of tf)e IjltotfeiJ EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 84 of Vol. V.] The American Brig BUftTHEN 700 barrels, with her tack tad apparel as (He came from lea, She is a Haunch vefiel, not two years old, and may b c put to „sea immediately. For terms apply to GARDINER & OLDEN, Arch Street wharf, Who have for sale% Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual, a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and 4 few calks Timothy Seed —also Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron call ings, in any form executed on the (horteft nbtice. March 14. Bojion, For & Harriott, Jofiab Bernard, Majler. WILL fail the 25th ioft. has good accommo dation®. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain on board ot Mr. Sims's wharf, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY iff SON. March 17. dt2s For Sale, or Charter, To the Wejl-Indies, or any Port within the United States ; Darius Woodwojith, Mailer. Will carry about 500 barrels* and nqw lies at Wharton and Graves wharf. For terms apply to Capt. Woodworth on board, or to EMANUEL WALKER, If not Sold or Charted by Tkurjday, Jhe will then take Freight for Norfolk, Peterjburgh, and Richmond (Virgina); and Sail on the Sunday folowing. March I 5, For Amsterdam, The new fall-failing, copper bottomed SHIP |g|| ADRIAN A K. Fitzpatriek, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and was in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight orpafiage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Walnut street wharf, or to <77705. & JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Paflengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794. dtf For Bojion, DOLPHIN, William Nichols, Matter WII*L Sailin about eight days; for freight or passage apply to the Captain on board at Hodge's Wharf, betwen Arch and Race- Streets, or RUM FORD K ABIJAH DAWES. 3d Mon. 14, 1794- d 1 w. A Good Compositor & Prejfman will meet with conjlant employ for fix months, and one quarter dollar per token and thousand. Apply at $0. 61, south Second Jlreet. March 15. d\t. TREASVR rofPENNSYL VANIA, February I4> T794* PUBLIC Notice is to all perlons indebted to the Commonwealth, tor monies borrowed of the Trustees of the Loan Office, rftablitbed per afit of tbe 4th of April, 1785, that the time is expired when the last payment fliould have been made, and every juftifiable indulgence having been granted, That unless they come forward and pay off their refpe&ive balances on or before the firft day of April next, precepts will issue against all delinquents with out regard to peifons or circumstances. All former and existing (beriffs, who have money in their hands belonging to said Office, are re queued to brirtg it to me on or before the above period, otherwise I (hall be under the disagree able neceflity of prosecuting them without dif fusion. CHRISTIAN FEBIGER. P. S. The Printers throughout the State are requeued to iniert the above in their papers for the information of their fellow-cuueni. d Just Imported, n the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amsterdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. GIN in pipes, A few bales Holland Ducky Ditto Oznaburgs, Holland Sheetings Juniper Berries, Glass fVare y viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va rious fixes. Sheathing Paper, Swedes Iron, are and flat bars, Hair Ribbandy No. 4. Dutch Great Coats 9 A quantity of Junk and Oakum> THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— fhouldapplication be made within a few days ; otherwise Jhe will take freight for Amjler dvm. *diot March 1, 1794. The subscribers agree ably to the dire&ion of their fellow-citizens, hereby give public notice, that a meeting will be held at the City-Hall at 5 o'clock, on the afternoon of Thursday the zoth inft. to take into consideration, and decide upon the report which was made on Saturday last, of an instrument expreflive of the thanks of the citizens, for the services rendered by the com mittee of health, during the late calamity; and of the meafuret proper to accomplish the objedls that were recommended by that com mittee to the public attention. It is presumed that the feelings which were excited, and the sentiments which were ex prefled, during the fatal months of Septem ber, O&ober and November last, have not been extinguiftied or forgotten; and of course that every citizen will be happy in the pre sent opportunity, of perfonalfy acknowledg ing the debt of fraternal gratitude, and of perpetuating the example of civic virtue, a rising from the important, hazardous and fuccefsfui services of the Committee of Health. 4tf>nw&f Thomas M'Kean, John SzvanqvicA, A. J.Dallas, Charles Biddle, Anthony Morris, William Rogers. Jonathan B. Smith, Philad. 17th March, 1794. Writing ON SIGN-BOARDS, JAPANN'D PLATES, !§c. Done in the most elegant manner, and after the firft matters ; likewise, Fire Buckets Painted and finiftied at the Ihorteft notice, by GEORGE RUTTER, In Norris's Court, back of the New Library, between Chefnut and Walnut, Fourth and Fifth streets. March 4. Henry Rape _ State of Maryland. v. J High Court of Chancery, Benjamin Gaither > March sth. 1794. and N Basil Gaither J The Complainant states in his bill that the defendants Benjamin Ga»- ther and Basil Gaither were seized in fee as tenants in common of a tras or der to be inserted in the newspaper of Angell and Sullivan, and in the United States Gazetie at least three weeks fuccefiively, before the twentieth day of May next ; to the intent that the Defendants and all others, who may conceive themselves interested in the premis es, may have notice to appear in this court) on or before the third Tuesday in September next, to (hew cause wherefore a decree should not pass for veiling in the Complainant a com plete legal title to the land aforefaid. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Reg. Cur. Con. tuth&sjw March 18. AND Thursday, March 20, 17^4. FOR SALE BY