Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 24, 1794, Image 1

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    of tbe fflitifefc JjMafe
[No. 87 of Vol. V.]
For Amsterdam,
The new fact-failing, copper
bottomed SHIP
Fitzpatrick, Matter.
BUILT of live oak and cedar and wai in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will *' th
all convenient speed. For freight or passage,
having excellent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut street wharf, orto
N. B. Fallen gers will be landed in tng-
land if required.
March 6, i7<
The American
BURTHEN 700 barrels, with her tack
and apparel asfhccwne from sea, a
flaunch veflel, not two years old, a " d ma >
put to lea immediately, l'or ten PP >
Arch Street whart>
Who have for fak,
Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual,
, quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few
calks Timothy Seed —alio n
Pig and Bar Irofa, and Iron cait
ings, in any form executed on the
ihorteft notice.
March 14
For Sale or Charter,
burihen 232 t<i»s '«» only made thre y
March 2
For Bojlon,
' William Nichols, Matter :
WILL Sail in about eight day*; tortreigit
or paifase a|>pW to the Ca»ta,n
Hodge's Wlia.f, betwen Arch and Rjce
3d Mon. i 4» ] 794- —
George & Harriott
y- V Jofiah Bernard, MaJler.
WILL fail the 25th inft. has good accommo
daiions. For freight or palTagr, apply to the
Captain on board ot Mr. Sim*'& wharf, o? 10
March 17. d'*s
Respectfully informs his friends and
the public, That from the encouragement
be has received, from several refpe&able Gentle
men, he is induced once more, to embark in the
PAPER LlNE—and would otter his fcrvicea to
all those Gentlemen, who can place confidence
in bim ; and he allures those who employ him,
that their confidence thall not be milplaced
but it (hall be his constant endeavor, to pay the
firtßett attention to their best tntercft, in all ne
gociattons whatever. He has taken the Chamber,
in Stall-Sir ill, over Mr. David Town/end, Watch
Make's Shop. Where PUBLIC SECURI-
HtS, of all kinds, are bought and fold; and
where CominifCon Business of all kinds, will be
ttanfafted on leafonable terms. HOUSES and
VESSELS will be coniiantly enpofcd forlale.on
* 4 * Cash paid for Salem, Providence, and
Portsmouth BILLS.
N. B. If toy Gentleman in Philadelphia, or
New-York, hat any Bujintfl It tratjati at Bojitn,
in Papir Ne#oc>ationi, hi will be happy ttbeim
plcwd in lommijjion.
Boston, Jan. 24,1794.
(j3" This Gazette Jhallbe enlarged, at it
receiver encouragement —The Subscription
tncreafes daily—Advertj/ing Favors are
ft/icited —Tbefe constitute an ejftntial Item
in dimmi/hing the Debit fide oj the Account.
J lift Imported,
[n the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fit z patrick,
from Amsterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-street wharf, viz.
GIN in pipes,
A few bales Holland Duck,
Ditto Oznaburgs,
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Glass Ware, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va
rious fz.cs.
Sheathing Paper,
Szvedi'j Iron, are and fiat bars,
Hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
quantity of "Junk and Oakum, cfr.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale—
fhouldapplication be made within a few days ;
other wife Jhe will tahe freight for Amjler
March K 1794.
Agreeably to the last Will of DEBORAH
MORRIS, deceased,
TheHoufe N°. 245,
Lot of Ground
On which it stands, wherein Jam es Biddle
cow lives, on the north fide of Market-.
street, near Sixth-street.
THE House being 18 feet 10 inches in
Front on Market-street, and the Lot
117 feet deep. The whole will be fold fub
je<£t to a ground rent of twelve pounds per
annum, payable to the contributors to the
Pennsylvania Hospital, and their fuccefiora
forever. For terms apply to
Samuel Coates,
Jonathan Jones,
Anthony Morris,
Samuel Powell Griffiths,
Surviving Executors of
Deborah Morris, dec'd,
*eop 3\v
March I, 1794'
WI LL be expofid to public sale, on Se
venth cay the 29th of this instant, at the late
dwelling house of Richard Cheyney, deceas
ed, a plantation, situate in the Township of
Thornbury in the county of Delaware, and
lying on Chester creek, containing 80 acres,
1 5 of which are good watered meadow, and
more may be made at a small expence, about
25 acres of wood land, and the remainder is
good fertile land well supplied with water.—
There are on the premises, a good stone
dwelling House and kitchen, an excellent
gaiden, an orchard of 25 good bearing trees
a good barn cellar'd under, a saw-mill, and
an excellent feat for a grift or merchant mill,
with a futficiency of water.
Like wile a tract of wood land ajoining the
above—lmmediate poffellion will be given to
the purchaser—The sale to begin at 2 o'clock
on laid day. where attendance will be given,
and conditions made known by
JOHN CHEYNEY, ? Executors .
March, 19 d4t.
February 14, 1794.
PUBLIC Notice is hereby given to all perlons
indebted to the Commonwealth, lor monies
borrowed of the Trustees of the Loan Office,
eftablilhcd per ast of the 4th of April, 1785,
that the time is expired when the last payment
(hould have been made, and every juftifiable
indulgence having been granted, That unless
they tome forward and pay off their refpe£live
balances on or before the firft day of April next,
precepts will issue against all delinquents with
out regard to persons or circumstances. All
former and existing fhcriffs, who have money
in their hands belonging to laid Oftice, are re
queued to bring it to me on or before the above
period, otherwise I shall be under the disagree
able neceflity of prosecuting them without dif
P. S. The Printers throughout the State are
requeued to iniert the above in their papers tor
the information of their fellow-citizens. d
Mordecai Lewis,
Has for Sale at his Store, No. 25, Dock
A few Bales of Ruflia Sheetings,
Barcelona Handkerchiefs in Boxes,
A bale of low-priced Cotton Handkerchiefs,
A Quantity ot Souchong Tea, Hyson and
Tonkav, ditto.
Holland Gin in Cases,
A Quantity of Brimftonr,
With a Variety of other Go<*ds.
Feb. so. 3*aw6w
Monday, March 24, 1794-
In the Brig George and Harriot, from
Havre de Grace,
Louis OJmont,
Assortment of Hanging Paper,
high coloured and plain.
White liik. Stockings, high dreifed and put
Up EnglUll t<<ihion.
The handfomelt artificial Flowers and Fea
Some Looking Glass Plates to be fold by the
A few hampers of Champaigiie wine, fix
yours oid.
An elegant parcel of
Bear skin Muffs,
And very beautiful Silk Cloaks, which on
account the season will be lold low, and at
a long credit.
42 pipes Madeira wine,
and a few calks of Claret.
A Quantity of
Hamburgh Demijohns.
In a few Days,
He twill have for J'ale,
White and Black Laces,
Leghorn hats, fans and cambricks, claret in
cafe?* a quantity of window glass well sort
ed of all sizes, and a few pair of rematkable
LookingGlafles framed, all arrived at Nor
folk, now coming round.
March 22.
Philadelphia, Fcbiuary 13, *794'
For printing by Subfcriptio"*
A Work, to be entitled,
Pennjylvania State Trials.
THE want of fuflicient information of the
state trials of Great-Britain in the early
periods of that government is now lamented :
Hitherto there hath been but one trial in the
state of Pennsylvania on impeachment and
here also tt is to be regretted, that, being neg
lected at the time, the public are now left with
out lufticient information on the fubje£t of that
trial, it is however in this -woik designed to rcf
cue what can be collected thereof from sources
of indifputaple authority, so that the fame shall
be preserved from oblivion.
Another impeachment and the second is now
depending. An officer is charged by the late
House of Representatives, who hath for many
years been largely confided in by this state, and
hath long been at the head of the financial de
partment of the fame, and it imports the citi
zens to know hiscondu6t, and thecircumftances
which may be'brought forward on his trial.
In this work the Editor will be careful to
state the facts, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With this view—
The following Terms are refpeßfully
submitted to the Public :
I. The Work shall be printed in oaavo, with a
I good type, on fine paper, and delivered to
fubferibers at the refpe&ive places where the
fubferiptions are taken in, as soon as the work
shall be compleated
11. As no eonjcfturc can well be made, as to
the length ot the present trial, the fi/.e the
volume cannot be ascertained at this time—
But the price (hall not exceed that of fomeof
the latest publications io this city.
111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in
cidental circumstances that may occur during
the trial of John Nicholfon, Esquire, Comp
troller-General of this Commonwealth, with
the arguments of counsel oa both fides, together
with the articles of impeachment, and the
pleas and replications at large, the several re
solutions of the two branches of the ftitc Le
gislature, refpefting this impeachment, and
the final decision of the SENATE refpe&ing
that officer.
To which will be prefixed, as much as can be
colletted from authentic documents, of the im
peachment, trial, and aequital of the late Francis
Hopkinfon, Esquire, Judge of the Court of
Admiralty for the state of Pcnnfylvania, during
the late war, never before pnblilhed.
No money will be required before the deli
very of the book.
Subscriptions will be received by Francis
Battey, No. 116, High-street; Wrigley and Ber
riman, No. 149, Chefnut-flreet, and by the dif
ferent book lei lers in this city; Jacob Bailejj
I.ancafter ; Yundt and Patton, Baltimore, and
j by the Editor.
N. B. The price will be enhanced to non<
foWcr.bws. Feb. 18. mjcw.f
[Whole No. 545.J
Begun and held at the city of Philadelphia,
in the State of Pennsylvania, on Monday
thefecond or December,one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-three.
An ACT making Appropriations for the support oj
Governments Jor the year one thousand Jeven bun
dled and mnety foui.
Sec. I .T) E it enaded by the Senate and lioufc
JD oj Reprejentatives oj the United States
of America ,in (ongref ajjembied. That for de-
fraying the expenditure of the civil-lift of the
United States for the year one thousand seven
hundred and ninety fwur, together with the
incidental and contingent expenses of the se
veral departments and offices thereof; and
for making good deficiencies for the support
of the civil-lilt eft b ilhment ; for aiding the
fund ippropriated for the payment of certain
officers of the courts, jurors and witnesses;
for the support of light-houses, and for other
purposes, th?re be appropriated a sum of mo
ney not exceeding five hundred and twenty
one theufand four hundred and forty-feven
dollars and twenty four cents ; That is to Jay :
For the compensations granted cry law to
the President and V ice-Prelident of the United
Stares, thirty thousand dollars :
For the like compensations to the members
of the senate and House of Representatives,
their officers and attendant', estimated for a
fefTion of fix months continuance, one hundred
and eighty five thousand, eight hundred and
ninety dollars :
For the expenses, of fire-wood, stationary,
printing-work, ai d all other contingcntexpen
fes of the two houles ofCongrefs, ten thousand
dollars :
For ihe compensations granted by law to
the chief justice, allociate judges, diftrift
judges, and attorney general, forty three
t'Uoufand two hundred dollars:
For defraying the txpenfe of clerks of
courts, jurors and wttiieflcs, in aid of the fund
arising from fines, forfeitures and penalties,
twelve thousand dollars :
For defraying the expenses of prosecutions
for offences against the United States, and lor
the fafe keeping of prisoner*, four thousand
dollars :
For compensation to the Secretary of State,
clerks and persons employed in his office, fix
thousand eight hundred dollars :
Forexpenfe of stationary, printing, and all
other contingent expenses in :he office of the
Secretary or State, including the expense
which will attend the publication of the laxvs
of the firft fellion of the third Congrels, and
for printing an edition of the fame, to be dif
tribu'ed according to law, two thousand and
sixty one dollars, and sixty seven cents ,
For making good a deficiency in the appro
priation of the year one thousand seven hun
dred and ninety three, for extra-fcrvices of
clerks, in the office of the Secretary of State,
in preparing documents for Congref, and for
an index to the laws of the second Congress,
eight hundred dollars :
For comp n fat ion to the Secretary of the
Tieafury, clerks and persons employed in his
office, seven thousand eight hundred and fif
ty dollars :
For expense of stationary, printing, an.l all
other contingent expenses in the office of the
ecretary of theTrcafury, five hundred dollars.
For compensation to the Compi roller of the
Treasury, clerks and persons employed in his
office, ten thousand two hundred dollars :
For ertpenfe of ftarionary, printing, and <.*lk
other cenringentexpenfes in the Comptrollers
office, eight hundred dollars :
For compensation to the Treasurer, clerks
and persons employed in h s office, four thou
sand one hundred dollare :
For expense of hre-wood, stationary, printing
and other contingencies in the Tieafurei's
office, four hundred dollars:
For compensation to the Auditor of.the'
Treasury, clerks and pcrfons employed in his
office, ten thousand four hundred andfif.y dol
lars :
For expenfr of stationary, printing and other
contingent expenles in the Auditor's office,
five hundred dollars,
For compensation to the Commissioner of
the Revenue, clerks and perfoni employed in
his office, fix thousand one hundred and fifty
dollars :
For the expenfeg of stationary, printing and
other contingent expenses in the office of the
Commissioner, three hundred dollars ?
For compensation to the Register of the
Treafurv, clerks and persons employed in his
officr, fifteen thousand dollars .
For the expenses of flationery, printing and
other contingent expenses in the Register's
office, (in luding books for the public stocks)
two thousand dollars :
for the payment of rent for the fcveral
houses employed iu tht Treasury Department,