FOR SALE, [F.W CAREY, No. 118. Market-Street, n Essay on Slavery: Detuned 10 exhibit in a new point of view, its cffe&i 00 inlujlry. and the peace ef fdciety. Some la£ts and calculations aic offered 10 prove the labor ofjtecmeu to be much more ftodißive than that ot Jtares ; tkat countries are rich, powerful and happy, in propoition as the laboring people enjoy ihe fruits ol their own labor ; and hence the n.ceffaiv conclulion, that slavery is impoijic n well as 1 Prick 25 Cenu. February 15. lo be Sold at Public Venauc, On Friday the i ithday of April next, at the Konfe of Join Thorn/a*) in Perth- Arab oy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CITY. Lot contains eleven acres, on which is an otchard of grafted apple tree*, a well of excellent water, a large (lone c stern, and a verv commod'oos stable and eoach-houfe, and a great quantity of the best building stones in the walls of the house, which was foimrrlv boilt for the residence of the Governors of New-Jersey. The situation of this Lot is so well known for its bealthinefs and beautiful profpeft of the Rari'on river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Hook to the east, that a further defenption is uniuccffary. The conditions of file will be, one third ot the purchase money to be paid on the firft day of May next, wncn a (rood and fufficient Deed will be given to the puithafrr, by Walter Ru therfurd, Esq. PreftHent of the Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New- Jersey, ana the remaining two thirds fatisfa&o rily secured in equal annual pavments. By order of the Board, JAMES PARKER, Rrgifter. Perth'Amkoy, February 5, 1794. aaw2m Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, WdUfinet, New-Yo*k. THE Subfcribcr intending ta confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, b gs leave to of ter bis fervicesto his triends and others, in the line o( a Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their btifwefs, may depend upon having it tranfaded with the uimoft fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any Other part of the United State*, will br ftri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf Mordecai Lewis, Has for Sale at bis Store, No. 25, Dock' Street A few Bales of Raffia Sheetings, Barcelona Handkerchiefs in Boxes, A bale of low-priced Cotton Handkerchiefs, A Quantity of Souchong TVa, Hyson aud Tonkav, ditto. Holland Gin in Cafjes, A Quantity ot Biimuone, With a Variety of other Goods. Ffb. «c. Henry Rape State of Maryland. v. ) High Court of Chancery, Benjamin Gaitber > March sth. 1794- ard \ Basil Gaitber The Complainant states in his bill that the defendants Benjamin Gai ther and Basil Gaither were seized in fee a? tenants in common of a tract of land in Fre dei ick County, called Hammond's Strife ; — that being so seised, Basil executed a power of attorney to Benjamin authorizing h:m t( fell his, the said Basil's intcreft in the fa d land, that afterwards the said Benjamin fold the laid land to a certain William Gather for the confederation of fix hundred pounds whicl hath been since pa'd, that the said William hath assigned to the Complainant Henry Rape the bond execoted by the said Benjamin foi the conveyance of toe fa d land : The Com plainant now further dates (and sb appears to the Chancellor) that the defendants are non-residents of the itate of Maryland, and herefore out of the reach of the process of this court. It is therefore adjudged and ordered, that the Complainant procure a copy of this or der to be inserted in the newspaper of Angel] and Sullivan, and in the United States Gazette at least three weeks successively, before the twentieth day of May next ; to the intent thac the Defendants and all others, who nay conceive therafelves interested in tbe premis es, may have notice to appear in this court, on or before the third Tuesday in September next, to Ihew caule wherefore a decree should not pass for veftmg in the Complainant 4 com piete legal title to the land aforefaid. Tert, EL HARVEY HOWARD, Cur. Con. mt'n&rs3w Mfrt 18. W.itKc.As an alios tUDpoena nas iflTucd oat of the Supreme Court of this Com mon wealth, at the suit of Margaret Evans, upon a petition preferred bv the said Marga ret, praying tor a Divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, entered into with Robert Evans. This is to give notice to the said Robert, that he be and appear at the said Supreme Court, to be held at the City of Philadelphia on Monday thefeventh day of April next, at the State-House in the Lid City, to answer the matters ailedged in the said petition. W«. CHAPMAN, SherJF of Buck> County. Mireh j, 1794. To Robert £mu. Writing SIGN-BOARDS, 'J AP A NX* D PLATES, tjc. Donfc in the raoft elegant manner, and after the firft mailers ; likevifc, Yire Buckets Painted and finiiJitd at the fhortcfl notice, by GEORGE RUTTER, In Noma's Court, back of '■»< New Library, between Cheinut ami Wakiut, Fourth xnd Firth ftrcets. Idtf March 4. icheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, dcduai ° IJ per Cent, from the Prizei—this Lottery confijls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there art 1 4,539 Prizes and 2 3,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. THE Dne&orsof ih- Society for eftablilbing Ufeful Manma&urcs, having refoivcd 10 crcd LOTTERIES for laifing One Hundred Thousand Doll a as, agreeably to an A& of the Legifl-ture of the State of New-Jeifey, hive appointed the following persons to fupei intend and direct the drawing oi the fame, via. Nicho las Low, Rufus Herman Le Roy, James Wat (bo, Richard Hanifcn, Atnjah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city oi New-York— Thomas Willing, Joieph Bali, Matthew M'Con* nel and Andrew day aid, ot the city of Phila delphia—His Excel.anfey Richard Howell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, Geocial Li as Dayton, Jam s Parkei, John Bavaid, D<>€kot Lewis DOn jm, Samuel W. Stockton, jolhua M. Wallace, J oieph Bloomfield, and Eiithj Boudmot, of N-w-Jcr fey, who offer the ioliowmg St bc-rae cf a Lot tery, and pledge thtiuiclves to the public, that they will take every jffarjncc and piecau.ioa in their power to have the Monies a.d by the Managets, irom time to time, as received, into the Banks at New-Yoik and Philadelphia, to remain for thepurpoieof paying Pne s, wnich (hall be immediately diftharged by a check npon one of thr B SCHEME: t Piizeof 20,000 is 20,000 s 5 10 so IGO 3°o 1000 2000 3°°° Bioo 14,539 Prites. *62,000 23.461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laftdrawn number, 2,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each » 266.000 38,000 The drawing will commence, under the in fpe&iou of a Committee ol the Superintendents, as soon as the Tickets arc fold,ot which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Curaming, of Newark, J«cob R. Hardenbrrg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Minager* thereof, who have given ample security for discharging the trust reposed in tbem. 3taw6w $3" In order to fecurethe pon&ual payment of the Prices, the Superintendants of the Lottery have dire&ed thai the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient fecuritirs, to perform the:r mftiudions, the fub ftanceof which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (hall receive the sum of Three Hundrrd Dollars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the cicdit ol the Governor of the Society, and such ot the Superintendants as live in the city whtre the monies are placed, to remain thrre until the Lottery is drawn, foi the payment of the Prize?. 11. The Managers to take fiifficieni lecui ty for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be refponnble for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid ioto the Bank, ab ft'aQs of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gentle men, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. Parry and Mufgrave, Geldjmitbs Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOMD-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, Sin elegant AJTortment of SILVER & PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY fcfJtm CUTLERY, Which they will difpole of on the most rea sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures sett, and every thing in the gold and silver way, done as usual. Decembei TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible situation, —alio a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the House is not exceeded bymany in the vicinity of the city, in lize or convenience. For terms apply to the printer. January 23. NOt K I S- C 0 U R T, Back of the New I..jfvy, between Chefout George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* and the public in general, that he continues car-ying on the hulincfs of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likewise, JAPANNED PL fYTES, for doorsor \»indow>(huttcrs,dont in the nioft elegant iaanner, and with difparch. Orders from the country will be thankfully received, and duiy attended to. Decent:*r 30, dtt 10,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 500 100 10,000 i»,ooo 10,000 5° 20 >5 12 IO 15,000 20,000 30,000 36,000 81,000 tuAftf. mw&ftf mk icquiredi that il has parted thro three im prrOporu in the eastern states, and many hooie hoideis deem it so ufetul as to parchafe a copy for every adult in theii families. ■Pai c e as. February (. dti J lift Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peterlburg in Russia, And now landing at South-street f.Turf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN'S DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOB. SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-street. March 4,1794- War Department. January 3c lb 1794. IVFORMATION ts hetet-y given to ail the military invalids of the United States,that the sums to which they are entitled lor fix months of their annual penGon, from tbc fourth day of September 1793, and which will become due on That the resolution be fe*t to the Senate for their concurrence. By order of the Houfr* JOHN SAN FORD C. H. R. In the SENJTE, December lift, 1793. Refolotd, That this House do concur with the Houle of Representatives in the foregoing ref lations. Ordered, That the resolutions be sent to the Hoefe of Reprefentarivcs. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY, Clei*. ewtNov, From London, Dublin, and Glasgow, And now tor sale, By MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Market-jtral, A La pe a (i Vaiuabie COLLECTION »F BOOKS, Among which are the following : NEW Annual Regilterfor 1792 European Magazine tor the firft fix months of 1793 Gibbons decline and fall of tke Roman Empire Memoirs of the Mancbefter Jocietjr, 3 v«»is. Priestly on matter and spirit on christianity bifnev's lite «f Dr. Jortin Kiugville's ancient geography D'Anoirs of Gtay Joli Meraty,a collection of essays Varieof Prussia's works Calm observer—by Mackintosh Ruflell's ancient and modem Europ* Langhorne's Plutarch Elegant extra&s, superbly gilt Elegant extTa&s of natural history Saognier and Britfbn's voyage Rocbon's voyage to Madagascar Tcuvnfend's travels in Spain Taffo's Jerulalem delivered Sjiiellie's tranflatior of Buffon Berwick's history of quadrupeds Buffbn abridged History of birds Philips's history of inland navigation Hooper's rational recreations History of France, m 3 vols. Curiefities of literature, 3 vols. Whitaker's defence of queen NSary Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols. Dow's hiftoTy of Hindoftau Sketches of the Hindoos Key to polite literature. Imlay's dtfeription of Kentucky Pi efent state of Nova-Scotia Present state of Hudson's Bay Preston on masonry Lavater on physiognomy, abridged Zimmerman's survey Murphy's life of Br. Johnson Meeker on executive power KilTes of Securdus Gallery of portraits Volney's ruins of empires Vaillaint's travels, with superb engravingi Dawnman's infancy Adair's history of American Indians Benington ort materialism and imma'erialifnt Berchold's advice to patriotic traveller! Builder's magazine Complete farmer. Chanden's life of Voltaire De Non's travels Franklin's life and works Grozier's description of China Murphy's translation of Tacitvt Godwin on po! tical jullice Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. Helvetius on man Kaimes's lketches of the history of fflaa Liberal opinion?, or the history of Benignus Mawe's gardefcer's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family Playhouse dictionary Reveries of solitude Smith's theory of moral fectiraeats Stackboufe's history of the bible Watson's life of Philip lid. & Illd. Winders of nature and art, 6 vok. Wanley's wonders of the little world, called man Wallif on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark > Ruffia,P«land,&Ci Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the practice of m'nl wifery Manning's pra£ti<« ess phyTic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Innes on the muscles Pott's works Fourcroy's chemillry Armstrong on diseases of children Qiiincy's dispensatory Edinburgh dispensatory Lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the asthma Robertfon's treatise on fevers Lee's botany, Leake on the vifrera Leake on diseases of women Nicholfon's cfeemiftry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Haller's physiology Spalanzane's d flirtations London practice of physic Bell's forgery Chaptal's chemistry. j diw }ta\* tf dam For Sale by the Subscribers, MUSCOVADO Sugar in hhds.&fcbsL Hyson and Souchong Teas. Sherry ncSj of luperior quality yin pipe# and quarter caiks. 3paniih Indigo. Boston Beef, in barrels. And a fmal! invoice of Muslins. NALBRO' & JOHN FRAZIER, No. 164, South Front-street. March 8. fmw4w PHILADELPHIA : Printsd by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South Fourtk&neet. Ju/t Apoi/ii(