Scheme of a Lottery, To rai/e 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, Muting 15 per Cent, from the Pr'i-zes—this Lottery confijls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, icing about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. ' THE Dire&on of i he Society for e.Aab.lining Ufeful Manufactures, having resolved to erea LOTTERIES for raiting On a Hundred Thousand Dol 1.11 s, agreeably to an Att ot the Lcgifl ituie of the State of New-Jersey, nave appoinied the following persons to superintend and direfl the drawing of the fame. VII. Nicho las Low, Rtlfui King, Herman Le Roy, James | Watson, Richard Harrifon, Ab.]»fi Hanjnond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city ot Nrw-Yoik- Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M Con ncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Phila delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Erq. Elias Boudinot, General Dayton, jam.. Parker, lohn Bayard, D»aor Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Ehfha Boudinot, of New-jer sey, who offer the following Scheme of a Lot tery. and pledge themselves to the public, that they' will take every affurancc and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, from time to time, as received, into the Banks at New-Yo.k and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpofeof paying Pnz s, which (hall be immediately discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 10,000 5, 000 2,000 1 2 5 10 20 100 300 1000 1,000 5 00 100 5° 20 1$ 12 2000 QOOO 8100 i Prizes. „ 461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,00, 0 Last drawn number, 2,000 ,8,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the in fpeftioo of a Committee of the Superintendants, as Toon as the Tickets arc fold.of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cummins, of Newark, Jacob R. Hardenberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, ot Trenton, as immediate Managers the.eol, who have given ample fecu.ity for d.fcharging the trust rcpofed in them. (tjgT I n order to secure the punctual payment of the Prizes, the Superirttendantsof the Lottery have direaed that the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in 4 c,000 dollars, with four fuflic.ent fccurities, to peiform their inductions, the iub ftanceof which is I That whenever either o. the Managers shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, he Oiall immdiately place the fame in one ot the Banks of New-York or Philadelphia, to the ciedii of the Governor of the Society, and luch of the Superintendants as live in the city the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lot wry is drawn, for the payment of the Prizes. 11. The Manageis to take fufficient iecunty for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be refponnble for them. . jjj C ep regular books of Tickets lold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, ab ftrafls of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society* Paterfon, January i, i 794- On application to cither of the above gentle men, intorroation will be given where tickets mdv he had. February 24. George Bringhurft, COACH-MAKER, In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying ground, TAKES this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to his former employers, and requesting their future favors, as well as thofeofthe public in general. He continues to make and repair at the Ihorteft notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages, such as coaches, chariots, phaetons with and without crane necks, coachees, cbaifes, kitte reens, windsor fulkeys and chaiis, and harness ofevorv description, in the neatest and newift Kilhion now prevailing >n the United States. And as he has a quantity of the best seasoned v wood by him, and capital workmen, he has not the least doubt but he will be able to give fatisfattion to those who please to employ him He has for sale, several carriages almost finilhed, such as coachees, an Italian windsor chair, hung on steel springs, a light phjcton for one or two horses, and a Culkey with a falling tO P- .— Carriages fold on Commimon. Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794 AVIS. LE habitant infortunes de la Colonic Franfaifc de St. Doromguc qui dans Pincendie du Cap font vcnus chercher un afilc dans Ics Etats Unit font jnformea que la Republique leur ac cords un passage pour France. Us font invites en confequcnce a fc presenter a cct effct d'ici a huit jours chez les Consuls & agens de la Re publique dans let differrnts Ports des Etats Unis. A Philadilphie, le 10 Vcnto*—l'an 2d dc la Republique Francaife unc & indivisible. (»8 Fevrier, 1794. vieuxJlile) Le Miniftrc Plenipocentiare de la Republique Franyaife. FAUCHET. The title's ofV wjptpers in the Unitti Sulci an rcju'jlcd to injcrt l/u dime Molieei'licir paper. 8. Mordecai Lewis, Has for Sale at his Store, No. 15, Dock- Street :— A few Bales of Ruflia Sheeting!, Barcelona Handkerchief in Boxes, A bale of low-priced Cotton Handkerchiefs, A Quantity of Souchong T,i, Hyson and Tonkav, ditto. Holland Gin in Cases, A Quantity of Brimstone, With a Variety of other Goods. Feb. 20. 3taw6w Fifty Dollars Reward. ON the 31ft. of last month, the subscriber ad dressed a letter to Miffrs. Thomas Pcar/alt & Sen, merchant, in New-York, and inclosed therein a banknote, No. 445, for twenty dol lars ; one ditto, No. 151, lor thirty dollars ; and one ditto, No. 3,866, for twenty dollars. —He also addressed a letter to Mr. Gilt/ft SahonJlM, merchant in New-Yoik, inclosing a bank bill, No. 148, for fitly dollars, indoifed ! on the back thereof in these woids—" Pay the within to Mr. Gilbert Saltemllall—Eben. Hunting. He also addressed a letter to Mtffrs. White & Waricll, merchants in New-York, and inclo sed a bank bill fojlen dollars, and a draft in fa vor of said White 0 Wardctl, which lett rs were put in the Poll-Office on said 31ft January, to be forwarded to New-York : But by letters re ceived from ihe Gentlemen to whom they w re severally addressed, the money was robbed from each letter before delivery. The Public arc requested to endeavor a de teftion of the Villains who commitied the above robbery. The bill indorsed, 1 think was a York bank bill, and some others, one or more was of the United States bank, remitted at Philadel phia. Any person discovering the Thief, and returning the Money, (Hall be entitled to sis' dollars reward. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 EBEN. HUNTINGTON. Norwich, 14th Feb. 1794. 3 W 3" W 10,000 10,000 I^,ooo Parry and Mufgtave Goldsmiths & Jewellers, No. 42, e 0,000 30,000 36,000 81,000 262,000 SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant AJfortment of SILVER & PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY & Jine CUTLERY, Which they will dispose of on the nioft rea sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures sett* and every thing in the §old and silver way, done as u»ual. December 24- q'j* This Gazette Jhall be enlarged, as it receives encouragement —The Subscription encreafes daily—Jdvertifing Favors are folicited —These conjlitute an ejjtntial Item in diminijhing the Debit Jtde oj the Account. FOR SALE, By MATHF.W CAREY, No. 118. Market-Street, An EfTay on Slavery: Designed to exhibit in a new point of view, its effects on morals, indujlry> and the peace of Jfociety. Some fatts and calculations are offered to prove the labor of freemen to be much more produQive than that ot Jlaves ; that countries arc rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own labor ; and hence the neccffary conclusion, that slavery is impolitic as well as unjujl. Price 25 Cents. February 15. WANTED AN APPRENTICE To the Printing Business, , Enquire at this Office. ta&ftf. To be Sold at Public Venaue, On Friday the nth day of April next, atthehoufeof John Thomson, in Perth- Amb oy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, THE Lot contains eleven acres, on which is an orchard of grafted apple trees, a well of excellent water, a large stone cistern, and a very commodious stable and coach-house, and a great quantity of the best building stones in the walls of the house, which was formerly built tor the residence of the Governors of New-Jersey. The fuuation of this Lot is so well known for its healthiness and beautiful profpeft of the Rariton i rivet to the weft of the bay, and Sandy-Hook to the east, that a further description is unnecessary. The conditions of sale will be, one third of the purchase money to be paid on the firft day of May next, when a good and fufficient Deed will be given to the puichafcr, by Walter Ru th erfurd, Esq. President of the Board of Proprietor* of the Eastern Division of New- Jersey, and the remaining two thirds fatisfatto rily secured in equal annual paymeuu. By order of the Board, JAMES PARKER, Rcgifter. Perth-Amboy, February 5, 1 794. 2awem Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, brgs leave to of fer his fervicesto his friends and others, in the line o(a Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the uiraoft fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any part of the United will be ftriftly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. m&thtf * N O R R IS. COUR T, Back of the New Lijftry, between CUefnut mw&jftf IN THAT CITY and Walni :-Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFU LLY i nforms his friends and the public in general, that he continues carrying on tlie business of . . Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likewise, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or window-fliutters,donfc in the molt elegant manner, and with diipatch. Orders from the country will be thanktully recei ved,.and duly attended to. December 30, Excellent CLARET, n hoglVeads and in cafe, of 5 o bottle, each. ALSO, A fe\r cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, [n pipes, hoglheads and quarier calks, FOR. SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. 111, South Front'llreet Jan. 2, 1794- JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE BY M.Carey,No. 118,High-Jireet, The PROMPTER; Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, 'which are full of Common Sknsk, the bejl sense in the world. THIS little book is written in a stile altogether novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as well as to all clatfrs of people, merchants, me. chanics and farmers. Such a reputation has this work acquired, that it has passed thro three im prcflions in the caltern dates, and many houle holders deem it so ufeful as to purchase a copy for every adult in theii families. f*R 1 c e as. I February 4. dlt Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in RulTia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 22, Walnut-street. March 4,1794. War Department. January 30th 1794. INFORMATION is hereby given «o all the military invalids of the United States,that the sums to which they are entitled for fix months of their annual pension, from the fourth day of September 1793, and which will become due on i Bemgnns Mawe's gardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell tami y Playhouse dictionary Reveries of solitude Smith's theory of moral sentiments Stackhoufe's history oi the bible Watson's life of Philip Hd- & IHo. Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols. Wanley's wonders of the little world, called man Wallis on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France . 9 Cox's travelsintoDenmark,Ruffia,Poland, &c. Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the pra&ice ol nud~ diwjtawl H. KNOX, Secretary oj IVar. wifery Manning's practice of physic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Innes oil the muscles Pott's works Fourcroy's chemistry Armstrong on diseases of children Quincy's dispensatory Edinburgh dispensatory Lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the asthma Ilobertfon's treatil'e on fevers Lee's botany, Leake on the viscera Leake on diseases of women Nicholfon's chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica I Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Haller's physiology Spalanzane's dissertations London practice of physic Bell's forgery Chaptal's chemistry. For Sale by the Subscribers, Muscovado sugar in hhds. & bbsi. Hyson and Souchong Teas. Sherry Wines, of superior quality, in pip« and quarter calks. Spanish Indigo. Boston Beef, in barrels. And a fsnall invoice of Muslins. NALBRO' & JOHN FRAZIER, No. 164, South Front-ftrcet. March 8 PHILADELPHIA: . Printed by JOHN FENNO, Ha j, South Fourth-Street. fmw4W