Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 22, 1794, Image 3

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    hat officcra, and men fell or. this occa
sion. -
Trom General O'l ira's abfonce, the
command devolves on me. I ihall endea
vor to difcbai ge it to the best of my abil
ity and health, till his majetty's farther
pleasure is fignified.
With great refpeft,
I have the honor to be, &e.
D. DUNDAS, Maj. Gen,
Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, &c.
Vidory, Toulon Road, Nov. 30.
The enemy having erected and open
ed a battery against the post of Malbouf
quet, from which (helli would reach the
town and arsenal, Governor O'Hara fig
nificd to me yelterday, his intention to
attempt to destroy it, and bring off the
guns j and tequefted some seamen to be
sent to a post he proposed to withdraw the
Britilh soldiers from. The Governor
proposed not to go out himfelf, but un
fortunately, did not keep his word. A
molt clear diftinft, and regular plan was
fettled, and the commanding officer of
the troops of each nation had a copy of
it. The troops moved at four o'clock
this morning, and surprised the redoubt
moll completely. Never was a ferviee
performed with more regularity and ex
a&nefs; but the .ardour and impetaofity
of the troops (iflftead of forming on the
height where the battery was raised, as
they were particularly ordered to do,)
led them to rush after the enemy, near a
mile on the other fide, in a very featured
and irregular manner. The consequence
of which was, the enemy collected 111
very great force; and, in the retreat of
our troops, they fuffered extremely. I
herewith transmit an account of the lofj
of the British in killed, wounded and
miffing : But Major-General Dundas will
give yon more particulars. The Gover
nor mod unfortunately was wounded and
taken prisoner. A surgeon was sent to
him immediately (by permission of Gen.
du Gomrtiier, Commander in Chief of
the Eastern Army at the siege of Tou
lon,) who reports, that the Governor's
wound is a flefh one only in the arm ; but
being faint by the loss of blood, he was
obliged to fit down under a wall, and there
nude prisoner of.
X have the honor to be, See.
Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, &c.
NASSAU, Dec. 27,
In theft islands we kno<vfi little of a war
exijling, except from report of what is doing
tlfewbere-, or from fcfoe low price of our flu pic
article of produce, And the enhanced price of
the necessaries of life.
The privateeri.ig buftnefs, which created
such an ast 'tve scene here during tlx Summery
is now nearly at a fland ; and with the sur
render of the French Islands, which we cannot
regard as a very diflant event > mufl entirely
xeafe 9
January 7.
The ship Eliza, Hartley, from Liverpool
ard St. Vincent, for the Caicos, was loft on
Philips's Reef, off the Ealt Caicos, 2d Dec.
at 10 P. M. owing to the rapidity of a cur
rent setting to the weft ward. At the time the
ship struck, (he had ill fail set, standing off
shore with a breeze from E. While
aground on iiie reef, nine miles from the
land, on the 3d of December, with a signal
of distress flying, at noon, a sloop, which
proved to be the Bermudian, Bartlett, a pri
vateer of twelve guns, belonging to Bermu
da, came to them ; when, instead of giving
relief to people in such a diftrefled situation,
the crews ot the privateer' boats, by dire<ftion
.of their officers, plundered the cargo of the
Eliza. One of them, named Ingram, who
was called Captain, was particularly active
in this lhameful business. Captain Hartley,
at the time the privateer's boats boarded the
Eliza, was making for the ihore in his long
beat, with part of the cargo ; and had, pre
vious to his leaving the ship, ordered the mate
to request the afliftance of the sloop, then
coming down to the ship. At night the mate,
with all the crew left on board, came ashore
to Captain Hartley, informed him of the
above particulars, and also told him that
while the. private r's men were plundering
the ship, they put all the officers in confine
ment. The mate, James Steel, and two sea
men, John Ramsay and John Mather, have
fincc died at Turk's Islands.
Affidavits frcm several of the officers and
feawen of the Eliza, refpeiting the brutal be
haviour of the Bermudian's people, are ob
tained ; and the neceflary steps are now tak
ing for bringing the perpetrators of such
barbarity to punirtunciu.
Extra# of a letter from a* gentleman now
inNew"Vork, belonging to Salem, to his
son ift th;s city, dated th« aoth inft.
" Bince writing you last, I have received
a letter from my partner Mr. H. of Salem,
of the ijth inft. g.ving an account of the ar
rival there, of our schooner A&ive, from a
fortunate voyage ; the A<slive was carried
into New Providence, which place (he left
the aift ult.and informs that but one Ameri
can veflel was th n there, which was the O
livc Branch from New York, and she was to
leave there the next day; that Capt. Hodges
of the A&ive, was generously supplied there
with frefh beei and fplrits, gratis, and all port
charges paid, thus feme are treated in some
Britilh ports, while in others they are plun
dered, i^c.
At a general meeting of the Citizens of the
city aiiJ county of Philadelphia, held at
the State House, last Tuesday, the follow
ing rcfolutions were adopted:
so. .'u',
That a c. mfnittee conliiting of five citi
zens, b< appointed to prepare a plan for soli
citing dona'ions from all benevoknt and pa
triotic freemen, for th? purposes of eftabliihr
& fund, to relieve and redeem our unfor
tunate few citizens, wlio,failing cn board
of veftels belonging to the port of Philadel
phia have been c >tured and enslaved by the
Algerines or any other piratical lUte.
That the *above committee fliall report
th 1 r plan to a general meeting of the cit.zjlis,
to be iiolden 0.1 the 33d day of March inft.
That the following named persons flinll be
the committee for carrying effect the
foregoing reiolutions, viz. John Swanwick,
Stephen Girard, Israel Israel, Jacob Morgan,
and Alexander James Dallas.
The above pamed Committee being ready to
And particularly request the attendance of
the citizens of the ciiy and county of Phila
delphia, at the State House, THIS DAY",
the 2zd inft. at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, March 21
Yefterdayat a m eting o C:::zfn3, a
Committee was appoin edto prep-vet pe
ti ion to the Legiilature of the Hate, re
fuelling them to grant a sum oi money,
in addition to the sum appropriated bv
Congress, for the purpble of fortifying
the port of Ncw-Yoik.
Chairman, Genera! James Alner.
The following gentlemen compose the
John Broome,
Richard Harrifon,
R. R. Living]ion,
J amij Aluer.
By captain Orne of the {hip Favorite,
who has arrived at this place from Bour
deaux, which place he left Jan. yti., we are
informed, that when he failed the embargo
oil American {hipping was not taken off,
nor was there any profpvet of it—The
number of American veffe!s detained
there, he beleives to be about I 25. The
reason for this embargo was altogether a
mystery. The embargo extends to the
Swedilh and Danish veflels as <Vcll as to
the Americans. The cargoes of a'.l ves
sels are taken by French officers, valjed,
and paid for; but they are seldom valued
at more than half the firft colt.
A Danish vefTel had been dispatched
from that kingdom, with provisions for
the Danish crews which were fuffering in
that port, but ihc had no sooner arrived,
than her cargo was seized, except a small
allowance for the fevcral crews. Allig
nats are the principal medium of buiinefa
in France, and it is death to make any
difference between paper and specie.
Brig Penelope, George Bray, i'rom New-
York, was met in the river on the sth Janua
ry. 1794. by Capt. Orne, bound to Bour
The Maflacuhufetts Captain Wlii;e, failed
from the river on the ;th Jan. f.r New-
York, on the 14th was captured by the lhii)
James Capt. Thomas Wilks, a letter of
marque of 16 guns belonging to Liverpool,
bound to Jamaica, fufpeiftin/ the cargo was
French property, and intended to carry the
Mafiachufetis to that I (land.
On the 59th of Jan. the James fell in with
the Anna Boletta, a Danilh brig from Leg
horn bound to New-York, and Capt Jame-
Orne of Portsmouth N. H. who was a paflln
ger on board the Maflachufetts, took paflag,
on board her for New-York, and arrived on
the 17th of March. The I4lh of February
while on board the Anna Boletta, in lat. 14 00.
lat. 35 • W. fell in with tke lloop Betsey,
c*pt. Enoch Coffin, belonging to C" ati-flon,
S. C. 24 days from Cadiz, boyiid to Balti-
informed that twelve of Ame
ricans had been taken by the Algerines, whic/i
they .hat: certain accounts of in Cadiz,
Cbflin failed in company with 20 fail qS other
American veflels, under convoy of rt\»o Spa
nifii fliips of war, the Spaniards giving them
110 signals neiiher informing them the day
they were to fdil, f< on ran away from them
and left them to ihift for themselves. —On
the 22d of Feb. iunfce the schooner Patty, of
Norwich, aR well, from C-diz, bound to
Norwich. Tfce Richmond of Richmond,Capt.
Lee ; and Nymph, Captain Weft of Phila
delphia, by some means obtained permiflion
aud faded about the 20th of December—
(he -Aurora, Capt. Stewart of Pordmouth,
N. H. failed, loaded with brandy for New-
about the 21ft of December.
Any American vessel with proviflons, the
French nation will take at about half the firft
cost, and keep us in the port to llarve after.
Extra&of a letter from Philadelphia, dated
March 9,
"We bad a town meeting lad night,
and we are to support Congress with our
lives and fortunes—an embargo was talked
of, and every body fears it—from the con
vention 1 have had with several mem
bers of Congress, they imagine they shall
fit the grcateft part of the summer, at
least a considerable time longer than that
talked of, but they did not seem to inti
mate an embargo likely to be laid, and
said if it was, it would not be coaftways."
For the Gazette of the United Statu,
Addrtjfed to Mr. S .
A CITIZEN presents his compliments
to Mr. S——k, and begs leave to alk him
how many days have pafled over, since he
sent some of his veflels with cargoes to the
ports of that vindictive, ambitious, arbitra~
.7, fauage, injidious, clandejtine, unjuj,l, in
humane. arrogant, piratical, violent, info,
knt, mean, contemptuous, nation Great Bri
tain, & whether he has not received, & dees
nor expect these fame veflels heme again
with cargoes—T he Citizen also begs leave to
afit how many veflels he has sent to France
lardy, and if any, whether he does not ex
pect them to be embargoed, or freighted back
with aflignats, if his Captain (houid not be
in a capacity to bribe Rational Commiflion
ers to let him bring off produce ?
How dare he trust his veflels 'Or cargoes to
the ports of that iif t named bad nation, who
wiil fcize them and confifcate them ?
I declare I will tell of him, if he does not
use more genteel language in future.
21/?. March.
Awi iter'ln the Hampshire Gazette con
cludes some observations on the Com
mercial Resolutions, which have so long
been the topic of conversation, with the
foHewing remarks and queries
1 rejoice to find that the New-England
Members have learnedly combated those
a:iti commercial and anti-agricultural re
-1 'utions—the pro'b'ind wisdom and un
(haken pitriotifm which they have exhibit-
Ed mult be as pleating to their friends as
t-rribleto their enemies. And rtiav we
never fee a Ward, a S a Foster
or a I.yman, out immediate R prefenta
tlves, eith -r so ignorant, M-eak or kicked
as to adopt meafnres diametrically
iite to the real interest of their laborious
Let them be careful not to interrupt
our preient prosperity at this irritating
crifre, by chimeric p ojefts—Put may
they meiit our future friendihip and fup
pert, by their united endeavors to feeure
to us the .bleflinrs we now enjov under
our own flourifhing vi: s aiid fig-trees.
Farmers—ire v ir \kts under the ge
neral governine,.t easy ! Is there a ready
market and hi; h , nee for whatever your
Farms will p-o,;ucff ? Do you wi(ha con
tinuation of tac e benehts, and deprecate
their interruption ?
Laborers—ls there not an increasing
call on you for your labor ? Need you
spend one idle hour for want of employ ?
And are you not paid more, and better
than formerly ?
Mec'ianicks—Has not the price of your
Labour greitly risen, and your ingenuity
infinitely better rewarded than ever it was
before ?
Shopkeepers—Did you ever experience
a readier sale of goods and prompter pay
than at tin's foment ?
If these queitioni are answered in the
affirmative there can be no doubt on your
m ds, but that it is for the general bene
fit o. the community to prefer the prof
p-' ity we now enjoy to the adoption of a
string of refutations that have not Hood
t)>C ted of of novelty!
A Hampshire Farmer.
Ship Aurora, Stewart,
Brig Flora, Carson,
John, Cooper,
Sloop Molly,
Curracoa, 20
Smith, Bermuda, 11
In the Brig George and Harriott, from
Havre de Grace,
and for sale by
Louis OJmont,
Aflbrtment of Hanging P&pcr"
high co'oured and pi. in. '
Stocking,, high drelf.d and put
up English f»lhion.
I he handsomest artificial Flowers and Fea
Some Looking Glass Plaies to, be fold by the
A few hampers of Champaignc wine, fix
years oid.
An elegant parcel of
Bear skin Muifs,
And very beiutiful Silk Cloaks, which on
iccouiitof thtfeafon will be fold low. and at
a ldng credit.
42 pipes Madeira wine,
aad a few casks of Claret.
A Quantity tf
Hamburgh Demijohns.
In a few Days,
He qvill have for sale,
White and Black I .aces,
Leghorn hats, fens and cambricks, claret in
cales, a quantity of window glais well fort
• d of all size , and a few pair of remarkable
Looking Glasses framed, all arrived at Nor
folk, now coming round.
March 22. H r f
March 22,
Will be performed,
A COMEDY, called
The Jealous Wife.
Mr. Oakley M r . Fcnnell
Major Oakley, Mr. Whitlock
S h^ rleS ' Mr. Moreton
_ , Mr. WigneU
Sir Harry Beagle, Mr. Chalmers
Lord Trinket, Mr. Finch
Captain O-Cutter, Mr. Bate.
Wdham, Mr. Barley jun.
J° hn ' Mr. Warrell
J 0 ™' . , , , Mr. Francis
Lauy /reelore e fer v't. Master. Warrell
Mrs. Oakley, Mrs. Whitiock
Lady Freelove, Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Francis
I -J Mrs *
Chambermaid, Miss. WUlema
Tbefcenes dejigned and executed by Mr.
End of the Opera, a charadteriftic
Ptiniomimical DANCE, called
C 1 he Sailor s Landlady,
Jack in Distress.
J? C j' u Mr. Francis
Ned Hlulyard (-with a new Jon\g) Mr. Dar.
. lev, jun.
Sailors, MefFrs. Warreli, Bliffet,
Warreli. jun. Lej, Baf n
and Dc Moulin,
Lafles» Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs.
Batts, Miss. Rowfon, &
Mils. Willems.
Landlady, Mrs. Rowfon
Orange Girl, Mrs. De Maraue
To conclude with a double HORNPIPE
by Mr. Francis and Mrs. De Marque,
To which will be added,
7he Musical Entertainment, calk Ay
The Virgin Unmask'd.
Goodwill, Mr. WarreU
Coupee, Mr. Francis
(Quaver, Mr. Marshall
Bl' fter > . Mr. Bate.
Thomas, Mr. Grteu
M ist. I.ucy, Mrs. Mlrihali
Is Requested
By the Ediior, of a Mr. Willi-m Kilion, a
Brick Layer, who went trom New-England,
and at Philadelphia ift Aujull, 1793,
since which fime nurhing has Lei-n heard of
him—'Great relief will be afforded to his aged
parents and friends, by any intell gence con
cerning him—as Uicy are tearful that he has
fallen in the late general calamity.
March 32.
Bourdeaux, 7 6