcfolutions be lent to the House of Rcprefentativcs. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY, Clerk. cwtNoi . N D Tuesday, March 25, 1794. ALSO, likewise Wm. chapman, Sheriff of Bucks County, *ia w^w December *ift, 1793. scheme of a Lottery, To raise 3 <$,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery ronfijls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanis to a Prize. THE Dire&ors of the Society for eftab'iifhing Ufeful Manufafclures, having resolved to erect LOTTERIES tor raiting One Hundred Thousand Dol lars, agreeably to an A6t of the Legislature of the $k-»te of New-Jeifey, have appointed the following persons to superintend and direst the drawing ot the fame, viz. Nicho las Low, Rufus King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson, Richard Harrifon, A'bijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New.York— Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'Con ncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Phila delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Dayton, Jam< s Pirker, John Bayard, Do&or Lewis Doiiham, Samu I W, Stockton, Joshua M. Waltace, joseph Uloomfuld, and Elitha Boudinot, of N w-Jer fey, who offer the following Scheme of a Lot tery, and pledge themselves to the public, that they will take every affur-ince and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, from time to time, as received, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpofeof paying Pnzars is 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1 2 ' 5 IO 20 » r,r\ 1,000 500 100 50 20 12 IO ICQ 1000 gooo 3000 8100 14.139 Prizes. 26ft,000 "SflifOx Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Lattdrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the in fpeftion of a Committee of the Superintendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cummmg, of Newark, Jacou R. HardenbeTg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample fecuiity for d'feharging the trust reposed in them. {£3?" In order to fecurethe punftu 1 payment of the Prizes, the Superintendantsof the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers (hall each enier into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fuffioent fecuritics, to perform their inftiu&ioas, the lub- Itance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (hall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, he shall imnidiately place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, 10 the ciedit of the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superin.endants as live in the city wht re the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient lecurity for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be rcfpounblc for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold* Monies received and paid into the Bank, ab lba&sof which (Hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gentle, men, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. TO BE SOLD, Agreeably to the last Will of DEBORAH MORRIS, deceased, The House N°. 245, AND Lot of Ground On which it stands, wherein James Biddle now lives, on the north fide of Market- ft reel, near Sixth-street. THE House being 18 feet 10 inches in Front on Market-street, and the Lot Ix 7 feet deep. The whole will be fold fttb* jeci to a ground rent of twelve pounds per annum, payable to the contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, and their successors forever. For terms apply to SamuelCoatbs, Jonathan Jonf«, Anthost MOKKIS> Samuel POWELL G*IFJ>ITHJ, Surviving Bzccutors of Dcbonh Morru, dec'd. •top >w March i, 1J94- [Whole No. For tht Gazette of tht UmitedStatEi. MR. FES»no, I confefs I have been a good deal sur prised to find in ibolt every circle where the couverfatipn happened to turn upon politics, that the people were generally ignorant of our having exceeded our trea ty with the French, in permitting the iale of prizes in our ports —and they have started with fui prize at the aflertiorf. this is a proof how necessary it is that government fhonld ufe«very means to en lighten the citizens at such an important teafon, and (hews the absolute necessity of adopting fame plan of education for the lower classes of the people, who are al ways liable to be milled by designing knaves. Let our public meetings (inch as the state-house yard on Fuefaay last*) and the gallery in thfe play-house, speak more fully the claims of the people upou this head, and even the gallery in congrefi on a recent oceafion. The very existence of a Republic depends upon the vii tue of the people. Who would hot rejoice to fee Congress occupied (if the constitution has delegated to them the power) upon so grand a work ? And if it h:;s not, f.ich power might probably be obtained upon a representation to the different States from that body, who must have seen eiough in this place, during their resi dence this fellion, to convince them of the 10,000 io,oco 10,000 10,000 neceflity of it. 'At a future opportunity I promise to give you the outlines of a plan which I have long contemplated, if you will give it a corner in your paper ; and I hope to live to fee Gongrefe enga ged in prosecuting so neceiTary a mes* iure. 10,000 10,000 J 5,000 20,000 •go, 000 36,000 Bi,ooo To return to the fubjeft—The lan guage of a great part of our citizens up on the late proceedings of the Briufh, runs thus, " They have fitft interrupted our trade to France in the carriage of such articles as were not decreed contra band, contrary to the pra&ice of all for mer wars—and now they have underta ken to fay, that we (hall not trade at all with the French Colonies, and have pirat ically seized our veffcls without giving us the lead notice of their intentions,