EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 86 of Vol. V.] PRICE CU Jl Jl E N T. on,, ctDiis. as. ■ »Me»*««f*-*Do M .A»*»ooCcou cch-jO' l . Ditto j>r care 6 o Sweet, best, m flalks,pr.box io 5 Ditto baskets, 1a bottles 12 PHILADELPHIA, Ma*ch 22, 1/794- Sperm-ceti pr. gall. 48 £ - ——. " —Train per barrel 10 51 J * Dlls.Cts. Dlli. Qi. Whaie 25 33 j Anchors pr.ib. 7 p 0 rter P r. catk, 533 AMum.Enatilh.pr.cwt. 433 London,pr do* afo r\ ~~ Rnch or. lb. American ditto bot.incl. 1 8j , ««h. P ,. bb i. .73 , -Pearl, l 3* j jg Burlington, per barrel, , 4 Arrack pr. gall. ■ 12oij American pr. ton !I 3 33 Beef, Bollon, per barrel jo Crowley's pr. faggot 1067 Couotry ditto » 67 Snake root pr. lb. >0 4? Frcfli, per cwt. Soap, Brown per lb. • 6 Butter pr.lb. 18 White 17 ♦ in kegs 48 - Castile 18 Candles, Sperm. pr.l»* Starch 2 A Wax 18 Snuff pr. doz. bot, 4 $6 -Myrtle Wax 18 Spermaceti, refined, pr.lb. 40 — Mould, tallow >4 Sailcloth,Englilh,No.i,pr. yard, 48 ' Dipped .25 Boston, No. I. ditto 35 n . Cheese, Engl.lh, pr. lb. ia : NOiII . ' — Country j-g 18 Sugar Lump, pr.lb 26 n, Chocolate 67 Loaf, single refined 22 £ Cinnamon j 67 ——Ditto, double do. 33 Cloves l 0 11 Havannah, white 112 14 ■ Cocoa pr. cwt. 18 i Ditto, brown, 10 11 Coffee pr. lb. 33 Muscovado, pr. cwt. 9 12 Coal pr. butnel 2 Spirits Turpentine pr.gallon 27 W Copperas pr.cwt. 16 37 Salt, Allum pr. bushel 80 Cordage, American,p l 2 Liverpool 100 Cotton pr.lb. Cadiz 80 Currants 14 Lisbon 80 Duck, RuTia, pr.pi" it Shipbuild. W. O. frametp.ton, 60 rV .8 so Ditto Live Oak, *. d . 31 ? 5c Ditto red cedar, per foot 37 45 q Feathers pr. !*>• tl 12 Shingles, 18 inch, per M. 333 367 Flax ditto q 0 Ditto 2 feet, 6 50 6 •Flaxfeed pr.buln. g Ditto 3 feet, dressed, 13 15 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel g Staves, Pipe pr. 1000 32 ■ Common, 67 White Oak hogftiead, 20 33 —Bur middlings» belt a Red Oak do. 19 50 —Meal, Indian 2 gy Leogan 21 33 ( ——-ditto Rye, 2 Barrel x 6 . Ship-ftuff pri cw • #0 ——Heading 25 33 Tuftic • pr. ton, Skins, Otter, befl pr. piece 467 * Cin, Holland, pr. cafe, 133 Minks so 40 a , Do. pr. gall* lo ß# tl ® Fox, grey 40 80 fl Glue, pr.cwt. ,0 33 p.tto red 1«o Ginger, white race, p« Martins *4 1 Ditto, common Filhers 33 67 Ditto, ground pr. lb. Bears 3 C.infeng, _ 1 10 4 Racoon. «7 60 Gunpowder,cannon, pr. q.caiK, 5 Mu(k-rats 11 *0 Ditto, fine glaied 4 Braver, pr . lb. 67 IJ3 J (Grain, Wheat pr-bulb iao 1 Deei.inhair »o 30 Rye 35 Tar,N.Jerrey, 24g al.p.bbl. 1 * Oats g Carolina, 32 gall. 2 ' Indian coro , c Turpentine pi. bbl. 2 i. B,rIC L» (helleipr. lb. 7 Tobacco, j. R.ver, bed toelb. 433 — Bettincn r inferior 333 Buckwheat, per bulh. 4° oUJ Hemp, imported,pr.toß, »6o 140 Rappahannock 333 _ American, pr. lb. 5 " Coloured Maryland, 533 8 "Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 ~ Dark, 24° Jlidcs, Taw pr.lbj 9 Long-leaf 2 40 JJops *3 Eastern-shore 2 E 23 Hoglheadh.ops, pr. M - Carolina,new * 7 3 k Indigo, French per lb. 1 <>7 ? ' Lcarolina « 180 T «. Hyson pr. lb. » >*S m Irons, fad pr. ton, '33 33 Hyson Ik.n, 9i 60 •Iron, castings pr. ewt. 3 4 Souchong, 90 93 bl Bar pr.too, Congo, 5° 5° . Pic «S Bohea, 40 36 Sheet 173 33 Ta "ow, refined, P«lb. 9 r Nail rod. .oo 33 Tin pr. box, .333 .367 t l rwt 4 5 Verdigreafe pr. lb. oo iT,i' hogi pr. lb. «* Vermillion, do. .33 .67 Lead in Ivgs pr- cwt. 533 567 Varnilh, pergallon 33 37- I _i'„b,rT 7 Wax, Bees pr.lb. E5 2; j wh ; te "o to 67 Whale-bone,long pr.lb. 13 3 C ——red 640 6 6 wine, Madeira,pr.pipe, 176 2fi6 C fc*irt*r,foal, pr. H). *7 20 Lilbon 120 .26 • k Lignum «iw pr.too, 7 Teneriffe.pr. gallon 67 I Logwood 3° Fayal 52 Mace pr.lb. " Portpr.pipe ..3 33 rj Maelwrel,beft pr.bbl. 9 Ditto in bottle.,pr.doi. 4 M second quality 4 Claret 4 6 of Madder, beftpr. lb. <6 »o Sherry pr.gall. 90 110 d Marble,wrought,pr. foot, >33 867 Malaga 80 80 Mall spars ditto 33 COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Molafles p».g a 'l. 47 On London, at 30 day.,per £ .icofteil. 466 J Mustard p«r.lb. ®' at 60 days 463 ? c( j flour, mbottles, p.r.doz. 120 ~, , a t 90 oays 461 £ Nails, B Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual, a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few calks Timothy Seed —also Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron cart ings, in any form executed on the fliorteft notice. March 14. For Sale or C^harter, IS a flout good veflel, about two years old burthen 232 tons, haj only made three voy-' ages, and may be lent to Tea at a fniall ex pence. She may be seen at Vine-Greet wharf; and the terms made known bv application to WHARTON & LElllS. dtf March 2i A REC&MPENCE OF One Hundred Dollars, IS hereby ottered by the President and Direc 10rs ot the Bank of the United Slates, to any person who lhall, on or bilorelthe full day of May next, pioduceto them such a plan and de ration oi a Banking House, as lhall be approved of by them.—A plain, yet hand feme Iront ii dc fired t The whole building is to be substantial and commodious with as space around it. as the ftze of the ground wnl admit. The Lot on which thebuilding is to be ercft ied, is fixated on the weft fide-ol Third flrcet, between Chefiwt a«d Walnut ft,rets in Philadel phia ; and its dewrnfions are 110 Jcct on Third street, and aboui 100 feet weft ward. THOMAS WILLING, P.cfidetit. eop 3* [Whole No. 544.] Just Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. from Amlterdam, and now landing on Walriut-ftreet wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A few bales Holland Duck, Ditto Ov.naburgSy Holland t Sheeting, Juniper Berries, GtafsWare> viz. Tumblers and Mugs, ia rious Jizcs. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Iron, are and fiat bars, Hair Ribband, fyo. 4. Dutch Great Coats 9 A quantity of Junk and Oakum, B'c. &fc. FOR SALE BY THOMAS KjSTXAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— Houldapplication be made within a few day t; otherwise Jhe will take freight for Amjhr dam. March i, 1794. Lately Published. SOLD BY Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, South Second-Street: The Hiiluty ol Horn the D 1 (covi y ol thr R r , p,( lta qua—i,y ?f ---rcmiah Belknap, D. D. 3 Vol*. Price in Bgan'.s. 4 DJlljis. The Forreftcr t an American Fable, being a Sequel to the H.ftory of John Bull the C.oihjcr. Pict, 75 Cents. A D.fcourfe, intended to commemorate the Difcovcry ol Artieiica by Cnnltophei Colum bus; delivered ai the request of the H itor.cal Society in Massachusetts, Q&ober 23d, 1792, being the completion of the Thud Century, lin>.e that niemoiable event. To which arc added r ur Difftrrationfc, couriered with the i-b)ft— hy the fame author. Price, 50 Cenu. March 17. lutl)&f 3 w fcj* This Gazette Jhallbe enlarged, as it receives encouragement—The Subscription encreSjes daily——Advertjfing JTavors are filiated■ —These conj itute an ejintiai Item in 4imini)linx the Debit fide oj tbt Acroupt. Philadelphia. A General Meeting of the Citizens, This afternoon. The fubferibers having been appointed by their fellow-citizens, to prepare and report an Instrument expreflive of the pub lic thanks, for the ferviccs which were rendered by the Committee of Health, during- the calamity that lately affli&ed the City and neighborhood of Philadelphia ; and to suggest the measures proper to be pursued, in order to carry the recom mendation of that benevolent Committee into effect, deem it their duty again to call the attention of the citizens to a fub jeft so interesting to the community upon principles of gratitude, honor and policy. At the meetings which have been hi therto summoned, there have not attend ed a fufficient number of Citizens U> ex press the public sentiment; owing, it is prolumcd, to a general acquirfcence in the plan which has been proposed and published : But as the fubferibers cannot think themselves warranted in proceeding further, upon this important occaiion, without the express approbation of their Fellow-Citizens—they request a General Meeting to be held at the City-Hall, at 5 o'clock This jlflernoon. It will be remembered, that unlefr the citizens attend agreeably to the above appointment, the molt meritorious servi ces mult pass unacknowledged. A nume rous class of Orphans will probably be in volved in great distress, and even the ba lance due to the Committee of Health must remain unpaid. THOMAS M'KEAN, ALEXANDER J. DALLAS, ANTHONY MORRIS, JONATHAN B. SMITH, JOHN SWANWICK, CHARLES BIDDLE, WILLIAM ROGERS. "diot d—tf Pbiiai. March ft.