eft European Intelligence. I raßrJ from Paptrs rtanvidtj Csffjin Tarru. the Mini Her of War, by the Galeial in Chief of the Army of Italy. From the Quarter-General of Oilioule. tnc 29th Frimaire, id Year of the Republic, one and iiid:viable. Citizen Minister, Toulon is rendered to the Republic, and tlie success of our arms is complete. The promontory of Aiguillctte, iirlt de cided the fate of the infamous city. The 26th Frimaire, every means were united for the redu£t!on of this polition. The bad weather was contrary to our views till near one in the morning : but nothing could flop the ardor of men, free, com batting againlt tyrants. —And notwith flandinj the obstacles of the weather, our brethren rulhed into the path of glory as soon as the order was given. The repre sentatives of the people, Robcrfpierre, Sallicetti, Ricoud and Frenon were with us—They Ihewed to their brethren an ex ample of their courage. This paternal and heroic body was certain to ensure victory. The English redoubt, defended by a dou ble battery—a retrenched camp—covert way—Chevaux-de-fVife, &c. &c thir teen pieces of cannon of 36, 24, &c.—s mortars—and 2000 chosen troops—be £des, defended by two fires, cross-ways, of three o'ther redoubts, which contained 3000 men, The impetuosity of tbe republicans and the sudden taking of this terrible redoubt, ■which appeared from its heights an inac cefiible volcano, so affrighted the enemy, that they immediately abandoned the reft of the promontory, and spread in Toulon a panic, aggravated to the lall degree, when they law the fleet riding out of the roads. The fame day, I continued different at tacks on Malbolquet and other polls.— Then Toulon began to lose every hope. The red redoubts, such as Pommets, Pha- Fon, and many others, were abandoned the following night. At length Toulon was evacuated ; but the enemy had the JmeJft to cover their flight, and we cou'd not follow them, being defended by the ramparts, the gates of which being clo sed, rendered impracticable our p irluit. The fiie which appeared at the head of the port, was the firtt indication of their departure. W.; immediately approached ; and it was not till after that we were afiured it was abandoned by its vile inhabitants, and the infamous co alition, who foolill.lv pretended to make us submit to its revolting government ; the precipitation, with which the general t-.u-uation was made, nearly saved us the whole of the property, and the greatest part of the (hipping. Toulon now deli vered by force, all which treason had wrelled from us. W len the divilion of the weft of our army prepared this grand event, that of the eait, commanded by General I.ape; p-, advanced with Citizen Barras, RrprtTentative of the People to wards the mountain of Pharon, and car ried th Srft redoubt, all the others as well as Fort Pharon, were evacuated by the enemy, like those of the welt. We have l<3ft 74 or 80 of our brethren, and the number of wounded 250. It is not pofTible to know the loss of the enemy, but we may judge in adding the dead and the priloners, we have caused them a loss during this day, more than 12,000 tight ingmen. Thus, Citizen Minister, has terminated the contre-revolution of ti.e South ; we owe it to our brave Republicans compo sing this army, who have all well deferv td of their country, and of whom many individuals ought to be diitinguilhed by national gratitud^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DUGOMIER. J. B. Lacofle, and Baudot, Representatives of the jh-odl'' : at the Armies of the Rhine and the Moll-lie to the National Conven tion. Niderbroun, the ad Nivofe, id Year of the Republic. The defenders of the Republic, Citizen CoUtag-jts. ha\e carried a signal victory o ver the Auftriant. You know that the fat - t /'.lit. - of kings, depending more on the force of their CEirnon. than their own courage, en trenched themleiveson the heights of Reilh otien,' lenderlhoffen, Frcchevillers and Verth before H. iuenai . and had torrard redoubts a triple et. r, nc less formioahfe than those of Jema; e. Ihe head of thejr eutrcnch ments wa-- tttacked this morning with g»-cat luccefs. The toldiers of the Kepublick took 16 pieces of cannon, 20 tilfToiis ancl 500 pnitmers, in the number of whom is found me cciouel of the regiment, all bedaubed v ith ribbands and crollVs; with eight other o!Eee-s. The number of their deiti » very coofiderabies We never think ol taking prisoners, till we are tired wi.h killir.g thin. Our loss is incoaliderable. It would .ake up too mu h of your [.me to de tail all the of valour of our brave fokV s. '1 he generals wiil communicate to you the particuUi s. This victory is the more important, as it is tlic opening wluch con< ducts us to .Landau. We have been all the day in the lieid rf battle, in jhe midst of our brethren in arms. We have ourfeives fired off the cannon againlt .Ik enemy. This vic tory lhall be followed with the greatelt ardor. J. B. Lacoste M. A. Baubot Particulars concerning the re-taking of Toulon, translated from the Journal de laMontagneof the 3d Nivos, [Dec. 23.3 2d year of the Republic one and indi visible. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Barrere ascends the tribuue and speaks as follows : "Citizens, the arms of the Re public have obtained,another triumph : the combined efforts of our domestic in triguers have been overcome. Crowned robbers had meditated the deftrudlioti of the maritime power of our nation. They relied their hopes of success on the Ihame ful sale of Toulon, the bribes scattered with profulion at Brelt, and the getting poHtfiion of Dunkirk. But the repre sentatives of the people have preserved Brest to the Republic, the Englilh have fled like daltards from before Dunkirk, and French bravery, fired with indignati on at such complicated treachery, has made a lall and fuccefsful effort against the ty rants of Toulon. Thus the Englilh have failed in their attempts against Dunkirk, Saint Maloes, Granville, Cherbourg, Brclt, Bourdeaux, Marfcilles, and Toulon. Thus the Mediterranean is re-conqurcd : that channel to the French trade is at tall free. Already hatli the cannon* victori ous agninll the fugi;ive Spauiards and the d'ftroying Enjjlilh, resounded to the Dardanelles and throughout all Italy. Corsica will be wrelled from th? ambition of the Paolifts, and the certainty of sup plies will at length rellore to the South that energy whicii it ought never tp have loft. The most important advantage we derive from the contjUelt of Toulon is that it affords us abundant supplies of proviii- After a fpeeeh repeatedly interrupted by the applause ot the audience he reads the following dispatches: The Representatives of the people with the army dire&ed against Tojlon, OUioulei, We announced to you that the iiTue of the adtion of the 10th, [Nov. 30.] -was only a prelude to greater fuccefles. The event has juftified our predittion. Con formably to our determination every mea sure had been taken for driving out with ignominy the ruffians who had baltly ob tained poflijfion of the infamous Toulon, and yesterday was the day appointed for this glorious operation. We did not lose a fin»le moihent ; e ven before all the forces we expetted were arrived, we began our attack. It was chiefly dire&ed againftthe Englifli redoubt which commanded the forts D'Eguillette and Bolagnier . defended by upwards of 3000 men, 20 pieces of cannon, and se veral mortars. The enemies had cxhautl ed the resources of art to render it im pregnable, and we are persuaded that few forts are as (trongly fortified as that re doubt. It could not however hold out a gainll the ardor and courage of the brave defenders of the country. The forces of the division under the command of Labrode and where General Dtigomier obtained diftinguithed honor, attacked the redoubt at 5 o'clock in the morning, and by 6 the flag of the Re public was seen flying in it. This success, it is true, costs our country 200 men kil led, and more than 500 wounded, but the ei.emies loft their entire garrison, of which 500 were taken prisoners, amonglt whom arc eight officers and a Neapolitan Prince. Terrified at our success they abandoned by night the forts of Maibofquet and Po munch, the latter of which they blew up in despair. They also evacuated .the red and white redoubts, fort Pharon and its redoubt, and took measures to get their fleet out of the range of our guns and our bombs with which they were inccf fantly galled. The fleet is at present without the great road. The enemies have embarked many of the inhabitants of Toulon and the greater part of their forces; they have, however, left some troops at fort la Malgue, and in the town to toier their retreat. We are mailers of La Croix des Sjgnaux, of fort l'A-rtique an»ioi:s army at Toulon, are charged to colleA a particular account of the feats of heroism which re fit ft a lustre on the re-taking of that rebellious cay. IV. They fi-.all Leilow rewards in the name of the Republic, on the brave citi zens of the a any, who have signalized themselves by great a£tioiis. V. The name of Toulon is fupprelTld; that commune (hall henceforth be called Port de la Montague. _ VI. The bodies within that rebellious city lhall be levelled with the gtound. No thing fiiall be prcferved in it but the efta blilliments neceflary for the service of war and for (irovifjons and ammuni tion. VII. The news of the taking of THmi. lon, Ibafl be Cent by expresses to the ar mies arifl to the departments. To the dif patcb of the news to the armies, (hall be jfcined tile ftfflowing address, approved by the Convention. The armies of the Republic are once more triumphant. "Toulon which had basely fold itfelfto the English, has been re-taken from them by an army which has re-coucjuered that rebellious city at the point of the bayonet, supplying by their courage the infufficiency of number. Sol diers of the Republic, such is the example prefinted to you by your brothers in arms. Will you fuffer the satellites of the des pots any longer to fully the foil of equali ty ? Is not victory the ccmftant reward of your courage? Strike then, exterminate those vile (laves who have always betaken themselves to flight at the firft onfct of the Sons of Liberty. Already the dastardly E'nglifh, beaten under the walls of Dun kirk, and driven from Toulon, are forever overthrown. The Vendue thrice cut to pieces in a fortnight, is hemmed in on all fides. New advantages obtained on the Rhine have partly repaired the losses faf tained by former treachery, and leave on ly Landau to be relieved. In the north, Maubeuge is rescued from danger. Soldi ers of the country, these fuccefles are the fruit of your efforts for these three last months. What can hinder you from ter minating the campaign of liberty by the utter detraction of the tyrants? Seize that weapon which has already inspired them witn such terror. l>rive them be fore you with your bayonets, and force them to go hide their /hame in the haunts of slavery, and France delivered from her enemies, will owe to you at once the hap piness which (he will derive from the efta blifliment of Liberty, and the glory of having triumphed over all Europe. The following intelligence is copied from Wejl India papers received Ly the luji arrivals. BANKS OF THE RHINE, AUGSBURG, Dec. 19. Extra fl of a private. Utter. " You may expcft to hear of the sur render of Liandau in a few pods. A wo man was taken a fe\V days since coming from the town. In her (hoe was found a letter from the Commandant, addieffed to the National Convention, declaring that the garrison must surrender, if great 'ef forts were not taken to relieve it, as it had only fifteen days provjfions. " The allies expect the French will make great eiiorts to raise the fjege ; but the foimer have 120,000 men cncamped to advaina and there is net a doubt but they will tie able to hold .their, pofi« tion. The French are routed In every engagement in tbefe parts—l,4,ooc men hav ng been cu: down within thete ten day*;" TOULON, Nov. 30, 31793. Sir, I have the honor to acquaint you, that. the en?> y having opened a confidt.able battery 011 the heights of Arenes, which much annoyed one of our principal out po.is (Malboufquet,) it became necefla r < to attack it.- DilpofitionS for that pur pose were made, and this morning, at 5 o'clock a corps of 400' B. itirti, 300 Sar d.nians, 600 Neapolitans, 600 Spaniards, and 400 French, under my command, marched from the town. Notwithstand ing the whole was obliged to cross the New River by one bridge only, to di. vide into 'four columns, to march acrcfs olive grounds interfered by (lone walls, and to ascend a very considerable height, cut into vine terraces, yet we fucct°ded in surprizing an.' forcing the .enemy, and were inon in full pefllffion of the battery and height, but 1 am lorry to lay, that inftead'of forming upon and occupying the long and narrow summit of the hill, agreeable to orders and military prudence, the impetuosity of the troops led them to follow the enemy, to descend the heioht, to alcend other distant heights, and at lafl, in disorder, to encounter such superi or advancing numbers, as obliged them precipitately to retire, and to relinqmfli the advantages we at firft gained. It is with much concern, I must add, that Lieutenant General O'Hara, who had ai rived at the battery on our firft fuc cels was involved in the confluence of this sudden reverse, Wits wounded in the •arm, and made prisoner. 1 We have to icgret, that so many gal. Jlowing de-