Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 24, 1794, Image 4

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An Eflay on Slavery:
t-o <-x.nt>»i in •» new point of view,
mx-itt+Ui iaUufiry, aiwl <hc of
u< <*c&
■Uw i« be flwh. <m *r?
p'-m-Hrx ttem
>wc*l«; *nd happ'
orjuv tu>»ts iHcrir own
;f rrcffri- 1 . r'-nclv-ljufv, that
&<• r; v * ' '«■ " 1
C .01:
Pi. » c t Sj,
,J*-V 3X
fj. A T ££, Uc
IX)cv: in Ac moil eltganc nuuaner, and after
the licit mailers ; likewise,
f ire Buckets
PzTnrcr 5 sns fiaiflvfd *t t:ic flaorwli ictlce, by
la Harris's Conn, back of the New Library,
■Cbefmic and Walnut*
Focrtii and Fiftli &necu.
March 4.
Brokers Office,
s£. "VWi-ihet:, N « w-Y «"» k x.
Nt. .-ki U'vr tnt» -n<: ..i-o i.. t<uihji< hr«nfe!l
JL rai r- V v. the Pt-KCHASfc fcSALKcr
}»tX3Clvs <"<** COMMISSION, .'• gs lf<»vc toot
I r iiis •>•»•!-»«■-it, r-» un. iric/:dj d/tfi oihers, in tbc
o Si">ck Br<»fc»*r. Their w'fso nuy olrafr
to S.var 4'.«ro wwh th.'ir bwfmcls, <w.«y dprn4
upo* im*. •<■'? t ttani.i&e* wiiti {he Uiincft fid<-
Oidtffc "liom ipfcia, Soften, or any
(he iJoited Siaiej, "be flriffcly
*wo»<3r<i to. LEONARD BLIECK£R.'
m&i taf
Hick. «f tne New between Ci.efnut
and Waim Streets.
George Rutter,
nfornw his friends and
thd jitfUic 10 general, that he continues
1i( r y»TS 01 'lufincfs of*
Sign and Fire-Bncket Painting,
f>. il.Hiiioc umdow-lhvJttersjdonft in themoil
manner and wjth dispatch.
o:de ••slrom tmj .My M-jJI be thankfully
tct:c-.v<.6, dwy artejv.'ec to.
Deci'ikbcr 3(., dtf
In the Kame of the French
Frenchman is forbid to violate
-t-u the Neutrality of the United States.
AU comniifficm or authoiizations tending to
iuh-ingt that neutrality, are revoked, and are
to be returned to the Agents of the French
Hiltadeljihii, Ventofc 16th, second year of
the Fre ch Republic, one and ind»vifible
(March &.U, 1794, o.».)
The Mimfier Plenipotentiary cf theFrcncli
The Editors of newlpapers within the
U.iUtd States, are requefled to republic the
foregoing notice. d
A Ground Plan
City Philadelphia,
Taken from a&ual survey, by A. P. Folie,
Geographer, from St. Dommgo.
THI.S F an vx til be 1 iig a vcu 011 a plate 26
inches fqu-nc ; aud u will contain an cx
ait defcuptiou of all the fquarcs, fleets and
alleys in the Cuv and l.ib< rues. The fituatiott
of the ft ver«l publir bui.ding*, such a* the State-
House, Citv-HaU, S«*at of Congrcfs, Churches,
Mceting-Houfes, Hospital, Library and Semina
>ie« of Learning— of the feverai Banks, and of
the Fi-cictal State Offices, will be ffccrtaincd.
The parts wh<ch a«e Wuth on will be d ftingu>(li
ed from those that are not. The couri. sot the
rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and
as much of the Canal, intended to connect the
navigation of these two water;, as lies within
the compass of the draught, will be accurately
delineated. It will also be ornamented by a
view of the (hipping in the haibor, anil an ele
vation of Congrefv-Hall, and of the other public
buildings that occupy the g'ound contiguous.
In (hurt, nothing will he omined to render thi*
us f ill and deftrahle work acceptable to an en
lighten' d public, that is in the author's power :
and it (hll be compleated with the grcated
pofliolr ciifpatch, as soon as the generous encon
ragrment of fubfenhru (hall insure to the author
such a iuin as will be fufficictit to defray ex
A Pamphlet will be delivered with each
Plan, which will contain an alphabetical lift of
the jkubfcribers names, and information con
cerning the police, population and prcient state
of the city.
The nrtcc to fuhfcribrrt will be Two Dollars
»nd one third, to be paid at the time of deliver,
ing the Plant.
Subfci lotions will be gratefully received at
the principal Book'ellera .u this ritv—and the
o»'g.i»a! Draft may be fcen at B. Daviis',
N'*. 68, at any tune until it (hall
be r- haodaol (
Jaft Imported,
la lie si*ip Capt. from
St- Peteiiburg in Ruilui,
Aad bow laaiinj at South-ftieet Wlurf, viz.
HOCs bristles.
John D:nnaldfon y
Jfro, 2i, WalnHt-ftrect.
as she
Maxell r,, 1794.
M. Carey, No. 118, High-Jireet,
Subjects, which -are full of Common
Ssnir, the btjlfzr.fc in ihe wsrld,
TH IS liule book. >6 wi uic« in a stile altogether
«ovel, and is adapted to all capacities, a*
well as to a4i daffc.*-of people, merchans, mc
cr.*nic6 and farmers. Such a reputation this
vmk th«it it has pallet th>o three im
prcflions in the raitern dates, and many houie-
it fn uCclul as to puichafe a copy
for every adult in theii families. ■ Pa ice «s.
Fe>bi«ary 4. <lit
War Department.
January 3 of A 1794.
INFORMATION is he»eo\ given to . u the
military invalids of the United Siates,thrft the
fu:nt to which thrv are entitled for fix mouths
of their annual pennon, from the tout!h day of
September *793, and which will become due
on Ihe $ih day of \hirch 1794, will hr p*ni on
thefaidday by tbXßommilfioiieiS of. the Loans
within the ltdtcs relp<&«vely, under the wficud re-
Applications of excciarors and admin'rfiraiors
must accompawud with irgdl i-vidence of
thnr Ttfpi&roe offices* awd alio of the time the
invalids <Jied v wfeufe petition they may claim.
By com ma na <»f tfuPaud ot
of the United S'a :
Ssactary oj IVor.
The printer* in <he ieipctt»vc fta cs arp
trqaeftcd (ofwbhfik the above iu their newspa
pers for the fpacc ot iwo moi ths.
januaty 30.
George Bringhurft,
In Mu'berry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying-
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employe*s,
a d requ.?fting tbeir iuture favors, as well as
those of the public in general.
He continues to make and repair at the
fh nteft notice, a!] kinds of pleasure carriages,
such as coache*, chariots, phsetons with and
without crane necks, coachees, chaises, kitte
rjens, windsor fulkeys and chaii s, and harness
of every description, in the neateli and newest
fafhion now prevailing in the United States.
And as he has a quantity of the best leafoned
wood by him, ard capital workraro, he has
not the least doubt but he will be able to give
fatisfaftion to those whopleafe td employ him
He has far sale, several carriages alinoft
si lifhed, such as coachees, an Italian wirdfor
chair, hung on steel springs, a lig! t phaeton for
onj or two borles, and a lulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commission.
PHI tdct.-lii-, lan. 6, 1794
In one handsome volume, 12m
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Second
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on the
Duties which it impoks.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by the
Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
C arretted and Enlarged.
Profeflor of Moral Philosophy, and tie Law
ot Nature, and of Eccleliattical History ;
and Minister of the English Chut en at U
Aliquid semper ad communtm utilitatein af
ferendnm. Cicsro.
The Firjl American Edition.
THE grand principle of Equality, if right
ly under It ood, is the oniy basis on which
universal justice, sacred order, and perfect
freedom, can be firmly built, and permanent
1 y secured. The vewof it exhibited in this
eflay, at the fame time that it reprefTes the
insolence of office, the tyranny of pride, and
the outrages of oppreflion ; confirm*, in the
most forcible manner, the necessity of subor
dination, and the joft demands of lawful au
thority. So far indeed, from loosening the
bands of society, that it maintains inviolate,
every natural and every civil diftin&iyn,
draws more clo r ely every foeial tie, unites in
one harmonious and juflly proportioned sys
tem, and brings men together on the even
ground of the inherent rights of human na
ture, of reciprocal obligation, and of a com
mon relation to the community.
March iB. eodiwtu&ftf
Jult Publtfhed,
D. D.
One Hundred Dollars,
IS hereby off red by the Prefideoi and Diiec
tots <»t the Bank of the United States, to any
person who JhdlJ, on or belote the fiiit day of
May or*?, produce to them such a plan and e!e-
Vd ion ot a Backing Houfr, as lYiall be approved
of by them.-——A plain, yet hand'.ome troiu is
desired : The whole building is 10 be fubitaiaudi
and commodious with as much space around it,
as ifor file «*f the ground will admit.
The Lot on which the building is to be erod
ed, is lit lifted on the weft fide ot Third ilreet,
i>ci ween .Chefdut and Walnut ft,eets in Philadel
phia 4 and its demrnfions are 1 Io (eel on Third
ilreet, and about 100 fret weft ward*
JuJi Imported,
From London, Dublin, and Glasgow,
And now opening for sale,
No. 118, Marletjlreet t
A Large a d Valuable
Among wiucii are the t'olJovving
NE'.V Annual Kegilter for I 792
European Magazine for the firft fix
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of rhe Manchester foeiety, 3 vois. on matter and spirit
on christianity
Difivey's life of Dr. jortln
K'mgvilJe's ancient geography
D'Anoirs of Guy Joli
Memty.a collection of eilays
Varieof Prufiia's works
Calm oblervei—by Mackintosh
Kuflell's ancient and modern Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch'
Elegant extra&s, fnperbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural h itory
Saugnier and Bnifon's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madas»afcar
Townfend's travels in Spain
TaftVs Jeiufalein tiel-vered
Sine'l ie*«i translation of Buifon
Berwick's hirtot y of quadrupeds
Buffon abridged
HiJftory of b i ds
Philips's hlftory of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of F r ance, in 3 vols.
Curiwfities of literature, 3 vol".
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan'* dictionary. 2 vols.
Dow's hiftnry of Hindollan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to polite literature.
I mlay's dc'lcription of Kentucky
Piclent (late of Nova-Scotta
Present state of Hud lon's Bay
Preston on inafonry
Lavater on phyfK»;nomy> abnd*ed
Zimmerman's Purvey
Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson
N-'cker on executive power
Kilfes of Secur.dus
Gallery of portraits
Volney's ruins ofempires
Vaillaint's travels, with i'uperb engravings
Downman's infancy
Adair's history ol American Indians
B'lnington on materialifni and iinma'erialifni
Be-chold's advice to patriotic travelleis
Builder's magazine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life of Voltaire
De Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
G ozier's description ot China
Murohy's translation of 1 acitus
Godwin on political juttice
Gazetteer of France, 3 vo ' s *
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's fketciies of the history ot man
Lib ral opinion*, or the history oi Benignus
Mawe's gardener's di£tiona<y
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Playlmufe dt&iouary
Reveries of solitude
Sirtith'* theory of moral sentiments
Stackhoufe's history of tiie bibie
Watson's life of Philip lid. &: Jlld.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Wanfey's wonders of the little world, called
Price 5s
Wail s on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in Fiance
Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflia,Poland,&c.
Cox's travels into Switzeijaud
Rabant's history of the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to ftinales
Hamilton's outlines of the pra&icc of mid-
Manning's practice of physic
Cleghv»rn'» diseases of Minorca
Innes on Che mulcies
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Qnincy's d fpeu/atpry
Edinburgh diJpenfatory
Lewis's difpeniatory
Ryan on the aftlnna
llobertfon's treatise 011 fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on difeates of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Matei ia Medica
Fordyce on dig? (lion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on toe diseases of heat
Monro on dileaies of armies
Haller's phyliologv
Spalanzane's dilfertatinns
London practice of phytic
Uell's surgery
Chapta/s cheuiiiiry.
For Sale by tht Subfcwibers,
MUSCOVADO Sugar in iiiwik.&iyfadL
Hyson and Souchong Teas-
Sherry Wines, of fupcriur on j£ip«
and quarter calks.
Spanish Indigo.
Boston Beef, in barrels.
And a small invoice of MnfEsa-
No. 1 Soucb EnroHtftiioek.
■March $.
Lately Publi&sd.
Thomas Dobfon,
No. 41, South Secokh-Ssheet:
THfc HiJiory of New-Ha infinite, Itcmr iifee
Discovery of the River Pifra-uqa* by J&.
rtmiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vol*. Pmtce m»
4 1 2 D >ib r «.
The Foirrftcr, an America* Ssc-fflg a
Sequel to the Hiiiory of John Bull the Cxnlncr.
Prce, 75 Cents.
A D icourfe, irwendid to cwiuwMwntc ifce
Dilcovcry oi America by C«Ho«b.
bus; delivered ai i l»e t> qmft <»f the HblfczMical
Society in Maffdchufeus O&tfker *38, >79**
being the complewm of ihe Thud Cnwu't,
since thai memorable event. T<® which arc
Fi'ur Di(V rtatioiu., comcfifed wa'faihe
fubj{ft—By the faine author. Pt»Oe, 50 Cna.
_M*ich '7-
'Jo be Sold at Public Vendue y
On Friday the I tthday of April next,
at the house of John Tbamfen, in Perth-
Amb oy,
The Proprietary House
THE Lot contains eleven acies # on which i»
an orchard of grafted apple t«cts, a well of
excellent water, a large ftonc c ftrrn, and a vety
commodious liable and coach-houfr, and a great
quantity of the heft building tt mcs »n the walls
of the house, which was foimerly built lor the
residence of the Governors of N< w-Jo fey. The
< t ion of this Lot i> f > well known lor 11$
heaithtneft and hja.uiiful profpeft of «he Ran cm
rivet to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Ho kto
the C/tft, that a turiher dcfc.iption i> unn< c> ff-»ry.
The conditions of falc will be , one thud ol the
purchase money to be paid on the firft day of
May n< xt, when a good and foffieinv D ed will
be given to th purchaser, by Waltbr Ku.
t her surd, F.fq. Piifideut of the Boa»d of
Proprietors ol the Eastern Divi&.m of N\w-
Jr.fev, «"0 the remaining two faiisU&o
rtly feeured in tonal annual |>a\ men j,
By ordct of chr Board,
Perth-Anbo\. Fehrvarx 5 >704 2^v.2m
Excellent CLARET,
In and in calcs ol 50 Panics each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine;
In pipck, iio^lhrads and quaitcr casks,
No, in, Fruui ltrcci,
Jan. 2, 1794.
Henry R„pe State of Maryland.
v ' s High Coui t of Chancery,
Benjamin Gaither > March sth. 1794.
and \
Basil Gaither
The Complainant dates
in his b II that the defendants Benjamin Gai
tiier and Bad! Gaither were fetzed in fee as
tenants in common of a tract of land in Fre
d.* ick County, called Hammond's Strife
that so seised, Basil executed a power
of attorney to Benjamin authorizing him to
fejl his, the said Basil's intcrefl in t!.e fa d
land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold
the laid land toa ce l tain William Ga"her for
the confidetation <o£{jpc hundred pouud«which
hath been since paid, that the ("aid William
hath ailigned to the Complainant Henry Rape
the bond executed by the said Bei jamin for
the conveyance <»ft ie fa d land : The Com
plainant now further states (fcrd so appeals
to the Chancellor) that the defendants are
non-residents of the tlate of Maryland, and
herefore out of the reach of the p. otef* of
this coui t.
It is therefore adjudged aad ordered, that
the Complainant procure a copy of this or
der to be infer ted in the new (paper of Angejl
a id Sul ivan, and m the United States Gazet;e
at least three weeks successively, before the
tw«4iti< th day of May next ; to the intent
lhac the Defendants at d all other-,, who may
conceive themselves intereftt-d in tlie p rem if*
es, may have notice to appear in this court,
on or before the thiid September
next, to (hew cau'e wherefore a decree (hould
not pal's for v.ftmg in the Complainant a Com
plete title to the land aforefaid.
Reg. Cur. Con,
March 18
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible (ituation,—alfo a Country Seat
wnhto 6 milv s of the City, wi>h 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of Jand and tneadow, the
Houle is u«t exceeded by many in the vic:nity
January 23,
r.;&th— tt